Where can I find twitter messages archive or search old tweets? - web-services

Previously Google launched an application that can search twitter message OVER Time like in news timeline. But it seems it now can only provide real time (current) message index, not the old and all tweets in history. I want to do research on tweets, but do not know where to download or access to such data based on timeline or geography or demographic or topic list.
Thank you in advance.

The old tweets are not publicly accessible - even to the people who wrote them.
Perhaps you should contact Twitter. The US Library of Congress apparently is archiving this data too.
You might be able to get access from either of these if it's a legitimate (university based) research activity.
Addition: There have been a few corpora made from Twitter, but they were removed from distribution at Twitter's request. The streaming API makes it pretty easy to build your own corpus in a few hours/days of a pretty decent size, but I don't know of any that are available for distribution. Depending on your application, the International Conference on Social Media and Weblogs has (terabytes of) data available for research, but I don't know if anything from twitter is included.


In general how are likes and recommendations usually handled on sites like Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook?

For example when you hit the like / upvote button it affects the future recommendations you receive.
At a high level how do sites determine all of this information?
Every time you hit the like/dislike button does it automatically make a call to the backend and update your recommendations list?
Or does it wait a bit before it does that in case you hit like by accident? What would happen if you just spam and keep liking and unliking a particular video or post?
this is done by many ways:
1- when you stay reading the post for a long time or hit like, then you are
interested about the content that is offered in this post.maybe in the database there are categories for the data related to posts and offers according to it. also facebook has strong backend which can analyze photos and according to it's data, it may save it in the DB. this is done by image recognition using python. most people also allow facebook accessabilty for apps on their phones, this allows facebook to collect data about your interests. recommendations also based on your FB data, like age, location, friends and other data. when you admire something, the next time you refesh or opens facebook, a call to backend is made and then it returns data according to some cases according to user data and specifications.
this mostly depends on text analysis because it is mostly reading posts. and by the same way like facebook it shows data
here it maybe a little bit different because here the backend will analyze the videos you watch, channels, and other videos related json data (if you have dealed with yt_dl you will understand me)
you asked about when will the user preferences be updated?. i think this is done when you refresh or open the app again

App not getting data from Graph API anymore & problems filling out for review

Take a breath... it's a very specific question, not directly a bug.
(But I can't get an answer from Facebook, after thousands of FAQ pages I somehow landed in a chat with Facebook Advertisers Support, they told me to come here.)
Description of my app
I have a Facebook Page, on which I'm sharing events from some other Facebook Pages I'm cooperating with. Kind of an event aggregator. The main goal is to help people who are new in town to find all that interesting events and the groups and pages they are organized by.
As you can imagine, it's based on a server-side application, that collects the upcoming events through Graph API and posts on my own Facebook Page the day before the event.
Of course I had to give the server-side application the manage_pages and publish_pages right. This Facebook App will never be used by an end-user, I'm the only user and I'm only posting to my own Facebook Page.
The server-side application worked fine for more than a year.
I just started a Facebook Ad Campaign and poster and flyers are currently being printed. And now...
What broke
You all heard of Cambridge Analytica. Due to these bad guys Facebook is currently changing a lot. One change was this:
As we begin enhancing our new app review process and make changes to our platform, the Events, Groups, Pages and Instagram APIs will no longer be available to new developers. Testing of our more robust process starts today and the new process should resume in a few weeks, but apps currently accessing Events and Groups APIs will lose access today. Going forward, access to these APIs will require a formal app review and for apps using the Pages API, submission is required within 90 days once app review resumes or access will be removed.
(See https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2018/04/04/facebook-api-platform-product-changes)
Since nearly two weeks my server-application can't fetch events. Graph API is always returning an empty array data: [].
I have full understanding for this. Now I tried to follow these new requirements and had a look on how to submit my App for review. But that's where my struggles began:
The specific problem
The whole form for applying for review is aimed to Apps for end-users, not server-side bots.
I should provide details on why I'm using manage_pages or publish_pages. Well okay...
When selecting "automated posting" there immediatly a message pops up, telling me, that this is not allowed. Of course it is not - for applications that post in the name of persons without their knowing and aggreement. But my App is posting in the name of my own Facebook Page and I'm the only user and I'm knowing what's going to be posted. So I have to select "Other" and enter a custom description. No problem.
But at the end of the form there's asked for a Screencast! What should I make a movie of? Should I make a slideshow of my code? I can't save this form without that Screencast.
I want to be conform to the new Facebook processes, but I simply don't know how to become approved nor at least fill out for review...
I know this is not a programming question but Facebook directed me here.
So I hope I find a Facebook official or Facebook developer here. Thank you so far!

Tracking Checkin Deals

We are considering running a contest/drawing for users who check-in to our client's business. The Checkin Deals (PDF) feature looks really cool but it doesn't seem like you can programmatically access data on users who have checked in for a deal.
You can however get access to Checkins in general, using the Graph API. So I guess I just want to confirm that it would be possible for us to run a drawing/contest for users who check in to a place, before talking about it with our client.
You can't get information about who checked into a deal or checked into a place. The only information like this available via the Graph API is places an individual user has checked in, if they granted your application access to read that. It's similar to how Facebook doesn't provide who likes a page via the API, mainly due to privacy.

Pulling Facebook photos onto an external website

I'm doing a job for Company A. I've just built their website in Django but now they want to add a social photo management aspect to the site (in that other people can upload).
The only way I know of doing this (having done it before) is through Flickr. You can set up a group and have it so anybody can add photos to it. And pull out the latest with RSS. But let's be honest, Facebook is far more popular and my client wants this feature heavily used by his clientèle.
They have a Facebook page and the power to open it up so anybody can add their photos to it... But how can I pull those photos back to the website?
Facebook's query language can do this (like the RSS sends data to you from Flickr) for users of FB pages, and there are some Javascripts for making them viewable and interactive on external web pages.
For example:
Good luck!
I'm not sure if this will help, but I recall that the Flock Web Browser had the capability of loading a stream of new videos/photos on the top of the brower's media stream bar - perhaps you can sneak a peek into the inner workings it uses to accomplish this task.
I know that you can start reading the RSS feed of a Facebook Page itself now, perhaps just a little parsing is all you need: http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-pages-rss-2010-01

pushing content to cell phones

I am working on a photo site and one of more active users asked about pushing content to cell phones. The site is built on django, and I was wondering if anyone knows a good way of allowing users to download and store content (images) on their cell phones?
As a side question... is it possible to accept payment for the content via the cell phone or would that have to take place on the site?
The best way to serve content to a mobile user would be to forward them to a mobile specific site. A lot of places do this by forwarding the user to http://m.mydomain.com/. You can tell if they're using a cellphone by checking against their UserAgent string as Harold said. Find more at: Change Django Templates Based on User-Agent
In terms of downloading, this is pretty phone dependant. On my iphone, for instance, I don't know that I can save images directly from the internet. (This could just be my ignorance, however). I think you're going to run into a lot of discrepencies on the browsers between different mobile devices. How many offer photo downloads vs. not, etc.
For payment, I would suggest keeping it in browser. There is SOO much that could go crazy on a cell phone and money isn't one of those places where I like to take risk. That being said, you could likely look into some sort of sms micro payment system (sorry, I don't have any recommendations) or look at partnerships with carriers such as Verison. Beyond that, I'd say keep it in the App.
Hope it helps.
Check to see if the User Agent of the phone(s) you wish to support is in request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']. If so, render mobile friendly templates.