Return value of a function in Visual studio - c++

I am very much new to using Visual studio.
I am trying to debug an application.
where i came across a statement like below:
double tmp =
myPart->bat_qty() * timeFactor / myPart->AUB() * myPart->UCost * myAIM->param->myAnalysisParams->wd_year;
in VS when put the cursor at
it shows the corresponding values.But Not of the values returned by
what is the easiest way to find the values returned by those functions.
Apologies if this appears to be a cliche kind of a query.But i am completely new to VS.
I need a better way to find the values returned without editing the files for storing the values in some temporary variables.i mean i sould not edit the files.

In VS 2010 you can put the breakpoint at the function call site and activate the "Autos" Window (if the Autos window is not visible you can make it visible from Debug -> Windows -> Autos Ctrl + Alt + V, A). In the Autos Window after you step over the function call (F10) you will see something in the lines of:
Name Value Type
[Func] Returned [Return Value] [Return Type]
where [Return Value] and [Return Type] are the appropriate return value and type for your function named [Func].
I hope this helps.
This has the advantage that you do not have to edit the code. The disadvantage I see is that if the returned type is complex you cannot expand it and inspect its attributes like you can do if you assign the return value to an automatic variable. However for simple structs the return value is expanded to something like this: {var1=[val1], var2=[val2]...} where var1, var2 are the attributes of the struct.
As far as I know the Autos Window is there (and did the same thing) back in VS 6.0 so this applies to VS 2005 too I guess (someone asked about VS 2005 too).

The quickest way is just to enter myPart->bat_qty() in the Immediate window. This way you don't need to change the code.

Assign them to a temporary, like this :
const double bat_qty_val = myPart->bat_qty();
const double AUB_val = myPart->AUB();
then use those in the equation instead of calling functions.

Off the top of my head, and Im sure there would be a more elegant way, but you could assign the return values of bat_qty() and AUB() to a temporary variable and watch them in the debugger.


Error C2102: '&' requires l-value, VS2019. How to fix?

I am using DirectX 11 and trying to load variables locally in scope using XMLoadFloat4. I am doing a lot of it and names are pretty long so I don't want to create bunch of local variables, however with code like this:
XMStoreFloat4(&vertices[0].normal, XMVector3Cross(
XMLoadFloat4(&(vertices[2].position - vertices[0].position)),
XMLoadFloat4(&(vertices[0].position - vertices[1].position))
I'm getting C2102. Do you know elegant way to create reference in place like this?
You can work around this issue for now by disabling /permissive- by changing "Conformance Mode" to "No" in the C/C++ -> Language project settings.
Do you know elegant way to create reference in place like this?
The function expects pointers and you're trying to pass the address of temporaries which isn't allowed. Just store the temporary results in variables and pass the addresses to those:
auto a = vertices[2].position - vertices[0].position;
auto b = vertices[0].position - vertices[1].position;

Automatically show properties of C++ objects in Xcode debugger

The Xcode debug area can sometimes show a summary of the most important variables inside of an object that's in the list, without the need to expand the object to see it's individual members.
Is there a way for me to teach the debugger about my own C++ objects to do the same? Let's say I have a simple class with a single member variable:
class Foo
int bar;
And the debug area should show something like the following:
aVariableOfTypeFoo = (Foo) bar=123
I know that some C++ objects are able to do this (for example std::vector shows it's size), but I wasn't able to figure out if this is somehow configurable, or if it's built-in in the debugger/Xcode itself.
I'm using Xcode 5.0.1
You can change the summary description for a given type selecting Edit Summary Format... by right clicking on a variable of that type.
The format in your case is pretty simple and will look like this: bar = {$}
For more information about formats check the "Using Data Formatters" section in the Xcode User Guide (pages 42 & 43).

How do I use DTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.GoToDefinition") in a VS2010 C++ macro?

I recorded a macro that includes a keypress of F12 (Go To Definition), but the recording omits the second parameter that is passed to DTE.ExecuteCommand, causing the macro to crash during execution. Presumably the second arg is the name of the function I want to find, but I can't figure out how to get and pass the value. If I select the function or method name (but not the args or the class prefix), I can use DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text.ToString to pass the selection, but instead of jumping to the definition, it returns the both the .h file and the .cpp file in the Find Symbol Results window.
(And I'm not sure selection is really what I want, though I could probably get the macro to select the "right thing" if that's the way to go. Is there any way to see what F12 is passing, just to see what it looks like? Or better yet, find out what programmatic object F12 is passing?
Vs2010 Pro
Turns out running the same command via IVsUIShell works:
Dim cmd As EnvDTE.Command
Dim shell As Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsUIShell
Dim arg As Object
Dim guid As System.Guid
Dim serviceProvider As System.IServiceProvider
serviceProvider = New Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider(CType(DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider))
shell = serviceProvider.GetService(GetType(Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.SVsUIShell))
cmd = DTE.Commands.Item("Edit.GoToDefinition", 0)
guid = New System.Guid(cmd.Guid)
shell.PostExecCommand(guid, cmd.ID, 0, arg)
The code works as is in Visual Commander. To run it from Visual Studio macros IDE, you need to add references to
And to add references you first need to copy these files to the Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies directory.

Vector_push back not populating the vector (c++)

I'm not getting any error messages, simply my vector is not populating. Looking at the vector in the watch list, nothing is being copied. Why is this?
I've tried two ways.
The first
std::vector<Point3D*> hitpoints;
local_hit_point = sr.local_hit_point; //local_hit_point class Point3D
The second way I tried to use pointers
std::vector<Point3D*> hitpoints;
Point3D* hittingpoint_ptr = new Point3D;
local_hit_point = sr.local_hit_point;
hittingpoint_ptr = &local_hit_point;
I got vectors in other places in my code which work. Am I really just being daft, but I can't seem to figure out why its not working.
My best guess is that you have an issue with you debugger..
First Suggestion;
Clear everything in your watchlist because they can change the behaviour of the execution
check it again..
Second suggestion;
Create a new project and write a simple code like the one above and see whether your vector is populating..If this simple project works, you should provide us more code and details..
simply my vector is not populating.
It is populating. However
Looking at the vector in the watch list ...
I used hitpoint.size()
Results of function/method calls (size() is a method) are not automatically updated in visual studio watch list (because you haven't told what os/compiler you use I had to assume it is visual studio). I.e. if you enter function call into watch list, it'll calculate results, but will not call function again until you manually refresh it. Instead of function call, add vector itself into watch list.

Visual Studio Breakpoint Macro to modify a value?

I'm debugging an application (C++), and I've found a point in the code where I want to change a value (via the debugger). So right now, I've got a breakpoint set, whereupon I do:
Debugger reaches breakpoint
I modify the variable I want to change
I hit F5 to continue running
lather, rinse, repeat
It's hitting this breakpoint a lot, so I would like to automate this. I would like to set the Breakpoint to run a macro, and continue execution.
However, I have no experience writing VisualStudio macros, so I don't know the commands for modifying a variable of the executing program. I've looked around, but haven't found anything helpful online so far.
I found how to do this with a macro. Initially, I tried using Ctrl-Shift-R to record a macro of keystrokes, but it stopped recording when I did Ctrl-Alt-Q. But I was able to edit the macro to get it to work. So here's what I did, in case anyone else wants to do something similar.
Tools -> Macros -> Macro Explorer
Right Click -> New macro
Public Module RecordingModule
Sub setvalue()
End Sub
End Module
This macro will execute the assignment statement, setting my variable (in this case, making it a NULL pointer).
Right Click on a BreakPoint -> When Hit...
Check "Run a macro"
Select Macros.MyMacros.RecordingModule.setvalue
Check "Continue execution"
Click OK
Then, I was able to run my program, automatically adjusting a pointer to NULL as it went. This was very useful for testing, and did not require recompiling.
Looking for similar today and found that you can also use the 'Print a message:' option instead of a macro. Values from code can be printed by placing them inside {}. The key is that VS will also evaluate the content as an expression - so {variable_name=0} should achieve the same as the macro example.
If you are think of a macro in the same way as Microsoft excel, then you're out of luck. It doesn't quite work that way.
In C++, a macro refers to a small inline function created with #define. It is a preprocessor, so a macro is like using a replace on all its references with its body.
For example:
#define add(a,b) ((a)+(b))
int main() {
int a=3, b=4, c=5, d=6, e, f;
d = add(a,b);
e = add(c,d);
Would like to the c++ compiler as:
int main() {
int a=3, b=4, c=5, ...;
d = ((a)+(b));
e = ((c)+(d));
Now, back to your question. If the variable is within scope at this breakpoint, just set it from within your code:
myVar = myValue;
If it is not, but it is guaranteed to exist, you may need a little hack. Say that this variable is an int, make a global int pointer. If this variable is static, make sure to set it to its address, and back to NULL inside it's scope. If it is dynamic, you may need some extra work. Here is an example:
int* globalIntPointer;
void func() {
*globalIntPointer = 3;
int main() {
int a = 5;
globalIntPointer = &a;
globalIntPointer = NULL; // for safety sake
return 0;
You can execute a VS macro when a breakpoint is hit (open the breakpoints window, right click on the breakpoint in question, and select "When Hit..." off the popup menu). I'm less certain about writing a macro that modifies a variable of the program under debug though -- I've never done that, and a quick try with attempting to record a macro to do it doesn't seem to work (all it records is activating the right window, not changing the value).
Select "Condition..." and write an assignment for the variable in question in the "Condition:" textbox. This will naturally resolve to "true" with it not being an actual conditional test. Therefore, the breakpoint is never hit, and your variable has been set accordingly.