Dispay 3D video on the web without plugins - opengl

Here is a possibly unanswerable question...
How do I create a website capable of displaying 3D images on a 3D capable display/monitor without using plugins?
Ignore the issues of bandwidth as they are not an issue. I also wish to avoid the red/green effect (anaglyph) as they have many problems. I figure that I could simply display an 120Hz video but then how do I sync the left and right image up with the screen's timing?
Any help would be appreciated however 'impossible' is never an answer.

One solution could be to mimic the red/green 3d effect. You'd pass the left and right eye images through a filter and then display them on top of each other, though I'm not sure how off the top of my head. If you could make the views transparent that might work.
You wouldn't need to display anything at 120 Hz or have any synchronisation or plugins.
Google Streetview uses this 3d mode.

There is no way a browser has access to the graphic adapter specific driver libraries. hence it is not possible to make a website even with a plugin. Not to mention that most graphic adapters cant handle windowed 3D frames except proffesional Quadro cards. Every other 3D capable card has to run under certain resolutions and full screen.

First of all, I'm really not sure that there's a good way to sync output with the screen refresh. This is because anything running in a browser is subject to the browser's compositing and rendering.
You may want to look into WebGL--it's essentially a subset of OpenGL intended to provide hardware accelerated graphics in the browser. It's also supported by all of the beta or upcoming versions of the major browsers. Unfortunately, without any syncing mechanism, I don't know of any way to support the polarization method of 3D.


Capture UIView to texture continously

I am looking for a way to create an updating texture from iOS to an OpenGL Context. I have seen Render contents of UIView as an OpenGL texture but this is quite slow, as it requires the whole view to be rerendered every time it changes. This means webviews in particular are hit very hard as the whole page needs blitting around. This breaks animations in web views, and makes everything very static. I was wondering if there is a technique using some other APIs in iOS that would enable a link to be created between view to texture (much like video textures do).
This seems to be a fundamental requirement of OS display composition, but it feels like it always happens under the covers and is not exposed to developers. Perhaps I am wrong!
Bonus points for anyone that can tell me if any other OSes support this feature.
Take a look at RosyWriter sample project form Apple.
It uses CVOpenGLESTextureCache to improve performance of rendering camera frames as opengl textures.

Setup OpenGL for multiple monitors

I am beginning OpenGL programming on a Windows 7 computer and my application is made up of fullscreen windows where there is a separate window and thread for each monitor. What are the steps I have to take to have a continuous scene? I am still confused about many OpenGL concepts and how I should handle this. Is it basically the same as single monitor render except with view matrix and context extra work, or is it more complicated?
I found a website with information, but it is vague and without example code:
My first question would be why do you need two different OpenGL windows?
Have you considered the solution that the games industry has been using already? Many 3D applications and games that support multi-monitor setups don't actually manage their own separate windows, but let the GPU manage rendering over multiple screens. I used this in a project this year to have an oculus rift view and a spectator view on a TV screen. I didn't manage two OpenGL scenes, just two different "cameras".
Easier to code for. You just treat your code as being one scene, no weird scene management needed.
Graceful degradation. If your user only has one screen instead of two your app will still behave just fine sans a few UI details.
Better performance (Anecdotal). In my own project I found better performance over using two different 3D windows.
Lack of control. You're at the behest of driver providers. For example nVidia surround requires that GPUs be setup in SLI for whatever reason.
Limited support. Only relatively new graphics card support this multi monitor technology.
Works best wheen screens are same resolution. Dealing with different aspect ratios and even resolutions of the same aspect ratio can be difficult.
Inconvenient. The user will have to setup their computer to be in multi monitor mode when they may have their own preferred mode.

Is it possible to render one half of a scene by OpenGL and other half by DirectX

My straight answer would be NO. But I am curious how they created this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC3JGG6xHN8
They used video editing software. They recorded two nearly deterministic run-throughs of their engine and spliced them together.
As for the question posed by your title, not within the same window. It may be possible within the same application from two windows, but you'd be better off with two separate applications.
Yes, it is possible. I did this as an experiment for a graduate course; I implemented half of a deferred shading graphics engine in OpenGL and the other half in D3D10. You can share surfaces between OpenGL and D3D contexts using the appropriate vendor extensions.
Does it have any practical applications? Not many that I can think of. I just wanted to prove that it could be done :)
I digress, however. That video is just a side-by-side of two separately recorded videos of the Haven benchmark running in the two different APIs.
My straight answer would be NO.
My straight answer would be "probably yes, but you definitely don't want to do that."
But I am curious how they created this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC3JGG6xHN8
They prerendered the video, and simply combined it via video editor. Because camera has fixed path, that can be done easily.
Anyway, you could render both (DirectX/OpenGL) scenes onto offscreen buffers, and then combine them using either api to render final result. You would read data from render buffer in one api and transfer it into renderable buffer used in another api. The dumbest way to do it will be through system memory (which will be VERY slow), but it is possible that some vendors (nvidia, in particular) provide extensions for this scenario.
On windows platform you could also place two child windows/panels side-by-side on the main windows (so you'll get the same effect as in that youtube video), and create OpenGL context for one of them, and DirectX device for another. Unless there's some restriction I'm not aware of, that should work, because in order to render 3d graphics, you need window with a handle (HWND). However, both windows will be completely independent of each other and will not share resources, so you'll need 2x more memory for textures alone to run them both.

How can I play a FLV file in a C++ OpenGL application?

I am trying to play a .flv file in the GLUT window using OpenGL and C++ in Linux, but I'm not sure where to start.
Is it possible to do this? If so, how?
Make sure you mean .flv not .swf.
It's quite easy. Decode the video with something like libavcodec and you can use raw frames as textures.
If you really want to do this, check out the source code of Gnash. They've a renderer that use OpenGL. However, rendering is just a small part of the job, you also have to decode audio/video, run actionscript, etc.. in order to run a flash file.
It so complicated that even Adobe didn't manage to make it right :)
If you want to play just some video, look at #Banthar's answer, otherwise:
OpenGL is a no-frills drawing API. It gives you the computer equivalent of "pens and brushes" to draw on some framebuffer. Period. No higher level functionality than that.
Flash it a really complex thing. It consists of a vector geometry object system, a script engine (ActionScript), provides sound and video de-/compression etc. All this must be supported by a SWF player. ATM there's only one fully featured SWF player and that's the one Adobe makes. There are free alternatives, but the are behind the official flash players by several major versions (Lightspark, Gnash).
So the most viable thing to do was loading the Flash player browser plugin in your program through the plugin interface, provide it, what a browser provided to a plugin (DOM, HTTP transport, etc.) and have the plugin render to a offscreen buffer which you then copy to OpenGL context. But that's not very efficient.
TL;DR: Complicated as sh**, and probably not worth the effort.

Controlling the individual pixels of a projector

I need to control the individual pixels of a projector (an Infocus IN3104) whose native resolution is 1024x768. I would like to know which subset of functions in C or an APL to do this either by:
Functions that control the individual pixels of the adapter (not the pixels of a window).
A pixel-perfect, 1:1 map from an image file (1024x728) to the adaptor set at the native resolution of the projector.
In a related question ([How can I edit individual pixels in a window?][1]) the answerer Caladain states "Things have come a bit from the old days of direct memory manipulation.". I feel I need to go back to that to achieve my goal.
I don't know enough of the "graphic pipeline" to know what API or software tool to use. I'm overwhelmed by the number of technologies when I search this topic. I program in R, which easily interfaces to C, but would welcome suggestions of subsets of functions in OpenGL or C++ or ..... any other technology?
Or even an full blown application (rendering) which will map without applying a transformation.
For example even MS paint has the >VIEW>Bitmap but I get some transformation applied and I don't get pixel perfect rendering. This projector has DisplayLink digital input and I've also tried to tweek the timing parameters when using the VESA inputs and I don't think the transformation happens in the projector. In any case, using MS paint would not be flexible enough for me.
Platform: Linux or Windows.
I don't see a reason why a full-screen window, e.g. using SDL, wouldn't work. Normal bitmapped graphics is always 1:1, there shouldn't be any weird scaling going on behind your back for a full-screen:ed window.
Since SDL is portable, you should be able to run the same code in Windows or Linux (or any other supported platform).
The usual approach to this problem on current systems is:
Set graphics card to desired resolution
Create borderless full screen window
Draw whatever you want
There's really not much to gain from a "low level access", although it were certainly possible.