How check if file have been changed via other process? - c++

I have two processes (firsts source in perl, seconds source in c++) and both of them use same file. One of them writes to the file line by line, and another reads from file if new line is appended to it. For second process to know that file is modified the first proces flush - es after each apendence. But second process checks only modification time to be increased to start read, but actualy after adding new line and flushing the file doesn't change its "last modification time". So there is another aporache is needed to do this. So the question is here, how detect if new line is appended to the file, to start its processing?
here are fragments from source codes of this proceses:
open FILE, ">>", $file or die $!;
for($i = 0; $i <= $#ticks; ++$i)
print FILE $ticks[$i]."\n";
close FILE;
struct stat64 file_info;
if(fstat64(fileno(this->auto_file_ptr.get_file()), &file_info)!=0)
//throw error that file have been changed
data_file_new_modification_time = 1000LL * file_info.st_mtime;
//processs the file

Use IPC mechanisms to synchronize you C++ and Perl application. You can use semaphores or mutexes for this purpose.

Welcome to event-based programming.
Employ select - you do not want to know when the file is changed, but when new data is available. This system call does exactly that.
See the implementation in File::Tail for a real-world example with all the edge cases nicely grated off. Downporting this to C should be easy for you, or use libev with the select backend.

It seems that stat64 doesn't change it's st_mtime member when file is flushed. Instead the st_size changes. So I can use st_size to detect if file was changed.


Write to file without having to close file

I have a cpp program that constantly prints out readings from a gyro. I want to write these values to a file but the problem is that the cpp program can be exited anytime (either power down of system or user press ctrl + c etc). What is a good way to safely write these values to a files as they are being read without having to safely close the file after. I am thinking of somehow using the bash >> operator.
printf("acc: %+5.3f", ax);
//write the printed line to file...
To protect against the program being terminated with Ctl-c, flush the buffer after each write:
fstream << "acc: " << ax << std::flush;
Note that if you end the output with std::endl, this writes a newline and also flushes the buffer.
Protecting against the system losing power is harder. There are OS-specific functions like fsync() on Unix, which force any kernel file buffers to be written to disk. But to use this you need the underlying Unix file descriptor, and there's no standard way to get that from a C++ fstream. See Retrieving file descriptor from a std::fstream
In this case you have 2 points of possible synchronization issues:
printf buffers
bash buffers and file open/close operations.
You can improve the 'printf' part by using the 'fflush(stdout)' call, but you have no control over the bash process.
The best solution would be to use your own file output with fprintf, followed with fflush and sync or similar. The latter would guarantee that system buffers would be flushed as well.
In c++ world you can use output streams to a file with 'endl' or 'flush' at the end. They would flush output buffere, though you might still need 'sync'.

Deleting Lines after reading them in C++ program using system()

I am trying to understand how basic I/O with files is handled in c++ or c. My aim is to read file line by line and send the lines across to a remote server. If the line is sent, I want to delete it from the file.
One way I tried was that I kept a count of the lines read and called an system() system call to delete the 'count' number of lines. I used the bash command: sed -i -e 1,'count'd filename.
After that I continued reading the file and surprisingly it worked as planned.
I have two questions:
Is this way reliable?
And why does this work at all, when while
reading the file I deleted a part of it and yet it works? What if I
did a seek to a previous position, what then?
I would be glad if somebody could suggest a better way.
Also here is the code for the program I wrote:
int main(){
std::ifstream f;
std::string line;
std::stringstream ss;
int i=0;"in.txt");
ss<<"sed -i -e 1,"<<i<<"d in.txt";
return 0;
Firstly thanks for taking the time to write answers. But here is some extra information which I missed out on earlier. The files I am dealing with are log files. So they are constantly being appended with information from devices. The reason why I want to avoid creating a copy is, because the log file themselves are very big(at times) and plus this would help to keep the log file short. Since they would be divided into parts and archived on the server.
I have found the way to deal with the problem. Apparently Thomas is right, that sed does create a new file. So the old file remains as is. Using this, I can read n lines, call the system function, close the file pointer and open it again. I do this on small chunks of the log, repeatedly until it becomes small and hence efficient to deal with. The server while archives the logs in 1gb files.
However I have a new question, due to memory constraint, I need to know if it is possible to split a log file into two efficiently. (Which possibly would be another question on SO)
Most modern file systems don't support deleting lines at the beginning of the file, so doing so would be very inefficient.
The normal solution to your actual problem is to stop writing to your log file when it reaches some size, then start writing to a new file. The code that copies the files can delete a whole file once it has been written (this is an efficient operation).
sed writes a new version of the file, while the program keeps reading the same version that it opened. This is the usual behavior of Unix and Linux when a program writes a file that another program has open.
You can see this for yourself with this small C program:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
FILE *f = fopen("in.txt", "r");
while (1) {
int lines = 0;
int c;
while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
printf("Number of lines in file: %d\n", lines);
return 0;
Run that program in one window, and then use sed in another window to edit the file. The number of lines printed by the program will stay the same, even if the file on disk has been edited, and this is because Unix keeps the old, open version, even if it is no longer accessible to other programs.
As to your first question, how reliable your solution is, as far as I can see it should be reliable, except with the usual caveats about the system crashing or running out of memory in the middle of an update, someone else accessing the file, and of course all the problems with the system call. It is not very efficient, though, and for large data sets you might want to do it differently.
sujin's comment about using a temporary file for the lines you want to keep seems reasonable. It would be both faster and safer. Keep the original file, so if the system crashes you'll still have your data, and wait until you have finished to rename the old file to "in.txt.bak", and then rename your temporary file to "in.txt".
First off, avoid use of system calls as much as you can (if possible, don't use it at all) as they create race conditions and other problems which drastically (and often) detrimentally affect the outcome of your program. This especially true if access to files are involved.
Given your problem, there are a number of ways to do this, each with its own caveats.
I'll cover three possible solutions:
1) If the file is small enough:
you can read in the entire thing in a data structure (vector, list, deque, etc.)
delete the original file
determine how many lines to read (and send off via server protocol)
then write the remaining lines as the name of the original file.
If you intend to parallelize your program later on, this may be a better solution, provided that the file is small. Note: small is a relative term, but is generally limited by how much memory you have available.
2) If the file is quite large or you're limited by memory constraints, you will have to get creative by using buffers. Once you've read a line and successfully sent it off via your program, you determine where the file pointer is and copy the remaining information until the end of the current file as a new file. Once done, close and delete the old file, then close and rename the new file the same name as the old file.
3) If your solution doesn't have to be in C++, you can use shell-scripting or (controversially) another language to get the job done.
1) No, it's not reliable.
2) The C++ runtime library reads your file in blocks (internally) which are then parceled out to your (higher level) input requests until the block(s) is(are) exhausted, forcing it to (internally) read more blocks from disk. Since one or more physical blocks are read in before you make any call to sed, it/they cannot be altered if sed happens to change that first part of the file.
To see your code fail, you would need to make the input file big enough that there are remaining blocks of the file that have not been read in (internally by the runtime library) before you call sed. By "fail" I mean your program would not see all the characters that were originally in the file before sed clobbered some lines.
As the other guys said, you have to make another file with the records you need after read the original file and then delete it. But in this application perhaps you will see more useful a fifo than a file. If you are on a *NIX platform check up about the makefifo statement from the console.
It is like a file with the singularity that after read a line it gets deleted.

Delay in ofstream::open, possibly due to mixing with _iobuf?

I have a C++ program that creates an output file "A" with ofstream. This file is then read by some legacy C code that opens the file with _iobuf. The legacy code then creates its own output file "B" using _iobuf, and this file is then read by the C++ program using ifstream. This sequence is iterated many times, with the same file names for A and B in each iteration.
Occasionally, the C++ program cannot open the output file A for writing, and I must try several times before it succeeds. This occurs nondeterministically, and maybe once in a thousand iterations. Note that the C program never has to wait to open its input or output file, nor does the C++ program ever have to wait to open its input file. This informal observation is based on hundreds of thousands of iterations.
I'm wondering if this has something to do with mixing ofstream and _iobuf in the same program? Both the C++ code and the C code are linked into the same program. And the legacy C code is technically C++ code, but was written in a very C-like style. Is there anything I can do to eliminate this waiting to open the ofstream file? I do not want to change the legacy code if I can possibly avoid it.
Pseudo code (not compiled):
void someObject::someMethod()
for (int count = 0; count < someLimit; ++count)
void newerObject::firstMethod()
// do some processing first
// then write the results of the processing to a file
ofstream A;"A", ofstream::out); // this sometimes must be tried multiple times
// write data to file A
void olderObject::secondMethod()
FILE* f;
f = fopen("A", "rt"); // this always works the first time
// read data from file A
// do some processing
f = fopen("B", "w");
// write data to file B
void newerObject::thirdMethod()
ifstream B;"B"); // this always works the first time
// read data from file B
// do some processing
Currently, as a work around, I put the ofstream::open in a do-while loop. I would love to get rid of this awkwardness. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
First off, the problem is almost certainly not the use of different methods to access the files: under the hood, the C and C++ I/O functions use the same system I/O facilities. You seem to be using Windows (on other systems files typically can be open multiple times simultaneously) and I don't know much about the system but I would suspect that the file system hasn't been updated to reflect that the file is closed when you try to open it. This may have to do with the "t" open flag: I don't know what this is about.
On UNIXes you can force the I/O operations to wait until the actual change on disk completed. Something like this could help avoiding the problem but has the significant cost that operations become hideously slow. On UNIXes one approach would be to blow away the file system entry the moment the file was opened successfully (after all, at this point its name isn't used anymore):
if (FILE* fp = fopen("file", "r")) {
// do processing
However, if I recall correctly on Windows you can neither remove the file nor rename it. Personally, in solving the problem I would proceed as follows:
Determine under which situations the file can't be opened, e.g. by keeping the file open and trying to open it. This is mainly intended to create a setup where the problem is reproducible so you can verify later that you indeed found a solution.
Once I found a way to reproduce the problem I would probably a better idea of the actual root cause and possibly googling would help. In any case this is the point where researching the root cause comes in.
Once the cause is understood it is hopefully easy to devise a solution. If not, opening the file multiple times under it is successful may very well be the right solution.

Does constructing an iostream (c++) read data from the hard drive into memory?

When I construct an iostream when say opening a file will this always read the entire file from the hard disk and then put it into memory, or is it streamed in and buffered by the OS on demand?
I ask because one way to check if a file exists is to see if opening it fails, but I fear if the files I am opening are very large then this take a long time if iostream must read the entire file in on open.
To check whether a file exists can be done like this if you want to use boost.
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
bool fileExists = boost::filesystem::exists("foo.txt");
No, it will not read the entire file into memory when you open it. It will read your file in chunks though, but I believe this process will not start until you read the first byte. Also these chunks are relatively small (on the order of 4-128 kibibytes in size), and the fact it does this will speed things up greatly if you are reading the file sequentially.
In a test on my Linux box (well, Linux VM) simply opening the file only results in the OS open system call, but no read system call. It doesn't start reading anything from the file until the first attempt to read from the stream. And then it reads 8191 (why 8191? that seems a very strange number) byte chunks as I read the file in.
Opening a file is a bad way of testing if the file exists - all it does is tell you if you can open it. Opening might fail for a number of reasons, typically because you don't have read permission, but the file will still exist. It is usually better to use an operating system specific function to test for existence. And no, opening an fstream will not cause the contents to be read.
What I think is, when you open a file, the corresponding data structures for the process opening the file are populated which include file pointer, file descriptor, v node etc.
Now one can read and write to a file using buffered streams (fwrite , fread) or using system calls (read and write).
When we use buffered streams, we buffer the data and then write or read it[This is done for efficiency puposes]. This statement itself means that the whole file is not read into memory but certain bytes are read into buffer and then made available.
In case of sys calls such as read and write , kernel level buffering is done (using fsync one can flush out kernel buffer too), but data is actually read and written to the device .file
checking existance of file
#include &lt sys/stat.h &gt
int main(){
struct stat file_i;
std::string f("myfile.txt");
if (stat(f.c_str(),&file_i) != 0){
cout &lt&lt "File not found" &lt&lt endl;
return 0;
Hope this clarifies a bit.

Reading data from a log file as a separate application is writing to it

I would like to monitor a log file that is being written to by an application. I want to process the file line by line as, or shortly after, it is written. I have not found a way of detecting that a file has been extended after reaching eof.
The code needs to work on Mac and PC, and can be in any language, though I am most familiar with C++ and Perl.
Does anybody have a suggestion for the best way to do it?
In Perl, the File::Tail module does exactly what you need.
A generic enough answer:
Most languages, on EOF, return that no data were read. You can re-try reading after an interval, and if the file has grown since, this time the operating system will return data.
The essense of tail -f is the following loop:
open IN, $file;
while(1) {
my $line = <IN>;
if($line) {
#process line...
} else {
close IN;
The seek call is to clear the EOF flag.
You should be able to use read the standard io from tail -f
I'd have thought outputting the actions via tee, and thence tail'ing (or using the loop above) the file created by tee some use.