.lib linking other .libs - c++

Currently my visual studio is basically generating Engine.dll and Game.exe
Engine.dll links to some other basic libraries like:
I also wanted to try to create an Engine.lib, but I get some really nice warnings now: Symbol x has been defined already. These libraries define the same symbols.
So I read somewhere that I must force my user (Game.exe) to link to the libs instead. But this is just really inconvenient I think, especially if I have many games and I decide to add another library to my engine. It's just maintenance for something so simple.
Should I stick to the .dll, or is there some way to fix this beauty up?
Thanks a lot,

You need to make up your mind whether the want the DLL or the static link library. Advantage of a DLL is that the build times can be quicker if you make local changes. Advantage of a .lib is that you'll end up with only one deployable file.
Getting it linked (either the static .lib or the dll's import .lib) is otherwise automatic. You want to make sure that the library is built first, can't link the .exe without it. Right-click the exe project in the Solution Explorer window, Project Dependencies, tick the library project. That automatically adds the .lib to the exe project's additional dependencies.
Using #pragma comment(lib, "engine.lib") in the engine's header file is another way. Repeat for other dependencies like the OS import libraries. Getting the library path right is a // todo item.

Did you create a different namespace to avoid naming clashes?
EDIT -- seems like there is some confusion as to what you're asking, because you are asking a couple of questions.
To me, it sounds like you want to take a stab at implementing your own Engine class. However, you've got naming issues. I am treating this as more of an architectural question now. If you write your Game to an interface, then the problem goes away. For example, if your Engine is using different algorithms, then if you had written an EngineInterface that the current Engine and YourEngine implemented, then you could easily use Strategy to flip between the different implementations on the fly. This is nice because you'll be able to see the differences in-game if you wire the preferences into the app.

If the symbols are not supposed to be the same, use diferent names or control how they are exposed. Another option is the usage of namespaces to avoid naming conflicts.
If the symbols are supposed to be the same thing, you need to define those only once in one of the libs.


Include C++ mfc object library in multiple solutions?

I have an object file library that exists as a standalone VC++ solution. I have a number of other completely separate VC++ solutions, and I would like some of them to utilise the classes included in this library.
However, since they are in the same solution, I cannot seem to add them as a dependency. I have attempted to investigate so-called "linker" dependencies but can't get it to work.
Does anyone know of a standard, modern efficient way to do this. Eventually my plan is to conglomerate these projects into a single solution as I believe they should be, but that is not something I have the time to deal with right now.
I think you are mixing terms project and solution. Generally speaking, solution is a collection of projects, with specified dependencies between them.
Library should be a project (possibly dependent on another projects), but not a solution. If you would like to include your library in another solutions, simplest way to do that would be to add project for library (and any dependent projects) to solutions you would like to add them by right clicking on solution->add->add existing project->add your project. This will ensure library will be compiled as part of solution.
You would need to set dependencies between projects (in your solution), and add include/linker path for the library to any projects using it within the solution.

How do you add a C++ project reference in Visual Studio?

In C# it's pretty simple to add a project reference that will build the dependency, put the resulting assembly in the original's Debug/ directory and properly compile against that assembly.
So at the moment, I have a project with the Main() and a static library project in one solution. However, when I compile the Main() project and I look in the bin/Debug/ directory I don't find either the Static.lib file or the .obj files, which I think would need to be there, or something... I'm getting linker errors.
I think maybe I have to Configure the project to find the .obj and the .lib file produced by the static library project (which compiles fine, and actually produces those files.)
I'm missing something, and I'm not very well versed in Visual Studio with C++.
How do I add the reference in the Main project to use the library produced by the static library project?
The first thing you'll have to unterstand is, that static libraries are nothing like .NET assemblies. They are linked into the .exe and are not distributed as separate entity.
Your linker errors are most likely a result of you not linking to the library.
There are several ways to define libraries that have to be linked.
One is int the project settings under linker -> input -> additional dependencies,
the other would be the cheap route via #pragma comment(lib, "path to library")
You can add the name of the .lib files you need by going in project property->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
Then you will have to give the folder where your library is in VC++ Directories->Library Directerories.
Here is a very comprehensive answer: visual c++: #include files from other projects in the same solution
It describes the settings for the linker but also other essentials when referencing another C++ project. (especially when coming from C# but not being too versed in C++)
In .NET, one of design goals was due make this process a lot easier and automatic. Mission accomplished there.
In the native C++ world, the process is much more manual. Here is roughly my process for hooking up different modules together.
Include all relevant modules in the solution.
Set the output
directory of each project to the same directory. Either Right click
on each project, choose properties and in general, set the output
directory to: $(SolutionDir)\Bin\$(Configuration)\$(PlatformTarget).
For reduced headaches, Set this for all configurations and platforms.
Then all the files will be placed in somewhere like
Set the project dependencies - Right click on each project that will be linking to another -> Choose Build Dependencies and select the referenced projects.
Set up the linking process, by Right clicking on the calling project and choosing
properties. Go to linker -> Input and add: $(SolutionDir)\Bin\$(Configuration)\$(PlatformTarget)\MyLibrary.lib
For the actual functions that are going to linked to, I set the
function declarations to something like (There are a lot of variations on the function declaration, a bit outside of the scope here):
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
extern "C" void DllExport WINAPI` Testing();
In actual cpp file of the calling function, I add something like the following:
#include "..\MyLibrary\mylibrary.h"
Then in the actual calling function. simply add called function:
If you are building multiple projects in the same solution, use a project reference to automatically link your libraries and executables together:
which is explained pretty well here:
The advantage to this approach, is that the build order will be correct. Using Additional Dependencies, as suggested in the other answers, will not maintain the proper build order.

Creating a .dll out of existing code

This is a newbie request. I'm looking for materials on .dll creation. Specifially, i want to create a .dll out of a simple 3D engine i've made to learn about the process. I need information on dynamic link libraries that go deeper than the wikipedia page, how are they created, what's necessary, how to create different .dll files for "debug" and "release", how to create a PDB file for it and how to create a header file that'll allow for easy usage of the library from a, f.e., C++ program. Material with strong theoretical side (not as much, "how to create a dynamic link library in visual studio") would be great.
Please share good materials on the subject, all i can find is some information here and there and it doesn't paint the picture for me.
Reading between the lines, I think you really want to know about libraries in general rather than dll's specifically. A library is simply a handy package of object (compiled) code, along with some information about how to call into it. In C++, this usually takes the form of a .h file.
With static libraries (.lib), the linker pulls in the code it needs in exactly the same way as it does with all the rest of your classes. A normal class will get compiled to object code (MyClass.obj), and when they're all done the linker sticks them all together and wires up any inter-object calls with the appropriate addresses. It's the identical process with .lib library files. You end up with a big ball of executable code which includes both your classes, and the library functions within it.
With a dynamic library (.dll), the only difference is that the linking (wiring) happens at runtime instead of at compile time, and the library object code remains in a separate ball - the dll file. When you compile your exe, all calls that use functions in the library are mapped to a stub function. When Windows loads the dll for you, it will stick the dll code into the same memory area as your process, and wire up the stub functions to the real functions that are now available.
The only other difference is that a dll must expose a function that Windows can call when it loads or unloads the dll, in case the dll wants to do any initial setting up / clearing down. This is traditionally called DllMain().
If you want to learn about libraries, I would concentrate on creating a static .lib first before worrying about dll's. This is where most of the work is. Once you have a lib it is child's play to turn it into a dll.
The main thing you need to think about when creating a library is how you are going to expose your API (Application Programming Interface). This is just which functions/classes you are going to expose to the people using your library. You don't have to expose them all, but you do have to decide WHAT to expose. Are you just going to expose some C style functions, or are you going to expose entire objects? This is the real challenge when designing a library. You should try and make your API as easy to use, and obvious as possible if people (and you!) are going to find your library useful.
As for pdb files, differently named release/debug modules, and creating .h files. These are identical to when doing so in an exe.
1) Create a new DLL project, using VS wizard.
2) Add your existing source files to it.
3) Put into *.def file (which should have been created by the wizard) the names of the functions that you want to export from your DLL, as described here.
Basically, that's it. Debug and release configurations are automatically created by the wizard, but if you want the 2 variants to be named differently, you can change their output names: go to Project Properities -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Target name.

How can you Call a method from a diffrent Project, both in C++?

I'm normally working in c# so certain things in c++ keep confusing me alot (they seem so diffrent yet the names almost the same)
I created a Console project in which i want to run a diffrent project for testing purposes. i added the project as a reference to the console app, and then got kinda stuck.
there is no namespace in the projects, so i can't do a using and if i try to include the other file, it cannot find it (and i want to avoid being unable to debug through it all).
the code for the class can be found here(ignore the c# part), the console is just a standard console with nothing in it yet.
Yeah, C++ doesn't have the notion of assemblies that exists in C# and .NET. It makes tasks like this slightly more difficult, a virtue of the fact that C++ compiles directly to native code.
Instead, you'll generally #include the necessary header files (*.h) at the top of your code file, and instruct the linker to link to the appropriate .lib file(s). Do that by going to your project's Properties, selecting Linker -> Input, and adding the file to the "Additional Dependencies" section.
As an alternative to linking to the .lib file, you can use Visual Studio to add a reference to the other project, if it's part of the same solution. Microsoft has a walk-through on creating and using a dynamic link library in C++ that might be worth a read.
I'll assume you're using Visual Studios:-). You have to tell
the compiler where to look for its includes. Under Visual
Studios, open the properties page for the project, then go to
Configuration Properties->C/C++->General, and add the necessary
directories in the entry Additional Include Directories. (If
the other project is in the same solution, use a relative path.
But I think the dialog box that pops up when you click on the
button on the right does this automatically. I'm not a great
fan of all this GUI stuff in general, but Microsoft seems to
have done this particular part quite well.)
Once you've done this, you might have to go through a similar
process for linking: this time it's under Configuration
Properties->Linker->General, and the entry is called Additional
Library Directories, but the principle is the same. (This may
not be necessary, if you're putting all of the dll's and
executables in the project in the same directory.)

creating a DLL in Visual Studio 2005

I am developing a C++ library that I want to pass on to my team. The library has just one class with a bunch of methods.
So, I have developed the class definition file (X.cpp) and a corresponding class declaration file (X.h).
Here are my questions --
In Visual Studio 2005, whats is the most straight forward way to build this library as a DLL, such that I get the following files:
X.lib : which I can pass to my team so they can link against my library
X.dll : which I can pass to my team for run-time
Instead of a DLL, should I rather be going the static library way ?? If so, how do I go about doing this in Visual Studio 2005 & will this give me a X.lib file that I can pass on to my team ?
Any explanations or references are very welcome.
Thank you very much.
The easiest way to build a DLL, is New->Project->Win32 Console Application. Then on the dialog select DLL and select "Exports Symbols". This will synthesize a dll with a .h, and .cpp file which demonstrate how to export your classes. You can get rid of this .h/.cpp but first import your class add the appropriate #ifndef statements. Now as far as DLL versus Static library if its a single small class, that doesn't change particularly often you might be better off with a static library, its simple, its concise, it doesn't add another dependency which needs to be shipped with your product. A DLL is nice if the code in the .cpp file changes often (ie. the function implementations) because you can just swap in the new DLL.
From your description, it looks like you already have a Visual C++ project (correct me if I'm wrong). If so, when you go into project properties, under "General" you can find "Configuration Type" - switch it to "Static library" or "Dynamic library" as needed.
If you choose "Static library", then you will just get a .lib file that can be immediately used.
If you choose "Dynamic library", and you export any functions from your DLL (e.g. by marking them with __declspec(dllexport)), an export .lib will be generated automatically.
It's hard to tell which option is preferable without knowing the specifics of what you're doing. In general, I'd recommend defaulting to static libraries, because it's usually good enough, and there are more traps when dealing with DLLs (especially ones that export C++ symbols).
I think that, in most cases, a dll is a better choice than a static lib because your team will not have to recompile their code when you distribute a new version of your library.
I struggle with this too sometimes.. because I can't find where the elusive setting is within C++ Project Properties.. So I decided to jot it down for my own sanity as a blog post.