Escape function for regular expression or LIKE patterns - regex

To forgo reading the entire problem, my basic question is:
Is there a function in PostgreSQL to escape regular expression characters in a string?
I've probed the documentation but was unable to find such a function.
Here is the full problem:
In a PostgreSQL database, I have a column with unique names in it. I also have a process which periodically inserts names into this field, and, to prevent duplicates, if it needs to enter a name that already exists, it appends a space and parentheses with a count to the end.
i.e. Name, Name (1), Name (2), Name (3), etc.
As it stands, I use the following code to find the next number to add in the series (written in plpgsql):
var_name_id := 1;
SELECT CAST(substring( from E'\\((\\d+)\\)$') AS int)
INTO var_last_name_id
FROM my_table.names a
WHERE LIKE var_name || ' (%)'
ORDER BY CAST(substring( from E'\\((\\d+)\\)$') AS int) DESC
IF var_last_name_id IS NOT NULL THEN
var_name_id = var_last_name_id + 1;
var_new_name := var_name || ' (' || var_name_id || ')';
(var_name contains the name I'm trying to insert.)
This works for now, but the problem lies in the WHERE statement:
WHERE LIKE var_name || ' (%)'
This check doesn't verify that the % in question is a number, and it doesn't account for multiple parentheses, as in something like "Name ((1))", and if either case existed a cast exception would be thrown.
The WHERE statement really needs to be something more like:
WHERE a.r1_name ~* var_name || E' \\(\\d+\\)'
But var_name could contain regular expression characters, which leads to the question above: Is there a function in PostgreSQL that escapes regular expression characters in a string, so I could do something like:
WHERE a.r1_name ~* regex_escape(var_name) || E' \\(\\d+\\)'
Any suggestions are much appreciated, including a possible reworking of my duplicate name solution.

To address the question at the top:
Assuming standard_conforming_strings = on, like it's default since Postgres 9.1.
Regular expression escape function
Let's start with a complete list of characters with special meaning in regular expression patterns:
Wrapped in a bracket expression most of them lose their special meaning - with a few exceptions:
- needs to be first or last or it signifies a range of characters.
] and \ have to be escaped with \ (in the replacement, too).
After adding capturing parentheses for the back reference below we get this regexp pattern:
Using it, this function escapes all special characters with a backslash (\) - thereby removing the special meaning:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_regexp_escape(text)
SELECT regexp_replace($1, '([!$()*+.:<=>?[\\\]^{|}-])', '\\\1', 'g')
Add PARALLEL SAFE (because it is) in Postgres 10 or later to allow parallelism for queries using it.
SELECT f_regexp_escape('test(1) > Foo*');
test\(1\) \> Foo\*
And while:
SELECT 'test(1) > Foo*' ~ 'test(1) > Foo*';
returns FALSE, which may come as a surprise to naive users,
SELECT 'test(1) > Foo*' ~ f_regexp_escape('test(1) > Foo*');
Returns TRUE as it should now.
LIKE escape function
For completeness, the pendant for LIKE patterns, where only three characters are special:
The manual:
The default escape character is the backslash but a different one can be selected by using the ESCAPE clause.
This function assumes the default:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_like_escape(text)
SELECT replace(replace(replace($1
, '\', '\\') -- must come 1st
, '%', '\%')
, '_', '\_');
We could use the more elegant regexp_replace() here, too, but for the few characters, a cascade of replace() functions is faster.
Again, PARALLEL SAFE in Postgres 10 or later.
SELECT f_like_escape('20% \ 50% low_prices');
20\% \\ 50\% low\_prices

how about trying something like this, substituting var_name for my hard-coded 'John Bernard':
create table my_table(name text primary key);
insert into my_table(name) values ('John Bernard'),
('John Bernard (1)'),
('John Bernard (2)'),
('John Bernard (3)');
select max(regexp_replace(substring(name, 13), ' |\(|\)', '', 'g')::integer+1)
from my_table
where substring(name, 1, 12)='John Bernard'
and substring(name, 13)~'^ \([1-9][0-9]*\)$';
(1 row)
one caveat: I am assuming single-user access to the database while this process is running (and so are you in your approach). If that is not the case then the max(n)+1 approach will not be a good one.

Are you at liberty to change the schema? I think the problem would go away if you could use a composite primary key:
name text not null,
number integer not null,
primary key (name, number)
It then becomes the duty of the display layer to display Fred #0 as "Fred", Fred #1 as "Fred (1)", &c.
If you like, you can create a view for this duty. Here's the data:
=> select * from foo;
name | number
Fred | 0
Fred | 1
Barney | 0
Betty | 0
Betty | 1
Betty | 2
(6 rows)
The view:
create or replace view foo_view as
select *,
when number = 0 then
name || ' (' || number || ')'
end as name_and_number
from foo;
And the result:
=> select * from foo_view;
name | number | name_and_number
Fred | 0 | Fred
Fred | 1 | Fred (1)
Barney | 0 | Barney
Betty | 0 | Betty
Betty | 1 | Betty (1)
Betty | 2 | Betty (2)
(6 rows)


Matching a string containing special characters against a string without special characters

I'm trying to match strings using a Google Sheets query where both strings are uncertain if they contain special characters. I'll try to explain as best as I can:
I have a table of data
| A | B | C | D |
|x | y |ø |z |
|xx | yy |á |zz |
|xxx | yyy |e |zzz |
My query function would look something like this:
=QUERY(A1:D3, "SELECT * WHERE (C = 'ø') OR (C = 'è') OR (C = 'a')")
Currently, using this query will only return 1 row because, (C = 'ø') is an exact match with 'ø', however none of the others have a match.
For (C = 'è'), we can just replace all of the accented characters in the string with their un-accented equivalent.
In this case 'è' becomes 'e' and has a match - now the query will return a second row.
(I found a nice way to replace all accented characters in a string here.)
Finally, here is where my main problem sits: (C = 'a'). I can't figure out a way to make it match 'á', unless I check every accented variant of 'a', but that just seems silly.
It's not possible to do something like "... WHERE (CUSTOM_FUNCTION(C) = 'a')" either, sadly.
As I previously mentioned, either side of the match may or may not contain accented/special characters.
I should also mention that it wont be just a single character, it will be a whole string.
If anyone has any possible solutions to this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Instead of the QUERY formula, you could use a FILTER formula.
(Please adjust ranges to your needs. You can also add/remove more special characters.)
Functions used:

SQL pattern matching using regular expression

Can we use Regex i.e, Regular Expression in SQL Server? I'm using SQL-2012 and 2014 and there is an requirement to match and return input from my stored procedure.
I can't use LIKE in this situation since like only returns matching words, Using Regex I can match whole bunch of characters like Space, Hyphen, Numbers.
Here is my SP
--Suppose XYZ P is my Search Condition
Declare #Condition varchar(50) = 'XYZ P'
#Condition varchar(25)
select * from tblPerson
where UPPER(Name) like UPPER(#Condition) + '%'
-- It should return both XYZ P and xyzp
Here my SP is going to return all matching condition where Name=XYZ P, but how to retrieve other Column having Name as [XYZP, XYZ-P]
and if search condition have any Alphanumeric value like
--Suppose XYZ 1 is my Search Condition
Declare #Condition varchar(50) = 'XYZ 1'
Then my search result should also return nonspace value like [XYZ1, xyz1, Xyz -1].
I don't want to use Substring by finding space and splitting them based on space and then matching.
Note: My input condition i.e., #Condition can have both Space or Space less, Hyphen(-) value when executing Stored Procedure.
Use REPLACE command.
It will replace the single space into %, so it will return your expected results:
FROM tblPerson
WHERE UPPER(Name) LIKE REPLACE(UPPER(#Condition), ' ', '%') + '%'

Selecting for a Jsonb array contains regex match

Given a data structure as follows:
{"single":"someText", "many":["text1", text2"]}
I can query a regex on single with
WHERE JsonBColumn ->> 'single' ~ '^some.*'
And I can query a contains match on the Array with
WHERE JsonBColumn -> 'many' ? 'text2'
What I would like to do is to do a contains match with a regex on the JArray
WHERE JsonBColumn -> 'many' {Something} '.*2$'
I found that it is also possible to convert the entire JSONB array to a plain text string and simply perform the regular expression on that. A side effect though is that a search on something like
xt 1", "text
would end up matching.
This approach isn't as clean since it doesn't search each element individually but it gets the job done with a visually simpler statement.
WHERE JsonBColumn ->>'many' ~ 'text2'
Use jsonb_array_elements_text() in lateral join.
with the_data(id, jsonbcolumn) as (
(1, '{"single":"someText", "many": ["text1", "text2"]}'::jsonb)
select distinct on (id) d.*
the_data d,
jsonb_array_elements_text(jsonbcolumn->'many') many(elem)
where elem ~ '^text.*';
id | jsonbcolumn
1 | {"many": ["text1", "text2"], "single": "someText"}
(1 row)
See also this answer.
If the feature is used frequently, you may want to write your own function:
create or replace function jsonb_array_regex_like(json_array jsonb, pattern text)
returns boolean language sql as $$
select bool_or(elem ~ pattern)
from jsonb_array_elements_text(json_array) arr(elem)
The function definitely simplifies the code:
with the_data(id, jsonbcolumn) as (
(1, '{"single":"someText", "many": ["text1", "text2"]}'::jsonb)
select *
from the_data
where jsonb_array_regex_like(jsonbcolumn->'many', '^text.*');

Convert equation from string in postgresql

I am trying to write a query that takes in a string, where an equation in the form
x^3 + 0.0046x^2 - 0.159x +1.713
is expected. The equation is used to calculate new values in the output table from a list of existing values. Hence I will need to convert whatever the input equation string is into an equation that postgresql can process, e.g.
power(data.value,3) + 0.0046 * power(data.value,2) - 0.159 * data.value + 1.713
A few comforting constraints in this task are
The equation will always be in the form of a polynomial, e.g. sum(A_n * x^n)
The user will always use 'x' to represent the variable in the input equation
I have been pushing my queries into a string and executing it at the end, e.g.
_query TEXT;
SELECT 'select * from ' INTO _query;
SELECT _query || 'product.getlength( ' || min || ',' || max || ')' INTO _query;
Hence I know I only need to somehow
Replace the 'x''s to 'data.values'
Find all the places in the equation string where a number
immediately precede a 'x', and add a '*'
Find all exponential operations (x^n) in the equation string and
convert them to power(x,n)
This may very well be something very trivial for a lot of people, unfortunately postgresql is not my best skill and I have already spent way more time than I can afford to get this working. Any type of help is highly appreciated, cheers.
Your 9am-noon time frame is over, but here goes.
Every term of the polynomial has 4 elements:
Addition/subtraction modifier
Parameter, always x in your case
The problem is that these elements are not always present. The first term has no addition element, although it could have a subtraction sign - which is then typically connected to the multiplier. Multipliers are only given when not equal to 1. The parameter is not present in the last term and neither is a power in the last two terms.
With optional capture groups in regular expression parsing you can sort out this mess and PostgreSQL has the handy regexp_matches() function for this:
regexp_matches('x^3 + 0.0046x^2 - 0.159x +1.713',
'\s*([+-]?)\s*([0-9.]*)(x?)\^?([0-9]*)', 'g') AS r (terms);
The regular expression says this:
\s* Read 0 or more spaces.
([+-]?) Capture 0 or 1 plus or minus sign.
\s* Read 0 or more spaces.
([0-9.]*) Capture a number consisting of digit and a decimal dot, if present.
(x?) Capture the parameter x. This is necessary to differentiate between the last two terms, see query below.
\^? Read the power symbol, if present. Must be escaped because ^ is the constraint character.
([0-9]*) Capture an integer number, if present.
The g modifier repeats this process for every matching pattern in the string.
On your string this yields, in the form of string arrays:
| terms |
| {'','',x,3} |
| {+,0.0046,x,2} |
| {-,0.159,x,''} |
| {+,1.713,'',''} |
| {'','','',''} |
(I have no idea why the last line with all empty strings comes out. Maybe a real expert can explain that.)
With this result, you can piece your query together:
SELECT id, sum(term)
CASE WHEN terms[1] = '-' THEN -1
WHEN terms[1] = '+' THEN 1
WHEN terms[3] = 'x' THEN 1 -- If no x then NULL
CASE terms[2] WHEN '' THEN 1. ELSE terms[2]::float
value ^ CASE WHEN terms[3] = '' THEN 0 -- If no x then 0 (x^0)
WHEN terms[4] = '' THEN 1 -- If no power then 1 (x^1)
ELSE terms[4]::int
END AS term
FROM data
JOIN regexp_matches('x^3 + 0.0046x^2 - 0.159x +1.713',
'\s*([+-]?)\s*([0-9.]*)(x?)\^?([0-9]*)', 'g') AS r (terms) ON true
) sub
This assumes you have an id column to join on. If all you have is a value then you can still do it but you should then wrap the above query in a function that you feed the polynomial and the value. The power is assumed to be integral but you can easily turn that into a real number by adding a dot . to the regular expression and a ::float cast instead of ::int in the CASE statement. You can also support negative powers by adding another capture group to the regular expression and a case statement in the query, same as for the multiplier term; I leave this for your next weekend hackfest.
This query will also handle "odd" polynomials such as -4.3x^3+ 101.2 + 0.0046x^6 - 0.952x^7 +4x just so long as the pattern described above is maintained.

How can I use a regular expression to match something in the form 'stuff=foo' 'stuff' = 'stuff' 'more stuff'

I need a regexp to match something like this,
'text' | 'text' | ... | 'text'(~text) = 'text' | 'text' | ... | 'text'
I just want to divide it up into two sections, the part on the left of the equals sign and the part on the right. Any of the 'text' entries can have "=" between the ' characters though. I was thinking of trying to match an even number of 's followed by a =, but I'm not sure how to match an even number of something.. Also note I don't know how many entries on either side there could be. A couple examples,
'51NL9637X33' | 'ISL6262ACRZ-T' | 'QFN'(~51NL9637X33) = '51NL9637X33' | 'ISL6262ACRZ-T' | 'INTERSIL' | 'QFN7SQ-HT1_P49' | '()'
Should extract,
'51NL9637X33' | 'ISL6262ACRZ-T' | 'QFN'(~51NL9637X33)
'51NL9637X33' | 'ISL6262ACRZ-T' | 'INTERSIL' | 'QFN7SQ-HT1_P49' | '()'
'227637' | 'SMTU2032_1' | 'SKT W/BAT'(~227637) = '227637' | 'SMTU2032_1' | 'RENATA' | 'SKT28_5X16_1-HT5_4_P2' | '()' :SPECIAL_A ='BAT_CR2032', PART_NUM_A='202649'
Should extract,
'227637' | 'SMTU2032_1' | 'SKT W/BAT'(~227637)
'227637' | 'SMTU2032_1' | 'RENATA' | 'SKT28_5X16_1-HT5_4_P2' | '()' :SPECIAL_A ='BAT_CR2032', PART_NUM_A='202649'
Also note the little tilda bit at the end of the first section is optional, so I can't just look for that.
Actually I wouldn't use a regex for that at all. Assuming your language has a split operation, I'd first split on the | character to get a list of:
'QFN'(~51NL9637X33) = '51NL9637X33'
Then I'd split each of them on the = character to get the key and (optional) value:
'51NL9637X33' <null>
'ISL6262ACRZ-T' <null>
'QFN'(~51NL9637X33) '51NL9637X33'
'ISL6262ACRZ-T' <null>
'INTERSIL' <null>
'QFN7SQ-HT1_P49' <null>
'()' <null>
You haven't specified why you think a regex is the right tool for the job but most modern languages also have a split capability and regexes aren't necessarily the answer to every requirement.
I agree with paxdiablo in that regular expressions might not be the most suitable tool for this task, depending on the language you are working with.
The question "How do I match an even number of characters?" is interesting nonetheless, and here is how I'd do it in your case:
This expression matches the left part of your entry by looking for a ' at its current position. If it finds one, it runs forward to the next ' and thereby only matching an even number of quotes. If it does not find a ' it matches anything that is not an equal sign and then assures that an equal sign follows the matched string. It works because the regex engine evaluates OR constructs from left to right.
You could get the left and right parts in two capturing groups by using
I recommend for tinkering with regular expressions. =)
As paxdiablo said, you almost certainly don't want to use a regex here. The split suggestion isn't bad; I myself would probably use a parser here—there's a lot of structure to exploit. The idea here is that you formally specify the syntax of what you have—sort of like what you gave us, only rigorous. So, for instance: a field is a sequence of non-single-quote characters surrounded by single quotes; a fields is any number of fields separated by white space, a |, and more white space; a tilde is non-right-parenthesis characters surrounded by (~ and ); and an expr is a fields, optional whitespace, an optional tilde, a =, optional whitespace, and another fields. How you express this depends on the language you are using. In Haskell, for instance, using the Parsec library, you write each of those parsers as follows:
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
field :: Parser String
field = between (char '\'') (char '\'') $ many (noneOf "'\n")
tilde :: Parser String
tilde = between (string "(~") (char ')') $ many (noneOf ")\n")
fields :: Parser [String]
fields = field `sepBy` (try $ spaces >> char '|' >> spaces)
expr :: Parser ([String],Maybe String,[String])
expr = do left <- fields
opt <- optionMaybe tilde
spaces >> char '=' >> spaces
right <- fields
(char '\n' >> return ()) <|> eof
return (left, opt, right)
Understanding precisely how this code works isn't really important; the basic idea is to break down what you're parsing, express it in formal rules, and build it back up out of the smaller components. And for something like this, it'll be much cleaner than a regex.
If you really want a regex, here you go (barely tested):
See why I recommend a parser? When I first wrote this, I got at least two things wrong which I picked up (one per test), and there's probably something else. And I didn't insert capturing groups where you wanted them because I wasn't sure where they'd go. Now yes, I could have made this more readable by inserting comments, etc. And after all, regexen have their uses! However, the point is: this is not one of them. Stick with something better.