C++, OpenGL Z-buffer prepass - c++

I'm making a simple voxel engine (think Minecraft) and am currently at the stage of getting rid of occluded faces to gain some precious fps. I'm not very experimented in OpenGL and do not quite understand how the glColorMask magic works.
This is what I have:
// new and shiny
// this one goes without saying
// I want to see my code working, so fill the mask
// fill the z-buffer, or whatever
// do a first draw pass
// now only show lines, so I can see the occluded lines do not display
// I guess the error is somewhere here
// do a second draw pass for the real rendering
This somewhat works, but once I change the camera position the world starts to fade away, I see less and less lines until nothing at all.

It sounds like you are not clearing your depth buffer.
You need to have depth writing enabled (via glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);) while you attempt to clear the depth buffer with glClear. You probably still have it disabled from the previous frame, causing all your clears to be no-ops in subsequenct frames. Just move your glDepthMask call before the glClear.

glColorMask and glDepthMask determine, which parts of the frame buffer are actually written to.
The idea of early Z culling is, to first render only the depth buffer part first -- the actual savings come from sorting the geometry near to far, so that the GPU can quickly discard occluded fragments. However while drawing the Z buffer you don't want to draw the color component: This allows you to switch of shaders, texturing, i.e. in short everything that's computationally intense.
A word of warning: Early Z only works with opaque geometry. Actually the whole depth buffer algorithm only works for opaque stuff. As soon as you're doing blending, you'll have to sort far to near and don't use depth buffering (search for "order independent transparency" for algorithms to overcome the associated problems).
S if you've got anything that's blended, remove it from the 'early Z' stage.
In the first pass you set
glDepthMask(1); // enable depth buffer writes
glColorMask(0,0,0); // disable color buffer writes
glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); // use normal depth oder testing
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // and we want to perform depth tests
After the Z pass is done you change the settings a bit
glDepthMask(0); // don't write to the depth buffer
glColorMask(1,1,1); // now set the color component
glDepthFunc(GL_EQUAL); // only draw if the depth of the incoming fragment
// matches the depth already in the depth buffer
GL_LEQUAL does the job, too, but also lets fragments even closer than that in the depth buffer pass. But since no update of the depth buffer happens, anything between the origin and the stored depth will overwrite it, each time something is drawn there.
A slight change of the theme is using an 'early Z' populated depth buffer as a geometry buffer in multiple deferred shading passes afterwards.
To save further geometry, take a look into Occlusion Queries. With occlusion queries you ask the GPU how many, if any fragments pass all tests. This being a voxel engine you're probably using an octree or Kd tree. Drawing the spatial dividing faces (with glDepthMask(0), glColorMask(0,0,0)) of the tree's branches before traversing the branch tells you, if any geometry in that branch is visible at all. That combined with a near to far sorted traversal and a (coarse) frustum clipping on the tree will give you HUGE performance benefits.

z-pre pass can work with translucent objects. if they are translucent, do not render them in the prepass, then zsort and render.


In OpenGL, is it possible to draw the edges of the unoccluded triangles only?

I have a mesh to render with OpenGL. What I want is to render its edges, but only the ones of the un-occluded faces. However, I realize that this is not possible with only:
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enable depth test
glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // Accept fragment if it closer to the camera than the former one
since there is no depth information in-between the edges, so the edges of the occluded triangles are still rendered.
A work around is to draw the triangles with GL_FILL first in background color (in my case, white), and then draw the edges separately. But doing so results in artifacts similar to the z-fighting phenomenon, i.e., some edges seem thinner than others or even vanish, as shown below
On the left is what I have, and on the right is what I desire (viewed in MeshLab). Since depth test of triangles seems to be unavoidable in this case, I guess I am also asking:
How can I draw edges over triangles without the z-fighting artifacts?
Note that face culling is not useful, as it only eliminates faces facing backward, but cannot deal with occlusion.
Set a polygon offset for the first pass with glPolygonOffset:
glPolygonOffset(1, 1);
Disable the polygon offset for the 2nd pass:
Polygon fill offset manipulates the depth of a fragment by a minimum amount. This results in the depth of the fragments in the first pass being a small amount greater than the depth of the same fragments in the second pass. This is how you get rid of the deep conflict.

glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) makes nothing but Sky-Sphere Render

Edit: Rendering the skybox before all other objects in the scene fixed this problem.
I've seen the question here but adding
doesn't appear to help.
I'm trying to render a spherical Skybox for my scene and for some reason when I Disable depth testing before doing so, the Skybox is the only thing rendered.
[Render other objects..]
// Disable depth test & mask, faceculling
glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Adding this makes everything else invisible
[Render texture onto inside of sphere..]
// Re-enable faceculling, & depth
Any idea why this might be happening?
I wasn't sure of what code to include to keep this clear, so don't hesitate to ask for more.
Just to let you know, this:
Disables both depth test and writing, so you don't need both that and set the depth mask to GL_FALSE.
When you clear the depth buffer each frame by default it should clear it the maximum value, probably 1.0. By default the depth function is GL_LESS meaning any depth value coming out of the fragment shader less than the one in the depth buffer passes and is written to the framebuffer.
It seems to me that what you're doing is clearing the depth buffer to 1.0, disabling depth testing and writing, drawing your objects, then enabling depth testing and writing and drawing your skybox. The problem with this is that the drawing of your objects doesn't write anything to the depth buffer, and so when it comes time to draw your skybox (with depth testing enabled) all the pixel depth values in the buffer are 1.0 (because you never wrote anything to it), and because the depth function is GL_LESS every pixel you draw of your skybox passes the depth test and is written to the framebuffer.
If there is a special need to have your objects always drawn in front of the skybox, for example the skybox follows the camera position around, then:
1) Disable the depth writing.
2) Draw the skybox.
3) Enable the depth writing.
4) Draw your objects.
Well, yes. That's what the depth test is for. Without it, there's nothing to indicate to OpenGL that the skybox shouldn't be rendered on top of everything else.
If you don't want this to happen, don't disable the depth test… or draw the skybox before everything else, instead of afterwards.

OpenGL: Specify what value gets wrote to the depth buffer?

As I understand the depth buffer, it calculates a fragment's relation to the far/near clipping planes, and deduces the depth value from that before writing it. However, this isn't what I want as I don't utilize the clipping planes, or the 3rd dimension at all. However, depth testing would still be immensely helpful to me.
My question, is there any way to specify what value gets written to the depth buffer manually, for all geometry rendered after you set it (that passes the Alpha Test) regardless of it's true depth in a scene? The Stencil buffer works this way, with the value specified as the second argument of glStencilFunc(), so I thought glDepthFunc() might have behaved similarly but I was mistaken.
The main reason I need depth testing in a 2D game, is because my lighting model uses stencils a great deal. Objects closer to the camera than the light must be rendered first, for shadow stencils to be properly laid out, with the lights drawn after that. It's a pretty tricky draw order, but basically it just means lights have to be drawn after the scene is finished drawing, is all.
The OpenGL version I'm using is 2.0, though I'm trying to avoid using a fragment shader if possible.
It seems you are talking about a technique called Parallax scrolling. You don't need to write to the depth buffer manually, just enable it, and then you can use a layer approach and specify the Z manually for each object. Then render the scene front to back (sorting).

OpenGL draw GL_LINES on top of GL_QUADS

I am drawing a cube and a line grid in 3D in OpenGL:
Now, independent of the order (if I draw the lines first or the quads first) and independent of the position it always happens that the lines are draw over the cube. I thought OpenGL draws front to back.
What I tried is to use:
glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
which does work but part of the cube is transparent now.
I also tried glDepthFunc(GL_NEVER) with disabling glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST) but I get the same problem that the cube appears transparent.
Does anyone have a hint to overcome this problem?
If you want to draw the lines in the background, just draw them (and the rest of the background) first, clear the depth buffer, then render the rest of the scene.
Or you can just give the lines a depth such that they will always be behind everything else, but then you have to make sure that none of your gameworld objects go behind it.
Now, independent of the order (if I draw the lines first or the quads first) and independent of the position it always happens that the lines are draw over the cube.
IF your lines have proper depth, then you forgot to enable depth buffer. If you enabled depth buffer, then you must make sure that your library used for initializing OpenGL requested depth buffer.
I thought OpenGL draws front to back.
It does not. OpenGL draws polygons in the same order you specify them. There is no automatic sorting of any kind.
Does anyone have a hint to overcome this problem?
Well, you could clear depth buffer, but this will be slow and inefficient. Technically, you should almost never do that.
glDepthMask(GL_FALSE) will disable writing to depth buffer. i.e. any object drawn after that call will not update depth buffer but will use data that is already stored. It is frequently used for particle systems. So call glDepthMask(GL_FALSE), draw "lines", call glDepthMask(GL_TRUE), then draw cube.
If you combine glDepthMask(GL_FALSE) with glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS) then object will be always drawn, completely ignoring depth buffer (but depth buffer won't be changed).

Can "See through" objects in openGL

I'm not sure why this is happening, I'm only rendering a few simple primitive QUADS.
The red is meant to be in front of the yellow.
The yellow always goes in-front of the red, even when it's behind it.
Is this a bug or simply me seeing the cube wrongly?
Turn the depth buffer and depth test on, or OpenGL would draw what is latter on the top.
Your application needs to do at least the following to get depth buffering to work:
Ask for a depth buffer when you create your window.
Place a call to glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST) in your program's initialization routine, after a context is created and made current.
Ensure that your zNear and zFar clipping planes are set correctly and in a way that provides adequate depth buffer precision.
Pass GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT as a parameter to glClear, typically bitwise OR'd with other values such as GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT.
See here http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/depthbuffer.htm
I had the same problem but it was unrelated to the depth buffer, although I did see some change for the better when I enabled that. It had to do with the blend functions used which combined pixel intensities at the last step of rendering. So I had to turn off glBlendFunc()