Passing an arraylist as a struct property from a webservice - web-services

I have a web service that sends a struct to a client program.
I need to pass an arraylist of string values as one of the properties of this struct, but by the time it gets to the client program its type is 'object'. Once it gets back to the client program, how can I convert this Object datatype back into the arraylist?

Unless you're stuck at .NET 1.1, don't use ArrayList. Try returning a List<YourStruct> instead.

The problem was the way I was attempting to explicitly create an arraylist and then setting it equal to the returned property from the struct; here's the correct way to do it - some weird VB implicit thingy. (sorry, never drank the VB kool-aid)
Dim ReturnedArrList As New ArrayList(structReturned.arrReturnedArrayList)


How to get a struct value from xmlrpc_c::clientSimple call result

I have started using XML-RPC for C/C++ (Xmlrpc-c) library on an embedded device, to implement a simple client application.
I need to use xmlrpc_c::clientSimple class to setup a request message as follows:
xmlrpc_c::paramList getParams;
xmlrpc_c::clientSimple myClient;
xmlrpc_c::value result;"serverUrl", "verifyAccount", tokenGetParams, &result);
I see there are utilities to get int, string (etc.) values from result variable:
What if I get a more than a variable as result of my RPC call?
For example if the result is made up of an int value and a string, should I convert xmlrpc_c::value to a struct?
What is the best way to do that?

liferay 7 jsonws API dlfileentry obc parameter example

I wanto to try the web service of dflservice entry into the web service portal
but the parameter used obc just explain as obc with the type com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator, I try null, 0, +obc:com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.comparator.FolderNameComparator, but always have the same result:
Conversion failed: com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator
What is the correct parameter
According to documentation:
You can't pass 0, as obc is an object type parameter.
To pass a null value for obc, you need to prefix it with a dash like: /-obc.
And to pass an instance of an object parameter, you need to prefix the parameter with a plus sign like: /+obc:com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.comparator.FolderNameComparator (Should work as well).
As com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator is an abstract class, you need to pass a concrete implementation. Check the implementation of DLImpl.getRepositoryModelOrderByComparator method for further concrete implementations of OrderByComparator class for document library.
Also, I would like you to share the URI(s), you are trying. So, I can also try them.
There is bug in JSONWS GUI, which is already fixed in:
However, the URL access is working for me:
Here, com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.util.comparator.RepositoryModelNameComparator is a concrete implementation of obc.

Directory.members().insert is not working using the Java client library

I'm using the Java client library for the Directory API from here:
I have insert user and insert group working fine, but for some reason when I try to insert a member, it doesn't work. There is no exception thrown. Here is the code:
Member member = new Member();
//member.setKind("admin#directory#member"); not sure if I need this. tried with and without
member.setType("USER"); // docs say "MEMBER" but doesn't seem true. Tried both
client.members().insert(myGroupId, member);
You don't need to set kind nor type.
After "client.members().insert(myGroupId, member);" do you call execute ?

Webkit GTK: Using the DOM Tree Walker

So, I'm experimenting with Webkit GTK DOM functions. It's pretty straightforward, except for one thing: there's a useful part of the API called the WebKitDOMTreeWalker which, I assume, lets you walk over each node in the DOM, just like the TreeWalker object in Javascript.
Now, in Javascript a TreeWalker is created by calling:
document.createTreeWalker(root, nodesToShow, filter, entityExpandBol)
So, in WebKit GTK, there is an obvious counterpart in the API - a function called webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker. The function signature is:
WebKitDOMTreeWalker* webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker(WebKitDOMDocument* self, WebKitDOMNode* root, gulong what_to_show, WebKitDOMNodeFilter* filter, gboolean expand_entity_references, GError **error);
So creating a TreeWalker with WebKit GTK seems pretty straightforward - except for one big problem: the fourth argument in the webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker expects a filter object, that is, it wants an instance of WebKitDOMNodeFilter. Well, the Javascript function also takes a filter, but you can pass null if you don't want to use a filter. With the Webkit API, passing NULL doesn't work. If you call:
WebKitDOMTreeWalker* walker = webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker(doc, root, SHOW_ALL, NULL, false, err)
You get the error message:
** (webkit:3367): CRITICAL : WebKitDOMTreeWalker* webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker(WebKitDOMDocument*,
WebKitDOMNode*, gulong, WebKitDOMNodeFilter*, gboolean, GError):
assertion `filter' failed
So, the WebKit API won't accept a NULL pointer for the filter argument. Evidently you need to pass an instance of a WebKitDOMNodeFilter. Okay, again - this wouldn't be a problem either, except I've searched far and wide through the WebKit API, as well as Google, and I can't find anyway to create a WebKitDOMNodeFilter object! The header file for WebKitDOMNodeFilter.h doesn't expose any constructor for WebKitDOMNodeFilter. It seems like the API doesn't ever expose anyway to actually construct a WebKitDOMNodeFilter object at all.
Yet... the API exposes many functions (like webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker, and webkit_dom_document_create_node_iterator) which require a WebKitDOMNodeFilter. So... is the API just incomplete right now? Or, is there some way to create a Filter object which I'm just not seeing?
Can you try casting your null to the WebKitDOMNodeFilter type by calling

Autogenerate Stub code in C++ to access a webservice?

I'm chancing my arm with this question.
I'm looking for a tool which will avoid doing a lot of coding by autogenerating much of the code to access a webservice.
I'm trying to help out someone who uses a 4GL system which doesn't support webservices. However they can access a win32 dll - which looks like being the easiest solution. All they need to do is occasionally call a function on a web service and get a result back.
Its been a loooong time since I wrote any C++ and my attempts at doing this have just exposed how rusty I am.
I've played around with the gsoap2 toolkit and MS's svcutil.exe tool for auto generating code.
They do what they are supposed to do but, unlike the add reference tool in visual studio with or, these toolkits don't generate a stub access class that I managed to find.
Instead they generate individual function calls for each method and you have to pass them httpcontexts and a whole load of other stuff - something I don't really want to have to learn how to do for a one off.
What I want to do is mechanical:
Take the wsdl definition
AutoGenerate the Webservice access code (done - gsoap2)
Write/generate a small stub to open the webservice and authenticate using basic authentication and to return an instance of the webservice instance class.
publish as a dll
The idea being to have a single dll with a single function like
getws(username, password, url)
which will return an object which exposes the methods of the webservices - a stub, nothing clever.
I know I'm clutching at straws here but does anyone know of a tool/way to avoid all the mechanical work and to end up with a simple class which I can modify to add authentication.
The webservice has around 30 methods - and I have to expose them all, each has a collection of parameters. Writing a stub class to call the functions generated by gsoap2 would be a lot of typing and a nightmare to get to work/debug. Theres got to be a better way.
What I want to do is the equivalent of the .net code below - VS autogenerates the WS code. All I have to do is expose it in my class.
Private Shared oWs As WS.publicws = Nothing
Public Shared Function GetWS(ByVal Username As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal URL As String) As WS.publicws
Dim oBinding As New ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding
If Not oWs Is Nothing Then Return oWs
Dim oEndPoint As New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(URL)
oBinding.Security.Mode = ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly
oBinding.Security.Transport.Realm = ServiceModel.HttpClientCredentialType.Basic
oWS = New WS.publicws (oBinding, oEndPoint)
oWS.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = username
oWS.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = password
Using scope = New ServiceModel.OperationContextScope(oWs.InnerChannel)
ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties(System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name) = httpRequestProperty
End Using
Return oWs
End Function