Creating a Skill Calculator for Runescape - c++

I am beginning C++. I have a long way to go and I am one to never stop learning. I want to create a project for myself that will allow me to learn as I go. It will also give me the motivation and possibly add to my portfolio when I graduate.
The runescape skill calculator will ask for your current experience in the current skill of your choosing and your desired level.
For Example: my woodcutting experience is 60 and I want to get to lvl 5 which is 120 exp. That means im 60 experience away. by cutting oak logs I get 5 experience per log. The calculator would tell me I need to cut 12 Oak logs. All these numbers are made up.
So to my question. Where would I even begin? Hoping it would have buttons to press.
Sorry pretty new to all this. I will start with getting what I want in a Command Line first. I will be using Visual C++ 2010 express. Not sure of all the tools I will need as I am new. I can not go into detail as I do not know how I am going about this. Vague was good. Thank you

Unfortunately, a general question can only get a general answer:
First, build the program to run interactively from the command line with correct behaviour.
Then, (if you haven't designed it this way) extract the code into a class. This will allow you to call it from future programs.
Then, write an GUI that interfaces with the class.
A good set of unit tests will help throughout this project, and will make you more marketable when you present your portfolio.
For more specific answers, ask again with more detail provided.

I think that it is important to get a grip on the problem before developing.
The main questions are:
Where will you get the information about the exp. (manual input in your program, or available on-line as open data)?
Will you put your lvl in the app, or will you use the Runescape highscores API (Runescape Highscores API) and just give your UserId?
Will you get the data on the fly, or will you load them once (e.g. startup of your application). What will you do if your application runs for a long time?
How will you calculate the result you want? Are there error margins?
Afterward, you should start thinking about your UI.
Will this application be transported to different platforms?
Will you use only a text interface or something more graphical?
An now is the time to make the choice for the development architecture (what part of the code will run where: server, client, web-based, etc...). Once this choice is made, you can make a choice of development language or languages.
Visual Studio Express seems a good choice, since it permits you to choose a number of development options: client/Server, client, web application, database application, choice of development language (C, C++, C#, F), ...
Now is the time to do what Steve V. advises you to do.
As already said above: your question is general, so I could not get into more detail.
Good luck !


How to start working on QuickFix library

I have given a project to develop Algorithmic trading system using c++ and quickFix library, I search on google about quickFix library but didn't find any useful information.
Can anybody give me some information , from where should I start?
You provide very little detail in your question, so I can only guess at a helpful approach. I have done what you are starting, in Python, and can give you some orientation. All the links Karl mentioned are crucial, (you should pay special attention to the quickfix documentation on the config file) to which I would add FIXIMATE.
To do something like this in QF you need to answer a number of questions.
Logon. Figure out how to logon. Try to get a data dictionary from your counterparty. You don't want to be forced to modify your DD too much.
Interface. How will you tell QF to logon, logoff, exit terrible positions, and so forth? I use a command line tool (cmd2) that gives me this ability. Other people code GUI windows.
Message Cracking. Some versions of QF come with a cracker but if you don't have it in C++ you will have to write your own so you can parse the incoming messages.
Data Management. How will you save incoming market data, both in RAM and to disk for analysis later? How will you represent and monitor your positions, your working orders, your audit trail? Familiarize yourself with the ScreenLogFactory and FileLogFactory in QF.
Auxiliary Functions. You will need a lot of functions you will write yourself to help at all stages. Save them all in one place and organize them into categories for easy access.
Monitoring. How will you know if something goes wrong (or right) when you are not in front of your computer monitoring the algo? I launch a completely separate process which consumes messages via a queue and sends me texts and emails.
Risk. You don't want your machine sending 1000 orders to market in the blink of an eye. You need to code some checks that will veto bad orders as a final stage before they go out. Also some code that will tell you if you are in a position when you are supposed to be flat. This part is very important.
Strategy. You will need the ability to quickly ingest data, analyze it, and generate signals. For flexibility you should not design your strategy into your system, but you should design a strategy object which can support any strategy you come up with. Then you deploy those objects within your system.
Order handling. Your algo needs to know when and how to enter orders, cancel them, move stops, etc. It will need to deal with partial fills, and be able to support multiple order types.
This is just the beginning, off the top of my head. It is a long road to do all by yourself with no help. Very interesting though, and rewarding.
You can find the QuickFIX downloads on the website here: From there, you can download either the source code or download pre-built packages for Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013.
Documentation for QuickFIX can be found in their documentation area here: The documentation includes compilation/installation instructions and a "Getting Started" section which discusses setting up a project and writing your first QuickFIX application.
If you wish to know more about the FIX protocol, you are advised to look at the FIX website here: There are specifications on that website that will give you information on the types of messages supported by FIX and how they should be used.

Prevent piracy of desktop application which doesnt need Internet connection?

Suppose for an application which will never receive internet connection during its lifetime, how can you prevent the piracy of the software?
There cannot be a single product key requirement during installation because, once installed legitimately anybody can copy the installation and re-distribute it.
So every time the application runs it should check for something and crash if the check fails.
Now what could it possibly check?
Initially I thought keeping an encrypted binary file will do the job, but as answered here, that seems a negligible prevention.
Any hacker can modify the executable so that instead of crashing when the check fails it should continue running.
So no matter how difficult the check is, the cracked application will always run.
Now I cannot see any possible solution to this problem.
PS: I am a single independent developer who is developing productivity software with very low charge. Seeing this question I believe I just have to let it go. Sigh....
EDIT: I would like to thank all the contributors in this discussion in letting me know the grim reality...
What I understand now is that you are indirectly submitting the source code of your application in the form of the target executable. Its source code can be modified by anybody using a debugger, thus ANY method of preventing piracy through source code of your application is useless. The only possible solution to this problem is to keep your legitimate customers happy by providing them services (apart from the software) and keep your price below their expectations.
I was think of solving this problem for past 3 days and now all seems worthwhile but still learnt a lot in this process, which I wouldn't have otherwise...
I ha
The only standalone thing I've seen that is semi-effective is hardware keys that come with the boxed software. They used to attach to a parallel port or a serial port and get checked when you started the program.
AutoCad and similar programs used to do this, but it is a BIG PAIN for your customers. Any time it doesn't read it, or a key goes bad, customer productivity suffers. It hurts your legitimate customers far more than those who end up pirating it anyway, and a sufficiently motivated pirate can make a VM that will overcome this. Modern versions of this use USB.
My recommendation is to trust people. Upon install, make them click a "I promise I paid for this" button and be done with it. If they click "I didn't pay for this" show them a small paragraph about how to help keep good software coming and prevent customer-harming DRM schemes by simply contributing to the success of good software authors.
You could generate a unique copy for each user, create a database, and check it agents copies you find online if you like playing the biggest game of wack-a-mole ever.

C++ Troubles with bot (MY private server)

I am making a server for a mmorpg somewhat soon, and I want to release a bot to go with it, since I don't want people having the ability to level to the maximum within a week or less but I don't want them to be discouraged from the amount of farming exp and items, so I want to make a bot that handles 1-8 accounts. I'm somewhat good with c++, do not tell me "use autoit" I am trying to make it look somewhat professional and actually work with the settings on their computer, I am good with the functions for windows.h but I can't figure out how to make the bot read or write to memory nor can I figure out how to use softice (not sure if I even have the correct one).
Now, the game is simple and I would have only 2 spells per account being used (long or short ranged) and monster icons and hp are always in the same x,y pos so the AI is very basic having all the accounts do the exact same things, but I can't figure out how to look at let alone edit the packets to allow my bot to work without having each account become the focus window at every step of the fight.
the reason for 1-8 accounts is that most people on the normal server have anywhere from 1-8 usually 4-8 once they reach higher levels to allow for them to be able to do things without searching for a group since most dungeons take up to 5 hours at higher levels and it would be easier to have all you need instead of being stuck half way through once someone decides that they have to get off or you need to leave.. you know how it can be. anyway,
it is strictly for my server, but its not up yet so I can't learn with it, and I'm not the host I am paying my friend to set it up but he has no idea how to make a bot so I'm looking for some help.
I would like help with
-some tutorials on or around the subject.
-someone to help me through it (I don't need much help, an hour or two would probably be enough for me to get in the right direction)
-the source code to someones bot (I could probably look through it to find what I need.)
-where to go to find someone to teach me (cheap)
Now Please don't post things like "you shouldn't cheat" I am making this for a server I am supplying, so its not cheating since I allow it and give people the program for free on my website. And if you say something like "you'll have to practice with it on the real server", Yes I will, but I would be using level 1 accounts in the "noob" area in a place nobody ever goes (plus on the real server the noob area has individual 200 people servers so even if I go on it I wouldn't disturb anyone) and I am only using it for practice and then I would edit it once my server was up, so I am not cheating to get farther in the game or anything, it is purely for the use in my server. I also ask that people take this somewhat seriously, I am fairly good with C++ I am just stuck since I can't find where to teach myself this.
Also, admins please don't shut this down I realize that this could be taken as I am violating the terms of service but if you read this, I am not. Since it is for own MY server and I am not using it to cheat, I have a viable reason for making this and I do really need help.
I found some information that said I need to learn about sockets and networking in C++. I have located some tutorials for networking, but I would greatly appreciate something on sockets (all I have found are useless tidbits of information).
In my opinion it would be way easier if the bot was a game-client itself. This way it could do everything a client could without hooking anything. The bot doesn't even need a useinterface, it could just run in the background. If this is possible depends on how modular your code is. In an ideal situation you could make a new application, referencing the game-client dll with the gamelogic and recieve requests from the server and send actions as a player would do.
Creating a bot that clicks on a client windows button is possible but complicated. But to help you with your request we need more info about how the client and server work. What languages are they written in, what APIs and Libraries are you using?
If you have no idea how to achieve this it and got no idea how the client works it would probably better for your friend to write the bot.

Create a C++ program that processes incoming calls on a phone-line (land-line)

For some time now I've been tossing around what I think is am awesome idea: I want to write essentially a C++ phone server to handle all of my incoming calls on a land-line. I'll have a white-list (yay never having to worry about telemarketers ever again!), a black-list, and will be able to access my phone using my gaming headset, allowing me to make/answer calls while I'm gaming or whatever. In the future I'd also like to hook it up to a gui and make it have pop-ups and other cool features.
The problem is, I have no idea where to start. I'm familiar enough with C++, but have no idea how to go about doing anything with a phone-line. I can plug a phone-line into my computer, but I have no idea how to get my program to be able to use that connection. There's WinSock2 for being able to use my ethernet connection, is there something similar I'd be able to use to use the phone line? As it's using the same ethernet jack, I wonder if it's even possible to use WinSock2 to use the phone-line?
I saw this post, which wasn't particularly helpful: stackoverflow link , which points out Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling. I stumbled across this site: link, but isn't really going to help me get started.
So I was wondering, is there some sort of library out there that would allow me to tap into a phone-line that's connected to my computer? Is there a standard somewhere out there concerning phone-lines and what the different combinations of tone's mean? Can anyone here help get me started? I realize it's somewhat of a big undertaking, so any push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I found this question, which is a step in the right direction, but I'm not sure yet if it helps me (I need to go to bed, and will take a look at it in the morning). I did see mention of a Microsoft Telephony API though, I'll try doing more research on that tomorrow.
If working with MS products is not an absolute necessity, you might also consider taking a shot at Asterisk. This is an open-source PBX (in software) that allows development on Linux, Windows (emulated) and Mac. At the company where I work, we use it for implementing small-scale exchanges, about a 100 lines or so. It also interfaces well with VoIP and allows a whole host of protocols. I have developed scripts and programs in C++ that work on voice packets in real-time, and so far, my experience has been good. As for your stated use-case of blocking telemarketers etc., this would be a very good fit. Check out further details here.
After doing more research, having one link lead to another link, and coming up with new search terms, I stumbled across this site that looks like it could kick me off using the Windows Telephony API in C++: link. This link includes open source c++ samples showing how to do the basics of what this question asks, I'll just have to test to see if they actually still work.
This is only the beginning of my research, so I'll keep you posted on any other findings. If anyone else is knowledgeable in this area, please still feel free to drop me information on what I want to accomplish.

Linking a GUI toolkit to C++ input

This is my first time asking here but I've been a reader for ages! A fantastic place to learn!
I was asked to design a simple board game as a programming project this semester (using C++) and to implement GUI for a bonus mark. I was rather lost reading through tens of possible GUI toolkits and not knowing which one to use. I'm rather a beginner and this is my first big project!
My requirements for GUI are very very basic. All I want is to allow the user to pick from between two options at the start of the game. Those options determine which character the user will pick in the game to play with. This is the only input I want from the user. The console program would receive this input, interpret it and do all the logic of the game in the console window.
Currently, the console window displays a numbered list of options for the user who then picks a number and based off that character input, the console knows what to do through some if-statements.
Up till now, I've been told that GTK+ is a good option and I've been advised to check out wxWidgets and QT4. I'm confused on which one to use since I want something fast to learn and simple to implement because the purpose I want it for is also simple. I was also rather reluctant to start learning a GUI toolkit from its basics then realizing it might not have my simple requirement.
Thank you in advance fellas and sorry for the rather long post!
If you want something pretty basic as far as a GUI goes, it might be worth looking into some sample applications from any of the named projects. See what you can find in a sample application that is most similar to what you have, and try to get that working. Then once you have it working, and tweaked to your liking, maybe play around with things a bit more then for a further/better understanding.
My previous experience is with WxWidgets and Qt. My advice would be to check out Qt because of the great documentation for the project as well as the QAssistant.
Good Luck, GUIs can be really fun to incrementally learn!