TinyMCE Custom Tags Rendering - templates

I have add a custom plugin that insert custom tags into my tinyMCE editor of the format:
I want the custom tags to be rendered with some styles when viewed in the WYSIWYG view. I have seen one response to a similar question :
but this doesn't work - they tags are not stripped out but they are not styled either??

You need to use the content_css initialisation parameter:
content_css: my_css_file.css
containing something like
title {
// css here


how to remove html tags in django template on browser while showing to user

As shown in figure i used {{options|safe}} for rendering options in my django 3.0 polls application even though it is rendering like that and i don't know how to remove the tags from rendered string, thanks for help in advance
regarding tag error
To remove tags, I would recommend using Mozilla's bleach library.
In order to remove tags only in the front-end, not the data itself, you can easily create a custom template filter and clean the tags inside it.
Another cool idea would be to have list of enabled HTML tags that can be used (like making text bold with <b>...</b>) and then render the input as a valid html:
{{ options|remove_tags|safe }}
Example for a custom template filter:
def remove_tags(value):
return bleach.clean(value, tags=["b", "i"])

Trix rendering html tags such as div and br tags in Django

I am using Trix as a rich text editor in Django, however i run into a problem, when going to save the data,
If i type, Hey trix check, it will return trix check backk
and it also adds br tags as well, if you want to check it can be seen on
Can anyone help on it?
For login you can use -
Username - new &
password - Nov#2020
Try to add the safe filter in your template that display the content with the div and br tags. It should not display the HTML content of your blog posts.

Illustrated texts in Django model

I am trying to make one Blog using Django 2.0 and I have already created a primitive one. It has a Post model which is as follows:
class Post(models.Model):
PriKey = models.CharField(max_length=255,primary_key=True)
Heading = models.CharField(max_length=100)
DateOfPost = models.DateField(default=datetime.date.today())
Content = models.TextField()
As it can be seen, the content area is only textual and as of now, I can't add any special style or pictures inside my content.
I thought of using HTML tags inside the text content but they are appearing unchanged when the web page is rendered.
So my question is, is there any way of storing pictures along with the text in the content field of the Post model? I want to make something like this
Is there any way of showing the pictures in their respective positions using Django model? If no, is there any other way of doing this?
Also, is there any way of storing HTML codes inside django models and render them as it is when the website is run?
You can store html tags inside the field.
while rendering, to template mark it as safe
{{ post.content|safe }}
This will render all the html tags.
But this is not a good way as it makes you vullerable to cross site scripting attacks
A better method is to use something like a ckeditor
It provides a RichTextField and RichTextUploading Field and using this you can upload pictures, videos, code snippets, style your text and a lot more inside one field.
There are many other optons, but I prefer ckeditor
Ckeditor is a cross platform editor, django-ckeditor is a library containing django implementation of ckeditor which gives you full backend and frontend combined
django-pagedown A django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflow's "PageDown" markdown editor to a django form field, whether in a custom app or the Django Admin
I think you should give it a try
Cheers :)

Sitecore: Hide data template field from page editor

I have 2 data template fields "title" and "id", used for the HTML page title and the id attribute in the body tag respectively. When the page is viewed using Page Editor, Sitecore attempts to render editor controls on these items and because they are outside of the main form tag, controls don't get rendered correctly. I don't need these to be editable in the Page Editor.
What's the best approach/solution to handle fields like these?
Is hiding these 2 template fields from the Page Editor a solution?
If so, how do you hide the fields from the Page Editor and still have it available on the Content editor (so we can still edit it within the Content editor)?
In Page Editor, all you should need to do is render their values without a FieldRenderer. e.g, bind the field values to a standard .NET control. Or use a scriptlet -- <%=Sitecore.Context.Item["Title"]%>

How to create a resizeable TinyMCE textarea?

I have a Django form using textareas and TinyMCE for text entry.
I would like to add a slider to change the vertical size of the textarea, like SO has them so nicely.
How can this be done?
Just add 'theme_advanced_resizing : true' In the tyniMCE init call