Microsoft security essentials blocking manifest file - c++

When compiling programs with Visual Studio 2010 C++ Express edition I get the error c101008a.
Including manifest-files in the ignore list in Microsoft security essentials solves this, but only once, when I compile again, I have to do it again.
Anyone have a solution for this except switching anti-virus software?

I found several suggestions on the web, such as doing a Clean first.


Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

Windows application crash .dmp file analysis in visual studio

To get the dump file (for crashes) I am using the userModeProcessorDumper.exe. Now the question is how to read this file (to see the stack information). Regarding this I have couple of questions
Yes I know I can use WinDbg (related tools) to analyze the .dmp file. My question is - Can this be analyzed in Visual Studio? To be more specific - I am having Visual Studio Enterprise Edition 6 - In this particular pack - can the .dmp file be opened for analysis.
If Yes, Please help me with steps.
I see in web advice to use Visual Studio 2XXX version. So I am feeling that the same cannot be done using VS Enterprise Edition.
The application is built on MinGW, even these application - can we analyze in Visual Studio (what ever is the edition - i.e Visual Studio 2XXX or VS Enterprise Edition X.Y)? Should I take care of any additional setting for this.
Any material link on this topic would be very helpful to me.
Thanks a lot in advance for your advice.
PS : My application is a C++ based application.
From what I remembered, VS6 cannot be used to debug dumps. It's been a while since I last used it, and trying to verify me memory I came across a workaround that might allow you to debug those dumps after all: Visual C++ 6, and post-mortem (crash dump) debugging.
I don't have VC6 at hand, and have no idea if this really works. Other than that, I feel for you... There are IDEs so much better than VC6. Hope this inability gives you the push towards an upgrade. Debugging dumps is really easy with VC7 and above.

silent closing VS 2008 on Windows 7

I am trying to build a MFC Windows Application with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7. I use the "Batch build" feature of Visual Studio to get both Release and Debug of several projects' outputs with only one-click.
The problem is: Frequently, after I instruct VS 2008, some minutes later VS closes its window without any explanation. I have already seach the Web about these things and it seems that nobody as an answer.
I cannot be more specific than this. VS simply closes and you will not get any information.
Thanks in advance,
The best answer I could give would be to contact Microsoft directly and let them know of your problem. If there is no error information, it could be that they are not handling an exception and the program is just closing instead.
Seems that installing the patch quoted on solves the issue.

Link Error With Visual Studio 2005 Using Windows SDK 7.1

I am in the process of evaluating an upgrade to Windows SDK 7.1
Part of my team's legacy codebase is a large number of ATL web services, which are still maintained using Visual Studio 2005 because (I am told) ATL web services are not supported in versions beyond 2005.
When I pointed the IDE to SDK 7.1, I began to receive the following link error:
uuid.lib(cguid_i.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module
I haven't been able to find much on the web related to this problem in VS2005 and SDK 7.1.
I found some forum posts from back in 2005 about the same error -- they seemed to indicate an SDK incompatibility.
Based on the download page, I was under the impression that Windows SDK 7.1 could be used with Visual Studio 2005 (although I do note the "Not all features work with all versions of Visual Studio" disclaimer).
Is this a known issue, or have I got something configured incorrectly?
I was hoping someone could share their experience or suggest how/if I might be able to resolve this.
I discovered that this problem is circumvented by disabling /DEBUG on the linker command line. While allowing the build to complete, this is suboptimal as it precludes debugging during future maintenance.
The hotfix listed here appears to address the link error. Not sure how I missed it before.
Including here in case anyone ever searches for it using similar language.

Using Visual Studio 2010 C++ compiler and linker without Visual Studio 2010 having been installed

At my company we really like for our development tools to be able to be used from perforce, without having been installed. For a lot of tools (perforce, gcc compiler, snc compiler, even maya) this works after some tweaking, but for Visual Studio 2005 we could not get it to work. As far as we could see, the problem was caused by mspdbsrv.exe. When VS2005 was not installed, the linker would regularly exit with an error about a corrupt pdb. When VS2005 is installed, we almost never see this error.
Does anybody know if this is possible with Visual Studio 2010?
See here. This will install compilers, headers, and win32 development tools if you select them. Exactly what you need: toolchain without IDE.
Yeah, mspdbsrv.exe would be a hangup. It is a service required to arbitrate access to the program database to allow concurrent compilation. Can't get a service going without getting the registry entries right.
This did not improve in VS2010. It has an entirely new build system, based off MSBuild. There's a ton of stuff that needs to be set just right in the registry. Pretty unlikely to get that right and trouble-free without using the installer. Takes half an hour or so, not worth your time.