Open-source C++ scanning library - c++

Rationale: In my day-to-day C++ code development, I frequently need to
answer basic questions such as who calls what in a very large C++ code
base that is frequently changing. But, I also need to have some
automated way to exactly identify what the code is doing around a
particular area of code. "grep" tools such as Cscope are useful (and
I use them heavily already), but are not C++-language-aware: They
don't give any way to identify the types and kinds of lexical
environment of a given use of a type or function a such way that is
conducive to automation (even if said automation is limited to
"read-only" operations such as code browsing and navigation, but I'm
asking for much more than that below).
Question: Does there exist already an open-source C/C++-based library
(native, not managed, not Microsoft- or Linux-specific) that can
statically scan or analyze a large tree of C++ code, and can produce
result sets that answer detailed questions such as:
What functions are called by some supplied function?
What functions make use of this supplied type?
Ditto the above questions if C++ classes or class templates are involved.
The result set should provide some sort of "handle". I should be able
to feed that handle back to the library to perform the following types
of introspection:
What is the byte offset into the file where the reference was made?
What is the reference into the abstract syntax tree (AST) of that
reference, so that I can inspect surrounding code constructs? And
each AST entity would also have file path, byte-offset, and
type-info data associated with it, so that I could recursively walk
up the graph of callers or referrers to do useful operations.
The answer should meet the following requirements:
API: The API exposed must be one of the following:
C or C++ and probably is "C handle" or C++-class-instance-based
(and if it is, must be generic C o C++ code and not Microsoft- or
Linux-specific code constructs unless it is to meet specifics of
the given platform), or
Command-line standard input and standard output based.
C++ aware: Is not limited to C code, but understands C++ language
constructs in minute detail including awareness of inter-class
inheritance relationships and C++ templates.
Fast: Should scan large code bases significantly faster than
compiling the entire code base from scratch. This probably needs to
be relaxed, but only if Incremental result retrieval and Resilient
to small code changes requirements are fully met below.
Provide Result counts: I should be able to ask "How many results
would you provide to some request (and no don't send me all of the
results)?" that responds on the order of less than 3 seconds versus
having to retrieve all results for any given question. If it takes
too long to get that answer, then wastes development time. This is
coupled with the next requirement.
Incremental result retrieval: I should be able to then ask "Give me
just the next N results of this request", and then a handle to the
result set so that I can ask the question repeatedly, thus
incrementally pulling out the results in stages. This means I
should not have to wait for the entire result set before seeing
some subset of all of the results. And that I can cancel the
operation safely if I have seen enough results. Reason: I need to
answer the question: "What is the build or development impact of
changing some particular function signature?"
Resilient to small code changes: If I change a header or source
file, I should not have to wait for the entire code base to be
rescanned, but only that header or source file
rescanned. Rescanning should be quick. E.g., don't do what cscope
requires you to do, which is to rescan the entire code base for
small changes. It is understood that if you change a header, then
scanning can take longer since other files that include that header
would have to be rescanned.
IDE Agnostic: Is text editor agnostic (don't make me use a specific
text editor; I've made my choice already, thank you!)
Platform Agnostic: Is platform-agnostic (don't make me only use it
on Linux or only on Windows, as I have to use both of those
platforms in my daily grind, but I need the tool to be useful on
both as I have code sandboxes on both platforms).
Non-binary: Should not cost me anything other than time to download
and compile the library and all of its dependencies.
Not trial-ware.
Actively Supported: It is likely that sending help requests to mailing lists
or associated forums is likely to get a response in less than 2
Network agnostic: Databases the library builds should be able to be used directly on
a network from 32-bit and 64-bit systems, both Linux and Windows
interchangeably, at the same time, and do not embed hardcoded paths
to filesystems that would otherwise "root" the database to a
particular network.
Build environment agnostic: Does not require intimate knowledge of my build environment, with
the notable exception of possibly requiring knowledge of compiler
supplied CPP macro definitions (e.g. -Dmacro=value).

I would say that CLang Index is a close fit. However I don't think that it stores data in a database.
Anyway the CLang framework offer what you actually need to build a tool tailored to your needs, if only because of its C, C++ and Objective-C parsing / indexing capabitilies. And since it's provided as a set of reusable libraries... it was crafted for being developed on!

I have to admit that I haven't used either because I work with a lot of Microsoft-specific code that uses Microsoft compiler extensions that i don't expect them to understand, but the two open source analyzers I'm aware of are Mozilla Pork and the Clang Analyzer.

If you are looking for results of code analysis (metrics, graphs, ...) why not use a tool (instead of API) to do that? If you can, I suggest you to take a look at Understand.
It's not free (there's a trial version) but I found it very useful.

Maybe Doxygen with GraphViz could be the answer of some of your constraints but not all,for example the analysis of Doxygen is not incremental.


Creating a modular language in LLVM?

I'm developing a new language in LLVM using the C++ API which compiles down to target the C ABI.
I would like to support modular compilation by allowing end users to build what are effectively static libraries. I noticed the LLVM C++ API has a llvm::Linker class that I can use during compilation to combine source files (llvm::Module), however I wanted to guarantee library compatibility via metadata version numbers or at least the publicly exposed interface between separate compilation runs.
Much of the information available on metadata in LLVM suggest that it should only be used for extended information that would not break correctness when silently removed.
I wouldn't think this would be a deal breaker as it could be global metadata, but it would be good to get a second opinion on that point.
I also know there is a method in IRReader to parseIRFile so I can load some previously built bc files. I would be curious if it would be reasonable practice to include size and CRC information for comparison when loading these files.
My language has concepts similar to C# including interfaces. I figure I could allow modular compilation by importing/exporting an interface type along with external functions (Much like C++, I don't restrict the language to only methods of classes).
This approach allows me to include language specific information in the interface without needing to encode it in the IR as both the library and the calling code would be required to build with the interface. This again requires the interfaces to be compatible.
One language feature that would require extended information would be named parameters in functions.
My language is very type-safe and also mandates named parameters so there is no predetermined function parameter order. This allows call sites to be more explicit, the compiler to catch erroneous parameter usage, and authors have more liberty in determining default parameters as they are not restricted to the last parameters to the function.
The compiler will need to know names, modifiers, defaults, etc. of these parameters to correctly map calls at compile time, so I figure the interface approach would work well here.
Does LLVM have any predefined facilities for building static libraries?
Is version number, size, and CRC information reasonable use cases for LLVM's metadata?
This is probably not QUITE an answer... Or at least not a complete answer.
I like this question, as I'm going to need a solution in the future too (some time in the next few months or years) for my Pascal compiler. It supports "units" which is meant to be a separately compiled object, but currently what I do is simply drag in the source file and compile it into the main llvm::Module - that's neither efficient nor flexible (can't use the linker to choose between the "Linux" and "Windows" version of some code, for example - not that I think there is 5% chance that my compiler will work on Windows without modification anyway...)
However, I'm not sure storing the "object" file as LLVM IR would be the right thing to do. I was thinking that a better way would be to store your AST in some serialized form - then
you don't depend on LLVM versions changing the IR format.
You can add whatever metadata you like. There won't be much
difference in generating LLVM-IR from this during your link phase or
building the IR at compile and then reading the IR to figure out if
the metadata is correct. [The slow part, as you may have already found out, is the optimisation and MC generation, and you'd still have to do that either way]
Like I started out, I'm not sure this is an answer, but it's my thoughts so far on the subject. Now I'll go back to adding debug symbol stuff to my Pascal compiler... Before Christmas, I couldn't see the source in GDB. Now I can step, but no viewing of variables yet...

Are STL headers written entirely by hand?

I am looking at various STL headers provided with compilers and I cant imagine the developers actually writing all this code by hand.
All the macros and the weird names of varaibles and classes - they would have to remember all of them! Seems error prone to me.
Are parts of the headers result of some text preprocessing or generation?
I've maintained Visual Studio's implementation of the C++ Standard Library for 7 years (VC's STL was written by and licensed from P.J. Plauger of Dinkumware back in the mid-90s, and I work with PJP to pick up new features and maintenance bugfixes), and I can tell you that I do all of my editing "by hand" in a plain text editor. None of the STL's headers or sources are automatically generated (although Dinkumware's master sources, which I have never seen, go through automated filtering in order to produce customized drops for Microsoft), and the stuff that's checked into source control is shipped directly to users without any further modification (now, that is; previously we ran them through a filtering step that caused lots of headaches). I am notorious for not using IDEs/autocomplete, although I do use Source Insight to browse the codebase (especially the underlying CRT whose guts I am less familiar with), and I extensively rely on grep. (And of course I use diff tools; my favorite is an internal tool named "odd".) I do engage in very very careful cut-and-paste editing, but for the opposite reason as novices; I do this when I understand the structure of code completely, and I wish to exactly replicate parts of it without accidentally leaving things out. (For example, different containers need very similar machinery to deal with allocators; it should probably be centralized, but in the meantime when I need to fix basic_string I'll verify that vector is correct and then copy its machinery.) I've generated code perhaps twice - once when stamping out the C++14 transparent operator functors that I designed (plus<>, multiplies<>, greater<>, etc. are highly repetitive), and again when implementing/proposing variable templates for type traits (recently voted into the Library Fundamentals Technical Specification, probably destined for C++17). IIRC, I wrote an actual program for the operator functors, while I used sed for the variable templates. The plain text editor that I use (Metapad) has search-and-replace capabilities that are quite useful although weaker than outright regexes; I need stronger tools if I want to replicate chunks of text (e.g. is_same_v = is_same< T >::value).
How do STL maintainers remember all this stuff? It's a full time job. And of course, we're constantly consulting the Standard/Working Paper for the required interfaces and behavior of code. (I recently discovered that I can, with great difficulty, enumerate all 50 US states from memory, but I would surely be unable to enumerate all STL algorithms from memory. However, I have memorized the longest name, as a useless bit of trivia. :->)
The looks of it are designed to be weird in some sense. The standard library and the code in there needs to avoid conflicts with names used in user programs, including macros and there are almost no restrictions as to what can be in a user program.
They are most probably hand written, and as others have mentioned, if you spend some time looking at them you will figure out what the coding conventions are, how variables are named and so on. One of the few restrictions include that user code cannot use identifiers starting with _ followed by a capital letter or __ (two consecutive underscores), so you will find many names in the standard headers that look like _M_xxx or __yyy and it might surprise at first, but after some time you just ignore the prefix...

What generic template processor should I use?

This is a potentially dangerous question because interdisciplinary questions and answers will be biased, but I'll have a stab at it anyway. All in good spirit!
So, here we go. I'm writing a major editing mode for Emacs for the language that it has almost no support for yet. And I'm at the point, where I have to decide on a way to generate project files. Below is the syllabus of the task ahead:
The templates have to represent project directory tree, not only single files.
The resulting files are of various formats, potentially including SGML-like languages, but not limited to this variety. They also have to generate C-like source code and, eLisp source code and plain text files, like README, for example.
The templates must be processed in a batch upon user-initiated action (as in user wants to create a project - several files must be created in the user-appointed directory). It may be beneficial to have an ability to supervise the creation, but this is less important then the ability to run the process entirely automatically.
Bonus features:
The template language has already a user base (with a potential of reuse of existing templates).
The templates can be used for code snippets (contain blanks which are filled interactively once the user invokes code-generating routine while editing the file).
Obvious things like cross-platform-ness, ease of use both through graphical interface and command line.
I made a research, but I won't share my results (yet) so I won't bias the answers. The problem with answering this question is not that the answer is hard to find, but that it is hard to chose one from many.
I'm developing a system based on Mustache for exactly the use case that you've described. The template language itself is a very simple extension of Mustache called Groome.
I also released a command-line tool called Molt that renders Groome templates. I'd be curious to know if it does everything that you need. I'm still adding features to the tool and haven't yet announced it. Thanks.
I went to solve a similar problem several years aback, where I wanted to use Emacs to generate code out of a UML diagram (cogre), and also generate Makefiles from project specifications. I first tried to use Tempo, but when I tried to get the templates to nest, I ran into problems. I also looked into skeleton, but that didn't quite fit the plan either.
I ended up using Google Templates for a little bit, and liked the syntax, and developed SRecode instead, and just borrowed the good bits from Google templates. SRecode was written specifically for machine-generated code. The interaction for template insertion (aka - what tempo was written for) isn't first class in SRecode. For generating code from a data structure, however, it is very robust, and has a lot of features, and automatically filled variables. It works closely with your major mode, and allows many nested templates, with control over the nested dictionary values. There is a subsystem that will use Semantic tags and generate code from them for a couple languages. That means you can parse code in one language with Semantic, and generate code in another language with SReocde using those tags. Nifty! Many parts of CEDET Reference manuals were built that way.
The templates themselves allow looping, if statements, and include statements. There are a couple examples in SRecode for making an 'application', such as the comment writer, and EDE uses it to create Makefiles, which is almost exactly what you are trying to do.
Another option is Generator, which offers “language-agnostic project bootstrapping with an emphasis on simplicity”. Installation requires Node.js and npm.
Generator’s emphasis on simplicity means it is very easy to learn how to make a template. Generator also saves you from having to reference templates by file paths – it looks for templates in ~/.generator.
However, there is no way to write README or LICENSE files for the template itself without those files being copied to the generated project. Also, post-generation commands written in the Makefile will be copied to the generated Makefile, even after they are no longer of use. Finally, the ad-hoc templating language doesn’t provide a way to escape its __lowercasevariables__ – though I can’t think of a language where that limitation would be a problem.

Creating a limited use version of a program in VC++

Our company helps migrate client software from other languages to C++. We provide them C++ source code for their application along with header files and compiled libraries for runtime support functions. We charge for both the migration as well as the runtime. Recently a potential client asked to migrate one of a number of systems they have. This system contains 7 programs and we would like to limit the runtime so only these 7 programs can acess it. We can time limit the runtime by putting an encrypted expiration date in the object library but, since we have to provide the source code for the converted programs, we are having difficult coming up with a way to limit the access to a specific set of programs. Obviously, anything we put into the source code to identify the program could be copied to any other program so the only hope seems to be having the run time library discover some set of characteristics about the programs and then validating them against a set of characteristics embedded in the run time library. As I understand it, C++ has very little reflection capability (RTTI is all I could find) so I wanted to ask if anyone has faced a similar problem and found a way to solve it. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Based on the two answers a little clarification seems in order. We fully expect the client to modify the source code and normally we provide them an unrestricted version of the runtime libraries. This particular client requested a version that was limited to a single system and is happy to enter into a license that restricts the use of the runtime library to that system. Therefore a discussion of the legal issues isn't relevant. The issue is a technical one -- given a license that is limited to a single system and given that the client has the source to the calling programs but not the runtime, is there a way to limit access to the runtime to the set of programs comprising that system thus enforcing the terms of the license.
If they're not supposed to make further changes to the programs, why did you give them the source code? And if they are expected to continue changing the programs (i.e. maintenance), who decides whether a change constitutes a new program that's not allowed to use the library?
There's no technical way to enforce that licensing model.
There's possibly a legal way -- in the code that loads/enables the library, write a comment "This is a copy protection measure". Then DMCA forbids them from including that code into other programs (in the USA). But IANAL, and I don't think DMCA is valid anyway.
Consult a lawyer to find out what rights you have under the contract/bill of sale to restrict their use.
The most obvious answer I could think of is to get the name and/or path of the calling process-- simply compare this name to the 7 "allowed" programs in your support library. Certainly, they could create a new process with the same name, but they might not know to do so.
Another level could be to further compare the executable size against the known size for that application. (You'll likely want to allow a reasonably wide range around the expected size, in case they make changes to the source code, and/or compile with different options.)
As another thought, you might try adding some seemingly benign strings into the app's resources. ("Copyright 2011 ~Your Corporation Name~")-- You can then scan the parent executable for the magic strings. If they create a new product, they might not think to create this resource.
Finally, as already noted by Ben, if you are giving them the source code, there are likely no foolproof solutions to this problem. (As he said, at what point does "modified" code become a new application?) The best you will likely be able to do is to add enough small roadblocks that they won't bother trying to use that lib for another product. It likely depends on how determined and/or lucky they are.
Why not just technically limit the use of the runtime to one system? There are many software protection solutions out there, one that comes to my mind is SmartDongle.
Now the runtime could still be used by any other program on that machine, but I think this should be a minor concern, no?

Where do I learn "what I need to know" about C++ compilers?

I'm just starting to explore C++, so forgive the newbiness of this question. I also beg your indulgence on how open ended this question is. I think it could be broken down, but I think that this information belongs in the same place.
(FYI -- I am working predominantly with the QT SDK and mingw32-make right now and I seem to have configured them correctly for my machine.)
I knew that there was a lot in the language which is compiler-driven -- I've heard about pre-compiler directives, but it seems like someone would be able to write books the different C++ compilers and their respective parameters. In addition, there are commands which apparently precede make (like qmake, for example (is this something only in QT)).
I would like to know if there is any place which gives me an overview of what compilers are out there, and what their different options are. I'd also like to know how each of them views Makefiles (it seems that there is a difference in syntax between them?).
If there is no website regarding, "Everything you need to know about C++ compilers but were afraid to ask," what would be the best way to go about learning the answers to these questions?
Concerning the "numerous options of the various compilers"
A piece of good news: you needn't worry about the detail of most of these options. You will, in due time, delve into this, only for the very compiler you use, and maybe only for the options that pertain to a particular set of features. But as a novice, generally trust the default options or the ones supplied with the make files.
The broad categories of these features (and I may be missing a few) are:
pre-processor defines (now, you may need a few of these)
code generation (target CPU, FPU usage...)
optimization (hints for the compiler to favor speed over size and such)
inclusion of debug info (which is extra data left in the object/binary and which enables the debugger to know where each line of code starts, what the variables names are etc.)
directives for the linker
output type (exe, library, memory maps...)
C/C++ language compliance and warnings (compatibility with previous version of the compiler, compliance to current and past C Standards, warning about common possible bug-indicative patterns...)
compile-time verbosity and help
Concerning an inventory of compilers with their options and features
I know of no such list but I'm sure it probably exists on the web. However, suggest that, as a novice you worry little about these "details", and use whatever free compiler you can find (gcc certainly a great choice), and build experience with the language and the build process. C professionals may likely argue, with good reason and at length on the merits of various compilers and associated runtine etc., but for generic purposes -and then some- the free stuff is all that is needed.
Concerning the build process
The most trivial applications, such these made of a single unit of compilation (read a single C/C++ source file), can be built with a simple batch file where the various compiler and linker options are hardcoded, and where the name of file is specified on the command line.
For all other cases, it is very important to codify the build process so that it can be done
a) automatically and
b) reliably, i.e. with repeatability.
The "recipe" associated with this build process is often encapsulated in a make file or as the complexity grows, possibly several make files, possibly "bundled together in a script/bat file.
This (make file syntax) you need to get familiar with, even if you use alternatives to make/nmake, such as Apache Ant; the reason is that many (most?) source code packages include a make file.
In a nutshell, make files are text files and they allow defining targets, and the associated command to build a target. Each target is associated with its dependencies, which allows the make logic to decide what targets are out of date and should be rebuilt, and, before rebuilding them, what possibly dependencies should also be rebuilt. That way, when you modify say an include file (and if the make file is properly configured) any c file that used this header will be recompiled and any binary which links with the corresponding obj file will be rebuilt as well. make also include options to force all targets to be rebuilt, and this is sometimes handy to be sure that you truly have a current built (for example in the case some dependencies of a given object are not declared in the make).
On the Pre-processor:
The pre-processor is the first step toward compiling, although it is technically not part of the compilation. The purposes of this step are:
to remove any comment, and extraneous whitespace
to substitute any macro reference with the relevant C/C++ syntax. Some macros for example are used to define constant values such as say some email address used in the program; during per-processing any reference to this constant value (btw by convention such constants are named with ALL_CAPS_AND_UNDERSCORES) is replace by the actual C string literal containing the email address.
to exclude all conditional compiling branches that are not relevant (the #IFDEF and the like)
What's important to know about the pre-processor is that the pre-processor directive are NOT part of the C-Language proper, and they serve several important functions such as the conditional compiling mentionned earlier (used for example to have multiple versions of the program, say for different Operating Systems, or indeed for different compilers)
Taking it from there...
After this manifesto of mine... I encourage to read but little more, and to dive into programming and building binaries. It is a very good idea to try and get a broad picture of the framework etc. but this can be overdone, a bit akin to the exchange student who stays in his/her room reading the Webster dictionary to be "prepared" for meeting native speakers, rather than just "doing it!".
Ideally you shouldn't need to care what C++ compiler you are using. The compatability to the standard has got much better in recent years (even from microsoft)
Compiler flags obviously differ but the same features are generally available, it's just a differently named option to eg. set warning level on GCC and ms-cl
The build system is indepenant of the compiler, you can use any make with any compiler.
That is a lot of questions in one.
C++ compilers are a lot like hammers: They come in all sizes and shapes, with different abilities and features, intended for different types of users, and at different price points; ultimately they all are for doing the same basic task as the others.
Some are intended for highly specialized applications, like high-performance graphics, and have numerous extensions and libraries to assist the engineer with those types of problems. Others are meant for general purpose use, and aren't necessarily always the greatest for extreme work.
The technique for using each type of hammer varies from model to model—and version to version—but they all have a lot in common. The macro preprocessor is a standard part of C and C++ compilers.
A brief comparison of many C++ compilers is here. Also check out the list of C compilers, since many programs don't use any C++ features and can be compiled by ordinary C.
C++ compilers don't "view" makefiles. The rules of a makefile may invoke a C++ compiler, but also may "compile" assembly language modules (assembling), process other languages, build libraries, link modules, and/or post-process object modules. Makefiles often contain rules for cleaning up intermediate files, establishing debug environments, obtaining source code, etc., etc. Compilation is one link in a long chain of steps to develop software.
Also, many development environments abstract the makefile into a "project file" which is used by an integrated development environment (IDE) in an attempt to simplify or automate many programming tasks. See a comparison here.
As for learning: choose a specific problem to solve and dive in. The target platform (Linux/Windows/etc.) and problem space will narrow the choices pretty well. Which you choose is often linked to other considerations, such as working for a particular company, or being part of a team. C++ has something like 95% commonality among all its flavors. Learn any one of them well, and learning the next is a piece of cake.