Clojure def vs defn for a function with no arguments - clojure

I have written a program in clojure but some of the functions have no arguments. What would be the advantages of coding such functions as a "def" instead of a "defn" with no arguments?

(def t0 (System/currentTimeMillis))
(defn t1 [] (System/currentTimeMillis))
;; => 1318408717941
;; => 1318408644243
;; => 1318408644243
;; => 1318408719361

defs are evaluated only once whereas defns (with or without arguments) are evaluated (executed) every time they are called. So if your functions always return the same value, you can change them to defs but not otherwise.

(defn name ...) is just a macro that turns into (def name (fn ...) anyway, not matter how many parameters it has. So it's just a shortcut. See (doc defn) for details.

The def special form creates a Var object identified by a symbol given as its first argument. Identification is created by associating the given symbol with a Var in a map called namespace.
The Var holds a reference to some value, which could be expressed (among others):
as a constant form, which always evaluates to its own value:
(def x 1)
;; => 1 ; x holds a reference to a number 1
as a function form, which at first is evaluated to its resulting value:
(def x (+ 2 2))
;; => 4 ; x holds a reference to a number 4
as a Java method form, which at first is evaluated to its resulting value:
(def x (System/currentTimeMillis))
;; => 1417811438904 ; x holds a reference to a number 1417811438904
;; => 1417811438904 ; still the same number!
as a lambda form (anonymous function), which at first is evaluated to a function object:
(def x (fn [] (System/currentTimeMillis)))
;; => #<user$x user$x#4c2b1826>
(x) ; function form, function evaluated
;; => 1417811438904
(x) ; function form, function evaluated
;; => 1417812565866
There is a simple rule for all of the above. In case of def special form an S-expression given as its second argument is recursively evaluated before binding is created, so the resulting Var is bound to the result of this evaluation.
Even fn is evaluated before, but its resulting value is a function object that holds a code. This code will be executed (and evaluated) each time the function is called. That's why there are different results.
The defn macro is just like def but internally it creates an anonymous function and then binds a Var object to it. Its second argument becomes a body of this function and it's not evaluated in a "regular" way. One could also say it is evaluated but as a lambda form – the result of the evaluation is a function object, not the result of some instant calculation.
So writing:
(defn fun [] 1)
Is synonymous to:
(def fun (fn [] 1))


condp and its colon double chevron syntax

I have come across a function in Clojure named condp which takes a binary predicate, an expression, and a set of clauses. Each clause can take the form of either.Two examples of it's usage are:
(defn foo [x]
(condp = x
0 "it's 0"
1 "it's 1"
2 "it's 2"
(str "else it's " x)))
(foo 0) => "it's 0"
(defn baz [x]
(condp get x {:a 2 :b 3} :>> (partial + 3)
{:c 4 :d 5} :>> (partial + 5)
(baz :b) => 6
The first example is very understandable, but the scond usage of the function uses a special syntax in the form of :>> which I have not seen before. Can anybody explain why this keywords is used with the condp function and whether it has uses outside the scope of condp.
Let's have a look at condp documentation:
=> (doc condp) ; in my REPL
([pred expr & clauses])
Takes a binary predicate, an expression, and a set of clauses.
Each clause can take the form of either:
test-expr result-expr
test-expr :>> result-fn
Note :>> is an ordinary keyword.
For each clause, (pred test-expr expr) is evaluated. If it returns
logical true, the clause is a match. If a binary clause matches, the
result-expr is returned, if a ternary clause matches, its result-fn,
which must be a unary function, is called with the result of the
predicate as its argument, the result of that call being the return
value of condp. A single default expression can follow the clauses,
and its value will be returned if no clause matches. If no default
expression is provided and no clause matches, an
IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
So, :>> is just an ordinary keyword used in condp macro as some kind of syntactic sugar:
=> (class :>>)
=> (name :>>)
:>> keyword is used in condp macro to indicate that the following thing is a function to be called on the result of (pred test-expr expr) call, rather than the value to be returned.

constantly function not workint in syntax quote

If I do this:
(eval (let [f (fn [& _] 10)]
`(~f nil)))
It returns 10 as expected.
Although if I do this:
(eval (let [f (constantly 10)]
`(~f nil)))
It throws an exception:
IllegalArgumentException No matching ctor found for
class clojure.core$constantly$fn__... clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeConstructor
Since both are equivalent why is the code with constantly not working?
This question has two answers, to really get it.
First, to clarify why your eval form is not giving you the expected result in the second case, note that f has been assigned to be equal to the function (fn [& _] 10). This means when that form is evaluated, the function object is again evaluated--probably not what you had in mind.
tl;dr: f is evaluted when it is bound, and again (with ill-defined results) when the form you create is eval'd.
The reason why one (the anonymous function) works, while the other fails means we have to look at some of the internals of the evaluation process.
When Clojure evaluates an object expression (like the expression formed by a function object), it uses the following method, in clojure.lang.Compiler$ObjExpr
public Object eval() {
return null;
return getCompiledClass().newInstance();
catch(Exception e)
throw Util.sneakyThrow(e);
Try this at the REPL:
Start with an anonymous function:
user=> (fn [& _] 10)
#<user$eval141$fn__142 user$eval141$fn__142#2b2a5dd1>
user=> (.getClass *1)
user=> (.newInstance *1)
#<user$eval141$fn__142 user$eval141$fn__142#ee7a10e> ; different instance
user=> (*1)
Note that newInstance on Class calls that class' nullary constructor -- one that takes no arguments.
Now try a function that closes over some values
user=> (let [x 10] #(+ x 1))
#<user$eval151$fn__152 user$eval151$fn__152#3a565388>
user=> (.getClass *1)
user=> (.newInstance *1)
InstantiationException user$eval151$fn__152 [...]
Since the upvalues of a closure are set at construction, this kind of function class has no nullary constructor, and making a new one with no context fails.
Finally, look at the source of constantly
user=> (source constantly)
(defn constantly
"Returns a function that takes any number of arguments and returns x."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
[x] (fn [& args] x))
The function returned by constantly closes over x so the compiler won't be able to eval this kind of function.
tl;dr (again): Functions with no upvalues can be evaluated in this way and produce a new instance of the same function. Functions with upvalues can't be evaluated like this.

Syntax issue in Clojure Koan - anonymous function has extra ()

06_function.clj contains this question, I can't figure out why there is an extra pair of () in position 1 and 2, since position 3 already has brackets wrapped up.
"One function can beget another"
(= 9 (
( <---- 1
(fn [] (fn [a b] (+ a b))) <----3
) <-----2
4 5))
(fn [a b] (+ a b))
is a function that takes 2 arguments and returns their sum, let's substitute if with name fun1
(fn [] fun1)
is a function that takes nothing and returns function object fun1. Let's call this new function fun2
here we call fun2, which, as we previously discussed, returns function fun1
4 5)
here we call fun1 (returned from (fun2)) with 2 arguments - 4 and 5. This gives us 9
(= 9
and finally we check equality of 2 numbers. They are actually equal.
The main thing you should understand here is that functions in Clojure are also first-class citizens. You may produce them (like fun1), pass them to other functions and return from them (like we returned fun1 from fun2). So each layer of ( and ) is just another call to a function (possibly returned from some other function).
It's there to evaluate the function created by outer fn.
So, in turn:
(fn [a b] (+ a b)
creates the inner function that sums it's arguments
(fn [] (fn [a b] (+ a b))
creates the outer function with taking zero arguments and returning a function that sums it's arguments.
(fn [] (fn [a b] (+ a b)))
forces evaluation of the outer function (and returns it's result - a function that sums two values).
Remember that when you see parentheses in lisps the first thing that should pop in your mind is that it's an application of the function/form/macro to it's arguments.

How to apply values to multiple functions in Clojure?

Basically, I need to do something like map, but instead of applying a function to all elements in a collection, I need to apply the same (set of) value(s) to a collection of functions (does this operation have a name?). This might seem like a simple question, but I haven't found an idiomatic way to do it in Clojure. For the special case where I need to apply only one value to each function, for example, I have used
(for [f funs] (f value))
where value is, of course, the value I need each function to take as an argument, and funs is the collection of functions which need to be called with value as the argument.
My question is, then, is there a function in Clojure that does this, but is also generalised for arbitrary numbers of arguments? Or is the above indeed idiomatic Clojure?
You're looking for juxt
Takes a set of functions and returns a fn that is the juxtaposition
of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable number of args, and
returns a vector containing the result of applying each fn to the
args (left-to-right).
((juxt a b c) x) => [(a x) (b x) (c x)]
From a section of CLOJURE for the BRAVE and TRUE
Another fun thing you can do with map is pass it a collection of
functions. You could use this if you wanted to perform a set of
calculations on different collections of numbers, like so:
(def sum #(reduce + %))
(def avg #(/ (sum %) (count %)))
(defn stats
(map #(% numbers) [sum count avg]))
(stats [3 4 10])
; => (17 3 17/3)
(stats [80 1 44 13 6])
; => (144 5 144/5)

What does this function definition in clojure code example do?

I am following along 'Clojure in Action' and I am confused by this :
(defn with-log [function-to-call log-statement ]
(fn [& args]
(println log-statement)
(apply function-to-call args)))
This is the segment of code that has me confused. This is what I can decipher so far:
(defn with-log [function-to-call log-statement ] ..) is defining a function with name "with-log" that takes arguments 'function-to-call' and 'log-statement' and function-to-call is a function being passed as a parameter to this function.
The next section is confusing to me : (fn [& args] .... is an anonymous function being defined here ? Is the 'with-log' function returning a new function definition ?
(fn [& args]
(println log-statement)
(apply function-to-call args))
So by calling (with-log somefunc "my label") -- is it just returing a new anonymous function ? Or is it invoking the anonymous function ?
with-log will yield a function that, when called, will do exactly what function-to-call did except with the side-effect that log-statement will be printed to *out* just before function-to-call is evaluated using the arguments given to the anonymous function.
This is an example of the Decorator Pattern - extending the behaviour of an existing function by wrapping it in another function i.e. the anonymous function created by with-log using the (fn ...) form.
In order for the decorator function with-log to work with any conceivable function-to-call, the anonymous function's argument list is specified so that it can be called with number of arguments using (fn [& args] ...). When the anonymous function calls function-to-call it 'unwraps' the argument list with the function apply).
Ways to make use of with-log might be:
((with-log some-fn "Calling some-fn") arg1 arg2)
(defn my-fn [a b]
(+ a b))
(def my-fn-with-logging (with-log my-fn "Calling my-fn"))
(my-fn 1 2) ; evaluates to 3
(my-fn-with-logging 1 2) ; prints "Calling my-fn" and evaluates to 3
It is returning the anonymous function, and it is not being called.
For example, this would invoke the anonymous function with the given arguments:
((with-log some-fn "log statement") arg1 arg2)
This works because the function being returned is the first item in the list, which means it gets invoked just like any other function would.
Yes, you're right. (fn ..) is a form which creates anonymous function. This piece of code, given a function f and some value s will return a function, which, when called, will print s and then invoke f:
user=> (defn with-log [function-to-call log-statement ]
(fn [& args]
(println log-statement)
(apply function-to-call args)))
user=> (with-log + "String")
#<user$with_log$fn__1 user$with_log$fn__1#147264b1>
user=> ((with-log + "String") 1 2 3)
Note the line starting with #<user$.... This is internal identifier of the anonymous function that just has been created, that is, simple call to with-log returns a function. And then we apply the same function (it is same in terms of its behavior; it will be different object in fact, because each call to with-log creates new "instance" of the same function) to a number of arguments. "String" string gets printed and then REPL shows us a result of (+ 1 2 3).
Here you can learn more about it.