Radio buttons enabled, user cannot change the value - mfc

Is it possible to have enabled radio buttons though the user cannot change the value?

It is possible. If you create your radio buttons with the BS_RADIOBUTTON style instead of BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON then Windows will not automatically change the selection when the user clicks a radio button. (In the dialog editor in Visual Studio, right click the radio button and set the Auto property to False.)
Read the "Using Radio Buttons" section of this page in MSDN for more information.

either you can setchek it to BST_CHECKED and the EnableWindow to FALSE
on every other selection of radio button make the radio button that you need selected


MFC radio button group message handler

I've got two little questions at Visual Studio MFC-GUI programming technique regarding the handling of a group of radio buttons in VS2015 CE.
I have a little dialog based application. This application draws some lines on my dialog with a specified pen.
Now I made a group of radio buttons to be able do use different colors for the pen. So I created a group box, placed the radio buttons into this group box, enabled the group property of the first radio button and checked the tab sequence so that all of the radio buttons are properly in sequence.
That's ok - testing the GUI I'm able to select just one of the radio button as planned, because I wouldn't be able to draw a line in to different colors at the same time. Now I added an handler for the BN_CLICKED Message of the first radio button object in the ClassWizard to add the selection of different colored pens.
Now comes the interesting part. This handler is executed only when i click the first radio button. The one with group property enabled. I thought it should be executed whenever I click any of the radio buttons in this group. The next thing I tried was to add an BN_CLICKED-Messagehandler to all of those radio buttons, but the ClassWizard does not shows the BN_CLICKED Message for the other radio buttons - only for the one with group proerty enabled.
After googling around I read a post that one would be able to add an BN_CLICKED-Messagehandler for an button by simply double clicking it in the Dialog. So I double clicked all of my radio buttons and added an invocation of the BN_CLICKED-Messagehandler of the first radio button. That's working as a workaround so that now my line is drawn in the different colors whenever I click on any of those radio buttons (black, blue, red , and so on).
I have two questions - is this behaviour intended? I suppose the reason why I'm only able to add a BN_CLICKED-Messagehandler in the ClassWizard for the first radio button is, that it would be invoked by any of the radio buttons in my group, wouldn't it?
Another question is, I would have preferred to write the handler once and be able to tell the class wizard to use this particular handler instead of creating a unique handler for each of the buttons. That's independent of this radio buttons. I tested this with a simple application which consists of an assembly of several buttons - which can have their own BN_CLICKED-Messagehandlers attached by the class wizard. When I didn't accept the automatically generated functionname from the wizard and enter the name of my own handlerfunction it simply states that it wouldn't be able to overwrite it. How can I select an existing handler for an object message in the class wizard or is that not possible and I have to do this manually in code for myself?
Hope there's an VS2015 MFC Guy out there be able to tell me ..
This is indeed by design. You could have wanted different behaviour for each button click - if you don;t simply associate all of the BN_CLICKED to the same message handler and delete the ones that were automatically generated.
You can also use ON_CONTROL_RANGE(BN_CLICKED, id1, id2, memberFxn ) - make sure your buttons are in the same range in your resource.h
Hope that helps!

How to hide a custom toolbar from IE

I have developed a toolbar with one button for IE.
My toolbar displays with a default close button in the IE window.
When I click on the close button the toolbar prompts for the disable option.
This completely disables the toolbar.
But what I need is I just want to hide the toolbar. So still it can perform some actions even though the toolbar is not visible.
How can I make the toolbar just to hide instead of disable?
have you tried any IE statements? There are a few for JS aConditional comments

How to add a menu item dynamically with an image in MFC featurepack

In MFC featurepack i create a standard menu and set the ID of sub menu to the same command of toolbar button to take that button's image that toolbar is the one sent to this method
and also I use the
GetContextMenuManager()->AddMenu(L"Mymenu", IDR_ContextMenu1);
in the application and
in the show menu event
I need to know how to add a menu item with a specified icon at the run-time dynamically
See the documentation about OnInitMenuPopup of your CMainFrame.

How do I add a Checkbox to a tool bar in MFC with a custom bitmap?

I have a C++ MFC MDI application. I have a tool bar with some buttons on it. I need to add some check boxes to this toolbar and i need them to have custom bitmaps just as my buttons do. Thanks
By bitmpas i refer to the pixel images that can be created using the tool bar editor in visual stuidos 2008. I would like a picture (of my creation) instead of the usual tick box.
You don't use checkboxes on toolbars.
You should rather use regular buttons in Check mode. That means that the button stays pressed when user releases it. Clicking it a second time releases the button. This is the same behaviour as a checkbox.
You can either set a toolbar button as checkable by code:
m_ToolBar.SetButtonStyle(nButtonId, TBBS_CHECKBOX);
Or by enabling the corresponding property in the resource editor.
If you want to modify the image displayed when the button is pressed, in your ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler, use m_ToolBar.GetButtonInfo() to check if the image matches the state. If not, change it using m_ToolBar.SetButtonInfo() and specify the index of an extra image added to the image list of the toolbar.
The following is a link which might help you

how to save radio button status?

i have dialogbox as a singleton class and on that dialog box i hv 2 radio button on and off which are grouped.when i make on group true in resource and add variable then if i clicked on off radio button and then if i open again that dialog box its focus is on "off" radio button which is right. but when i make "off" button group true i.e. initially its on "off" raio button then if i cliked on "on" button and closed an reopen the dialog focus is neither on "off" nor on "on".i hv used setfocus also but nothing working
You can use SetCheck to select the proper radio button when the dialog opens and GetCheck on each radio button to see which is selected. The easier option is to use DDX_Radio to automatically associate an index with the selection of a radio button.
If I am not wrong with you description, when you close the dialog box you call the destructor. If the dialog is in a 'greater' executable - the dialog is called by another dialog in the same .exe - you can declare the variable as global instead of member (as I suppose is declared).
Otherwise you send data to your .exe by using shared data.
Got the answer:)
suppose i have made two radio button Radio1 and Radio2 under group box then we hv to make group true for first radio button i.e. Radio1 then add varible integer on Radio1 button.If we want focus on Radio2 initially or by default then in constructor of dialogbox on which these radio button exist make variable value as 1 (as index start from 0).