c++ va_arg typecast issue - c++

I am writing a small c++ app and have been stumped by this issue. Is there a way to create (and later catch ) the error while accessing element from va_list macro using va_arg if element type is not expected. Eg:-
if (count <= 0 || count > 30)
reportParamError(); return;
Now, if I am passing a typedef instead of int, I get garbage value on MS compiler but 95% of time count gets value 0 on gcc (on 64 bit sles10 sys). Is there a way I can enforce some typechecking, so that I get an error that can be caught in a catch block?
Any ideas on this would be very helpful to me. Or is there a better way to do this. The function prototype is:-
void process(App_Context * pActx, ...)
The function is called as
It is essential for pActx to be passed as 1st parameter and hence cannot pass count as 1st parameter.
Ok, this sounds strange but nargs does not seem to part of va_list on sles10 gcc. I had to put in
#ifdef _WIN32
After using this, parameters following nargs do not get garbage values. However, this introduces compiler/platform based #ifdefs....Thanks Chris and Kristopher

If you know a count will always be passed as the second argument, then you could always change the signature to this:
void process(App_Context * pActx, int count, ...)
If that's not an option, then there is really no way to catch it. That's just how the variable-argument-list stuff works: there is no way for the callee to know what arguments are being passed, other than whatever information the caller passes.
If you look into how the va_arg macro and related macros are implemented, you may be able to figure out how to inspect all the stuff on the stack. However, this would not be portable, and it is not recommended except as a debugging aid.
You also might want to look into alternatives to variable-arguments, like function overloading, templates, or passing a vector or list of arguments.

No, there is no way. varargs doesn't provide any way to check the types of parameters passed in. You must only read them with the correct type which means that you need another way of communicating type information.
You are likely to be better off avoiding varargs functionality unless you really need it. It's only really a C++ feature for the sake of legacy functions such as printf and friends.


c making variable argument required

I have a function as
AddSprintf(char* , ... )
I want to make compile time error if somebody is calling it without two arguments.
Currently if somebody is calling like
it works. But I want to disable calling like this.
Is there any way using g++ I can force passing of argument ?
Overload AddSprintf:
void AddSprintf(const char* , ... ) {}
void AddSprintf(const char*);
Then you get a weird error message when compiling AddSprintf("hello")
But keep in mind that with C++11 you should use variadic templates because they are typesafe.
What about
AddSprintf(char* , char*, ... )
You can't, really. The dots stand for "zero or more arguments", and there is no way of knowing if there is any arguments. Except maybe using assembler and do some checking of the stack pointer.
As 0A0D says, it's variadic - by definition, the compiler is going to be fine with it. If you want it to fail at compiler time, you may have to pull tricks - for example, if you're unit testing, have code that makes the function fail with one argument call, so that new programmers will know they can't do that.
That said, why are you trying to do this? There may be a better solution to your problem.
If you want to stick to the same name, then you can use variadic macro:
#define AddSprintf(X,...) AddSprintf(X,__VA_ARGS__)
But be very careful with this solution, as AddSprintf would work first as text replacement in preprocessing stage. Then only it would be a function.

Name variable Lua

I have the following code in Lua:
test (X)
The test function is implemented in C + +. My problem is this: I need to know what the variable name passed as parameter (in this case X). In C + + only have access to the value of this variable, but I must know her name.
Help please
Functions are not passed variables; they are passed values. Variables are just locations that store values.
When you say X somewhere in your Lua code, that means to get the value from the variable X (note: it's actually more complicated than that, but I won't get into that here).
So when you say test(X), you're saying, "Get the value from the variable X and pass that value as the first parameter to the function test."
What it seems like you want to do is change the contents of X, right? You want to have the test function modify X in some way. Well, you can't really do that directly in Lua. Nor should you.
See, in Lua, you can return values from functions. And you can return multiple values. Even from C++ code, you can return multiple values. So whatever it is you wanted to store in X can just be returned:
X = test(X)
This way, the caller of the function decides what to do with the value, not the function itself. If the caller wants to modify the variable, that's fine. If the caller wants to stick it somewhere else, that's also fine. Your function should not care one way or the other.
Also, this allows the user to do things like test(5). Here, there is no variable; you just pass a value directly. That's one reason why functions cannot modify the "variable" that is passed; because it doesn't have to be a variable. Only values are passed, so the user could simply pass a literal value rather than one stored in a variable.
In short: you can't do it, and you shouldn't want to.
The correct answer is that Lua doesn't really support this, but there is the debug interface. See this question for the solution you're looking for. If you can't get a call to debug to work directly from C++, then wrap your function call with a Lua function that first extracts the debug results and then calls your C++ function.
If what you're after is a string representation of the argument, then you're kind of stuck in lua.
I'm thinking something like in C:
assert( x==y );
Which generates a nice message on failure. In C this is done through macros.
Something like this (untested and probably broken).
#define assert(X) if(!(X)) { printf("ASSERION FAILED: %s\n", #X ); abort(); }
Here #X means the string form of the arguments. In the example above that is "x==y". Note that this is subtly different from a variable name - its just the string used in the parser when expanding the macro.
Unfortunately there's no such corresponding functionality in lua. For my lua testing libraries I end up passing the stringified version as part of the expression, so in lua my code looks something like this:
assert( x==y, "x==y")
There may be ways to make this work as assert("x==y") using some kind of string evaluation and closure mechanism, but it seemed to tricky to be worth doing to me.
While this doesn't appear to be possible in pure lua, there's a patched version that does seem to support macros: http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaMacros . They even have an example of a nicer assert.

Detect function call in printf()'s arguments

For a long time now, we've had a logging system that worked much like this:
#define LOG( LEVEL, FORMAT, ... ) my_log_function( LEVEL, __FUNCTION__, \
my_log_function will check the level of logging currently in place, and if acceptable, will do some pretty printing (file/line where it was logged, time etc..) of the informations passed.
Now, problem is, this macro definition has two massive drawback:
1/ When used, the arguments passed in that macro are evaluated, which means lots of performance hits when your code is crowded by LOG() calls.
See example here:
LOG( INFO, "The parameters: %s %d %d\n", heavyMethod().name(),
heavyMethod2().id(), work_done_in_this_function());
Even if the "INFO" logging level is deactivated, all the parameters will be evaluated before entering the function.
If you log the function calls, you'll see this happening:
call to heavyMethod()
call to name()
call to heavyMethod2()
call to id()
call to work_done_in_this_function()
(at last) call to my_log_function()
That's pretty bad when you have 1000's of LOG() calls.
Solution is simple: take out of my_log_function the code that checks the level and modify the LOG() definition like this:
#define LOG( LVL, FMT, ... ) do{ if( level_enabled(LVL) ) \
{ \
my_log_function( LVL, ...); \
} \
This makes sure that when the log level is not sufficient, the parameters are not evaluated (since they are in a bracket block).
2/ As you've seen in my example, the last function that is called is doing some sort of work that wouldn't be done if the LOG() function wasn't called.
This happens quite a lot in our code (and I know, this SUCKS HARD, people have lost fingers to this already).
With the enhancement I made in point 1/, we now have to check every LOG() call to see if some work was done in there that isn't done anymore, now that we neutralized the calls.
This is where you guys enter: do you know a simple method that would check if an argument to a function is actually modifying something?
The project is in C++, and most functions that "don't modify anything" are marked as const.
Note that this includes some tricky things like: LOG( INFO, "Number of items: %d\n", _item_number++);, where _item_number is an object's class member (thus doesn't get incremented if INFO level is not activated :-( ).
TL;DR: NEVER, NEVER do work in printf(). ALWAYS do it beforehand:
// BAD
printf("Number: %d\n",++i);
printf("Number: %d\n", i);
Basically, you're trying to check for pure functions (i.e. ones which have no side effects). An easy way to check this is to check that it does not make any writes to global memory.
GCC supports a couple of ways of enforcing this. First, there is the const attribute, which when applied to a function, causes it not to be able to read or write from global memory (only its own stack). The issue is, this may be a little restrictive for what you want.
There's also the pure attribute, which is basically the same, but allows for access from global memory, but not to it, which should also enforce what you want.
Each of these are applied by putting __attribute__(pure) (or __attribute__(const)) by the method declaration. Sadly, I don't think there's a way of enforcing this per call, although there may be a way using function pointers. I'll update if I find one.
Ref: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Function-Attributes.html
EDIT: As listed here, it may be possible to apply this to a function pointer although I don't think there's a way to do it without embedding a function pointer into each method call in your macro (which needs to know the argument layout of each function, anyway) or declaring all your functions as pure.
EDIT2: Yeah, this also won't catch things like i++ in your parameter lists. Those will have to be done using some regex magic I think.

Variable arguments weirdness

Ok, so this piece of code works fine in the Debug but not in Release build.
int AddString(LPCTSTR lpszString, ...)
RArray<LPCTSTR> strings;
va_list args;
va_start(args, lpszString);
} while (lpszString = va_arg(args, LPCTSTR));
// ... rest of code ...
It seems in Release, va_arg just returns an extra value containing rubbish. So if I pass on 3 parameters: I fetch 3 in Debug and miraculously 4 in Release... How is this possible? Using VS2010 btw.
(RArray is just a simple template class comparable to MFC's CArray, does not influence results)
Edit: I call it like this
AddString(_T("Hello, world!"), _T("Hallo, wereld!"), _T("Hallo, Welt!"));
You're doing it the wrong way and you're just lucky with the debug build.
Notice that va_arg does not determine either whether the retrieved argument
is the last argument passed to the function (or even if it is an element
past the end of that list). The function should be designed in such a way
that the amount of parameters can be inferred in some way by the values of
either the named parameters or the additional arguments already read.
Supply either the length of the list in an integer or pass a NULL at the end of the list.
You're not supplying the final NULL argument your function expects. You have to do this yourself at the point where you call AddString:
AddString(_T("Hello, world!"), _T("Hallo, wereld!"), _T("Hallo, Welt!"), NULL);
It is likely that the debug build zeros out some memory that the release build doesn't. This could explain why your code works in debug but not in release.
Also, you might want to convert the do {} while (...) loop into while (...) {}, to make sure your code doesn't malfunction if no optional arguments are given.
va_arg does not offer any guarantee to return 0 after last real argument.
If you're going to use the C style variable arguments, then you need to establish some way of determining the number of arguments, e.g. a count or a terminating zero.
For example, printf determines the arguments from the format specification argument.
In C++ you can often, instead, use chained calls, such as the operator<< calls used for standard iostreams.
The simple, basic idea is that the operator or function returns a reference to the object that it is called on, so that further operator or function calls can be appended.

Function pointers and unknown number of arguments in C++

I came across the following weird chunk of code.Imagine you have the following typedef:
typedef int (*MyFunctionPointer)(int param_1, int param_2);
And then , in a function , we are trying to run a function from a DLL in the following way:
LPCWSTR DllFileName; //Path to the dll stored here
LPCSTR _FunctionName; // (mangled) name of the function I want to test
MyFunctionPointer functionPointer;
HINSTANCE hInstLibrary = LoadLibrary( DllFileName );
FARPROC functionAddress = GetProcAddress( hInstLibrary, _FunctionName );
functionPointer = (MyFunctionPointer) functionAddress;
//The values are arbitrary
int a = 5;
int b = 10;
int result = 0;
result = functionPointer( a, b ); //Possible error?
The problem is, that there isn't any way of knowing if the functon whose address we got with LoadLibrary takes two integer arguments.The dll name is provided by the user at runtime, then the names of the exported functions are listed and the user selects the one to test ( again, at runtime :S:S ).
So, by doing the function call in the last line, aren't we opening the door to possible stack corruption? I know that this compiles, but what sort of run-time error is going to occur in the case that we are passing wrong arguments to the function we are pointing to?
There are three errors I can think of if the expected and used number or type of parameters and calling convention differ:
if the calling convention is different, wrong parameter values will be read
if the function actually expects more parameters than given, random values will be used as parameters (I'll let you imagine the consequences if pointers are involved)
in any case, the return address will be complete garbage, so random code with random data will be run as soon as the function returns.
In two words: Undefined behavior
I'm afraid there is no way to know - the programmer is required to know the prototype beforehand when getting the function pointer and using it.
If you don't know the prototype beforehand then I guess you need to implement some sort of protocol with the DLL where you can enumerate any function names and their parameters by calling known functions in the DLL. Of course, the DLL needs to be written to comply with this protocol.
If it's a __stdcall function and they've left the name mangling intact (both big ifs, but certainly possible nonetheless) the name will have #nn at the end, where nn is a number. That number is the number of bytes the function expects as arguments, and will clear off the stack before it returns.
So, if it's a major concern, you can look at the raw name of the function and check that the amount of data you're putting onto the stack matches the amount of data it's going to clear off the stack.
Note that this is still only a protection against Murphy, not Machiavelli. When you're creating a DLL, you can use an export file to change the names of functions. This is frequently used to strip off the name mangling -- but I'm pretty sure it would also let you rename a function from xxx#12 to xxx#16 (or whatever) to mislead the reader about the parameters it expects.
Edit: (primarily in reply to msalters's comment): it's true that you can't apply __stdcall to something like a member function, but you can certainly use it on things like global functions, whether they're written in C or C++.
For things like member functions, the exported name of the function will be mangled. In that case, you can use UndecorateSymbolName to get its full signature. Using that is somewhat nontrivial, but not outrageously complex either.
I do not think so, it is a good question, the only provision is that you MUST know what the parameters are for the function pointer to work, if you don't and blindly stuff the parameters and call it, it will crash or jump off into the woods never to be seen again... It is up to the programmer to convey the message on what the function expects and the type of parameters, luckily you could disassemble it and find out from looking at the stack pointer and expected address by way of the 'stack pointer' (sp) to find out the type of parameters.
Using PE Explorer for instance, you can find out what functions are used and examine the disassembly dump...
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
It will either crash in the DLL code (since it got passed corrupt data), or: I think Visual C++ adds code in debug builds to detect this type of problem. It will say something like: "The value of ESP was not saved across a function call", and will point to code near the call. It helps but isn't totally robust - I don't think it'll stop you passing in the wrong but same-sized argument (eg. int instead of a char* parameter on x86). As other answers say, you just have to know, really.
There is no general answer. The Standard mandates that certain exceptions be thrown in certain circumstances, but aside from that describes how a conforming program will be executed, and sometimes says that certain violations must result in a diagnostic. (There may be something more specific here or there, but I certainly don't remember one.)
What the code is doing there isn't according to the Standard, and since there is a cast the compiler is entitled to go ahead and do whatever stupid thing the programmer wants without complaint. This would therefore be an implementation issue.
You could check your implementation documentation, but it's probably not there either. You could experiment, or study how function calls are done on your implementation.
Unfortunately, the answer is very likely to be that it'll screw something up without being immediately obvious.
Generally if you are calling LoadLibrary and GetProcByAddrees you have documentation that tells you the prototype. Even more commonly like with all of the windows.dll you are provided a header file. While this will cause an error if wrong its usually very easy to observe and not the kind of error that will sneak into production.
Most C/C++ compilers have the caller set up the stack before the call, and readjust the stack pointer afterwards. If the called function does not use pointer or reference arguments, there will be no memory corruption, although the results will be worthless. And as rerun says, pointer/reference mistakes almost always show up with a modicum of testing.