Failing to read file loaded with ifstream - c++

void bot_manager_item::create_games()
std::ifstream paths_in("C:\\Users\\bill hank\\Documents\\bot_plugins\\directory_listing.txt", std::ios::in);
while (paths_in.good())
send_message("The path was good.");
char q[5000];
paths_in.getline(q, 5000);
The file I'm loading exists, what else might be wrong? paths_in.good keeps failing.
Edit: I figured it out. Wow am I annoyed by the answer to this. Basically Windows lets you say whether you want to show file extensions or not. This windows installation is set to say that the extension shouldn't be shown. So when I'm checking the file again and again I'm seeing: directory.txt and thinking that this means that everything is fine with the directory when in reality the filename was directory.txt.txt

If paths_in.good() keeps failing then it means that some of the stream error flags are set (badbit, eofbit or failbit).
eofbit - end of file was reached
badbit - error with the stream buffer such as memory shortage or an exception inside the stream buffer is cast
failbit - some other error beside eof was reached
In order to find out what happened, you need to check which errorbit is set first, and then find out more about the specific error, and what can cause it.

Out of curiosity, does this code output the contents of the file correctly? If this code works, then the problem is something else. If this code doesn't work, then that likely means that the file either isn't where you specified, or you don't have read permissions on it.
void bot_manager_item::create_games() {
std::ifstream paths_in("C:\\Users\\bill hank\\Documents\\bot_plugins\\directory_listing.txt");
char q[5000];
while (paths_in.getline(q, 5000)) {
std::cout << q << std::endl;
This code does a few minor things differently.
std::ios::in doesn't need to be explicitly specified for std::ifstream.
it doesn't use is_good, while that should be fine, you can just treat the std::ifstream as a bool which will be true when it is in a good state.
getline() returns a reference to the stream it operated on, so you can just put that whole line in the condition.
cosmetic, but no need to explicitly close the ifstream if it is about to go out of scope.


a quesition about c++ file I/O and fstream

I need to open a file and get the first character.If I open the file with ios::in,it will not create a file when the file doesn't exist.So when it was failed to open the file, i open the file with ios::out, it will creat a empty file, so i can input '0' to the file.
fstream passengerData;"passenger.txt",ios::in);
if (!passengerData)
passengerData << '0' ;
When i run this in visual studio 2015,it can work well.But in visual c++ 6.0, it can only creat a empty file,the '0' is not input into the file.I want to know why the result is different and how to solve the problem.
I also want to know how the bitwise operator OR perform when i use ios::in|ios::out or ios::in|ios::out|ios::app.
From the documentation of fstream::open on cppreference it seems that it's only since C++11 that open also clear()s the flags on success, so maybe if you manually clear the flags before you call open the call will also succeed in VC++6:
fstream passengerData;"passenger.txt",ios::in);
if (!passengerData)
passengerData << '0' ;
Also, you need to check the state of passengerData after the second call to open as well.
The hunch that MicroVirus took on was right. I'd like to explain in detail why exactly nothing happened.
Basically, when"passenger.txt",ios::in); the failbit was set. Now you did retry with"passenger.txt",ios::out); which did succeed (sic!), although the error bits were not cleared (pre-c++11 behaviour), and made the subsequent operator<< do nothing.
I guess this was a flaw in the standard, and vc++6 is too old for c++11.
cppreference sources explaing the behaviour:
You use operator<<, which is a FormattedOutputFunction which says:
A FormattedOutputFunction is a stream output function that performs the following:
Constructs an object of type basic_ostream::sentry with automatic storage duration, which performs the following:
if eofbit or badbit are set on the output stream, sets the failbit as well [...]
So it checks whether the stream (passengerData) is operable. Now, interestingly enough, neither of eof or bad bits are set, so it seems like a wrong way, however the next step:
Checks the status of the sentry by calling sentry::operator bool(), which is equivalent to basic_ios::good.
Which takes you those eof-, fail-, and bad- bits. Those are iostates. In the failbit section you can find:
The failbit is set by the following standard library functions:
The constructors of std::basic_fstream, std::basic_ifstream, and std::basic_ofstream that takes a filename argument, if the file cannot be opened.
basic_fstream::open, basic_ifstream::open, and basic_ofstream::open if the file cannot be opened.
You can confirm this by checking the iostate bits after 2nd open:
fstream passengerData;"passenger.txt",ios::in);
if (!passengerData)
if (passengerData.rdstate() & std::ios_base::fail) {
std::cout << "stream has failbit set\n";
passengerData << '0' ;

Why doesn't pugixml write back to the currently opened file?

The following code is basically everything I'm doing - opening an XML file, processing it and (trying to) write it back. But writing back fails, every time. I tried to find a solution wrote code, Googled, but got no answer.
xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("data.xml");
//I checked the value of result, it is equal to status_ok, so the file opened fine.
//some XML processing
bool b = doc.save_file("data.xml"); //b is always false
So, is it like pugi doesn't close the file after taking in the input or what? That doesn't seem to be the case as I can delete the file while the program is running. Does anyone know why my program reads the file but doesn't write the modifications back into it?
Try loading the file from an ifstream. This way you have control over the file, and can be sure when it is closed.
// Initialization code
std::ifstream stream("data.xml");
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load(stream);
// Check validity
} // Input stream implicitly destructed and file closed.
// Processing
std::ofstream stream("data.xml");;
} // Output stream implicitly destructed and file closed.
As to why this happens... The Documentation isn't explicit about it, so it's hard to tell. It seems that it should close the file after loading, but the only way to be sure is by looking at the source code. BTW, if you're on a linux OS, you should be able to delete opened files.

Program Almost Runs ,Trouble With File Operation

The program almost runs but i am not sure how to make the .txt file for this , its not giving me an error.
the project asks me to:
" File encryption is the science of writing the contents of a file in a secret code. Your encryption program should work like a filter, reading the contents of one file, modifying
the data into a code, and then writing the coded contents out to a second file.
The second file will be a version of the first file, but written in a secret code. Although there are complex encryption techniques, you should come up with a simple one of your own. For example, you could read the first file one character at a time, and add 10 to the ASCII code of each character before it is written to the second file. "
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char ch;
fstream fin, fout;"testone.txt", ios::in);"encrypted.txt", ios::out);
while (!fin.eof())
fout.put(ch + 10);
return 0;
Read this -
Error LNK1561: entry point must be defined
Not up on my Visual C, but you may need #include <cstdlib> to get system
LNK1561 means your main function can't be found. Clearly the main function is present, so this should compile. Follow Beta's suggestion and ensure you can compile and run a trivial program.
Putting Compiling issues aside, This code won't work.
Overarching Problem: You are not checking for any errors along the way, so there is no way for your program to tell if anything has gone wrong.
For example, what if the file didn't open? The while (!fin.eof()) becomes an infinite loop. If the file is not open, you can never read EOF. Trying to use EOF as a loop condition is a bad idea anyway. Definitely read the link in #Steephen's comment.
If you fail to read a character with fin.get(ch); then what? The current code tries to use the character anyway. Bad idea.
Testing a stream is pretty simple. if (!fin) does the job. Read up on how streams work to learn why. Thius simple test doesn't tell you what went wrong, but at least you know something went wrong.
To make things easier, most stream functions return the stream. This lets you chain stream operations together and makes if (!fin.get(ch)) an easy way to tell if get worked.
So your IO loop can be as simple as
while (fin.get(ch) && fout.put(ch + 10))
If get couldn't get ch for any reason--unopened file, end of file, unreadable file--the while loop exits. Afterwards you can query fin to find out why. If EOF, awesome. If not EOF, the output file's probably wrong.
The same applies to put. If put failed, the loop ends. Test for why and decide if you want to keep the file.
I also recommend dropping a quick test at the end of main to print out a check."encrypted.txt", ios::in);
while (fin.get(ch) && std::cout.put(ch - 10))
A better test would be to read the character, undo the encryption, and compare against the original input.

ifstream: how to tell if specified file doesn't exist

I want to open a file for reading. However, in the context of this program, it's OK if the file doesn't exist, I just move on. I want to be able to identify when the error is "file not found" and when the error is otherwise. Otherwise means I need to quit and error.
I don't see an obvious way to do this with fstream.
I can do this with C's open() and perror(). I presumed that there was a fstream way to do this as well.
EDIT: I've been notified that this does not necessarily indicate a file does not exist, as it may be flagged due to access permissions or other issues as well.
I know I'm extremely late in answering this, but I figured I'd leave a comment anyway for anyone browsing. You can use ifstream's fail indicator to tell if a file exists.
ifstream myFile("filename.txt");
//File does not exist code here
//otherwise, file exists
I don't think you can know if "the file doesn't exist". You could use is_open() for generic checking:
ofstream file(....);
// error! maybe the file doesn't exist.
If you are using boost you could use boost::filesystem:
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main()
boost::filesystem::path myfile("test.dat");
if( !boost::filesystem::exists(myfile) )
// what do you want to do if the file doesn't exist
Since the result of opening a file is OS-specific, I don't think standard C++ has any way to differentiate the various types of errors. The file either opens or it doesn't.
You can try opening the file for reading, and if it doesn't open (ifstream::is_open() returns false), you know it either doesn't exist or some other error happened. Then again, if you try to open it for writing afterwards and it fails, that might fall under the "something else" category.
A simple way from
ifstream ifile(filename);
if (ifile) {
// The file exists, and is open for input
You can use stat, which should be portable across platforms and is in the standard C library:
#include <sys/stat.h>
bool FileExists(string filename) {
struct stat fileInfo;
return stat(filename.c_str(), &fileInfo) == 0;
If stat returns 0, the file (or directory) exists, otherwise it doesn't. I assume that you'll have to have access permissions on all directories in the file's path. I haven't tested portability, but this page suggests it shouldn't be an issue.
A better way:
std::ifstream stream;
stream.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);, std::ios::binary);
With C++17 you can use std::filesystem::exists.
Let's me give example with real running:
file does't exist:
file exist:
see for more information about its public function.
Straight way without creating ifstream object.
if (!std::ifstream(filename))
// error! file doesn't exist.

std::getline and eol vs eof

I've got a program that is tailing a growing file.
I'm trying to avoid grabbing a partial line from the file (e.g. reading before the line is completely written by the other process.) I know it's happening in my code, so I'm trying to catch it specifically.
Is there a sane way to do this?
Here's what I'm trying:
if (getline (stream, logbuffer))
if (stream.eof())
cout << "Partial line found!" << endl;
return false;
return true;
return false;
However, I can't easily reproduce the problem so I'm not sure I'm detecting it with this code. std::getline strips off newlines, so I can't check the buffer for a trailing newline. My log message (above) is NEVER tripping.
Is there some other way of trying to check what I want to detect? Is there a way to know if the last line I read hit EOF without finding a EOL character?
This will never be true:
if (getline (stream, logbuffer))
if (stream.eof())
/// will never get here
If getline() worked, the stream cannot be in an eof state. The eof() and related state tests only work on the results of a previous read operation such as getline()- they do not predict what the next read will do.
As far as I know, there is no way of doing what you want. However, if the other process writes a line at a time, the problems you say you are experiencing should be very rare (non -existent in my experience), depending to some extent on the OS you are are using. I suspect the problem lies elsewhere, probably in your code. Tailing a file is a very common thing to do, and one does not normally need to resort to special code to do it.
However, should you find you do need to read partial lines, the basic algorithm is as follows:
forever do
wait for file change
read all possible input using read or readsome (not getline)
chop input into lines and possible partial line
process as required
An istream object such as std::cin has a get function that stops reading when it gets to a newline without extracting it from the stream. You could then peek() or get() it to see if indeed it is a newline. The catch is that you have to know the maximum length of a line coming from the other application. Example (untested) code follows below:
char buf[81]; // assumes an 80-char line length + null char
memset(buf, 0, 81);
if (cin.get(buf, 81))
if (cin.peek() == EOF) // You ran out of data before hitting end of line
cout << "Partial line found!\n";
I have to take issue with one statement you made here:
However, I can't easily reproduce the problem so I'm not sure I'm detecting it with this code.
It seems like from what you said it would be extremely easy to replicate your problem, if it is what you said. You can easily create a text file in some text editor - just make sure that the last like ends in an EOF instead of going on to a new line. Then point your program at that file and see what results.
Even if the other program isn't done writing the file, in the file that's where the line ends, so there's no way to tell the difference other than waiting to see if the other program writes something new.
edit: If you just want to tell if the line ends in a newline or not, you could write your own getline function that reads until it hits a newline but doesn't strip it.