unable to open .bat files for pan and carte for kettle 4.0.1 stable community version - kettle

Hhi all,
I'm using kettle4.0.1 communty version, here iam comfortable with spoon, but for running jobs and all i need to use pan and carte, my problem is other than spoon.bat niether of pan.bat nor carte.bat is opening. iam unable to run kitchen.bat also.. can someone suggest me with best solution

First of all, in order to run jobs you will need to use kitchen.bat (unless you want to execute them remotely). Kitchen, Pan and Carte are command line tools, therefore you will need to specify your parameters also on the command line.
For example, you want to run a file called job.kjb located in C:/jobs/ with a minimal log level. You would execute kitchen.bat from the commandline as follows
kitchen.bat -file=C:/jobs/job.kjb -level=minimal
Please see also more information here:


Tab completion over ssh library

I am using paramiko library to connect with a specialized environment. Its based on linux but when we SSH in it provide its own shell. We can write help to get list of all commands that are supported in that session.
I am using paramiko with python2.7 to provide a CLI client (it automates few things) that connect with the host and let us run the supported commands. Now I would like to provide tab-completion in the client CLI. I am not sure how this can be done. I am thinking there would be some support or some specialize character that can be send to get back response but I am not sure how it can be accomplished.
I am hoping to avoid sending help command, parse the list of commands supported, and then provide a local tab-completion based on list of command. I want a more generic and dynamic solution.
Any or all ideas are welcome.
You can try simulating the partial input and the Tab key press and parsing the results, undoing the simulated input afterwards. But that is not a good idea. You will have to end up re-implementing terminal emulation, what is an insane task. Without a full terminal implementation, you can never be sure that you never get an output that you won't be able to parse.
The shell is a black box with input and output. It should only be used as such. You should never try to "understand" its output.
Using the help command is a way more reliable solution.

Making POSTMAN able to read JSON files at a specific directory

I've been searching and searching but i did not find anything useful, i would like to implement some automation in POSTMAN.
I don't know if this is even possible but i would like to force POSTMAN to automatically read JSON files from a directory , i.e: file system or whatever. Do you get me?
Everytime that i want to execute anything on POSTMAN i have to open the COLLECTION, select the desired COLLECTION, click on RUNNER and then: choose the ENVIRONMENT, select the data file and finally: click on Start Run. I don't want to do it manually no more
Take a look at these questions:
Is it possible to schedule a task on POSTMAN?
Is it possible to read/reach files from file systems or something like
A friend of mine told me that it was possible but i don't have the details and i want to do it.
Can you help me? I'm pretty lost
You can this using Newman to run the Collection. All the usage details and examples can be found here:
You can use the -d flag to specify a file path to the datafile, for the Collection to use. This would be the same as running the collection in the UI, this just brings it out to the command line.

Logging into a specific file in Tizen?

Before asking this question I searched a lot about Logging (the terminal Debug Log) into a file for Tizen Application. I figured out some other ways to implement using several alternatives a bit complex pathway for this problem. But I want something straightforward, simple and builtin for Tizen Applications.
So here is what I want -
I will run a Tizen application written in C/C++. It will generate response logs on the terminal based on the several queries I ask to the app.
I want to save those logs into a specific file like file_name.log .
That file_name.log will be saved somewhere within my PC. Developer can change the location as my own.
Is there any command or an existing system for Tizen apps ?
Thank you in advance.
Read https://developer.tizen.org/development/guides/native-application/error-handling/system-logs about Tizen's built-in logging system.
As stated in the page, the logs can be also retrieved from the command line using sdb shell dlogutil [options...] [TAG], or simply sdb dlog [options...] [TAG]. So if you want to save the output as a file, simply do sdb dlog [-d] MY_APP > file_name.log. If this is not what you are searching for, please be more specific in your question.

Removing old jobs from Jenkins

I'd like to shelve old builds in all of my jobs for example
build numbers 1-10
I'm wondering if there is way to do that from the jenkins UI using a single command.
First of all in order to make changes to a bulk of jobs of I would use something called configuration slicer.
you can get to that from here: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Configuration+Slicing+Plugin
Also you want to delete your build? or archive them?! in case of deleting I would use the Log rotation eaither by date or number of builds. In the configure section of the job click on Discard old build and you will see the options.
and finally you can always use Artifact deployer and somether examples from that plug in.
Link Here: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/ArtifactDeployer+Plugin
Link on how to use the CLI in Jenkins : https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+CLI
In regards to the comments below where you are asking about "Shelving Jobs" .
I think the phrase you are looking for here is "archive" and not shelving - that is a very Visual Studio/TFS concept - so I am not personally aware of any anything that does SHELVING per say.
In terms of Groovy script I believe that you are now asking a different question and so this should be raised specifically as different question - but as far as groovy script go you can use the following link as an intro :

Print result of Fabric command

I would like to redirect the output of the Fabric command
print local("git add .")
so that I make sure that everything is working properly. Is there a way to pipe the results of this command to the console? Thanks!
You should already see the output of the command in the console since that's the default behaviour. If you need to customize it, please have a look at the managing output documentation section.
Besides this, there's an ongoing effort to use the logging module (issue #57) that should provide more options like logging to a file, but that hasn't been merged into the trunk branch yet.