Sinusoid and derivative function - c++

I have some object whish moves by sinusoid. I have to animate it each time it reaches the top (or the bottom) of the "wave". I want to do this with derivative function: as we know it changes the value (from positive to negative or contrary) at that points. So the code is:
// Start value
int functionValue = +1;
// Function
float y = k1 * sinf(k2 * Deg2Rad(x)) + y_base;
// Derivative function
float tempValue = -cosf(y);
// Check whether value is changed
if (tempValue * functionValue < 0)
animation = true;
functionValue = tempValue;
if I will output the tempValue it shows strange numbers:
And animation is strange too. Not only at the top of wave. What's wrong is there?

You have
y = a * sin(b * x) + c
derivative of that is
y' = a * b * cos(b * x)
y' = -cos(y)

You're doing your math wrong. Derivative of sin(x) is cos(x), not cos(sin(x)).
should be
float tempValue = cosf(k2 * Deg2Rad(x));


Integrate function

I have this function to reach a certain 1 dimensional value accelerated and damped with overshoot. That is: given an inital value, a velocity and a acceleration (force/mass), the target value is attained by accelerating to it and gets increasingly damped while getting closer to the target value.
This all works fine, howver If i want to know what the TotalAngle is after time 't' I have to run this function say N steps with a 'small' dt to find the 'limit'.
I was wondering If i can (and how) to intergrate over dt so that the TotalAngle can be determined given a time 't' initially.
Regards, Tanks for any help.
dt = delta time step per frame
input = 1
TotalAngle = 0 at t=0
Velocity = 0 at t=0
void FAccelDampedWithOvershoot::Update(float dt, float input, float& Velocity, float& TotalAngle)
const float Force = 500000.f;
const float DampForce = 5000.f;
const float MaxAngle = 45.f;
const float InvMass = 1.f / 162400.f;
float target = MaxAngle * input;
float ratio = (target - TotalAngle) / MaxAngle;
float fMove = Force * ratio;
float fDamp = -Velocity * DampForce;
Velocity += (fMove + fDamp) * invMass * dt;
TotalAngle += Velocity * dt;
Updated with fixed bugs in math
Originally I've lost mass and MaxAngle a few times. This is why you should first solve it on a paper and then enter to the SO rather than trying to solve it in the text editor.
Anyway, I've fixed the math and now it seems to work reasonably well. I put fixed solution just over previous one.
Well, this looks like a Newtonian mechanics which means differential equations. Let's try to solve them.
SO is not very friendly to math formulas and I'm a bit bored to type characters so here is what I use:
F = Force
Fd = DampForce
MA = MaxAngle
A= TotalAngle
v = Velocity
m = 1 / InvMass
' for derivative i.e. something' is 1-st derivative of something by t and something'' is 2-nd derivative
if I divide you last two lines of code by dt and merge in all the other lines I can get (I also assume that input = 1 as other case is obviously symmetrical)
v' = ([F * (1 - A / MA)] - v * Fd) / m
and applying A' = v we get
m * A'' = F(1 - A/MA) - Fd * A'
or moving to one side we get a simple 2-nd order differential equation
m * A'' + Fd * A' + F/MA * A = F
IIRC, the way to solve it is to first solve characteristic equation which here is
m * x^2 + Fd * x + F/MA = 0
x[1,2] = (-Fd +/- sqrt(Fd^2 - 4*F*m/MA))/ (2*m)
I expect that part under sqrt i.e. (Fd^2 - 4*F*m/MA) is negative thus solution should be of the following form. Let
Dm = Fd/(2*m)
K = sqrt(F/MA/m - Dm^2)
(note the negated value under sqrt so it works now) then
A(t) = e^(-Dm*t) * [P * sin(K*t) + Q * cos(K*t)] + C
where P, Q and C are some constants.
The solution is easier to find as a sum of two solutions: some specific solution for
m * A'' + Fd * A' + F/MA * A = F
and a general solution for homogeneou
m * A'' + Fd * A' + F/MA * A = 0
that makes original conditions fit. Obviously specific solution A(t) = MA works and thus C = MA. So now we need to fit P and Q of general solution to match starting conditions. To find them we need
A(0) = - MA
A'(0) = V(0) = 0
Given that e^0 = 1, sin(0) = 0 and cos(0) = 1 you get something like
Q = -MA
P = 0
P = 0
Q = - MA
C = MA
A(t) = MA * [1 - e^(-Dm*t) * cos(K*t)]
Dm = Fd/(2*m)
K = sqrt(F/MA/m - Dm^2)
which kind of makes sense given your task.
Note also that this equation assumes that everything happens in radians rather than degrees (i.e. derivative of [sin(t)]' is just cos(t)) so you should transform all your constants accordingly or transform the solution.
const float Force = 500000.f * M_PI / 180;
const float DampForce = 5000.f * M_PI / 180;
const float MaxAngle = M_PI_4;
which on my machine produces
Dm = 0.000268677541
K = 0.261568546
This seems to be similar to original funcion is I step with dt = 0.01f and the main obstacle seems to be precision loss because of float
Hope this helps!
This is not a full answer and I am sure someone else can work it out, but there is no room in the comments and it may help you find a better solution.
The image below shows the velocity (blue) as your function integrates at time steps 1. The red shows the function below that calculates the value for time t
The function F(t)
F(t) = sin((t / f) * pi * 2) * (1 / (((t / f) + a) ^ c)) * b
With f = 23.7, a = 1.4, c = 2, and b= 50 that give the red plot in the image above
All the values are just approximation.
f determines the frequency and is close to a match,
a,b,c control the falloff in amplitude and are a by eye guestimate.
If it does not matter that you have a perfect match then this will work for you. totalAngle uses the same function but t has 0.25 added to it. Unfortunately I did not get any values for a,b,c for totalAngle and I did notice that it was offset so you will have to add the offset value d (I normalised everything so have no idea what the range of totalAngle was)
Function F(t) for totalAngle
F(t) = sin(((t+0.25) / f) * pi * 2) * (1 / ((((t+0.25) / f) + a) ^ c)) * b + d
Sorry only have f = 23.7, c= 2, a~1.4 nothing for b=? d=?

Coeficients in numerical calculations of exp() function

I am trying to understand the implementation of exp_ps() from or exp256_ps() from
I understand almost everything in the calculation, except for how constant cephes_exp_C2 is determined. It seems that it increases the accuracy of the calculation. If it is removed from the calculation then resulting function is significantly faster and slightly less precise (relative error is still under 1% for values around +/- 10). I found such coefficients in other numerical libraries, but without closer explanation.
After a bit of searching through the Cephes source, I think it's an error in Pommier's translation. This is not the first time I have seen errors in Pommier's code. I recommend using math library in Gromacs.
From exp.c in Cephe's,
static double C1 = 6.93145751953125E-1;
static double C2 = 1.42860682030941723212E-6;
px = floor( LOG2E * x + 0.5 );
n = px;
x -= px * C1;
x -= px * C2;
From Pommier,
_PS_CONST(cephes_exp_C1, 0.693359375);
_PS_CONST(cephes_exp_C2, -2.12194440e-4); <-- Wrong value
// fx = LOG2E * x + 0.5
fx = _mm_mul_ps(x, *(v4sf*)_ps_cephes_LOG2EF);
fx = _mm_add_ps(fx, *(v4sf*)_ps_0p5);
// fx = floor(fx)
emm0 = _mm_cvttps_epi32(fx);
tmp = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm0);
v4sf mask = _mm_cmpgt_ps(tmp, fx);
mask = _mm_and_ps(mask, one);
fx = _mm_sub_ps(tmp, mask);
// x -= fx * C1;
// x -= fx * C2; (Using z allows for better ILP in this step)
tmp = _mm_mul_ps(fx, *(v4sf*)_ps_cephes_exp_C1);
v4sf z = _mm_mul_ps(fx, *(v4sf*)_ps_cephes_exp_C2);
x = _mm_sub_ps(x, tmp);
x = _mm_sub_ps(x, z);

Fast approximate float division

On modern processors, float division is a good order of magnitude slower than float multiplication (when measured by reciprocal throughput).
I'm wondering if there are any algorithms out there for computating a fast approximation to x/y, given certain assumptions and tolerance levels. For example, if you assume that 0<x<y, and are willing to accept any output that is within 10% of the true value, are there algorithms faster than the built-in FDIV operation?
I hope that this helps because this is probably as close as your going to get to what you are looking for.
__inline__ double __attribute__((const)) divide( double y, double x ) {
// calculates y/x
union {
double dbl;
unsigned long long ull;
} u;
u.dbl = x; // x = x
u.ull = ( 0xbfcdd6a18f6a6f52ULL - u.ull ) >> (unsigned char)1;
// pow( x, -0.5 )
u.dbl *= u.dbl; // pow( pow(x,-0.5), 2 ) = pow( x, -1 ) = 1.0/x
return u.dbl * y; // (1.0/x) * y = y/x
See also:
Another post about reciprocal approximation.
The Wikipedia page.
FDIV is usually exceptionally slower than FMUL just b/c it can't be piped like multiplication and requires multiple clk cycles for iterative convergence HW seeking process.
Easiest way is to simply recognize that division is nothing more than the multiplication of the dividend y and the inverse of the divisor x. The not so straight forward part is remembering a float value x = m * 2 ^ e & its inverse x^-1 = (1/m)*2^(-e) = (2/m)*2^(-e-1) = p * 2^q approximating this new mantissa p = 2/m = 3-x, for 1<=m<2. This gives a rough piece-wise linear approximation of the inverse function, however we can do a lot better by using an iterative Newton Root Finding Method to improve that approximation.
let w = f(x) = 1/x, the inverse of this function f(x) is found by solving for x in terms of w or x = f^(-1)(w) = 1/w. To improve the output with the root finding method we must first create a function whose zero reflects the desired output, i.e. g(w) = 1/w - x, d/dw(g(w)) = -1/w^2.
w[n+1]= w[n] - g(w[n])/g'(w[n]) = w[n] + w[n]^2 * (1/w[n] - x) = w[n] * (2 - x*w[n])
w[n+1] = w[n] * (2 - x*w[n]), when w[n]=1/x, w[n+1]=1/x*(2-x*1/x)=1/x
These components then add to get the final piece of code:
float inv_fast(float x) {
union { float f; int i; } v;
float w, sx;
int m;
sx = (x < 0) ? -1:1;
x = sx * x;
v.i = (int)(0x7EF127EA - *(uint32_t *)&x);
w = x * v.f;
// Efficient Iterative Approximation Improvement in horner polynomial form.
v.f = v.f * (2 - w); // Single iteration, Err = -3.36e-3 * 2^(-flr(log2(x)))
// v.f = v.f * ( 4 + w * (-6 + w * (4 - w))); // Second iteration, Err = -1.13e-5 * 2^(-flr(log2(x)))
// v.f = v.f * (8 + w * (-28 + w * (56 + w * (-70 + w *(56 + w * (-28 + w * (8 - w))))))); // Third Iteration, Err = +-6.8e-8 * 2^(-flr(log2(x)))
return v.f * sx;

Complex Numbers and Naive Fourier Transform (C++)

I'm trying to get fourier transforms to work, I have to do it for an assignment and I think I have it to where it should be working and i'm not sure why it's not. I think it has something to do with the complex numbers since 'i' is involved. I've looked at many references and I understand the formula but i'm having trouble programming it. this is what i have so far
void NaiveDFT::Apply( Image & img )
//make the fourier transform using the naive method and set that to the image.
Image dft(img);
Pixel ** dftData = dft.GetImageData();
Pixel ** imgData = img.GetImageData();
for(unsigned u = 0; u < img.GetWidth(); ++u)
for(unsigned v = 0; v < img.GetHeight(); ++v)
std::complex<double> sum = 0;
for(unsigned x = 0; x < img.GetWidth(); ++x)
for(unsigned y = 0; y < img.GetHeight(); ++y)
std::complex<double> i = sqrt(std::complex<double>(-1));
std::complex<double> theta = 2 * M_PI * (((u * x) / img.GetWidth()) + ((v * y) / img.GetHeight()));
sum += std::complex<double>(imgData[x][y]._red) * cos(theta) + (-i * sin(theta));
//sum += std::complex<double>(std::complex<double>(imgData[x][y]._red) * pow(EULER, -i * theta));
dftData[u][v] = (sum.imag() / (img.GetWidth() * img.GetHeight()));
img = dft;
I have a few test images i'm testing this with and i'm either getting like an all black image or like, an all gray image.
I've also tried the sum of e^(-i*2*PI*(x*u*width + y*v*height) * 1/width * height which gets the same result as expected although it's still not the desiered output.
I've also tried the sum.real() number and that doesn't look right either
if anyone has any tips or can point me in the right direction, that'd be great, at this point, i just keep trying different things and checking the output until I get what I should be getting.
I think that there can be a problem during the multiplication with the complex term. The line:
sum += std::complex<double>(imgData[x][y]._red) * cos(theta) + (-i * sin(theta));
should be:
sum += std::complex<double>(imgData[x][y]._red) * ( cos(theta) + -i * sin(theta));
Moreover, while calculating theta you need to use double precision:
std::complex<double> theta = 2 * M_PI * ((((double)u * x) / (double)(img.GetWidth())) + (((double)v * y) / (double)(img.GetHeight())));

Line-Circle Algorithm not quite working as expected

First, see:
I have an algorithm that solves for the height of an object given a circle and an offset.
It sort of works but the height is always off:
Here is the formula:
and here is a sketch of what it is supposed to do:
And here is sample output from the application:
In the formula, offset = 10 and widthRatio is 3. This is why it is (1 / 10) because (3 * 3) + 1 = 10.
The problem, as you can see is the height of the blue rectangle is not correct. I set the bottom left offsets to be the desired offset (in this case 10) so you can see the bottom left corner is correct. The top right corner is wrong because from the top right corner, I should only have to go 10 pixels until I touch the circle.
The code I use to set the size and location is:
void DataWidgetsHandler::resize( int w, int h )
int tabSz = getProportions()->getTableSize() * getProportions()->getScale();
int r = tabSz / 2;
agui::Point tabCenter = agui::Point(
w * getProportions()->getTableOffset().getX(),
h * getProportions()->getTableOffset().getY());
float widthRatio = 3.0f;
int offset = 10;
int height = solveHeight(offset,widthRatio,tabCenter.getX(),tabCenter.getY(),r);
int width = height * widthRatio;
int borderMargin = height;
h - height - offset);
I can assert that the table radius and table center location are correct.
This is my implementation of the formula:
int DataWidgetsHandler::solveHeight( int offset, float widthRatio, float h, float k, float r ) const
float denom = (widthRatio * widthRatio) + 1.0f;
float rSq = denom * r * r;
float eq = widthRatio * offset - offset - offset + h - (widthRatio * k);
eq *= eq;
return (1.0f / denom) *
((widthRatio * h) + k - offset - (widthRatio * (offset + offset)) - sqrt(rSq - eq) );
It uses the quadratic formula to find what the height should be so that the distance between the top right of the rectangle, bottom left, amd top left are = offset.
Is there something wrong with the formula or implementation? The problem is the height is never long enough.
Well, here's my solution, which looks to resemble your solveHeight function. There might be some arithmetic errors in the below, but the method is sound.
You can think in terms of matching the coordinates at the point of the circle across
from the rectangle (P).
Let o_x,o_y be the lower left corner offset distances, w and h be the
height of the rectangle, w_r be the width ratio, dx be the desired
distance between the top right hand corner of the rectangle and the
circle (moving horizontally), c_x and c_y the coordinates of the
circle's centre, theta the angle, and r the circle radius.
Labelling it is half the work! Simply write down the coordinates of the point P:
P_x = o_x + w + dx = c_x + r cos(theta)
P_y = o_y + h = c_y + r sin(theta)
and we know w = w_r * h.
To simplify the arithmetic, let's collect some of the constant terms, and let X = o_x + dx - c_x and Y = o_y - c_y. Then we have
X + w_r * h = r cos(theta)
Y + h = r sin(theta)
Squaring and summing gives a quadratic in h:
(w_r^2 + 1) * h^2 + 2 (X*w_r + Y) h + (X^2+Y^2-r^2) == 0
If you compare this with your effective quadratic, then as long as we made different mistakes :-), you might be able to figure out what's going on.
To be explicit: we can solve this using the quadratic formula, setting
a = (w_r^2 + 1)
b = 2 (X*w_r + Y)
c = (X^2+Y^2-r^2)