How do function pointers work? - c++

I'm asking some specific questions.
How can I initialize them in a class?
How can I pass a function as an argument?
Do function pointers need to be declared and defined in the class?
For question number 2 here is what I mean:
void s(void) {
void f(function) { // what should I put as type to pass a function as an argument

To define a function pointer, use the following syntax:
return_type (*ref_name) (type args, ...)
So, to define a function reference named "doSomething", which returns an int and takes in an int argument, you'd write this:
int (*doSomething)(int number);
You can then assign the reference to an actual function like this:
int someFunction(int argument) {
printf("%i", argument);
doSomething = &someFunction;
Once that's done, you can then invoke it directly:
doSomething(5); //prints 5
Because function pointers are essentially just pointers, you can indeed use them as instance variables in your classes.
When accepting function pointers as arguments, I prefer to use a typedef instead of using the cluttered syntax in the function prototype:
typedef int (*FunctionAcceptingAndReturningInt)(int argument);
You can then use this newly defined type as the type of the argument for the function:
void invokeFunction(int func_argument, FunctionAcceptingAndReturningInt func) {
int result = func(func_argument);
printf("%i", result);
int timesFive(int arg) {
return arg * 5;
invokeFunction(10, &timesFive); //prints 50

it is not the strict answer , but to include configurable/assignable code as a class member, I would mention using a class/struct with the operator() . For example:
struct mycode
int k;
mycode(int k_) : k(k_)
int operator()(int x)
return x*k;
class Foo
public : Foo(int k) : f(k) {}
public : mycode f;
You can do:
Foo code(5);
std::cout << code.f(2) << std::endl;
it will print '10' , it I wrote everything ok.

You have to declare f in this way:
void f(void (*x)())
x(); // call the function that you pass as parameter (Ex. s()).
here is an excellent tutorial about function pointers and callbacks.

To answer 3rd question, you do not have to declare it in a class. But not to transgress encapsulation, I usually prefer member function pointers or functors which pointees are again members of classes. Examples above are C style function pointers except Luis G. Costantini R. You can take a look at this for member function pointers approach. C style function pointers are generally considered, for example, callback mechanisms where there is a C code which you receive asynchronous messages. In such cases, there are no options rather than declaring handler methods in global scope.


What are the usecases and usefulness when passing pointer to data member to std::invoke?

I was reading about std::invoke on cpp reference and was wondering in which situations we would ever need to pass as a first argument a pointer to data member and an object as second argument.
From cpp reference it states this:
Invoke the Callable object f with the parameters args. As by INVOKE(std::forward(f), std::forward(args)...).
where INVOKE(f, t1, t2, ..., tN) is defined as follows:
and then the second point is:
Otherwise, if N == 1 and f is a pointer to data member of class
Ok, let's look at this further and suppose I'm using std::thread (which constructor's uses std::invoke):
For example, it is a bit unclear to me when it would be useful (or what can force one) to use a threads this way ?
struct Foo {
Foo(int num) : num_(num) {}
void print_add(int i) const { std::cout << num_+i << '\n'; }
int num_;
void print_num(int i) const {
std::cout << i << '\n';
int main() {
const Foo foo(314159);
std::thread t(&Foo::num_, foo);
return 0;
And how a pointer to data member can be associated with a callable concept ?
You might think that only pointers to member functions are useful. That is, something like:
struct Widget {
bool valid() const;
std::vector<Widget> widgets;
bool all_valid = std::ranges::all_of(widgets, &Widget::valid);
That would std::invoke the pointer to member function &Widget::valid on each of the Widgets. But you could just as easily have constructed Widget such that valid is just a flag instead of being a member function. And checking that all the Widgets are valid is just as reasonable a thing to do:
struct Widget {
bool valid;
std::vector<Widget> widgets;
bool all_valid = std::ranges::all_of(widgets, &Widget::valid);
The only difference is that this std::invokes a pointer to member data instead of a pointer to member function. But still useful.

compile error about template deduction on c++

#include <iostream>
template <int N>
class X {
using I = int;
void f(I i) {
std::cout << "i: " << i << std::endl;
template <int N>
void fppm(void (X<N>::*p)(typename X<N>::I)) {
int main() {
return 0;
I just don't understand the compile error message of the code.
error: called object type 'void (X<33>::*)(typename X<33>::I)' is not a function or function pointer
I think p is a function which returns void and takes int as its argument. But apparently, it's not. Could somebody give me clue?
Since p is a pointer to a nonstatic member function, you need an instance to call it with. Thus, first instantiate an object of X<33> in main:
int main() {
X<33> x;
fppm(x, &X<33>::f); // <-- Signature changed below to accept an instance
Then in your function, change the code to accept an instance of X<N> and call the member function for it:
template <int N>
void fppm(X<N> instance, void (X<N>::*p)(typename X<N>::I)) {
The syntax may look ugly but the low precedence of the pointer to member operator requires the need for the parentheses.
As denoted in the comments already, p is a pointer to member function, but you call it like a static function (p(0);). You need a concrete object to call p on:
X<N> x;
// or:
X<N>* xx = new X<N>();
delete xx;
Be aware that the .*/->* operators have lower precedence than the function call operator, thus you need the parentheses.
Side note: Above is for better illustration, modern C++ might use auto keyword and smart pointers instead, which could look like this:
auto x = std::make_unique<X<N>>();

What's the function signature of a member function?

I'm having trouble understanding function signatures and pointers.
struct myStruct
static void staticFunc(){};
void nonstaticFunc(){};
int main()
void (*p)(); // Pointer to function with signature void();
p = &myStruct::staticFunc; // Works fine
p = &myStruct::nonstaticFunc; // Type mismatch
My compiler says that the type of myStruct::nonstaticFunc() is void (myStruct::*)(), but isn't that the type of a pointer pointing to it?
I'm asking because when you create an std::function object you pass the function signature of the function you want it to point to, like:
std::function<void()> funcPtr; // Pointer to function with signature void()
std::function<void(*)()> funcPtr;
If I had to guess based on the pattern of void() I would say:
void myStruct::();
void (myStruct::)();
But this isn't right. I don't see why I should add an asterisk just because it's nonstatic as opposed to static. In other words, pointer void(* )() points to function with signature void(), and pointer void(myStruct::*)() points to function with signature what?
To me there seems to be a basic misunderstanding of what a member pointer is. For example if you have:
struct P2d {
double x, y;
the member pointer double P2d::*mp = &P2d::x; cannot point to the x coordinate of a specific P2d instance, it is instead a "pointer" to the name x: to get the double you will need to provide the P2d instance you're looking for... for example:
P2d p{10, 20};
printf("%.18g\n", p.*mp); // prints 10
The same applies to member functions... for example:
struct P2d {
double x, y;
double len() const {
return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
double (P2d::*f)() const = &P2d::len;
where f is not a pointer to a member function of a specific instance and it needs a this to be called with
printf("%.18g\n", (p.*f)());
f in other words is simply a "selector" of which of the const member functions of class P2d accepting no parameters and returning a double you are interested in. In this specific case (since there is only one member function compatible) such a selector could be stored using zero bits (the only possible value you can set that pointer to is &P2d::len).
Please don't feel ashamed for not understanding member pointers at first. They're indeed sort of "strange" and not many C++ programmers understand them.
To be honest they're also not really that useful: what is needed most often is instead a pointer to a method of a specific instance.
C++11 provides that with std::function wrapper and lambdas:
std::function<double()> g = [&](){ return p.len(); };
printf("%.18g\n", g()); // calls .len() on instance p
std::function<void()> funcPtr = std::bind(&myStruct::nonstaticFunc, obj);
Is how you store a member function in std::function. The member function must be called on a valid object.
If you want to delay the passing of an object until later, you can accomplish it like this:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
struct A {
void foo() { std::cout << "A::foo\n"; }
int main() {
using namespace std::placeholders;
std::function<void(A&)> f = std::bind(&A::foo, _1);
A a;
return 0;
std::bind will take care of the details for you. std::function still must have the signature of a regular function as it's type parameter. But it can mask a member, if the object is made to appear as a parameter to the function.
For assigning into std::function, you don't even need std::bind for late binding of the object, so long as the prototype is correct:
std::function<void(A&)> f = &A::foo;
p = &myStruct::staticFunc; // Works fine
p = &myStruct::nonstaticFunc; // Type mismatch
Reason : A function-to-pointer conversion never applies to non-static member functions because an lvalue that refers to a non-static member function
cannot be obtained.
pointer void(* )() points to function with signature void(), and pointer void(myStruct::*)() points to function with signature what?
myStruct:: is to make sure that the non-static member function of struct myStruct is called (not of other structs, as shown below) :
struct myStruct
static void staticFunc(){};
void nonstaticFunc(){};
struct myStruct2
static void staticFunc(){};
void nonstaticFunc(){};
int main()
void (*p)(); // Pointer to function with signature void();
void (myStruct::*f)();
p = &myStruct::staticFunc; // Works fine
p = &myStruct2::staticFunc; // Works fine
f = &myStruct::nonstaticFunc; // Works fine
//f = &myStruct2::nonstaticFunc; // Error. Cannot convert 'void (myStruct2::*)()' to 'void (myStruct::*)()' in assignment
return 0;
When you use a pointer, std::function or std::bind to refer to a non-static member function (namely, "method" of class Foo), the first param must be a concrete object of class Foo, because non-static method must be called by a concrete object, not by Class.
More details: std::function and
The answer is in the doc.
Pointer to member declarator: the declaration S C::* D; declares D as
a pointer to non-static member of C of type determined by
decl-specifier-seq S.
struct C
void f(int n) { std::cout << n << '\n'; }
int main()
void (C::* p)(int) = &C::f; // pointer to member function f of class C
C c;
(c.*p)(1); // prints 1
C* cp = &c;
(cp->*p)(2); // prints 2
There are no function with signature void (). There are void (*)() for a function or void (foo::*)() for a method of foo. The asterisk is mandatory because it's a pointer to x. std::function has nothing to do with that.
Note: Your confusion is that void() is that same signature that void (*)(). Or even int() <=> int (*)(). Maybe you think that you can write int (foo::*) to have a method pointer. But this is a data member pointer because the parenthesis are optional, int (foo::*) <=> int foo::*.
To avoid such obscure syntax you need to write your pointer to function/member with the return type, the asterisk and his parameters.

Passing a pointer to a member function as argument for a void* function

I have the following function:
void PerformAction(void(*pf_action)());
and the following class:
class A
void DoSomething();
I want to be able to do this:
int main()
A a;
return 0;
I have seen many answers that say that the function signature should be:
void PerformAction(void(A::*)());
This is not what I want.
I want to able to pass it any function/method that receives no parameters and returns void. Not just member methods of A or just global functions.
Is this possible in C++?
Plain function pointers and member function pointers are different things.
Member functions take a hidden this parameter, whereas plain functions do not. To call a member function through a pointer an object is required to initialize that this parameter.
Hence, you cannot convert a pointer to a non-static member function to a plain function pointer and call through it without passing in an object.
I want to able to pass it any function/method that receives no parameters and returns void. Not just member methods of A or just global functions.
Is this possible in C++?
Yes, it is possible, but you need to use a more flexible type. The way to achieve this is to specify the PerformAction function with a different type. You want to use a type that is callable with zero arguments and returns void, std::function<void ()>. For example change the PerformAction function to be: void PerformAction(std::function<void ()> fn);. This version will allow you to accept anything that's callable with zero arguments and returns void, see the following code for an example.
Example Code
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
class Foo
void bar() { std::cout << "Member function: Foo::bar()\n"; }
void bar()
std::cout << "Free function: bar()\n";
class Functor
void operator()() { std::cout << "Functor object\n"; }
auto lambda = []() { std::cout << "Lambda expression\n"; };
void doSomething(std::function<void ()> fn)
int main()
Foo foo;
doSomething(std::bind(&Foo::bar, &foo));
return 0;
Live Example
Example Output
Free function: bar()
Functor object
Lambda expression
Member function: Foo::bar()

C++ Function call via an object with public member pointer to function, without using dereference operator

Alright, I think the title is sufficiently descriptive (yet confusing, sorry).
I'm reading this library: Timer1.
In the header file there is a public member pointer to a function as follows:
class TimerOne
void (*isrCallback)(); // C-style ptr to `void(void)` function
There exists an instantiated object of the TimerOne class, called "Timer1".
Timer1 calls the function as follows:
How is this correct? I am familiar with calling functions via function pointers by using the dereference operator.
So I would have expected the above call via the object to be something more like:
So, what are the acceptable options for calling functions via function pointers, as both stand-alone function pointers and members of an object?
See also:
[very useful!] Typedef function pointer?
Summary of the answer:
These are all valid and fine ways to call a function pointer:
// etc.
(**********************************f)(); // also valid
Things you can do with a function pointer.
1: The first is calling the function via explicit dereference:
int myfunc(int n)
int (*myfptr)(int) = myfunc;
(*myfptr)(nValue); // call function myfunc(nValue) through myfptr.
2: The second way is via implicit dereference:
int myfunc(int n)
int (*myfptr)(int) = myfunc;
myfptr(nValue); // call function myfunc(nValue) through myfptr.
As you can see, the implicit dereference method looks just like a normal function call -- which is what you’d expect, since function are simply implicitly convertible to function pointers!!
In your code:
void foo()
cout << "hi" << endl;
class TimerOne
int main()
TimerOne Timer1;
Timer1.isrCallback = &foo; //Assigning the address
//Timer1.isrCallback = foo; //We could use this statement as well, it simply proves function are simply implicitly convertible to function pointers. Just like arrays decay to pointer.
Timer1.isrCallback(); //Implicit dereference
(*Timer1.isrCallback)(); //Explicit dereference
return 0;
You don't have to dereference a function pointer to call it. According to the standard ([]/1),
The postfix expression shall have
function type or pointer to function type.
So (*myFunc)() is valid, and so is myFunc(). In fact, (**myFunc)() is valid too, and you can dereference as many times as you want (can you figure out why?)
You asked:
Timer1 calls the function as follows:
How is this correct?
The type of Timer1.isrCallback is void (*)(). It is a pointer to a function. That's why you can use that syntax.
It is similar to using:
void foo()
void test_foo()
void (*fptr)() = foo;
You can also use:
void test_foo()
void (*fptr)() = foo;
but the first form is equally valid.
Update, in response to comment by OP
Given the posted definition of the class you would use:
To use
isrCallback has to be defined as a non-member variable of whose type is a pointer to a member variable of TimerOne.
void (TimerOne::*isrCallback)();
#include <iostream>
class TimerOne
void foo()
std::cout << "In TimerOne::foo();\n";
int main()
TimerOne Timer1;
void (TimerOne::*isrCallback)() = &TimerOne::foo;
In TimerOne::foo();
(Test this code)
If you want to define isrCallbak as a member variable of TimerOne, you'll need to use:
#include <iostream>
class TimerOne
void (TimerOne::*isrCallback)();
void foo()
std::cout << "In TimerOne::foo();\n";
int main()
TimerOne Timer1;
Timer1.isrCallback = &TimerOne::foo;
// A little complicated syntax.
In TimerOne::foo();
(Test this code)