Django: flush command doesnt completely clear database, reset fails - django

I rewrote a lot of my models, and since I am just running a test server, I do ./ reset myapp to reset the db tables and everything has been working fine.
But I tried to do it this time, and I get an error,
"The full error: contraint owner_id_refs_id_9036cedd" of relation "myapp_tagger" does not exist"
So I figured I would just nuke the whole site and start fresh. So i did ./ flush then did a syncdb this did not raise an error and deleted all my data, however it did not update the database since when I try to access any of my_app's objects, i get a column not found error. I thought that flush was supposed to drop all tables. The syncdb said that no fixtures were added.
I assume the error is related to the fact that I changed the tagger model to having a foreignkey with a name owner tied to another object.
I have tried adding related_name to the foreignkey arguments and nothing seems to be working.

I thought that flush was supposed to drop all tables.
No. According to the documentation, flush doesn't drop the tables. Instead it does the following:
Returns the database to the state it was in immediately after syncdb was executed. This means that all data will be removed from the database, any post-synchronization handlers will be re-executed, and the initial_data fixture will be re-installed.
As stated in chapter 10 of The Django Book in the "Making Changes to a Database Schema" section,
syncdb merely creates tables that don't yet exist in your database — it does not sync changes in models or perform deletions of models. If you add or change a model's field, or if you delete a model, you’ll need to make the change in your database manually.
Therefore, to solve your problem you will need to either:
Delete the database and reissue syncdb. This is the process that I use when I'm still developing the database schema. I use an initial_data fixture to install some test data, which also needs to be updated when the database schema changes.
Manually issue the SQL commands to modify your database schema.
Use South.


Column Already Exist Error on Django Rest Framework on Heroku Migration

I have updated my model, but I couldn't do the migrations, the problem is:
I am getting an error like: column "blah blah" of relation "blah blah blah" already exists
The mentioned column should exist in DB, but it shouldn't exist on migration file because I did not do any addition or modification about that model field and it was already successfully created in one of the previous migrations, even used frequently without any error.
When I do the migration with --fake, this time it doesn't create the really unexisting field of migration file which is defined with that model update.
Deployed on Heroku, it may be caused by rollbacks of code layer, since after rollbacks code gets to older versions but DB stays same.
What is the best way without losing any data from production DB?
Following is a screenshot of the bash; timezone, endtime and start time fields already exist on model and DB before this migration, created on one of the previous successful migrations
Click here to screenshot of Heroku Bash when I try to run migrations
You should not be running makemigrations on Heroku. Do it locally, then commit the result, deploy, and then run migrate only.
As it is, you've got completely out of sync; if you don't have any data you need to keep, the easiest thing to do is to delete your db and start again.

Load fixtures + add Page: IntegrityError (duplicate key value)

I have a migration that loads a fixture for populating the database with a basic site structure (from Loading initial data with Django 1.7 and data migrations
). After that migration ran, my test adds a (custom) NewsPage. THis yields an "IntegrityError at /admin/pages/add/website/newspage/5/
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "wagtailcore_page_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(3) already exists." The same happens when i add the page through the admin interface.
It's a bit suspicious that the Page with pk=3 is the first one that is created in my fixture. The other two pk's were already created by Wagtail's migrations.
I've read up about fixtures an migrations, and it seems Postgres won't reset the primary key sequences. I'm assuming this is also my problem here.
I found a possible solution in Django: loaddata in migrations errors, but that failed (with "psycopg2.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "LINE 1: BEGIN;"). Trying to execute the gist of it, I ran the sqlsequencereset management command (./ sqlsequencereset wagtailcore myapp), but i still get the error, although now for id=4.
Is my assumption correct that Postgres not resetting the primary key sequences is my problem here?
Does anyone know how to reliably fix that from/after a migration loaded fixtures?
Would it maybe be easier / more reliable to create content in Python code?
Edit (same day):
If i don't follow the example in Loading initial data with Django 1.7 and data migrations, but just run the management command, it works:
def load_fixture(fixture_file):
"""Load a fixture."""
commands = StringIO()
call_command('loaddata', fixture_file, stdout=commands)
I don't know what the drawbacks of this more simple approach are.
Edit 2 (also same day):
Ok i do know, the fixtures will be based on the current model state, not the state that the migration is for, so it will likely break if your model changes.
I converted the whole thing to Python code. That works and will likely keep working. Today i learned: don't load fixtures in migrations. (Pity, it would have been a nice shortcut.)

Django won't create a table

I have two different databases in django. Initially, I had a table called cdr in my secondary database. I decided to get rid of the second database and just add the cdr table to the first database.
I deleted references (all of them, I think) to the secondary database in the settings file and throughout my app. I deleted all of the migration files and ran make migrations fresh.
The table that used to be in the secondary database is not created when I run migrate even though it doesn't exist on my postgres database.
I simply cannot for the life of me understand why the makemigrations function will create the migration file for the table when I add it back in to the model definition and I have verified that it is in the migration file. When I run migrate, it tells me there are no migrations to apply.
Why is this so. I have confirmed that I have managed=True. I have confirmed that the model is not on my postgres database by logging into the first database and running \dt.
Why does Django still think that this table still exists such that it is telling me no migrations to apply even though it shows a create command in the migrations file? I even dropped the secondary database to make sure it wasn't somehow being referenced.
I suspect code isn't needed to explain this to me but I will post if needed. I figure I am missing something simple here.
Why does Django still think that this database still exists such that
it is telling me no migrations to apply even though it shows a create
command in the migrations file
Because django maintains a table called django_migrations in your database which lists all the migrations that have been applied. Since you are almost starting afresh, clear out this table and then run the migrations.
If this still doesn't work and still assuming that you are still on a fresh start, it's a simple matter to drop all the tables (or even the database and do the migration again). OTH that you have data you want to save, you need to look at the --fake and --fake-initial options to migrate

Is there an easy way to compare Django's models and migration chain against the db verify consistency?

I've had some migration issues over time and occasionally have run into a case where a field will not have been correctly migrated (almost certainly because I tried some fake migration to get my dev db in a working state).
Doing an automatic schema migration will check the migration chain against the model, but not check either of those against the actual db.
Is there a way to easily compare the database against the current models or migration chain and verify that the db, the models, and migration chain are consistent?
As a straw man imagine you delete your migrations, create a new initial migration, and fake migrate to that initial while deleting the ghost migrations.
Is it trivially possible to verify that the database is in sync with that initial migration?
The django-extensions application provides sqldiff management command, which shows difference between current database and your model. So if there is difference between your database and model (migrations should be same after running makemigrations command), you will see.

Modify the django models

I just tested it myself. I had Django models, and there have already been instances of the models in the database.
Then I added a dummy integer field to a model and ran syncdb. Checked the database, and nothing happened to the table. I don't see the extra field added in.
Is this the expected behavior? What's the proper way of modifying the model, and how will that alter the data that's already in the database?
Django will not alter already existing tables, they even say so in the documentation. The reason for this is that django can not guarantee that there will be no information lost.
You have two options if you want to change existing tables. Either drop them and run syncdb again, but you will need to store your data somehow if you want to keep it. The other options is to use a migrations tool to do this for you. Django can show you the SQL for the new database schema and you can diff that to the current version of the database to create the update script.
You could even update your database mannually if it is a small change and you don't want to bother with migrations tools, though I would recommend to use one.
Please use south for any kind of changes to get reflected to your database tables,
here goes the link for using south
Link for South documentation