Visual Studio Auto Format Curly Brace on Next Line - c++

I am so used to code like this:
if (...)
that I simply have to change the following to the above:
if (...){
I get a lot of code from other people that I have to go through and sometimes this is what I get. Is it possible to auto-format that in Visual Studio 2008 for C++?
Now some may think I should get used to it. Believe me, I am trying, but it is very distracting and I hope there is a simple solution.

VS2008 has a simple formatter (Edit menu, Advanced, Format Selection), but it doesn't move braces.
Check out astyle and its --style=ansi flag.


How to make VSCode indent an if statement without brackets?

I'd like for VSCode to indent automatically indent when I create a newline in the following case:
The default functionality does the following when hitting newline:
This is a longstanding issue in VSCode:
I'd appreciate any kind of hack/extension that can accomplish this behavior. There are other instances of indentation getting mangled in the github issue link, but I only really care about this simple case.
Figured out how to do this without installing an extension. There may be a better way that can be done in settings.json but I couldn't find it. You can modify a languages configuration directly from the source, which for me was C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\cpp\language-configuration.json. There is a guide for these files settings. I added the following to my c++ language configuration:
"onEnterRules": [
"beforeText": "^\\s*(?:if|while)\\(.*\\)\\s*$",
"action": {
"indent": "indent"
"beforeText": "(?=)",
"previousLineText": "^\\s*(?:if|while)\\(.*\\)\\s*$",
"action": {
"indent": "outdent"
This works, but unfortunately the official c++ vscode extension C/C++ for Visual Studio Code breaks it for some reason.
Below was my initial method of doing this, which breaks too many things to be useful.
"indentationRules": {
"increaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*if\\(.*\\)\\s*$",
"decreaseIndentPattern": "(?!)"
The field decreaseIndentPattern must be set (here the regex will never capture anything), otherwise it ignores the indentationRules field (I guess they never tested whether just one would be set?) Note that these edits need to be done with administrative privleges, and I found VSCode pretty convenient for making them. Also these changes do not take effect until VSCode is closed.
So as it turns out I've run into the same issues mentioned in this PR: This fix breaks too much other vscode indentation behavior, such as deindenting after the first properly indented line in if statements.

How to stop visual studio 2017 c++ from autocompleting ) while in the middle of FOR statement?

So every time I write something like
for (auto i = 0; i < my_vector.size();
the moment I add the semicolon after a function call in a for statement, it turns into
for (auto i = 0; i < my_vector.size());
and then I have to manually delete the automatic bracket close because I havent finished the for statement, super annoying.
I don't remember earlier VS versions doing this.
Anyway I tried going in options -> text editor -> c/c++ -> formatting -> general, I tried switching off "Automatically format statement when I type a ;" and also "Automatically format braces when they are automatically completed". Both had some minor effect but the problem I described was still happening.
I like autocomplete most of the time, I find it useful so I don't want to turn it off completely but how can I make it stop doing that one thing?
Update the Visual Studio. That particular (VS 2017) bug is now fixed starting with the VS 2017 15.4 Preview 2 update.

How to type a close brace `}` when clion doesn't understand your code and reformats it wrong?

I have some code that compiles fine but I type the closing brace } for the else, it moves all the code from the else { all the way to the left and throws away all indentation.
if (some_condition) {
} else {
and when I type the final } I get:
if (some_condition) {
} else {
The only way I've found to deal with this when it happens is to select a brace in my code, copy it to my clipboard, then do a right-click "paste simple" in clion, which doesn't do any reformatting.
Is there any better way? For example, an a phone, if it autocorrects you and you delete the autocorrected word and retype the same word again, it won't re-autocorrect you because it figures you actually knew what you meant when you do it the second time.
Thank you.
edit: I'm not saying clion is bad or wrong for not understanding my code because in my real code I use language features that it doesn't claim to have support for. I'm just looking for how to work around it's rather aggressive lack of support.
Please, switch off "Reformat block on typing '}'":
Seems that you would be interested in for-IDE-stub implementation in guarded block (Per-ide variable: in CLion it’s CLION_IDE , in AppCode – APPCODE_IDE , in Android Studio – STUDIO_IDE)
I would not turn autoformatting off, because in the majority of cases it is useful. But when this undesired autoformatting happens, I just do the following workaround:
Cancel the autoformatting (Ctrl+Z). The curly bracket is cancelled too.
Instead of typing bare }, I type it commented: //}.
Then just uncomment this line (Ctrl+/ or remove the slashes).
Profit! :)

How do I write a very simple Visual Studio debugger visualizer?

I'm trying to write an 'autoexp.dat'-based visualizer for a string type. I've scaled-back my ambitions to attempting to write a visualizer for a really simple test type that contains a null-terminated string field:
namespace thizz { namespace izz {
class MyType {
const char* _ptr;
MyType(const char* ptr) : _ptr(ptr) {}
This is my stab at a visualiser, but it has no effect on how Visual Studio (2010) displays an instance of this type:
preview ([$e._ptr,s])
(That's going at the top of the [Visualizers] section in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\autoexp.dat).
Watching an instance of this type:
thizz::izz::MyType t("testing testing");
Just displays
t | {_ptr=0x0f56a6fc "testing testing" } | thizz::izz::MyType
in the Watch window.
To get an even more versatile viewer try changing to use this:
thizz::izz::MyType {
preview ( #( [$e._ptr,s] ) )
stringview ( #( [$e._ptr,sb] ) )
this will also give the magnifying glass icon which will open a larger text view window in the case that you have a longer string. It'll also give you the option of rendering as HTML or XML.
Note that as well as the format of the file being sensitive to whitespace, I've also found that you can't use a colon in the string otherwise it generates parse errors.
The debugger visualisers are incredibly powerful, though the syntax can be quite bewildering. As general advice I would suggest creating some entries first in the [AutoExpand] section to summarise the data types that you are most interested in, and then if you have custom containers then copy and adapt the examples for vector, list, etc, which will give you the largest return for the investment in your time.
I can't give a categorical reason why my original 'code' in autoexp.dat was not working, but I found that the same code worked when all the whitespace was removed.
I then tried re-adding whitespace and found that keeping the initial open brace on the first line was necessary to keep the definition working.

Indention in C++ Builder

In C++ Builder, how can I make sure that even correctly nested code like:
void func () {
C++ Builder correctly nested only doing so:
void func ()
This is very stressful, because I always have to correct by hand. So how can I make which indents code as well in the first instance?
The code formatter in C++Builder 2010 should do this automatically for you. (It is invoked with CTRL-D) You’ll have to set the preferences to how you like your code to be formatted, but this is a real time saver new with this most recent release.
Select the block, then press CTRL+SHIFT+I. This is in Borland C++ 6.
I am using this free tools:
using tabs to shift marked blocks to left or right.
I don't have a copy of this to run, but the documentation mentions "Indentation, Spaces, and Line breaks" as some of the options under the formatter tab of the "Tools > Options" dialog.
What you're looking for is probably under the "Line Breaks" section.