Efficient Packet types/transfer protocol - c++

Using boost::asio in C++, I'm trying to determine the best way to encrypt packets in my program. I thought of defining packets all by myself by type number, each with different fixed packet sizes. The system reads the header (type, and quantity of entries for lists of data) and creates the appropriate structure to receive the data, then it reacts according to the data received.
However, when I look at this method, I wonder if there would be a simpler way to accomplish this without sacrificing efficiency.
These packets are to be sent between different applications trough TCP. Ideally, I'm aiming at both applications using as least bandwidth and CPU as possible while also being as simple to modify as possible. Any suggestions?

TCP uses streams of data, not packets. I highly suggest thinking of your data transmission as a stream of data instead of sequence of packets. This will make it easier to abstract into your code. Take a look at Boost.Serialization or Google Protocol Buffers.
Boost.Asio has SSL encryption capabilities, so it's trivial to encrypt the stream of data. It also has an example using serialization.

Have you considered google protobufs? While it doesn't actually do the encryption (you'll have to do that yourself), it does provide a way of encoding the structured data allowing you to send it over the wire efficiently. Additionally, there are many language bindings for it (C++, Java, and Python off the top of my head).


advantage of serialization over sockets c++

currently we have integrated networking into our game, using UDP protocol. It works fine. But we are sending strings over there network to the server. "10,10,23 - 23,9,10 - 9,23,23"
I came across that I need to serialize the data as this is the right way to do it? what are the benefits of it? does it reduces the performance? Or is sending string fine?
You're already serialising it.
I think what you're asking is whether it is beneficial to serialise to a compact, binary format rather than human-readable strings. The answer is yes, since you can reduce bandwidth requirements and parsing time.
Sometimes you can simply copy the bytes that make up your objects straight into the communications media, though watch out for endianness, padding, width, alignment and other implementation-defined quantities; generally you want to define a single, universal format for your data and some translation may be required on one or more endpoints in order to express the data interchange. That said, in most cases, that's still going to be cheaper than string parsing and stringisation.
The downside is you cannot snoop on the communications channel and immediately see with your eyes what's going on, when debugging your networking.

How can I recv TCP socket data in one package without dividing

Since I create a TCP socket,it is fine when sending small amount data.no fragment. all data came in one package. but when data becomes bigger and bigger. TCP package has been divided into pieces.. it`s really annoying. Is there any option to set on socket, and the socket will automatically put pieces into one package for me ?
It's a byte stream. All the bytes will arrive correctly and in the right order, but not necessarily when you want them. If you need to send anything more complex than one byte, you need another protocol on top of TCP. That's why there are all those other TCP/IP protocols like HTTP, SMTP etc.
No there is not. There are even situations where you might receive 1 byte.
Consider using higher level messaging libraries like ZMQ. It handles all the message packing and unpacking for you.
TCP provides you reliable bi-directional byte stream. It takes care of sequencing, transport-layer packetization, retransmission, and flow-control. Decades of research went into optimizing its performance. Pretty nifty. The small price you pay for all this convenience is that you have to write and read the stream in a loop, watching for a complete application protocol message you can process when receiving, and flushing yet unbuffered bytes when sending.
Welcome to socket programming!
I'll chime in here and say that there's pretty much nothing you can do to solve you issue without adding extra dependencies on libraries which handle application protocols for you. There are some lower level message packing libraries (google's protocol buffers, among others) which may help.
It's probably the most beneficial to get used to reading and writing TCP data in a loop. It's proven and very portable.. even if you pay a small price in actually writing the streaming codecs yourself.
Try it a few times. It's a useful experience which you can re-use, and it's really not as difficult and annoying once you get the hang of it (like anything else, really).
Furthermore, it's fairly easy to unit-test (rather than dealing with esoteric libraries and uncommon protocols with badly/sparsely documented options)..
You can optimize sockets reads to return larger chunks, on platforms that support it, by setting low watermark using setsockopt() and SO_RECVLOWAT. But you will still have to handle the possibility of getting bytes less than the watermark.
I think you want SOCK_SEQPACKET (or possibly SOCK_RDM). See socket(2).

Windows lowest level socket programming?

I'm having a little bit of confusion regarding how low-level winsock is? I am wanting to write a VERY basic client-server program on windows. I don't really wish to use a bloated TCP or even UDP, just something extremely basic and low latency. Would winsock be ideal for this? Or is winsock the same as the windows network functions, just all packaged up (and possibly slower)? Would I be better just using PInvoke on the native windows networking functions?
Winsock, TCP, UDP, and any well received networking library built on top of these are all going to be comparable performance wise.
Use whichever one is easiest to get your work done.
First of all, it's possible to write completely new protocol w/o implementing network driver. For this you have raw sockets. On desktop Windows they are very limited (find "limitations").
It's possible, but not recommended. Don't reinvent the wheel and choose between UDP and TCP until you're completely sure you need something more sophisticated (but not simpler).
To send data over network (as opposite to direct cable link between two computers) you need IP protocol. To dispatch your data to right application you need transport protocol (UDP, TCP and others). UDP is almost the simplest possible one because that's was its main design goal. UDP provides additional addressing (port number in addition to IP address to deliver your data to right socket), packet boundaries ("length" field) and optional checksum. That's all and that's the minimum feature list. Take it and implement everything you need over UDP.
Next, if you need to be sure that your packets are delivered instead of silently dropped somewhere on the way (reliability), delivered in right order, if you'd like to know that somebody still listen to you on opposite end (connectivity) and other things implemented by best specialists, with hardware adapted to this implementation, tested by millions during decades, with lots of documentation, available on almost all possible platforms - use TCP.

Networking Method

Hey guys, Iv'e noticed that when I send a complete packet (collect it's data in a buffer and send) it is much slower than sending the packet byte by byte.
Will it be okay if I make an online game using this method?
Sounds like a naggling-related problem.
You have to disable naggling for latency-demanding applications. (See setsockopt, TCP_NODELAY).
TCP stack behaves differently for small chunks, trying to combine them in bizare ways on the way to IP datagrams. This is a performance optimization suggested by J.Nagle (hence nagling). Keep in mind that enabling NODELAY will make every send() call a kernel-mode transition, so you may wish to pack streams into chunks yourself by means of memory copying, before feeding them into send() if performance is an issue for what you are doing.
I think you need to define what are your measurement points (what exactly are you measuring). By the way is this TCP or UDP?
Anyway Winsock has its own internal buffers that you can modify by calls to setsockopt.
That sounds bizarre. There is much more overhead in sending data byte by byte. Your transport headers will far outweigh the payload! Not to mention O(n) send calls (where n is the number of bytes).
You're doing something wrong if that's what you experience.
What I didn't really measure anything, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with sending data and not collecting it..
I'm using C# for server-side and C++ for client side, in the server side I wrapped the socket with a BinaryWriter and BinaryReader, and in the client I just used send and recv
to send every byte.

How to delta encode a C/C++ struct for transmission via sockets

I need to send a C struct over the wire (using UDP sockets, and possibly XDR at some point) at a fairly high update rate, which potentially causes lots of redundant and unnecessary traffic at several khz.
This is because, some of the data in the struct may not have changed at times, so I thought that delta-encoding the current C struct against the previous C struct would seem like a good idea, pretty much like a "diff".
But I am wondering, what's the best approach of doing something like this, ideally in a portable manner that also ensures that data integrity is maintained? Would it be possible to simply XOR the data and proceed like this?
Similarly, it would be important that the approach remains extensible enough, so that new fields can be added to the struct or reordered if necessary (padding), which sounds as if it'd require versioning information, as well.
Any ideas or pointers (are there existing libraries?) would be highly appreciated!
EDIT: Thanks to everyone one who provided an answer, the level of detail is really appreciated, I realize that I probably should not have mentioned UDP though, because that is in fact not the main problem, because there is already a corresponding protocol implemented on top of UDP that accounts for the mentioned difficulties, so the question was really meant to be specific to feasible means of delta encoding a struct, and not so much about using UDP in particular as a transport mechanism.
UDP does not guarantee that a given packet was actually received, so encoding whatever you transmit as a "difference from last time" is problematic -- you can't know that your counterpart has the same idea as you about what the "last time" was. Essentially you'd have to build some overhead on top of UDP to check what packets have been received (tagging each packet with a unique ID) -- everybody who's tried to go this route will agree that more often than not you find yourself more or less duplicating the TCP streaming infrastructure on top of UDP... only, most likely, not as solid and well-developed (although admittedly sometimes you can take advantage of very special characteristics of your payloads in order to gain some modest advantage over plain good old TCP).
Does your transmission need to be one-way, sender to receiver? If that's the case (i.e., it's not acceptable for the receiver to send acknowledgments or retransmits) then there's really not much you can do along these lines. The one thing that comes to mind: if it's OK for the receiver to be out of sync for a while, then the sender could send two kinds of packets -- one with a complete picture of the current value of the struct, and an identifying unique tag, to be sent at least every (say) 5 minutes (so realistically the receiver may be out of sync for up to 15 minutes if it misses two of these "big packets"); one with just an update (diff) from the last "big packet", including the big packet's identifying unique tag and (e.g.) a run-length-encoded version of the XOR you mention.
Of course once having prepared the run-length-encoded version, the server will compare its size vs the size of the whole struct, and only send the delta-kind of packet if the savings are substantial, otherwise it might as well send the big-packet a bit earlier than needed (gains in reliability). The received will keep track of the last big-packet unique tag it has received and only apply deltas which pertain to it (helps against missing packets and packets delivered out of order, depending how sophisticated you want to make your client).
The need for versioning &c, depending on what exactly you mean (will senders and receivers with different ideas about how the struct's C layout should look need to communicate regularly? how do they handshake about what versions are know to both? etc), will add a whole further universe of complications, but that is really another question, and your core question as summarized in the title is already plenty big enough;-).
If you can afford occasional meta-messages from the receiver back to the sender (acks or requests to resend) then depending on the various numerical parameters in play you may design different strategies. I suspect acks would have to be pretty frequent to do much good, so a request to resend a big-packet (either a specifically identified one or "whatever you have that's freshest") may be the best meta-strategy to cull the options space (which otherwise threatens to explode;-). If so then the sender may be blissfully ignorant of whatever strategy the receiver is using to request big-packet-resends, and you can experiment on the receiver side with various such strategies without needing to redeploy the sender as well.
It's hard to offer much more help without some specifics, i.e., at least ballpark numbers for all the numerical parameters -- packet sizes, frequencies of sending, how long is it tolerable for the sender to be out of sync with the receiver, a bundle of network parameters, etc etc. But I hope this somewhat generic analysis and suggestions still help.
To delta encode:
1) Send "key frames" periodically (e.g. once a second). A key frame is a complete copy (rather than a delta) so that if you lose comms for any reason, you only lose a small amount of data before you can "aquire the signal" again. Use a simple packet header that allows you to detect the start of a packet and know what type of data it contains.
2) Calculate the delta from the previous packet and encode that in a compact form. By examining the type of data you are sending and the way it typically changes, you should be able to devise a pretty compact delta. However, you may need to check the size of the delta - in some cases it may not be an efficient encoding - if it's bigger than a key frame you can just send another key frame instead. You can also decide at this point whether your deltas are lossy or lossless.
3) Add a CRC check to the packet (search for CRC32). This will allow the receiver to verify that the packet has been received intact, allowing them to skip invalid packets.
Be careful about doing this over UDP - it gives no guarantee that your packets will arrive in the same order you sent them. Obviously a delta will only work if packets are in order. In this case, you will need to add some form of sequence ID to each packet (first packet is "1", second packet is "2" etc) so that you can detect out-of-order receiving. You may even need to keep a buffer of "n" packets in the receiver so that you can reassemble them in the correct order when you come to decode them (but of course, this could introduce some latency). You will probably also miss some packets over UDP, in which case you'll need to wait until the next keyframe before you'll be able to "re-aquire the signal" - so the key frames must be frequent enough to avoid catastrophic outages in your comms.
Consider using compression (e.g. zip etc). You may find a full packet can be built in a zip-friendly manner (e.g. rearrage data to group bytes that are likely to have similar values (especially zeros) together) and then compressed so well that it is smaller than an uncompressed delta, and you won't need to go to all the effort of deltas at all (and you won't have to worry about packet ordering etc).
- Always use a version number (or packet type) in your packets so you can add new fields or change the delta encoding in the future! You'll need this for differentiating key/delta frames anyway.
I'm not convinced that delta encoding values on UDP - which is inherently unreliable and out of order - is going to be particularly easy. Instead, I'd send an ID of the field which has changed and its current value. That also doesn't require anything to change if you want to add extra fields to the data structure you're sending. If you want a standard way of doing this, look at SNMP; that may be something you can drop in, or it may be a bit baggy for you (it qualifies the field names globally and uses ASN.1 - both of which give maximum interoperability, but at the cost of some bytes in the packet).
Use an RPC like corba or protocol buffers
Use DTLS with a compression option
Use a packed format
Repurposes an existing header compression library