Easier way to setup Django projects? - django

I've just started using Django and one thing I find that I'm doing is starting a lot of new projects. I'm finding this process to be pretty tedious every time, even using manage.py startproject * I'm constantly changing settings in settings.py like media_root and template paths. Just a little background, I come from PHP and CodeIgniter. I never used a stock CI directory. I modified it to meet my needs for a new project. When I needed a new project, I would just copy that directory. manage.py seems to generate the files on the fly so this approach doesn't seem that possible. Does anyone else have any advice on this?

Lincoln loop has some best practices, they suggest importing settings from a different file. http://lincolnloop.com/django-best-practices/projects/modules/settings.html
Also checkout pip requirements, you might be able to use this to install the settings module from an external source like a git repo.

I'm using Paver to automate my Django project setup.
I have a Bitbucket repository with my own bootstrap setup. Eventually I'll make this generic, but for now it might give you some example code

Sounds like you're starting new projects very often. I assume that's because you're learning. Sure, if there's a custom settings.py that will save you some typing as you generate your learning projects, create it and use it. You could make your template the whole project directory, but since you're unlikely to have a lot of project-level boilerplate outside of settings.py, just focus on that one file. The settings file is the essence of the project.
Django development is all about apps. As you learn more, apps will start to become your focus. My advice would be not to pour too much energy into making an efficient assembly line for project creation.
Also, please learn and use use version control. For bonus points, also learn and use virtualenv :)


How to build sass files with django

I'm completly new with Django and python (and alone as tech in my company, not able to ask help to previous dev). I have to maintain an existing app written in django still developing new services fully written in node, which is my most important task (and my skills). I have a problem that i have fixed some bugs in UX, fixing CSS mostly. And I don't understand how to build sass.
In manage.py, when i ask the list of commands the only things which is related to my problem is "collectstatic" which seems to not build but just collect static files (good naming so) in one folder. And obviously, it doesn't resolve my problem.
Any suggestion ? I'm lost in this big new thing. Many love on every body who can help me. Do you know if there is an integrated tool ? Do i need to use an external compiler which is just not documented ?
Django got nothing to do with compiling assets, you compile it your way in node using your favorite bundler like gulp or webpack and then introduce the final path to django. but people stumbled upon this and created bunch of helper libs, checkout django_webpack.
In case you felt overwhelm then save learning curve time and do like I said earlier, bundle it on your flavor and create a management command in Django that you can run the bundler from python context.

What is the best practice for Django project structure?

I would like to know if there is a best practice for the structure of Django projects.
In particular, where do you located the virtualenv folder for your project?
Do you think is better the following solution:
Or do you think is better to have a folder with all environments, for example in the home directory:
I like to use virtualenvwrapper to keep my virtualenv at the same place and easily access them. I can recommand you to use this :)
- Organizes all of your virtual environments in one place.
- Wrappers for managing your virtual environments (create, delete, copy).
- Use a single command to switch between environments.
- Tab completion for commands that take a virtual environment as argument.
- User-configurable hooks for all operations (see Per-User Customization).
- Plugin system for more creating sharable extensions (see Extending Virtualenvwrapper).
I have no relation with this project, I just use it on daily basis and really like it. Hope it can help you :)
Yup, using virtualenvwrapper is the best practice to manage your project without interfering with your machine environment it's like creating your own environment or machine you can say.
I think Django has provide the best structure as we use daily without any interruption not even mentally and it's easy to handle, Everything is separated so well.
Yes and you can have many aaps under one project which may or may not be connected to each other depends on your requirement , configuration of all app under one project will be in settings.py which is in parent folder for all apps.
Basically it's awesome what they have provided.I will suggest you to use default hierarchy, doesn't matter even if your working with big or small project.

How to modify an installed django app

I'm using the django registration app in my django site. And now I want to add more custom code. I think it would be better if I can modify directly to the original code of the django registration app.
How can I do that?
Should I just download the source code of the django registration app and then put into my project folder. From my understanding, it will check the files right under my project folder first before checking similar files under DJANGO_HOME\contrib.
Is it right?
Ideally, you should not modify the source unless you want to push the changes back to the original source.
Just create a new app and extend/override/copy whatever methods that are custom for your project.
The reason for this is that if django-registration updates their code, you're gonna run into maintenance overhead. If it's separate, you can still update it with pip (you are using virtualenv right?), and then all you need to change are your custom methods and classes.
Yes, you can simply place it in your project folder, and modify it to work as you wish. You can also remove the installed one since you will no longer need it in this case.
Do remember to included it in your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file.
Disclaimer: generally, it is considered bad to edit source code of installed apps. Another application on the same host would not be aware of your changes (btw, take a look at virtualenv). You can forget you've changed somehting and get unexpected behavior. You will not track changes. Ie, it's too easy to break something. If you want to change an existing app, copy it to your project dir and then change.
From your other question, it looks you're asking about django-registration from ubernostrum. This app supports custom backends and events that would be probably enough for you.

What's the best way to install a standalone djangopypi?

I would like to install a djangopypi server for our local development and deployment. However, I'm slightly confused about its installation docs. Apparently, it's assumed that djangopypi is installed inside a bigger project as an app, which is at least debatable from my point of view. I would like my local PyPI instance to run independently of anything else, as a "normal" web service.
And this is where I'm lost. It seems I need some kind of a minimal Django project to wrap djangopypi, which seems a bit overkill for me. Is there a more elegant way to install it in standalone mode?
That's exactly what you need. djangopypi is just an app. Like any Django app, it needs to know stuff like how to connect to your database, etc. That information comes from the project. It doesn't provide this for you because there's no way it could possible know what the best settings are for your particular environment; that's your responsibility.
So, no, it's not "overkill". It's the bare minimum required for functionality, and it's just the way things are. Create a simple project, change all the relevant items in settings.py, nclude djangopypi's urls.py in yours, and you're done. Is is really that hard?

What is the most straightforward path to move a project from Pinax 0.5.1 to 0.7beta3?

I'm updating a 0.5.1 complete_project to 0.7beta3 + virtualenv + pip + fabric.
I have converted my project into multiple stand-alone applications and I have everything being pulled down by pip from a requirements.txt file.
I am now moving the code over and so far can get the Welcome page and perform a log-in, but then it breaks, due, it appears, to the introduction of Group support and the refactoring of Tribes into Tribes and Topics.
Has anyone successfully made this move? If you did, how did you handle migrating your data? What should I be looking out for? Anyone have a checklist or list of steps? What other exciting challenges do I have to look forward to?
The short answer as far as I'm aware (and I've been following Pinax development for some time now) is that there is no straightforward path to upgrade the project from 0.5.1 to 0.7beta3. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the code, but this is the process I would use based on my limited experience:
Start by using the social_project/ that ships with the latest version of Pinax. Copy into it any changes you made to the settings.py file as well as any custom apps you have.
The templates and media have moved to folders outside of the projects, but if you customized any of them (I'm sure you did) take the custom ones and drop them into the template folders in your project to override those in the default theme folders. You should compare them to those in the theme folders to see what changes may need to be made to keep up with changes in the apps.
The next step would be to do the same thing with urls.py copying any customizations over the one provided by the project.
Try getting it running at this point with a fresh DB. Hopefully any errors will point you in the right direction to stuff that you might have missed or not known about.
Once you gotten it running most of the DB tables should be the same (I believe) except as you mentioned the Tribes stuff. Migrating the data, though, is still beyond what I've had to deal with.
Disclaimer: I've been following development but never had to perform an upgrade quite this big. Good luck and (obviously) back up your work and data before trying to port it all over.
See the documentation and code ( http://github.com/pinax/pinax/tree/master ) for more details. The code is a convenient (though tedious) way to watch the evolution between 0.5.1 and 0.7beta3, for what that's worth.