Why does C++ not allow user-defined operators? - c++

I've been wondering this for quite some time. There are already a whole bunch of them and they can be overloaded, so why not do it to the end and allow custom operators? I think it could be a great addition.
I've been told that this would make the language too hard to compile. This makes me wonder, C++ cannot really be designed for easy compilation anyway, so is it really undoable? Of course, if you use an LR parser with a static table and a grammar such as
E → T + E | T
T → F * T | F
F → id | '(' E ')'
it wouldn't work. In Prolog, which is usually parsed with a Operator-Precedence parser AFAIK, new operators can easily be defined, but the language is much simpler. Now, the grammar could obviously be rewritten to accept identifiers in every place where an operator is hard-coded into the grammar.
What other solutions and parser schemes are there and what other things have influenced that design decision?

The possibility has been considered several times, but each time I/we decided that the likely problems outweighed the likely benefits.
It's not a language-technical problem. Even when I first considerd it in 1983, I knew how it could be implemented. However, my experience has been that when we go beyond the most trivial examples people seem to have subtlely different opinions of "the obvious" meaning of uses of an operator. A classical example is a**b**c. Assume that ** has been made to mean exponentiation. Now should a**b**c mean (a**b)**c or a**(b**c)? I thought the answer was obvious and my friends agreed - and then we found that we didn't agree on which resolution was the obvious one. My conjecture is that such problems would lead to subtle bugs.

It would become even harder to compile than what already is. Also, there would be problems with operators' precedence: how do you define it? You need a way to tell the compiler that an user-defined operator has precedence over another operator.
Almost surely it's feasible, but I think that C++ doesn't need other ways to shoot yourself in the foot :-)

This would make the language even more complex. And that obviously wouldn't be desirable.
Still, check out Boost Spirit. It goes a long way to make stuff like you mentioned possible using lots of template metaprogramming tricks.

Actually it's designed to be very easy to parse and compile. C has 32 defined keywords, all other tokens are function and variables.
C++ only has a few more. One can easily identify which token is for which, so know what to look for when one uses the + token or whatever.

The problem with allowing custom operators is that you also have to allow the programmer to specify the syntax for how the operators should be used. I suppose the C++ type system could help a little, but it would help resolving issues like associativity, etc.
It would make the already complex language, much more complex...

This is usually avoided because most code is written by more that one man, so the code should be "reviewable", and it's hardly a "desired" feature of a language.
Joel Spolsky have a good article about this.

I just found out that it's actually possible to achieve something very similar to overloaded operators. Consider
Vector v, a, b; v = a /vectorProduct/ b;
Turns out you can achieve the behaviour of custom operator by using dummy classes delimited by existing operators. =)


Is it fine to customize C++?

For my projects, I usually define a lot of aliases for types like unsigned int, char and double as well as std::string and others.
I also aliased and to &&, or to ||, not to !, etc.
Is this considered bad practice or okay to do?
Defining types to add context within your code is acceptable, and even encouraged. Screwing around with operators will only encourage the next person that has to maintain your code to bring a gun to your house.
Well, consider the newcomers who are accustomed to C++. They will have difficulties maintaining your project.
Mind that there are many possibilities for the more valid aliasing. A good example is complicated nested STL containers.
typedef int ClientID;
typedef double Price;
typedef map<ClientID, map<Date, Price> > ClientPurchases;
Now, instead of
map<int, map<Date, double> >::iterator it = clientPurchases.find(clientId);
you can write
ClientPurchases::iterator it = clientPurchases.find(clientId);
which seems to be more clear and readable.
If you're only using it for pointlessly renaming language features (as opposed to the example #Vlad gives), then it's the Wrong Thing.
It definitely makes the code less readable - anyone proficient in C++ will see (x ? y : z) and know that it's a ternary conditional operator. Although ORLY x YARLY y NOWAI z KTHX could be the same thing, it will confuse the viewer: "is this YARLY NOWAI the exact same thing as ? :, renamed for the author's convenience, or does it have subtle differences?" If these "aliases" are the same thing as the standard language elements, they will only slow down the next person to maintain your code.
TLDR: Reading code, any code, is hard enough without having to look up your private alternate syntax all the time.
That’s horrible. Don’t do it, please. Write idiomatic C++, not some macro-riddled monstrosity. In general, it’s extremely bad practice to define such macros, except in very specific cases (such as the BOOST_FOREACH macro).
That said, and, or and not are actually already valid aliases for &&, || and ! in C++!
It’s just that Visual Studio only knows them if you first include the standard header <ciso646>. Other compilers don’t need this.
Types are something else. Using typedef to create type aliases depending on context makes sense if it augments the expressiveness of the code. Then it’s encouraged. However, even better would be to create own types instead of aliases. For example, I can’t imagine it ever being beneficial to create an alias for std::string – why not just use std::string directly? (An exception are of course generic data structures and algorithms.)
"and", "or", "not" are OK because they're part of the language, but it's probably better to write C++ in a style that other C++ programmers use, and very few people bother using them. Don't alias them yourself: they're reserved names and it's not valid in general to use reserved names even in the preprocessor. If your compiler doesn't provide them in its default mode (i.e. it's not standard-compliant), you could fake them up with #define, but you may be setting yourself up for trouble in future if you change compiler, or change compiler options.
typedefs for builtin types might make sense in certain circumstances. For example in C99 (but not in C++03), there are extended integer types such as int32_t, which specifies a 32 bit integer, and on a particular system that might be a typedef for int. They come from stdint.h (<cstdint> in C++0x), and if your C++ compiler doesn't provide that as an extension, you can generally hunt down or write a version of it that will work for your system. If you have some purpose in mind for which you might in future want to use a different integer type (on a different system perhaps), then by all means hide the "real" type behind a name that describes the important properties that are the reason you chose that type for the purpose. If you just think "int" is unnecessarily brief, and it should be "integer", then you're not really helping anyone, even yourself, by trying to tweak the language in such a superficial way. It's an extra indirection for no gain, and in the long run you're better off learning C++, than changing C++ to "make more sense" to you.
I can't think of a good reason to use any other name for string, except in a case similar to the extended integer types, where your name will perhaps be a typedef for string on some builds, and wstring on others.
If you're not a native English-speaker, and are trying to "translate" C++ to another language, then I sort of see your point but I don't think it's a good idea. Even other speakers of your language will know C++ better than they know the translations you happen to have picked. But I am a native English speaker, so I don't really know how much difference it makes. Given how many C++ programmers there are in the world who don't translate languages, I suspect it's not a huge deal compared with the fact that all the documentation is in English...
If every C++ developer was familiar with your aliases then why not, but you are with these aliases essentially introducing a new language to whoever needs to maintain your code.
Why add this extra mental step that for the most part does not add any clarity (&& and || are pretty obvious what they are doing for any C/C++ programmer, and any way in C++ you can use the and and or keywords)

condition execution using if or logic

when using objects I sometimes test for their existence
could i just use
(object && object->Use());
and what differences are there, if any?
They're the same assuming object->Use() returns something that's valid in a boolean context; if it returns void the compiler will complain that a void return isn't being ignored like it should be, and other return types that don't fit will give you something like no match for 'operator&&'
One enormous difference is that the two function very differently if operator&& has been overloaded. Short circuit evaluation is only provided for the built in operators. In the case of an overloaded operator, both sides will be evaluated [in an unspecified order; operator&& also does not define a sequence point in this case], and the results passed to the actual function call.
If object and the return type of object->Use() are both primitive types, then you're okay. But if either are of class type, then it is possible object->Use() will be called even if object evaluates to false.
They are effectively the same thing but the second is not as clear as your first version, whose intent is obvious. Execution speed is probably no different, either.
Functionally they are the same, and a decent compiler should be able to optimize both equally well. However, writing an expression with operators like this and not checking the result is very odd. Perhaps if this style were common, it would be considered concise and easy to read, but it's not - right now it's just weird. You may get used to it and it could make perfect sense to you, but to others who read your code, their first impression will be, "What the heck is this?" Thus, I recommend going with the first, commonly used version if only to avoid making your fellow programmers insane.
When I was younger I think I would have found that appealing. I always wanted to trim down lines of code, but I realized later on that when you deviate too far from the norm, it'll bite you in the long run when you start working with a team. If you want to achieve zen-programming with minimum lines of code, focus on the logic more than the syntax.
I wouldn't do that. If you overloaded operator&& for pointer type pointing to object and class type returned by object->Use() all bets are off and there is no short-circuit evaluation.
Yes, you can. You see, C language, as well as C++, is a mix of two fairly independent worlds, or realms, if you will. There's the realm of statements and the realm of expressions. Each one can be seen as a separate sub-language in itself, with its own implementations of basic programming constructs.
In the realm of statements, the sequencing is achieved by the ; at the end of the single statement or by the } at the end of compound statement. In the realm of expressions the sequencing is provided by the , operator.
Branching in the realm of statements is implemented by if statement, while in the realm of expressions it can be implemented by either ?: operator or by use of the short-circuit evaluation properties of && and || operators (which is what you just did, assuming your expression is valid).
The realm of expressions has no cycles, but it has recursion that can replace it (requires function calls though, which inevitable forces us to switch to statements).
Obviously these realms are far from being equivalent in their power. C and C++ are languages dominated by statements. However, often one can implement fairly complex constructs using the language of expressions alone.
What you did above does implement equivalent branching in the language of expressions. Keep in mind that many people will find it hard to read in the normal code (mostly because, once again, they are used by statement-dominated C and C++ code). But it often comes very handy in some specific contexts, like template metaprogramming, for one example.

Features of C++ that can't be implemented in C?

I have read that C++ is super-set of C and provide a real-time implementation by creating objects. Also C++ is closed to real world as it is enriched with Object Oriented concepts.
What all concepts are there in C++ that can not be implemented in C?
Some say that we can not over write methods in C then how can we have different flavors of printf()?
For example printf("sachin"); will print sachin and printf("%d, %s",count ,name); will print 1,sachin assuming count is an integer whose value is 1 and name is a character array initililsed with "sachin".
Some say data abstraction is achieved in C++, so what about structures?
Some responders here argues that most things that can be produced with C++ code can also be produced with C with enough ambition. This is true in some parts, but some things are inherently impossible to achieve unless you modify the C compiler to deviate from the standard.
Inheritance (pointer to parent-struct in the child-struct)
Polymorphism (Faking vtable by using a group of function pointers)
Data encapsulation (opaque sub structures with an implementation not exposed in public interface)
Templates (which might as well be called preprocessor step 2)
Function/method overloading by arguments (some try to emulate this with ellipses, but never really comes close)
RAII (Constructors and destructors are automatically invoked in C++, so your stack resources are safely handled within their scope)
Complex cast operators (in C you can cast almost anything)
Worth checking out:
GLib (a C library) has a rather elaborate OO emulation
I posted a question once about what people miss the most when using C instead of C++.
Clarification on RAII:
This concept is usually misinterpreted when it comes to its most important aspect - implicit resource management, i.e. the concept of guaranteeing (usually on language level) that resources are handled properly. Some believes that achieving RAII can be done by leaving this responsibility to the programmer (e.g. explicit destructor calls at goto labels), which unfortunately doesn't come close to providing the safety principles of RAII as a design concept.
A quote from a wikipedia article which clarifies this aspect of RAII:
"Resources therefore need to be tied to the lifespan of suitable objects. They are acquired during initialization, when there is no chance of them being used before they are available, and released with the destruction of the same objects, which is guaranteed to take place even in case of errors."
How about RAII and templates.
It is less about what features can't be implemented, and more about what features are directly supported in the language, and therefore allow clear and succinct expression of the design.
Sure you can implement, simulate, fake, or emulate most C++ features in C, but the resulting code will likely be less readable, or maintainable. Language support for OOP features allows code based on an Object Oriented Design to be expressed far more easily than the same design in a non-OOP language. If C were your language of choice, then often OOD may not be the best design methodology to use - or at least extensive use of advanced OOD idioms may not be advisable.
Of course if you have no design, then you are likely to end up with a mess in any language! ;)
Well, if you aren't going to implement a C++ compiler using C, there are thousands of things you can do with C++, but not with C. To name just a few:
C++ has classes. Classes have constructors and destructors which call code automatically when the object is initialized or descrtucted (going out of scope or with delete keyword).
Classes define an hierarchy. You can extend a class. (Inheritance)
C++ supports polymorphism. This means that you can define virtual methods. The compiler will choose which method to call based on the type of the object.
C++ supports Run Time Information.
You can use exceptions with C++.
Although you can emulate most of the above in C, you need to rely on conventions and do the work manually, whereas the C++ compiler does the job for you.
There is only one printf() in the C standard library. Other varieties are implemented by changing the name, for instance sprintf(), fprintf() and so on.
Structures can't hide implementation, there is no private data in C. Of course you can hide data by not showing what e.g. pointers point to, as is done for FILE * by the standard library. So there is data abstraction, but not as a direct feature of the struct construct.
Also, you can't overload operators in C, so a + b always means that some kind of addition is taking place. In C++, depending on the type of the objects involved, anything could happen.
Note that this implies (subtly) that + in C actually is overridden; int + int is not the same code as float + int for instance. But you can't do that kind of override yourself, it's something for the compiler only.
You can implement C++ fully in C... The original C++ compiler from AT+T was infact a preprocessor called CFront which just translated C++ code into C and compiled that.
This approach is still used today by comeau computing who produce one of the most C++ standards compliant compilers there is, eg. It supports all of C++ features.
All the rest is "easily" faked :)
printf is using a variable length arguments list, not an overloaded version of the function
C structures do not have constructors and are unable to inherit from other structures they are simply a convenient way to address grouped variables
C is not an OO langaueage and has none of the features of an OO language
having said that your are able to imitate C++ functionality with C code but, with C++ the compiler will do all the work for you in compile time
What all concepts are there in C++
that can not be implemented in C?
This is somewhat of an odd question, because really any concept that can be expressed in C++ can be expressed in C. Even functionality similar to C++ templates can be implemented in C using various horrifying macro tricks and other crimes against humanity.
The real difference comes down to 2 things: what the compiler will agree to enforce, and what syntactic conveniences the language offers.
Regarding compiler enforcement, in C++ the compiler will not allow you to directly access private data members from outside of a class or friends of the class. In C, the compiler won't enforce this; you'll have to rely on API documentation to separate "private" data from "publicly accessible" data.
And regarding syntactic convenience, C++ offers all sorts of conveniences not found in C, such as operator overloading, references, automated object initialization and destruction (in the form of constructors/destructors), exceptions and automated stack-unwinding, built-in support for polymorphism, etc.
So basically, any concept expressed in C++ can be expressed in C; it's simply a matter of how far the compiler will go to help you express a certain concept and how much syntactic convenience the compiler offers. Since C++ is a newer language, it comes with a lot more bells and whistles than you would find in C, thus making the expression of certain concepts easier.
One feature that isn't really OOP-related is default arguments, which can be a real keystroke-saver when used correctly.
Function overloading
I suppose there are so many things namespaces, templates that could not be implemented in C.
There shouldn't be too much such things, because early C++ compilers did produce C source code from C++ source code. Basically you can do everything in Assembler - but don't WANT to do this.
Quoting Joel, I'd say a powerful "feature" of C++ is operator overloading. That for me means having a language that will drive you insane unless you maintain your own code. For example,
i = j * 5;
… in C you know, at least, that j is
being multiplied by five and the
results stored in i.
But if you see that same snippet of
code in C++, you don’t know anything.
Nothing. The only way to know what’s
really happening in C++ is to find out
what types i and j are, something
which might be declared somewhere
altogether else. That’s because j
might be of a type that has operator*
overloaded and it does something
terribly witty when you try to
multiply it. And i might be of a type
that has operator= overloaded, and the
types might not be compatible so an
automatic type coercion function might
end up being called. And the only way
to find out is not only to check the
type of the variables, but to find the
code that implements that type, and
God help you if there’s inheritance
somewhere, because now you have to
traipse all the way up the class
hierarchy all by yourself trying to
find where that code really is, and if
there’s polymorphism somewhere, you’re
really in trouble because it’s not
enough to know what type i and j are
declared, you have to know what type
they are right now, which might
involve inspecting an arbitrary amount
of code and you can never really be
sure if you’ve looked everywhere
thanks to the halting problem (phew!).
When you see i=j*5 in C++ you are
really on your own, bubby, and that,
in my mind, reduces the ability to
detect possible problems just by
looking at code.
But again, this is a feature. (I know I will be modded down, but at the time of writing only a handful of posts talked about downsides of operator overloading)

C++ IDE that supports Scott Meyer's advice: Prefer non-member non-friend functions over members

Scott Meyer's argument that non-member functions increase encapsulation and allow for more elegant design (designwise) seems very valid to me.
See here: Article
Yet I have problems with this. (And seemingly others too, especially Library developers, who usually completely ignore this)
Code usually looks better and more logical when I use member functions. This may be an acquired taste though and just takes some getting used to looking at algorithms first and then on the objects. (shudder)
So maybe I have only one problem:
With member functions, me AND my IDE know what the class can do.
For me this is huge! I use nothing that doesn't support member function code completion for programming. In well designed libraries it completely replaces documentation for me.
And even if I would look at the api doc, looking through the member list just feels absolutely natural, logical and I can be sure that, well, this is the end. If the method is not in there, I can safely assume it doesn't exist and I can write my non-member non-friend.
I put up with this in the STL, because, well, it makes sense to see algorithms apart from basic components and because of the you get used to it factor.
I haven't seen an IDE that can tell me what non-member functions work on a particular class.
And this actually is my question:
Is there an IDE (or IDE feature) out there that helps with this code convention?
I've come across this thing in the past.
My idea then was rather clumsy, but got the job done: namespaces.
What I did was
namespace myclass
class MyClass
MyClass operator+(const MyClass& lhs, const MyClass& rhs){...}
Meyers is certainly correct that using non-members increases encapsulation, by minimising the number of functions that could potentially access the private state. However, encapsulation is just one of many (often conflicting) aspects of code quality.
He does make a valid point that the library writer won't necessarily write functions for every possible usage of the class (since there may be usages that they don't think of). This means that you may well have to add non-member "helper" functions yourself, just as they would do if they followed Meyers's advice. So there's no way of knowing that the set of member and friend functions is indeed the only set of functions that act on the class.
As a technoluddite, the "IDE" that I favour (a text editor and a shell) has the following "feature" that's pretty good for finding the functions acting on a class:
find . -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' | xargs grep MyClass
I can't comment on "real" IDEs.
I don't believe it is possible for an IDE to tell you all non-member functions that you can use with your class. Using templates, it is simply too difficult to make a list of all such functions. IMO, the best you can hope for is for an IDE to be able to tell you before compilation whether a call you're trying to make is valid. And even that requires some serious compilation-like process inside the IDE.
I understand how you use member functions as a replacement for documentation in classic classes. But the design Scott Meyer suggests isn't about classes that provide complex functionalities, just basic ones. Complex functionalities come from elsewhere, the original class may or may not know about it, it does not really matter. It's all part of the idea. But you are right. In that case, there is a renewed need for well-thought documentation.
Try to use Visual AssistX, it has this nice feature: Right click on your class, Refactor (VA X) -> Find references. It actually works.

What makes Scala's operator overloading "good", but C++'s "bad"? [closed]

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Operator overloading in C++ is considered by many to be A Bad Thing(tm), and a mistake not to be repeated in newer languages. Certainly, it was one feature specifically dropped when designing Java.
Now that I've started reading up on Scala, I find that it has what looks very much like operator overloading (although technically it doesn't have operator overloading because it doesn't have operators, only functions). However, it wouldn't seem to be qualitatively different to the operator overloading in C++, where as I recall operators are defined as special functions.
So my question is what makes the idea of defining "+" in Scala a better idea than it was in C++?
C++ inherits true blue operators from C. By that I mean that the "+" in 6 + 4 is very special. You can't, for instance, get a pointer to that + function.
Scala on the other hand doesn't have operators in that way. It just has great flexibility in defining method names plus a bit of built in precedence for non-word symbols. So technically Scala doesn't have operator overloading.
Whatever you want to call it, operator overloading isn't inherently bad, even in C++. The problem is when bad programmers abuse it. But frankly, I'm of the opinion that taking away programmers ability to abuse operator overloading doesn't put a drop in the bucket of fixing all the things that programmers can abuse. The real answer is mentoring. http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/03/operator-overloading-ad-absurdum.html
None-the-less, there are differences between C++'s operator overloading and Scala's flexible method naming which, IMHO, make Scala both less abusable and more abusable.
In C++ the only way to get in-fix notation is using operators. Otherwise you must use object.message(argument) or pointer->messsage(argument) or function(argument1, argument2). So if you want a certain DSLish style to your code then there's pressure to use operators.
In Scala you can get infix notation with any message send. "object message argument" is perfectly ok, which means you don't need to use non-word symbols just to get infix notation.
C++ operator overloading is limited to essentially the C operators. Combined with the limitation that only operators may be used infix that puts pressure on people to try to map a wide range of unrelated concepts onto a relatively few symbols like "+" and ">>"
Scala allows a huge range of valid non-word symbols as method names. For instance, I've got an embedded Prolog-ish DSL where you can write
female('jane)! // jane is female
parent('jane,'john)! // jane is john's parent
parent('jane, 'wendy)! // jane is wendy's parent
mother('Mother, 'Child) :- parent('Mother, 'Child) & female('Mother) //'// a mother of a child is the child's parent and is female
mother('X, 'john)? // find john's mother
mother('jane, 'X)? // find's all of jane's children
The :-, !, ?, and & symbols are defined as ordinary methods. In C++ only & would be valid so an attempt to map this DSL into C++ would require some symbols that already evoke very different concepts.
Of course, this also opens up Scala to another kind of abuse. In Scala you can name a method $!&^% if you want to.
For other languages that, like Scala, are flexible in the use of non-word function and method names see Smalltalk where, like Scala, every "operator" is just another method and Haskell which allows the programmer to define precedence and fixity of flexibly named functions.
Operator overloading in C++ is
considered by many to be A Bad
Only by the ignorant. It is absolutely required in a language like C++, and it is noticeable that other languages that started off taking a "purist" view, have added it once their designers found out how necessary it is.
Operator overloading was never universally thought to be a bad idea in C++ - just the abuse of operator overloading was thought to be a bad idea. One doesn't really need operator overloading in a language since they can be simulated with more verbose function calls anyway. Avoiding operator overloading in Java made the implementation and specification of Java a little simpler and it forced programmers to not abuse operators. There has been some debate in the Java community about introducing operator overloading.
The advantages and disadvantages of operator overloading in Scala are the same as in C++ - you can write more natural code if you use operator overloading appropriately - and more cryptic, obfuscated code if you don't.
FYI: Operators are not defined as special functions in C++, they behave just like any other function - although there are some differences in name lookup, whether they need to be member functions, and the fact that they can be called in two ways: 1) operator syntax, and 2) operator-function-id syntax.
This article - "The Positive Legacy of C++ and Java" - answers your question directly.
"C++ has both stack allocation and heap allocation and you must overload your operators to handle all situations and not cause memory leaks. Difficult indeed. Java, however, has a single storage allocation mechanism and a garbage collector, which makes operator overloading trivial" ...
Java mistakenly (according to the author) omitted operator overloading because it was complicated in C++, but forgot why (or didn't realize that it didn't apply to Java).
Thankfully, higher level languages like Scala give developers options, while still running on the same JVM.
Operator overloading is not something that you really "need" very often, but when using Java, if you hit a point where you genuinely need it, it'll make you want to rip your fingernails out just so you have an excuse to stop typing.
That code which you've just found overflows a long? Yup, you're going to have to retype the whole lot to make it work with BigInteger. There is nothing more frustrating that having to reinvent the wheel just to change the type of a variable.
There is nothing wrong with operator overloading. In fact, there's something wrong with not having operator overloading for numeric types. (Take a look at some Java code that uses BigInteger and BigDecimal.)
C++ has a tradition of abusing the feature, though. An often-cited example is that the bitshift operators are overloaded to do I/O.
In general it is not a bad thing.
New languages such as C# also have operator overloading.
It is the abuse of operator overloading that is a bad thing.
But there are also problems with operator overloading as defined in C++. Because overloaded operators are just syntactic sugar for method calls they behave just like method. On the other hand normal built-in operators do not behave like methods. These inconsistency can be cause problems.
Off the top of my head operators || and &&.
The built in versions of these are short-cut operators. This is not true for overloaded versions and has caused some problems.
The fact that + - * / all return the same type that they operate on (after operator promotion)
The overloaded versions can return anything (This is where the abuse sets in, If your operators start to return some arbitrator type the user was not expecting things go down hill).
Guy Steele argued that operator overloading should be in Java as well, in his keynote speech "Growing a language" - there's a video and a transcription of it, and it's really an amazing speech. You will wonder what he is talking about for the first couple of pages, but if you keep on reading, you will see the point and achieve enlightenment. And the very fact that he could do such a speech at all is also amazing.
At the same time, this talk inspired a lot of fundamental research, probably including Scala - it's one of those papers that everybody should read to work in the field.
Back to the point, his examples are mostly about numeric classes (like BigInteger, and some weirder stuff), but that's not essential.
It is true, though, that misuse of operator overloading can lead to terrible results, and that even proper uses can complicate matters, if you try to read code without studying a bit the libraries it uses. But is that a good idea? OTOH, shouldn't such libraries try to include an operator cheat sheet for their operators?
I believe EVERY answer missed this. In C++ you can overload operators all you want, but you can't effect the precedence with which they're evaluated. Scala doesn't have this issue, IIRC.
As for it being a bad idea, besides precedence issues, people come up with really daft meanings for operators, and it rarely aids readability. Scala libraries are especially bad for this, goofy symbols that you must memorize each time, with library maintainers sticking their heads in the sand saying, 'you only need to learn it once'. Great, now I need to learn some 'clever' author's cryptic syntax * the number of libraries I care to use. It wouldn't be so bad if there existed a convention of ALWAYS supplying a literate version of the operators.
The only thing known wrong in C++ is the lack of the ability to overload []= as a separate operator. This could be hard to implement in a C++ compiler for what is probably not an obvious reason but plenty worth it.
Operator overloading was not a C++ invention - it came from Algol IIRC and even Gosling does not claim it is a bad idea in general.
As the other answers have pointed out; operator overloading itself isn't necessarily bad. What is bad it when it is used in ways that make the resulting code un-obvious. Generally when using them you need to make them do the least surprising thing (having operator+ do division would cause trouble for a rational class's usage) or as Scott Meyers says:
Clients already know how types like
int behave, so you should strive to
have your types behave in the same way
whenever reasonable... When in
doubt, do as the ints do.
(From Effective C++ 3rd Edition item 18)
Now some people have taken operator overloading to the extreme with things like boost::spirit. At this level you have no idea how it is implemented but it makes an interesting syntax to get what you want done. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. It seems nice, but I haven't used it.
I have never seen an article claiming that C++'s operator overloading is bad.
User-definable operators permit an easier higher level of expressivity and usability for users of the language.
However, it wouldn't seem to be qualitatively different to the operator overloading in C++, where as I recall operators are defined as special functions.
AFAIK, There is nothing special in operator functions compared to "normal" member functions. Of course you only have a certain set of operators that you can overload, but that doesn't make them very special.