Iterator equivalent to null pointer? - c++

In an algorithm I'm currently implementing, I need to manipulate a std::list of struct T.
T holds a reference to another instance of T, but this reference can also be "unassigned".
At first, I wanted to use a pointer to hold this reference, but using an iterator instead makes it easier to remove from the list.
My question is : how to represent the equivalent to null pointer with my iterator?
I read general solution is to use myList.end(), but in my case, I need to test whether the iterator is "null" or not, and I may add or remove elements to the list between the moment when I store the iterator and the moment I remove it from list... Should I make the iterator point to a known list containing the "null" element? Or is there a more elegant solution?

According to this (emphasis by me):
Compared to the other base sequence
containers (vector and deque), lists
are the most efficient container doing
insertions at some position other than
the beginning or the end of the
sequence, and, unlike in these, all of
the previously obtained iterators and
references remain valid after the
insertion and refer to the same
elements they were referring before.
The same applies to erasure (with the obvious exception of iterators referring to a deleted element becoming invalidated). So yes, obtaining end() will always point to the same "invalid" element and should be safe to use.


Get pointer to node in std::list or std::forward_list

I am planning to use std::list in my code, I decided not to use std::forward_list, because for deletions (I figured) the whole list will have to traversed, O(N) complexity for std::forward_list (being a single link list). However, when I looked into the documentation I noticed both the stl containers have O(N) complexity to remove an item.
After some thinking I figured out why (I think). It's because in both cases, the whole list has to be scanned to find the node first, and then delete it. Is this right?
I then looked into the "erase" and "erase_after" methods, and their complexity is "Linear in the number of elements erased (destructions).". It's because, I am passing an iterator to the node (which is kind of like a "pointer"). However, I cannot (or prefer not to) pass this iterator around in my code to access the data in the node. I am not sure if this iterator will be valid if the list is modified? Thoughts?
My question is, is there a way I can get a pointer to the node in the list. That way, I know it will be valid throughout the lifetime of my program, pass it around. And I can just look into it to get access to my data.
However, I cannot (or prefer not to) pass this iterator around in my code to access the data in the node.
Why not? Iterators are easy to use and are quite lightweight. A pointer isn't better in any way.
I am not sure if this iterator will be valid if the list is modified?
For list, any iterator will remain valid, even if the list is modified. Except, of course, if you erase the particular element that is the iterator points to. But that's kind of obvious, you can' expect to have an iterator (or pointer) to something that doesn't exist any more.
(vector is more dangerous. One small change to a vector can invalidate all its iterators.)
You can take a pointer to any individual element in the list.
list<int> iterator it = find(l.begin(), l.end(), 7); // get an iterator
int * ptr = &*it; // get a pointer to the same element.
The pointer is similar to the iterator in many respects. But the iterator is a little more powerful. An iterator can be incremented or decremented, to access neighbouring elements in the list. And an iterator can be used to delete an element from the list. A pointer cannot do either of those things.
Both the iterator and pointer remain valid as long as that particular element isn't removed.
I am not sure if this iterator will be valid if the list is modified
Yeah, in the general case, storing iterators is risky unless you keep a close eye on the operations performed on your container.
Problem is, this is just the same for a pointer. In fact, for many containers, iterators are implemented as pointers.
So either store an iterator or a pointer if you like but, either way, keep an eye on the iterator invalidation rules:
Iterator invalidation rules
For lists, an iterator is valid even if other items in the list are erased. It becomes garbage when that item the iterator references in the list is removed.
So, as long as you know the iterator you're passing around isn't being removed by some other piece of code, they're safe to hold onto. This seems fragile though.
Even if there was a construct outside of iterators to reference a node in the list, it would suffer from the same fragility.
However, you can have each node contain an std::shared_ptr to the data it stores instead of the object itself and then pass around std::weak_ptr's to those objects and check for expired before accessing those weak_ptr's.
instead of
std::list<MyClass> foo;
you would have
std::list<std::shared_ptr<MyClass>> foo;
have a look here for info on weak_ptr's
is there a way I can get a pointer to the node in the list
Yes, in your particular implementation.
No, in a standard-compliant way.
If you look at the std::list documentation, there is not a single word about a node. While it is hard to imagine a different way to implement the std::list other than using a doubly linked list, there is nothing that prevents it.
You should almost never come into any contact with undocumented internals of libraries.
Adding, removing and moving the elements within the list or across several lists does not invalidate the iterators or references. An iterator is invalidated only when the corresponding element is deleted.
So a std::list<>::iterator is only invalidated when the corresponding element is deleted. So yes, as long as you make sure that the corresponding element exists (which you will anyway have to do in your scenario of storing/passing around a pointer to anything) you can save and/or pass around the iterator throughout the lifetime of your program.
Now, an iterator is nothing but a pointer in disguise. So, if you prefer to save/pass around the corresponding pointer instead of iterator, you can always first convert the iterator to the pointer as #Aaron McDaid suggested.
int * ptr = &*it; // get a pointer to the same element.

Understanding Iterators in the STL

What exactly are iterators in the C++ STL?
In my case, I'm using a list, and I don't understand why you have to make an iterator std::list <int>::const_iterator iElementLocator; to display contents of the list by the derefrence operator:
cout << *iElementLocator; after assigning it to maybe list.begin().
Please explain what exactly an iterator is and why I have to dereference or use it.
There are three building blocks in the STL:
At the conceptual level containers hold data. That by itself isn't very useful, because you want to do something with the data; you want to operate on it, manipulate it, query it, play with it. Algorithms do exactly that. But algorithms don't hold data, they have no data -- they need a container for this task. Give a container to an algorithm and you have an action going on.
The only problem left to solve is how does an algorithm traverse a container, from a technical point of view. Technically a container can be a linked list, or it can be an array, or a binary tree, or any other data structure that can hold data. But traversing an array is done differently than traversing a binary tree. Even though conceptually all an algorithm wants is to "get" one element at a time from a container, and then work on that element, the operation of getting the next element from a container is technically very container-specific.
It appears as if you'd need to write the same algorithm for each container, so that each version of the algorithm has the correct code for traversing the container. But there's a better solution: ask the container to return an object that can traverse over the container. The object would have an interface algorithms know. When an algorithm asks the object to "get the next element" the object would comply. Because the object came directly from the container it knows how to access the container's data. And because the object has an interface the algorithm knows, we need not duplicate an algorithm for each container.
This is the iterator.
The iterator here glues the algorithm to the container, without coupling the two. An iterator is coupled to a container, and an algorithm is coupled to the iterator's interface. The source of the magic here is really template programming. Consider the standard copy() algorithm:
template<class In, class Out>
Out copy(In first, In last, Out res)
while( first != last ) {
*res = *first;
return res;
The copy() algorithm takes as parameters two iterators templated on the type In and one iterator of type Out. It copies the elements starting at position first and ending just before position last, into res. The algorithm knows that to get the next element it needs to say ++first or ++res. It knows that to read an element it needs to say x = *first and to write an element it needs to say *res = x. That's part of the interface algorithms assume and iterators commit to. If by mistake an iterator doesn't comply with the interface then the compiler would emit an error for calling a function over type In or Out, when the type doesn't define the function.
I'm being lazy. So I would not type describing what an iterator is and how they're used, especially when there're already lots of articles online that you can read yourself.
Here are few that I can quote for a start, proividing the links to complete articles:
MSDN says,
Iterators are a generalization of
pointers, abstracting from their
requirements in a way that allows a
C++ program to work with different
data structures in a uniform manner.
Iterators act as intermediaries
between containers and generic
algorithms. Instead of operating on
specific data types, algorithms are
defined to operate on a range
specified by a type of iterator. Any
data structure that satisfies the
requirements of the iterator may then
be operated on by the algorithm. There
are five types or categories of
iterator [...]
By the way, it seems the MSDN has taken the text in bold from C++ Standard itself, specifically from the section §24.1/1 which says
Iterators are a generalization of
pointers that allow a C + + program to
work with different data structures
(containers) in a uniform manner. To
be able to construct template
algorithms that work correctly and
efficiently on different types of data
structures, the library formalizes not
just the interfaces but also the
semantics and complexity assumptions
of iterators. All iterators i support
the expression *i, resulting in a
value of some class, enumeration, or
built-in type T, called the value type
of the iterator. All iterators i for
which the expression (*i).m is
well-defined, support the expression
i->m with the same semantics as
(*i).m. For every iterator type X for
which equality is defined, there is a
corresponding signed integral type
called the difference type of the
cplusplus says,
In C++, an iterator is any object
that, pointing to some element in a
range of elements (such as an array or
a container), has the ability to
iterate through the elements of that
range using a set of operators (at
least, the increment (++) and
dereference (*) operators).
The most obvious form of iterator is a
pointer [...]
And you can also read these:
What Is an Iterator?
Iterators in the Standard C++ Library
Iterator (at wiki entry)
Have patience and read all these. Hopefully, you will have some idea what an iterator is, in C++. Learning C++ requires patience and time.
An iterator is not the same as the container itself. The iterator refers to a single item in the container, as well as providing ways to reach other items.
Consider designing your own container without iterators. It could have a size function to obtain the number of items it contains, and could overload the [] operator to allow you to get or set an item by its position.
But "random access" of that kind is not easy to implement efficiently on some kinds of container. If you obtain the millionth item: c[1000000] and the container internally uses a linked list, it will have to scan through a million items to find the one you want.
You might instead decide to allow the collection to remember a "current" item. It could have functions like start and more and next to allow you to loop through the contents:
while (c.more())
item_t item =;
// use the item somehow
But this puts the "iteration state" inside the container. This is a serious limitation. What if you wanted to compare each item in the container with every other item? That requires two nested loops, both iterating through all the items. If the container itself stores the position of the iteration, you have no way to nest two such iterations - the inner loop will destroy the working of the outer loop.
So iterators are an independent copy of an iteration state. You can begin an iteration:
container_t::iterator i = c.begin();
That iterator, i, is a separate object that represents a position within the container. You can fetch whatever is stored at that position:
item_t item = *i;
You can move to the next item:
With some iterators you can skip forward several items:
i += 1000;
Or obtain an item at some position relative to the position identified by the iterator:
item_t item = i[1000];
And with some iterators you can move backwards.
And you can discover if you've reached beyond the contents of the container by comparing the iterator to end:
while (i != c.end())
You can think of end as returning an iterator that represents a position that is one beyond the last position in the container.
An important point to be aware of with iterators (and in C++ generally) is that they can become invalid. This usually happens for example if you empty a container: any iterators pointing to positions in that container have now become invalid. In that state, most operations on them are undefined - anything could happen!
An iterator is to an STL container what a pointer is to an array. You can think of them as pointer objects to STL containers. As pointers, you will be able to use them with the pointer notation (e.g. *iElementLocator, iElementLocator++). As objects, they will have their own attributes and methods (
There already exists a lot of good explanations of iterators. Just google it.
One example.
If there is something specific you don't understand come back and ask.
I'd suggest reading about operator overloading in C++. This will tell why * and -> can mean essentially anything. Only then you should read about the iterators. Otherwise it might appear very confusing.

Does a vector sort invalidate iterators?

std::vector<string> names;
std::vector<string>::iterator start = names.begin();
std::vector<string>::iterator end = names.end();
sort (start,end);
//are my start and end valid at this point?
//or they do not point to front and tail resp?
According to the C++ Standard §23.1/11:
Unless otherwise specified (either explicitly or by defining a function in terms of other functions), invoking
a container member function or passing a container as an argument to a library function shall not invalidate
iterators to, or change the values of, objects within that container.
§25.3 "Sorting and related operations" doesn't specify that iterators will be invalidated, so iterators in the question should stay valid.
They still point to the beginning and end. The values in those slots of the vector have probably changed, but the storage location in which each resides remains the same.
std::sort will not invalidate iterators to a vector. The sort template uses the * operator on the iterators to access and modify the contents of the vector, and modifying a vector element though an iterator to an element already in the vector will not invalidate any iterators.
In summary,
your existing iterators will not be invalidated
however, the elements they point to may have been modified
In addition to the support for the standard provided by Kirill V. Lyadvinsky (Does a vector sort invalidate iterators?):
25/5 "Algorithms library"
If an algorithm’s Effects section says
that a value pointed to by any
iterator passed as an argument is
modified, then that algorithm has an
additional type requirement: The type
of that argument shall satisfy the
requirements of a mutable iterator
24.1/4 "Iterator requirements"
Besides its category, a forward,
bidirectional, or random access
iterator can also be mutable or
constant depending on whether the
result of the expression *i behaves as
a reference or as a reference to a
std::vector keeps its elements in contiguous memory. std::sort takes arguments (iterators) by value and re-arranges the sequence between them. The net result is your local variables start and end are still pointing to first and one-past-the-last elements of the vector.

Is end() required to be constant in an STL map/set?

§ in the standard states that insertion/deletion operations on a set/map will not invalidate any iterators to those objects (except iterators pointing to a deleted element).
Now, consider the following situation: you want to implement a graph with uniquely numbered nodes, where every node has a fixed number (let's say 4) of neighbors. Taking advantage of the above rule, you do it like this:
class Node {
// iterators to neighboring nodes
std::map<int, Node>::iterator neighbors[4];
friend class Graph;
class Graph {
std::map<int, Node> nodes;
(EDIT: Not literally like this due to the incompleteness of Node in line 4 (see responses/comments), but along these lines anyway)
This is good, because this way you can insert and delete nodes without invalidating the consistency of the structure (assuming you keep track of deletions and remove the deleted iterator from every node's array).
But let's say you also want to be able to store an "invalid" or "nonexistent" neighbor value. Not to worry, we can just use nodes.end()... or can we? Is there some sort of guarantee that nodes.end() at 8 AM will be the same as nodes.end() at 10 PM after a zillion insertions/deletions? That is, can I safely == compare an iterator received as a parameter to nodes.end() in some method of Graph?
And if not, would this work?
class Graph {
std::map<int, Node> nodes;
std::map<int, Node>::iterator _INVALID;
Graph() { _INVALID = nodes.end(); }
That is, can I store nodes.end() in a variable upon construction, and then use this variable whenever I want to set a neighbor to invalid state, or to compare it against a parameter in a method? Or is it possible that somewhere down the line a valid iterator pointing to an existing object will compare equal to _INVALID?
And if this doesn't work either, what can I do to leave room for an invalid neighbor value?
You write (emphasis by me):
§ in the standard states that insertion/deletion operations on a set/map will not invalidate any iterators to those objects (except iterators pointing to a deleted element).
Actually, the text of 23.1.2/8 is a bit different (again, emphasis by me):
The insert members shall not affect the validity of iterators and references to the container, and the erase members shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements.
I read this as: If you have a map, and somehow obtain an iterator into this map (again: it doesn't say to an object in the map), this iterator will stay valid despite insertion and removal of elements. Assuming std::map<K,V>::end() obtains an "iterator into the map", it should not be invalidated by insertion/removal.
This, of course, leaves the question whether "not invalidated" means it will always have the same value. My personal assumption is that this is not specified. However, in order for the "not invalidated" phrase to make sense, all results of std::map<K,V>::end() for the same map must always compare equal even in the face of insertions/removal:
my_map_t::iterator old_end = my_map.end();
// wildly change my_map
assert( old_end == my_map.end() );
My interpretation is that, if old_end remains "valid" throughout changes to the map (as the standard promisses), then that assertion should pass.
Disclaimer: I am not a native speaker and have a very hard time digesting that dreaded legaleze of the Holy PDF. In fact, in general I avoid it like the plague.
Oh, and my first thought also was: The question is interesting from an academic POV, but why doesn't he simply store keys instead of iterators?
23.1/7 says that end() returns an iterator that
is the past-the-end value for the container.
First, it confirms that what end() returns is the iterator. Second, it says that the iterator doesn't point to a particular element. Since deletion can only invalidate iterators that point somewhere (to the element being deleted), deletions can't invalidate end().
Well, there's nothing preventing particular collection implementation from having end() depend on the instance of collection and time of day, as long as comparisons and such work. Which means, that, perhaps, end() value may change, but old_end == end() comparison should still yield true. (edit: although after reading the comment from j_random_hacker, I doubt this paragraph itself evaluates to true ;-), not universally — see the discussion below )
I also doubt you can use std::map<int,Node>::iterator in the Node class due to the type being incomplete, yet (not sure, though).
Also, since your nodes are uniquely numbered, you can use int for keying them and reserve some value for invalid.
Iterators in (multi)sets and (multi)maps won't be invalidated in insertions and deletions and thus comparing .end() against previous stored values of .end() will always yield true.
Take as an example GNU libstdc++ implementation where .end() in maps returns the default intialized value of Rb_tree_node
From stl_tree.h:
this->_M_header._M_color = _S_red;
this->_M_header._M_parent = 0;
this->_M_header._M_left = &this->_M_header;
this->_M_header._M_right = &this->_M_header;
Assuming that (1) map implemented with red-black tree (2) you use same instance "after a zillion insertions/deletions"- answer "Yes".
Relative implmentation I can tell that all incarnation of stl I ever know use the tree algorithm.
A couple points:
1) end() references an element that is past the end of the container. It doesn't change when inserts or deletes change the container because it's not pointing to an element.
2) I think perhaps your idea of storing an array of 4 iterators in the Node could be changed to make the entire problem make more sense. What you want is to add a new iterator type to the Graph object that is capable of iterating over a single node's neighbours. The implementation of this iterator will need to access the members of the map, which possibly leads you down the path of making the Graph class extend the map collection. With the Graph class being an extended std::map, then the language changes, and you no longer need to store an invalid iterator, but instead simply need to write the algorithm to determine who is the 'next neighbour' in the map.
I think it is clear:
end() returns an iterator to the element one past the end.
Insertion/Deletion do not affect existing iterators so the returned values are always valid (unless you try to delete the element one past the end (but that would result in undefined behavior anyway)).
Thus any new iterator generated by end() (would be different but) when compared with the original using operator== would return true.
Also any intermediate values generated using the assignment operator= have a post condition that they compare equal with operator== and operator== is transitive for iterators.
So yes, it is valid to store the iterator returned by end() (but only because of the guarantees with associative containers, therefor it would not be valid for vector etc).
Remember the iterator is not necessarily a pointer. It can potentially be an object where the designer of the container has defined all the operations on the class.
I believe that this depends entirely on what type of iterator is being used.
In a vector, end() is the one past the end pointer and it will obviously change as elements are inserted and removed.
In another kind of container, the end() iterator might be a special value like NULL or a default constructed element. In this case it doesn't change because it doesn't point at anything. Instead of being a pointer-like thing, end() is just a value to compare against.
I believe that set and map iterators are the second kind, but I don't know of anything that requires them to be implemented in that way.
C++ Standard states that iterators should stay valid. And it is. Standard clearly states that in 23.1.2/8:
The insert members shall not affect the validity of iterators and references to the container, and the erase members shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements.
And in 21.1/7:
end() returns an iterator which is the past-the-end value for the container.
So iterators old_end and new_end will be valid. That means that we could get --old_end (call it it1) and --new_end (call it it2) and it will be the-end value iterators (from definition of what end() returns), since iterator of an associative container is of the bidirectional iterator category (according to 23.1.2/6) and according to definition of --r operation (Table 75).
Now it1 should be equal it2 since it gives the-end value, which is only one (23.1.2/9). Then from 24.1.3 follows that: The condition that a == b implies ++a == ++b. And ++it1 and ++it2 will give old_end and new_end iterators (from definition of ++r operation Table 74). Now we get that old_end and new_end should be equal.
I had a similar question recently, but I was wondering if calling end() to retrieve an iterator for comparison purposes could possibly have race conditions.
According to the standard, two iterators are considered equivalent if both can be dereferenced and &*a == &*b or if neither can be dereferenced. Finding the bolded statement took a while and is very relevant here.
Because an std::map::iterator cannot be invalidated unless the element it points to has been removed, you're guaranteed that two iterators returned by end, regardless of what the state of the map was when they were obtained, will always compare to each other as true.

Storing iterators inside containers

I am building a DLL that another application would use. I want to store the current state of some data globally in the DLL's memory before returning from the function call so that I could reuse state on the next call to the function.
For doing this, I'm having to save some iterators. I'm using a std::stack to store all other data, but I wasn't sure if I could do that with the iterators also.
Is it safe to put list iterators inside container classes? If not, could you suggest a way to store a pointer to an element in a list so that I can use it later?
I know using a vector to store my data instead of a list would have allowed me to store the subscript and reuse it very easily, but unfortunately I'm having to use only an std::list.
Iterators to list are invalidated only if the list is destroyed or the "pointed" element is removed from the list.
Yes, it'll work fine.
Since so many other answers go on about this being a special quality of list iterators, I have to point out that it'd work with any iterators, including vector ones. The fact that vector iterators get invalidated if the vector is modified is hardly relevant to a question of whether it is legal to store iterators in another container -- it is. Of course the iterator can get invalidated if you do anything that invalidates it, but that has nothing to do with whether or not the iterator is stored in a stack (or any other data structure).
It should be no problem to store the iterators, just make sure you don't use them on a copy of the list -- an iterator is bound to one instance of the list, and cannot be used on a copy.
That is, if you do:
std::list<int>::iterator it = myList.begin ();
std::list<int> c = myList;
c.insert (it, ...); // Error
As noted by others: Of course, you should also not invalidate the iterator by removing the pointed-to element.
This might be offtopic, but just a hint...
Be aware, that your function(s)/data structure would probably be thread unsafe for read operations. There is a kind of basic thread safety where read operations do not require synchronization. If you are going to store the sate how much the caller read from your structure it will make the whole concept thread unsafe and a bit unnatural to use. Because nobody assumes a read to be state-full operation.
If two threads are going to call it they will either need to synchronize the calls or your data structure might end-up in a race condition. The problem in such a design is that both threads must have access to a common synchronization variable.
I would suggest making two overloaded functions. Both are stateless, but one of them should accept a hint iterator, where to start next read/search/retrieval etc. This is e.g. how Allocator in STL is implemented. You can pass to allocator a hint pointer (default 0) so that it quicker finds a new memory chunk.
Storing the iterator for the list should be fine. It will not get invalidated unless you remove the same element from the list for which you have stored the iterator. Following quote from SGI site:
Lists have the important property that
insertion and splicing do not
invalidate iterators to list elements,
and that even removal invalidates only
the iterators that point to the
elements that are removed
However, note that the previous and next element of the stored iterator may change. But the iterator itself will remain valid.
The same rule applies to an iterator stored in a local variable as in a longer lived data structure: it will stay valid as long as the container allows.
For a list, this means: as long as the node it points to is not deleted, the iterator stays valid. Obviously the node gets deleted when the list is destructed...