Wait for a SLOT to finish - c++

I use QNetworkAccessManager to do form POST.
I have connected signals and slots as:
Now, I make a request by doing:
Now readCookies(QNetworkReply *) will be run as soon as SIGNAL is emitted. Now, using the Cookies which I get in this slot, I have to make one more POST..
As signals & slots are asynchronous, I want to wait till I get the cookies from my first POST and then I again want to do another post using the cookies I got in first POST like
//Setting new request, headers etc...
I want the later to always be executed after first one has executed (so that I get proper cookies value).
What is the way to go? I am new to all these SIGNALS & SLOTS so please bear with me.

You can do the post in your readCookies() slot:
void readCookies( QNetworkReply* reply ) {
if ( ...error? ) {
report error...
I will be called when the cookies is read, and you can then continue with your post. Connect that to a second slot, and so on.
Managing multiple, possibly parallely running asynchronous operations like this can become errorprone though, if you manage many of them in a single object. I would suggest to use the Command Pattern - here I described why I find it extremely useful in exactly this context. The sequence of request and asnychronous operations is encapsulated in a single object (abbreviated, with some pseudo-code):
class PostStuffOperation : public QObject {
enum Error {
Error error() const; //operation successful or not?
QString errorString() const; //human-readable error description
... setters for all the information the operation needs
void start() {
...start your first request and connect it to cookiesRead
public Q_SLOTS:
void cookiesRead( QNetworkReply * ) {
if ( error ) {
// set error and errorString...
emit finished( this ); //couldn't read cookies, so the operation fails
... do post
void postFinished( QNetworkReply* ) {
if ( error ) {
// set error and errorString...
emit finished( this ); //post finished - that means the whole operation finished
void finished( PostStuffOperation* );
To start the operation, you do
PostStuffOperation op* = new PostStuffOperation( this );
... pass data like server, port etc. to the operation
connect( op, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(postOperationFinished()) );
void postOperationFinished( PostStuffOperation* op ) {
if ( op->error != PostStuffOperation::NoError ) {
//handle error, e.g. show message box
It makes sense to have a common baseclass for such operations, see e.g. KDE's KJob.

You can connect a signal from this to a slot from your manager and emit the signal after reading the cookies. By example:
connect(this, SIGNAL(cookiesRead()), manager, SLOT(PostAgain());
So your readCookies function will be:
// Read cookies
emit cookiesRead();
Of course you can send all data you want form signal to slot.
Hope that helps

You can send a second signal connected to another slot (the resend slot), if you have finished the evaluation of your first cookie. You can do that directly in the slot. You can also call slots like a normal member function.


Prevent event loop blocking in modal dialog

I'm developing an application where a user may parse some binary files. Once he clicks the "parse"-button, he first may select some files, which are parsed afterwards. While the application is processing the files, I'd like to display a modal dialog, which informs the user about the progress (QProgressBar bar) and the already parsed files (QListView list / listModel).
My current approach is to override the exec()-method of a QDialog-sublcass. This way I could just call
The current implementation looks like this:
class ParseAssistant : public QDialog { public: int exec(); };
int ParseAssistant::exec()
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
PluginTable* table = parser.parse(files[i]);
// do something with the table
// saveTableintoDB();
// update GUI
// bar->setValue(i);
// listModel->insertRow(0, new QStandardItem(files[i]));
return QDialog::Accepted;
After this (blocking) method has run, the user either has parsed all files or canceled the progress somewhere. To achieve this I attempted to use QApplication::processEvents in the while-loop (which feels kinda laggy as it's only progressed when a file has finished parsing) or to outsource the heavy calculation(s) to some QConcurrent implementation (::run, ::mapped). Unfortunately, I don't know how to return the program flow back to the exec() method once the QFuture has finished without relying on some CPU-intense loop like:
while (!future.isFinished()) { QApplication::processEvents(); }
Is there a smarter approach to having a modal dialog, which runs a heavy calculation (which may be canceled by the user) without blocking the eventloop?
I wouldn't subclass Qdialog, in the first place, but just use a QFutureWatcher and connect the watcher finished signal to the dialog close slot, this way:
QDialog d;
QFutureWatcher<void> watcher;
QObject::connect(&watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, &d, &QDialog::close);
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(your_parse_function);
//control returns here when your_parse_function exits
The parse function could be a method in a QObject derived class, like this:
class Parser : public QObject
void parse()
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
PluginTable* table = parser.parse(files[i]);
emit fileParsed(i, files.size);
// ...
void fileParsed(int id, int count);
You can connect the fileParsed signal to a slot of choice, and from there set the progress bar value accordingly.
My personal approach would be:
create a separate thread and do the processing there (QThread; std::thread should do the trick as well)
provide a signal that informs about the file currently being processed
possibly another signal informing about progress in %
another signal informs that processing is done, emitted just before the thread ends
provide your dialog with appropriate slots and connect them to the signals (as different threads involved, make sure connection type is Qt::QueuedConnection)

Signals and slots between objects in different threads in Qt

Basically, I've the next code:
class serverTCP : public QObject
// Other methods...
void newInstructions(QJsonDocument jDoc);
public slots:
void responseObtained(QJsonDocument jDoc);
class gatherModbus : public QObject
// Other methods...
void responseReady(QJsonDocument jDoc);
public slots:
void executeInstruction(QJsonDocument jDoc);
void myprocess() {
// Write and read Serial Port
// Save data in json
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
int netsNumber = 2; //In reality this is dynamic. It's only a example
serverTCP *server = new serverTCP;
gatherModbus * gather = new gatherModbus[netsNumber];
QThread * threads = new QThread[netsNumber];
// more necessary code...
for(int i = 0; i < netsNumber; i++)
QObject::connect(&server, SIGNAL(newInstructions(QJsonDocument)),
&gather[i], SLOT(executeInstruction(QJsonDocument)));
QObject::connect(&gather[i], SIGNAL(responseReady(QJsonDocument)),
&server, SLOT(responseObtained(QJsonDocument)));
QObject::connect(&threads[i], SIGNAL(start()),
&gather[i], SLOT(myprocess()));
// Other signals needed between the objects 'gather' and 'threads'
The problem is that the connections between objects 'server' and 'gather' do not work. The object 'server' is in the same thread as the 'main' function but objects 'gather' have moved to other threads.
What have I to do to make both objects can communicate properly?
My purpose is that the 'server' must be able to send a signal to all objects 'gather' there are. In each of the objects 'gather' must execute the slot and return the 'server' response if any.
If I set up the connection to be the type Qt::DirectConnection slots running on the same thread as the 'main' function and object 'server' and that does not interest me.
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
All is in Qt documentation.
First, read that.
Then if you're not satisfied, you can use QCoreApplication::postEvent() (for more informations you need : here)
Both signals/slots (QObject:connect()) and QCoreApplication::postEvent() are thread-safe and can solve your problem.
So events and signal/slots are two parallel mechanisms accomplishing the same things, in general an event will be generated by an outside entity (e.g. Keyboard, Mouswheel) and will be delivered through the event loop in QApplication. In general unless you set up the code you will not be generating events. You might filter them through QObject::installEventFilter() or handle events in subclassed object by overriding the appropriate functions.
Signals and Slots are much easier to generate and receive and you can connect any two QObject subclasses. They are handled through the Metaclass (have a look at your moc_classname.cpp file for more) but most of the interclass communication that you will produce will probably use signals and slots. Signals can get delivers immediately or deferred via a queue (if you are using threads) A signal can be generated
Your demo code seems OK. That's how we organize our current project. You'd better provide more detailed codes if necessary to explain your problem.
BTW, after reading your interests, I'd recommend you the QtConcurrent module which seems fitting your interest better.
Huh... Your code is not ok. This is the source of all your trouble
void myprocess() {
// Write and read Serial Port
// Save data in json
If you want the slots newInstructions and responseObtained slots to ever run, myprocess should not be an infinite loop. You need to :
Modify myprocess such that once it is done writing and reading currently available data, it completes
Have a mechanism to know that new processing need to be done. For instance, if you are using a QIODevice subclass (socket, input stream, etc...) you have the signal QIODevice::readyRead() which will notify you there is new data to read from the device. I suspect your newInstructions is supposed to do just that.
connect this mechanism to another call to myprocess to allow the processing to start again
Edit : Given your comment, this is a way to modify the infinite while loop without too much modification.
void myprocess() {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &gatherModbus::myprocess, Qt::QueuedConnection);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod will schedule this method for execution at the back of the thread QEventLoop queue. Which means other slots can execute.
I can solve my problem adding the next line in the end of "myprocess" method:
The final code of this method is this:
void myprocess() {
// Write and read Serial Port
// Save data in json
// New line:
With this line I get that events will processed if any. I don't known if it is the best solution, but it works as wanted.
Thanks to all of you for your help and answers.

QT C++ download multiple files with progress total

I realized downloading multiple files, but I don't know how to implement the total progress bar of the download, that is common.
My code:
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QList<QNetworkReply *> currentDownloads;
void MainWindow::checkUpdate()
QStringList files;
files << "http://cavexp.net/uploads/game/Theugry/zips/resourcepacks.zip"
<< "http://cavexp.net/uploads/game/Theugry/zips/resourcepacks.zip";
void MainWindow::doDownload(const QVariant& v)
if (v.type() == QVariant::StringList) {
foreach (QString url, v.toStringList()) {
QNetworkReply* reply = manager.get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)));
connect(&manager, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),
this, SLOT(updateDownloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
void MainWindow::downloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
void MainWindow::updateDownloadProgress(qint64 bytesRead, qint64 totalBytes)
I would be grateful for any help and hints! Thank you.
You probably need to iterate over your 'currentDownloads' list and connect to each one's signal downloadProgress. Then your slot(s) will be called from all of them. In that slot(s) you'll have to sum up all information coming as parameters of QNetworkReply::downloadProgress signal.
You can create a dedicated object for each QNetworkReply instance of your currentDownloads list so that you know from to which file a coming signal belongs, but if I am not mistaking you can also use single slot for all of them and then there is a meta function in Qt that will tell you from which sender the signal came.
P.S. In response to your request for small example here is "straight-forward" approach (without using QSignalMapper or QObject::sender()):
Implement a class "ProgressListenner" something like this (beware I am writing pseudo-code and you'll need to add/fix some necessarily stuff to make it actually working):
class ProgressListenner
ProgressListenner() : _lastKnownReceived(0), _lastKnownTotal(0){}
qint64 _lastKnownReceived;
qint64 _lastKnownTotal;
onDownloadProgress ( qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal )
_lastKnownReceived = bytesReceived;
_lastKnownTotal = bytesTotal;
Than after your line QList<QNetworkReply *> currentDownloads; add QList<ProgressListenner*> downloadListenners;. Inside your foreach each time you are adding new QNetworkReply object to currentDownloads also:
1. create new instance of ProgressListenner and add it to downloadListenners.
2. connect signal of that particular QNetworkReply to that corresponding ProgressListenner's slot: connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), pListenner, SLOT(onDownloadProgress (qint64, qint64)));
This way every time some QNetworkReply will fire it's progress signal, slot of corresponding ProgressListenner will be called.
Next step is sum up numbers from all downloads. One simple way is:
1. Create one more function in ProgressListenner class and make it static (important). Let say the name of function is CommonProgress.
2. At the end of onDownloadProgress function call also call CommonProgress
3. In CommonProgress function (taking care about thread safety!) iterate over all elements of downloadListenners and sum up their _lastKnownReceived and _lastKnownTotal. Do the necessarily arithmetic... Don't forget that bytesTotal can be -1!!!

How to deal with signals emitted before slots connected

I have a somewhat more complicated version of the following code:
void Foo::makeConnection(...) {
QTcpSocket * socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
// ...
emit connectionAppeared(socket);
void Bar::baz() {
// ...
connect(foo, SIGNAL(connectionAppeared(QTcpSocket*)), this, SLOT(onConnectionAppeared(QTcpSocket*)));
void Bar::onConnectionAppeared(QTcpSocket * socket) {
if (!socket) { std::terminate(); }
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(socketClosed()));
The Bar::baz asks Foo to make it a connected QTcpSocket, and after it is made, the socket's signals are connected to Bar's slots. But there is a problem with timing: the readyRead signal may very well be emitted befor it is connected to any slots, and thus is effectively lost. We "fixed" it like this:
void Bar::onConnectionAppeared(QTcpSocket * socket) {
// ... same code as before plus the following line:
emit socket->readyRead(); // Kick it to get started!
void Bar::readData() {
while (mSocket->bytesAvailable()) {
// ...
The problem of losing disconnected() signals is still there, but it doesn't manifests very often. Technically, I could emit disconnected() manually, and check socket->state() in the socketClosed() slot... but I just feel it's not the right way. I effectively just manually examine the current state instead of reacting to state transitions which I was the whole point of signal/slot machinery.
Are there nice ways to fix this kludge? I thought of passing signal/slot pairs to Foo::makeConnection(...) somehow, so they can be connected before socket->connectToHost() is called, but I don't know how, and I am not sure it's the good idea anyway.

Qt Getting Response from SoapRequest

Consider the following in Qt using QtSoap lib:
QtSoapHttpTransport http;
connect(&http, SIGNAL(responseReady()), this, SLOT(getResponse()));
now there is a method i want to call which is:
QtSoapMessage request;
http.submitRequest(Request, "/api/soap");
now i want to have something like this :
QString GetTest(){
while(http.isBusy); // no such a thing as isbusy
return http.getResponse().returnValue().toString();}
or any technique i can use to get the return value or wait for it and get it..
Thanks in advance...
I don't see a problem. The QtSoapHttpTransport reference already has a nice simple example.
If you want to have a getter that blocks and returns only when the response is received, doing active wait (your while loop) is absolutely not a way to go.
You already connect the responseReady signal to your slot, so the only missing thing would be to have a synchronization point that blocks your thread calling getTest until this slot is executed.
class Messenger : public QObject {
Messenger() { /* ... your initialization code with connect ... */ }
void sendRequest() { /* ... your sending code ... */ }
QString getTest() // call this from a worker thread to wait
{ // for a response to arrive and retrieve it
QMutexLocker lock(&responseMutex);
return http.getResponse().returnValue().toString();
public slots:
void getResponse() { // slot called by Qt event loop when response arrives
QtSoapHttpTransport http;
QWaitCondition responseReady;
QMutex responseMutex;
Note that this design only makes sense if you have a multithreaded application and the thread calling getTest is a working thread, not event-driven thread.
On the other hand, if your application just wants to do something with the received response, there is imho no reason why you need a blocking method in the first place. Just perform your actions in the slot directly - just like it is in the Qt documentation.