Processing.js vs. CAKE vs. Raphael.js - raphael

I think all of these are basically really cool, and am familiar with their obvious differences (SVG vs. canvas), but i'm unsure of their underlying differences, advantages or limitations in terms of development time, performance, and support.

I experienced Processing as a framework more suitable for sketching, prototyping experimental visualisation projects.
Raphäel is a very clean library on top of SVG. But you are bound to graphics only with Raphäel. No HTML elements and no nested layouts inside of it. But it's very easy to understand how it's built up, to learn it and best of it - it's in active development. Raphäel 2.0 came out march 15. 2011 and has some nice new things to it:, source:
Don't know Cake, so I wont go into that one.


Support for XNA WP7 and flash with existing C++ code base - pipeline, tools and approaches

We are game development company and we develop casual games for PC/MAC/iOS/Android with our own engine written in C++ (90-100%) and we are happy with it!
Now we want to target XNA/WP7 and flash.
What is the best way for doing this ?
Of course we will have to rewrite some low-level stuff like sprite rendering/timing/audio support, but we want to put as less efforts as possible in porting game code itself.
A. We do not want to rewrite game code two time more
B. Ideally even one time more :)
For flash we are going to use Haxe together with this library.
It would be awesome to have C# target support in Haxe. It has been announced but never released and I think it will not be released in nearest future. But I think it will be released in 1-2 years. So in porting different engine components to Haxe is potentially great investment.
Until then we have to decide how to meet A and B.
Possible variants for dealing with it:
Using mokey. However languaged seems to be so primitive and so different from C++/AS3/C#/etc what we decided not to use it.
First of all develop XNA port with the help of brains and C++ to C# converter. Then use C# to Haxe converter. This approach seems to be the best one at this moment, but I have no idea about how much time convertors will save compared to straightforward code rewrite. However, I think they will help.
It is also possbile to use Adobe Alchemy for flash support. However we will have to develop new architecture to separate render/audio and logic into different languages and we want to avoid this - it seems to be more complex than code porting.
So what do you think about 1-3 and do you know better options to achieve A and B ?
Maybe other meta languages/approaches/technologies ?
Thanks a lot!
This is your absolute best/ideal solution:
Basically it's a framework/compiler that will compile c/cpp/objc to iOS, Android, Flash, WP7, and much more.

Using ColdFusion frameworks

Can anyone expound on disadvantages, if there are any, to using a ColdFusion development framework? I'm developing an application traditionally, and I'm tempted to use a framework having seen how simple some things can be done.
I'm new to ColdFusion and frameworks in general. I want to understand the implications of using a framework, including advantages and disadvantages.
learning curve (pick a lean framework to reduce this)
front controller makes ugly URL, often needs URL rewrite on web server layer
risk of framework being discontinued (no support, hard to maintain, break on new CF ver)
framework bugs (pick a popular framework with good & fast support)
harder to debug sometimes, since actions are generally not a .cfm anymore. Tip: make use of cfdump and cfabort to see the dump in the controller layer
some frameworks takes longer to reinit. Since most frameworks will cache the configurations and controller layer for performance, during the development phase, you'll need to reinit all the time. CF9 eases this problem 'cause it is much faster.
lastly, sometimes you'll be using framework's API, an abstraction from CFML, and missed out on the native ColdFusion way of solving the same problem.
Performance generally is a non issue. Don't worry.
Henry's already given a good answer, but I would just like to pick up on this part of your question:
But does it not come with a performance tax?
The performance overhead of a framework is negligible.
In fact, you may even get better performance from frameworks such as ColdBox, which have built-in caching.
Remember, most frameworks are mature codebases used by lots of people - most likely, your newly written untested code is going to be the culprit, not the framework.
However, as a general rule (not specific to frameworks) performance is not a problem unless you've got measurable results that say it is.
i.e. don't just think "I'm going to do X instead of Y because I think it'll be faster" - go with the simplest option that meets user's needs, and only change it if you can prove that it has a performance problem and that your proposed solution is better.
It depends the nature of project you are into. I think its always advisable to use a frameowrk for better code organization, scalability, conventions and other. If you are supposed to start with a enterprise level application then coldbox is the best framework as far as my expriece goes. It has a bigger learning curve but its worth learning. If its simple start up project then FW1 is good. You can find a list here

state-of-the-art C++ projects

I like to go through existing software projects as a source of learning and new ideas.
doing so I discover things that I did not think were possible
in your opinion, what is the top state of the art C++ project that you have used/develop/extended? can you state reasons why you consider it state of the art and what you can learn from it.
my latest craze is boost::phoenix,, which is very comprehensive functional programming library.
Despite its capabilities it is straightforward and easy to extend. After some tweaking I was able to write multithreaded lambda parallel loops and mathematical domain specific language, probably within 2 weeks.
What is yours? (please do not just say boost, as it is huge collection of project)
Personally, I like to look at code in Qt. I do use it everyday, but it seems like every day I use it, I find something new. In terms of total code, it is probably as big as boost. But it comes with excellent documentation and examples and complete source code and is free for LPGL & GPL versions.
For me, what I liked about Qt was that it's concepts matched the way C# works, so it was a fairly easy transition back into c++ for me. But by looking at their code, it has really given me many ways (although not as many as SO) to understand some of the complexity in C++
From what I've seen, the code-sources that I have learned the most from have been from fairly complex 3rd party software libraries. Havok is an excellent example from which I've not only learned programming practices and solutions, but also quite a few mathematical and philosophical discussions. I've also seen some other code-sources which have not been open sourced from which I've learned how to not solve things.
Game engines for AAA-titles in general tend to involve a lot of complex code that tries to push as much as possible through a piece of hardware. I guess that the recommendation goes for all software that tries to achieve something similar but I've only dived into game engines when it comes to such software. AAA-titled game engines often have good or bad solutions to study and I would generally recommend looking into those. There are some that are open source... I think Source/Valve have released theirs in different stages.

Which way to go in Linux 3D programming? [closed]

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I'm looking for some answers for a project I'm thinking of. I've searched and from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) the only way the program I want to make will work is through 3D application. Let me explain.
I plan to make a studio production program but it's unique in the fact that I want to be able to make it fluid. Let me explain. Imagine Microsoft's Surface program where you're able to touch and drag pictures across the screen. Instead of pictures I want them to be sound samples (wavs,mp3,etc). Of course instead the input will be with the mouse but if I ever do finish the project I would totally add touch screen input compatibility! Anyway, I'm guessing there's "physics" to do with it which is why I'm thinking that even though it'll be a 2D application I'll need to code it in a 3D environment.
Assuming that I'm correct in how I want to approach my project, where can I start learning about 3D programming? I actually come from PHP programming which will make C++ easier for me to learn. But I don't even know where to start. If I'm not wrong OpenGL is the most up to date API as far as I know.
Anyway, please give me your insights guys. I could really use some guidance here since I could totally be wrong in everything that I wrote :)
I would like to add that I'm most likely looking for tutorials, Linux 3D programming sites, source/demos (google failed me for the most part).
Note: I also understand this is not a project I'll finish in weeks, months and might take years. That's fine, I want to get C++ under my belt however long it takes. I'm just looking for opinions, sources, tutorials and things that might help me (as stated above).
I don't know much about the MS Surface, but I'm a musician and multimedia artist working mostly with code, so... My advice is very much different - it doesn't matter if it's Irrlight, Orge, pure OpenGL or anything else. If you don't know much about 3D prgramming you'd better start with something different. There are several environments for artists to work with graphics, multimedia and code. Try one of them and watch the projects made in each of them on the project's websitees and on Vimeo. I think most of what you want to do is already done, but still can be very inspiring. The environments that come to my mind are:
Processing - great prototyping environment by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. I use it always before coding anything serious as it provides me with all the multimedia and communication libraries i need, it's simple like hell and it's Java so you can easli deploy your apps after all! (As far as I remember there is touch surface library for Processing)
openFramewoks - same as above but C++, but it's less clean and still under development. It's very easy to prototype in Processing and code finally in openFrameworks as the latter was very much influenced by the former. (The touch surface library is implemented for oF for sure)
NodeBox - great and very powerful environment in Python. Has a very strange but great and intuitive (after all) GUI with some very unique methodolody of work!!
SuperCollider is a wonderful sound processing and algorythimc composition programming language with a very easy to code GUI library and graphics API. It gives you everything you ever imagined about sound programming functionality.
Pure Data - graphical approach toward programming. Made by Miller Puckett (the co-author of Max/MSP) with OpenGL (GEM extension) functionality provided by the guys from IEM in Austria.
Final good advice: Books!!! Programming Interaction (O'Reilly), a few books on Processing website, classic work - Computer graphics for Java programmers (great one, really!!). Read as well all the chapters about domain languages and domain knowladge in "97 things every programmer should know". It can really help!!
BTW: if you don't concider heavy real-time procedures thing about Java (Java2D, Java3D, JOGL) - it's millions times easier then C++ and Processing is actually Java, so you have a very good prototyping environment that can produce ready to use Java classes and applets. I used Processing in real-time theatre productions where stage movement was controlling the sound (syths and hardware samplers) all made in Processing, so this "heavy real-tme" means HEAVY real-time!!
If any further questions about this particular domain programming - don't hesitate to email me.
Coming from PHP won't make C++ any easier to you as riding a bicycle won't make driving a car easier.
Now, I think for Linux, your only choice is OpenGL as an API, and use any of the many wrappers, 3D programming frameworks, and what not available.
Maybe you can go into an easier language, like Python, and if there are OpenGL bindings (which I am pretty sure there is) you can use that, that would make the learning curve more easy and fast.
Today I wouldn't recommand Ogre3D for a lot of reasons (including very poor long-term interface, which defeat the purpose of a dependency for long term usage - although it does have nice performance sinc v2.1).
There is currently a lot of other alternatives which work well on Linux.
Ogre, using OpenGL on Linux-based OSes, will save your life and time, compared to using OpenGL that is your sole alternative.
That said, to use Ogre, you'll have to know a fair amount of knowledge and practice in C++.
And you will have to know about "graphic pipeline".
You can use C with OpenGL, that seem simpler, but it make you loos time by not providing higher abstraction of the graphic pipeline as Ogre does.
And almost all graphic engines are written in C++ anyway.
Now, if you try to learn C++, take a good book like "Accelerated C++", take a deep and long breath and please forget all you learnt about php before. Be humble in your search for knowledge and you'll get it faster.
You'll be interested in:
OpenGL (obviously)
Box2D (a 2D physics engine)
SDL (a portable media library)
You can find basic tutorials for them on the web. However, think if you really want to code in C++. The language is very powerful, but not easy to learn, and really hard to master. Wouldn't it be better to use a rapid development language like Python with PyGame?
Don't get me wrong -- I love C++ and it's my language of choice, but unless you're working on top-notch performance, operating systems or compilers, it may be overkill to learn C++'s up and downsides the hard way.
You need neither 3D graphics or a physics engine for this. The UI could even be done in a browser using some funky javascript.
However, the audio engine for something like this is going to be a pretty complex, performance-oriented beast, and is probably best done in C++ (or maybe OpenCL).
Finally, are you sure you're not reinventing Pure Data?
I prefer Irrlicht as a lighter, easier-to-learn, but less feature-complete API than OGRE.
It's literally possible to write a prototype in a few minutes in Irrlicht, and the code itself is easier to understand.
The best thing about it is that it would interface seamlessly with Irrklang, a sound library that may help you with your project.

Using VB for Artificial Intelligence

Do you think VB is a good language for AI? I originally did AI using mainly Lisp and C/C++ when performance was needed, but recently have been doing some VB programming.
VB has the following advantages:
1. Good debugger (essential!)
2. Good inspector (watch facility)
3. Easy syntax (Intellisense comparable to structure editors of late 80's Lisp environments).
4. Easy to integrate with 3rd party software.
5. Compiles to fast code (CLR performance pretty good)
6. Fast development.
By the way, thanks for all the useful replies. I've upvoted everyone who contributed.
I would suggest you go with C# rather than VB.Net.
You get all the nice features that you discuss but a better (and more familiar) syntax.
Which VB are you talking about here? If you're talking VB.NET then yes, and no.. I would suggest C# or maybe F#.. F# is a functional language and hence is generally better suited for many of the patterns you'll be dealing with when programming AI. The newer versions of C# also have support for language features such as lambda expressions, anonymous delagates et al which may also benefit you!
When you say AI what do you mean? Its a very broad field. If you're just skimming the basics, like guided search and simple knowledge bases then yea VB .Net may seem beneficial. But the language structure and syntax makes it very inadequate when you start to delve into theorem proving, ILP and other areas of machine learning you'll begin to realize that language like Lisp are still being used today because they provide a more natural syntax for expressing AI concepts.
1, 2, and 3 are all aspects that any sufficiently advanced IDE has, so that's not much of an issue for most languages. As for 4, 5, and 6: Python fits 4 and 6, but not 5, as it is not very fast, though some implementations of Python do have better speed than others, depending on their configuration. (Just mentioning Python because you tagged your question with the python tag.)
If you do plan on using the .NET Framework, though, might I suggest C#? The syntax is similar to that of C and C++ (about as similar as the Java syntax is), so it'll be more familiar to you, and it does exactly the same things that VB does (and has all the same IDE features, as they both use the Visual Studio IDE, though I suppose you could use an alternative IDE if you wished, as the VB and C# compilers actually come with the .NET Framework itself and not with Visual Studio).
VB has the following advantages: [...]
But then you go on and list stuff that most modern implementations of Common Lisp offer, especially the commercial ones.
Have you tried Common Lisp recently? What parts of VB.NET do you miss when you're programming in CL?
It depends what you mean by "AI".
One common meaning is just "leading edge software technology" (e.g. chess playing is as of 2010 no longer consider to be very much about artificial intelligence, just a set of basic supporting techniques, because it's not leading edge any longer). For the leading edge stuff, the language should be chosen to suit the particular technology. Neither VB (various variants) nor C++ are likely to be good candidates then.
On the other hand, one might take AI to mean literally "artifical intelligence", the attempt to create true AI, even if just at the level of worm or housefly intelligence. Then the main stumbling block, as noted by Scott Fahlman very very long ago (eighties? seventies?), is the ability to perform huge set intersections in huge semantic nets very rapidly, in parallel, e.g. for recognition of that dangerous animal. And since current hardware isn't up that (the clock speed doesn't at all compensate for the von Neumann bottleneck), except conceivably stuff used by NSA and suchlike, it's a fight for sheer computing efficiency, which means that C++ could be a good choice for the lower levels.
Cheers & hth.,
– Alf
Doesn't matter what language you code AI in, if that language allows you to do complex mathematics. VB.NET has the same features as C# because it uses the same framework. Accessing those parts of the framework may have different callers.
AI requires a lot of optimizations for memory and trimmed custom functions... Get familiar with Reflection namespace for Un-managed memory callers. Pointers are possible and useful in un-managed memory; VB allows for these also which is what all the C# guys fight about because they don't know how to do it in VB. Memory / Pointer and Disc allocation is located in the Marshall Class which is an Interop Service.
Anyone that tells you, C++ is the only way to go doesn't understand programming or is simply a bigot that believes C++ is the only language in the world.
AI is typically defined by math delegates that are functional representations of an action; therefore if your mathematics is no good; your code will be no good.
Neural Networks doesn't care what platform they were written in when they are assembled; they are Assembly.