session issue with django+apache+mod_wsgi - django

I've written a django application, and put it on a CentOS server. It is definitely okay when I use django development web server.
Such as I start it by "python ./ runserver", and access that server from browser on another computer. I can sign in one time, and access all the pages without issues.
However when I run it with apache+mod_wsgi, I just found I have to login with user and password time by time. I think maybe there is some problem with the session middleware, so, how can I find the root cause and fix it?

There are a couple of different options for this.
In order of likelyhood (imho):
The session backend uses the cache system to store the sessions and you're using the locmem cache backend
The session backend isn't storing the cookies (secure cookies enabled? cookie timeouts? incorrect date on the server?)
The session middleware might not be loaded (custom settings for production server?)
Storing the session in the cache is only a good solution if you use memcached as the cache backend. So if you're storing the sessions in cache, make sure you use memcache :)
Either way, check if SESSION_ENGINE is set to django.contrib.sessions.backends.db


Invalidating Django session in JS without access to the server

I need the ability to invalidate the Django session even if there is no Internet connection (or the server is down, or anything). The session cookie is by default httpOnly, and I don't like to change it, so simply deleting it is not an option. Is there any standard way to deal with this issue?
The relatively simple solution is to write a custom middleware on top of Django sessions. This middleware could add a secondary session token, say sessionid2, that would be acessible (and deletable) from Javascript. Both would be checked simultanously, so just one missing would invalidate the session. However, I would strongly prefer to use some of-the-shelf solution, if one exists.
The application is supposed to work as Chrome's Progressive Web App, so I'll be happy with a Chrome-specific solution if there is one.

Django runserver and memcached: variable in cache gets lost

In a Django website I use memcached to save a variable in cache.
After some minutes, if I refresh the page, the variable is lost.
I am in develop mode using runserver.
Any ideas?
Cache keys are expired after some time. If you don't explicitly pass timeout to cache.set, Django will use defaul, which it retrieves from settings. If you didn't specify default timeout yourself, Django will use its own default.

Flask Login Sessions Not Working

I'm having an issue with Flask-Login where for some reason it seems to clear the data from my session. This issue only seem to happen to me when I run my application on AWS within a Docker container. There doesn't seem to be any issues when this is run locally within a Docker container. The container kick starts the application using supervisord to launch the nginx and gunicorn servers.
I'm using Flask-Login and SQLAlchemy to handle my user logins. I'm creating a custom token using the get_auth_token() method in my User model which stores the token with some session data in my database. I use the token_loader and user_loader callbacks to retrieve my User data from the database which works fine.
However, if I'm not actively using my application for a few minutes the session data seems to disappear when I change to a page that requires a login. My session cookie remains unchanged and my token_loader or user_loader callbacks never seem to be called. To work out what might be happening with the session I attached a #app.before_request handler to print the session contents:
[2015-09-29 14:47:21,348] DEBUG in __init__: <SecureCookieSession {u'csrf_token': '51b5b253c55ac954c1bc61dd2dca513e18c4d790', u'_fresh': True, u'user_id': 3, u'_id': 'd3adbd2ed3905986d515aeb04cd1ff7d'}>
[2015-09-29 14:47:21,382] DEBUG in __init__: <SecureCookieSession {u'_flashes': [('message', u'Please log in to access this page.')]}>
It appeared that all of the user information was there for me to be able to load my user but it has bailed out and re-directed to the login page with the Flask-Login flash error. This re-directs before it even touches my callbacks to load the user from the database.
Is this possibly just a set up issue with my server configs that is causing an issue with domains? I'm not really sure what I need to look at and try to debug this further.
This is a known bug in Flask-Login that was fixed around release 0.2.10 (by me). The bug reappeared in release 0.3.0 of Flask-Login, which as of today is the most current release. I submitted a new fix, plus a unit test to prevent this from ever happening again. The fix was merged a few days ago, but a 0.3.1 release has not been made yet.
Bug report:
My pull request with the fix:

Django Session with Memcached or ElastiCache, does the Django code need to be changed?

I have an app using DB as session backend, and I realize that Django allows a Memcached-like (memcached, ElastiCache) session backend.
Reading the doc at Django site, I found the setting file can specify that change. My question is whether my view logic code files need any change.
No. You shouldn't have to change anything. If you deploy the code on a live site, active sessions will be lost (all users will be logged out).

django flush query caches

I have 2 instances of django application.
One is frontend - a normal wsgi app.
Another is backend - a twisted daemon running with ./ rundaemon.
They share django settigns and models.
Now, when one of them has a query, it got cached.
And when another updates database - the cache will not be flushed.
That's obviously because they have no clue about another instance accessing the same database.
Is there a way to disable caching, or flush it manually and force query to be reexecuted?
(I guess the admin app does flush query caches somehow)
I'm not sure if this is the best solution, but it worked for me when I faced the same problem.
import django
The connection will automatically get reopened the next time it is needed.