C++ Having trouble with syntax, so a class can pass data to other classes - c++

I'm not having a lot of luck in C++ getting one of my classes to see/reference/copy data from one of my other classes so it can use it.
Basically I get the error 'Core' does not name a type or when I try to forward declare (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2133250/does-not-name-a-type-error-in-c) I get field 'core' has incomplete type
I'm guessing the second error is due to the class not really being initialized possibly, so it has nothing to get? I dunno :( (see code at the bottom)
In my C# games I would normally create a "core" class, and then within that I would start other classes such as 'entities', 'player', 'weapons', etc. When I start these other classes I would pass "this"
public WeaponManager c_WeaponManager;
c_WeaponManager = new WeaponManager(this);
so I could always access public values of any class from anywhere as long as it passed through core.
So when I do my update through the 'weapon' class, and it detects its hit the player, I'd simply get a function within that class to...
..or something like that.
It allowed me to keep lots of variables I wanted to access globally neatly tucked away in areas that I felt were appropriate.
I know this isn't a good method of programming, but its what I'm fairly comfortable with and I mainly do hobby programming so I like being able to access my data quickly without bureaucratic Get() and Set() functions handing data from one class to another and another. Also I'm still fumbling my way through header files as they seem to be a pain in the ass
//-----------[In vid_glinit.h]-------------------
include "core.h"
class Vid_glInit
RECT glWindowRect;
Core core;
void StartGl(HWND _hGameWindow, int resolutionX, int resolutionY);
//------------[in core.h]----------
include "vid_glinit.h"
class Core
Vid_glInit vid_glinit(this);
GAME_MODE gameMode;
HWND hGameWindow;
HGLRC hGameRenderContext; // Permanent Rendering Context
HDC hGameDeviceContext; // Private GDI Device Context
//functions go here
void testFunc();
void Run();
void Update();
void Render();
void StartGl(int resoultionX, int resolutionY);
The goal is that when I start OpenGl, instead of having lots of little functions to pass data around I simply tell the glFunctions who need the Device or Rendering context to use core.hGameDeviceContext , if that makes sense

The problem is that you've got
class Vid_glInit
Core core;
which means allocate a full copy of the Core object inline inside this class, and also
class Core
Vid_glInit vid_glinit(this);
which means allocate a full copy of the Vid_glInit object inline inside the class - and this is now circular, and neither structure's size can be computed.
You probably actually want to allocate at least one of them by reference or pointer, i.e.
class Core
Vid_glInit* vid_glinit; // pointer: access properties as core.vid_glinit->foo
Vid_glInit& vid_glinit; // reference: properties are core.vid_glinit.foo
In that case you can use the class Vid_glInit; simple forward declaration because these are just pointers internally and the size of a pointer is fixed regardless of the structure behind it, i.e. C++ can lay out the Core class in memory without full knowledge of the Vid_glInit structure.


How to best manage components in a game engine?

So I'm developing my first game engine and I've hit a wall. Currently I have an Entity base class that has a vector of component pointers which will hold pointers to component objects within some system manager classes (graphisManager, PhysicsManager, etc.). Here is my current Entity header (stripped down to focus on main issue):
class Component;
namespace BlazeGameWorld
class Entity
BlazeFramework::Math::Vector2D position;
Vector<Component*> components;
static BlazeGraphics::GraphicsManager graphicsManager;
static BlazePhysics::PhysicsManager physicsManager;
static BlazeInput::InputManager inputManager;
//....other managers
virtual bool Initialize();
virtual bool Shutdown();
virtual void Update() = 0;
void AddComponent(Component* p_component);
//Part of the broadcast messaging system for components to be able
//to talk to one another in a decoupled way.
void SendMessage(uint messageID);
As you can see, the idea is to have static SystemManager classes which will manage pointers to the actual components on the heap. Here is a rough Header for the potential PhysicsManager class (and it's similar for the other Manager classes):
class PhysicsComponent;
namespace BlazePhysics
class PhysicsManager
int numPhysicsComponents;
Vector<PhysicsComponent*> physicsComponents;
bool Initialize();
bool Shutdown();
void Update();
template <typename PhysicsComponentType>
PhysicsComponentType* CreatePhysicsComponent();
//template definitions
template <typename PhysicsComponentType>
PhysicsComponentType* PhysicsManager::CreatePhysicsComponent()
PhysicsComponentType* physicsComponent = new PhysicsComponentType
return physicsComponents.at(numPhysicsComponents++);
So I can store all different physicsComponent pointers in the PhysicsManger vector (pointers to CollisionComponents, PositionComponents, etc). The issue is if I wanted to call a method specific to a specific physics component, I can't compile. For example, if (in the update loop for PhysicsManager) I wanted to update a collisionComponent's CheckCollision() method each frame I can't just say in a for loop physicsComponents.at(i).CheckCollisionbecause the compiler doesn't know at compile time what a CollisionComponent is. Is there a way to maybe deduce the type of the component in the array first and then if it matches CollisionComponent call the CheckCollision method? Or is there a better to implement this since this seems kind of clunky?
Entities shouldn't know about your systems, they should be just a collection of components. Otherwise the process of introducing another engine system would require changing entity class as well, which defies the whole purpose of ECS.
Systems, too, should not manage components at all. One system may use several components and many systems may use, e.g. position/collision geometry components.
So, in my opinion:
Components, ideally, should be simple data-only classes, while all the processing is done within systems.
Entity must only provide a way of adding and removing components, and
telling whether it has specific component.
Some sort of entity manager must store components in a cache-friendly way for systems to access them and should be able to provide a list of entities, that have specific set of components/tags to systems.
This way, for example, if you want to add scripted behavior for some entities, all you have to do is add ScriptComponent and ScriptingSystem. All of your existing code would not require any change.
This question has a lot of very useful resources on the topic.

Engine to render different types of graphic objects

I'm trying to write a class (some sort of graphics engine) basically it's purpose is to render ANYTHING that I pass into it. In most tutorials I've seen, objects draw themselves. I'm not sure if that's how things are supposed to work. I've been searching the internet trying to come up with different ways to handle this problem, I've been reviewing function templates and class templates over and over again (which sounds like the solution I could be looking for) but when I try using templates, it just seems messy to me (possibly because I don't fully understand how to use them) and then I'll feel like taking the template class down, then I'll give it a second try but then I just take it down again, I'm not sure if that's the way to go but it might be. Originally it was tiled-based only (including a movable player on screen along with a camera system), but now I've trying to code up a tile map editor which has things such as tool bars, lists, text, possibly even primitives on screen in the future, etc. and I'm wondering how I will draw all those elements onto the screen with a certain procedure (the procedure isn't important right now, I'll find that out later). If any of you were going to write a graphics engine class, how would you have it distinguish different types of graphic objects from one another, such as a primitive not being drawn as a sprite or a sphere primitive not being drawn as a triangle primitive, etc.? Any help would be appreciated. :)
This is the header for it, it's not functional right now because I've been doing some editing on it, Just ignore the part where I'm using the "new" keyword, I'm still learning that, but I hope this gives an idea for what I'm trying to accomplish:
#pragma once
template <class graphicObjectData>
class graphicsEngine
static graphicObjectData graphicObject[];
static int numObjects;
static void setup()
graphicObject = new graphicObjectData [1]; //ignore this line
template <class graphicObjectData> static void registerObject(graphicObjectData &newGraphicObject) //I'm trying to use a template function to take any type of graphic object
graphicObject[numObjects] = &newObject;
static void process() //This is the main process where EVERYTHING is supposed be drawn
int i;
for (i=0;i<numObjects;i++) drawObject(graphicObject[i]);
I am a huge fan of templates, but you may find in this case that they are cumbersome (though not necessarily the wrong answer). Since it appears you may be wanting diverse object types in your drawing container, inheritance may actually be a stronger solution.
You will want a base type which provides an abstract interface for drawing. All this class needs is some function which provides a mechanism for the actual draw process. It does not actually care how drawing occurs, what's important is that the deriving class knows how to draw itself (if you want to separate your drawing and your objects, keep reading and I will try to explain a way to accomplish this):
class Drawable {
// This is our interface for drawing. Simply, we just need
// something to instruct our base class to draw something.
// Note: this method is pure virtual so that is must be
// overriden by a deriving class.
virtual void draw() = 0;
// In addition, we need to also give this class a default virtual
// destructor in case the deriving class needs to clean itself up.
virtual ~Drawable() { /* The deriving class might want to fill this in */ }
From here, you would simply write new classes which inherit from the Drawable class and provide the necessary draw() override.
class Circle : public Drawable {
void draw() {
// Do whatever you need to make this render a circle.
~Circle() { /* Do cleanup code */ }
class Tetrahedron : public Drawable {
void draw() {
// Do whatever you need to make this render a tetrahedron.
~Tetrahedron() { /* Do cleanup code */ }
class DrawableText : public Drawable {
std::string _text;
// Just to illustrate that the state of the deriving class
// could be variable and even dependent on other classes:
DrawableText(std::string text) : _text(text) {}
void draw() {
// Yet another override of the Drawable::draw function.
~DrawableText() {
// Cleanup here again - in this case, _text will clean itself
// up so nothing to do here. You could even omit this since
// Drawable provides a default destructor.
Now, to link all these objects together, you could simply place them in a container of your choosing which accepts references or pointers (or in C++11 and greater, unique_ptr, shared_ptr and friends). Setup whatever draw context you need and loop through all the contents of the container calling draw().
void do_drawing() {
// This works, but consider checking out unique_ptr and shared_ptr for safer
// memory management
std::vector<Drawable*> drawable_objects;
drawable_objects.push_back(new Circle);
drawable_objects.push_back(new Tetrahedron);
drawable_objects.push_back(new DrawableText("Hello, Drawing Program!"));
// Loop through and draw our circle, tetrahedron and text.
for (auto drawable_object : drawable_objects) {
// Remember to clean up the allocations in drawable_objects!
If you would like to provide state information to your drawing mechanism, you can require that as a parameter in the draw() routine of the Drawable base class:
class Drawable {
// Now takes parameters which hold program state
virtual void draw(DrawContext& draw_context, WorldData& world_data) = 0;
virtual ~Drawable() { /* The deriving class might want to fill this in */ }
The deriving classes Circle, Tetrahedron and DrawableText would, of course, need their draw() signatures updated to take the new program state, but this will allow you to do all of your low-level drawing through an object which is designed for graphics drawing instead of burdening the main class with this functionality. What state you provide is solely up to you and your design. It's pretty flexible.
BIG UPDATE - Another Way to Do It Using Composition
I've been giving it careful thought, and decided to share what I've been up to. What I wrote above has worked for me in the past, but this time around I've decided to go a different route with my engine and forego a scene graph entirely. I'm not sure I can recommend this way of doing things as it can make things complicated, but it also opens the doors to a tremendous amount of flexibility. Effectively, I have written lower-level objects such as VertexBuffer, Effect, Texture etc. which allow me to compose objects in any way I want. I am using templates this time around more than inheritance (though intheritance is still necessary for providing implementations for the VertexBuffers, Textures, etc.).
The reason I bring this up is because you were talking about getting a larger degree of seperation. Using a system such as I described, I could build a world object like this:
class World {
WorldGeometry geometry; // Would hold triangle data.
WorldOccluder occluder; // Runs occlusion tests against
// the geometry and flags what's visible and
// what is not.
WorldCollider collider; // Handles all routines for collision detections.
WorldDrawer drawer; // Draws the world geometry.
void process_and_draw();// Optionally calls everything in necessary
// order.
Here, i would have multiple objects which focus on a single aspect of my engine's processing. WorldGeometry would store all polygon details about this particular world object. WorldOccluder would do checks against the camera and geometry to see which patches of the world are actually visible. WorldCollider would process collission detection against any world objects (omitted for brevity). Finally, WorldDrawer would actually be responsible for the drawing of the world and maintain the VertexBuffer and other lower-level drawing objects as needed.
As you can see, this works a little more closely to what you originally asked as the geometry is actually not used only for rendering. It's more data on the polygons of the world but can be fed to WorldGeometry and WorldOccluder which don't do any drawing whatsoever. In fact, the World class only exists to group these similar classes together, but the WorldDrawer may not be dependent on a World object. Instead, it may need a WorldGeometry object or even a list of Triangles. Basically, your program structure becomes highly flexible and dependencies begin to disappear since objects do not inherit often or at all and only request what they absolutely require to function. Case in point:
class WorldOccluder {
// I do not need anything more than a WorldGeometry reference here //
WorldOccluder(WorldGeometry& geometry) : _geometry(geometry)
// At this point, all I need to function is the position of the camera //
WorldOccluderResult check_occlusion(const Float3& camera) {
// Do all of the world occlusion checks based on the passed
// geometry and then return a WorldOccluderResult
// Which hypothetically could contain lists for visible and occluded
// geometry
WorldGeometry& _geometry;
I chose the WorldOccluder as an example because I've spent the better part of the day working on something like this for my engine and have used a class hierarchy much like above. I've got boxes in 3D space changing colors based on if they should be seen or not. My classes are very succinct and easy to follow, and my entire project hierarchy is easy to follow (I think it is anyway). So this seems to work just fine! I love being on vacation!
Final note: I mentioned templates but didn't explain them. If I have an object that does processing around drawing, a template works really well for this. It avoids dependencies (such as through inheritence) while still giving a great degree of flexibility. Additionally, templates can be optimized by the compiler by inlining code and avoiding virtual-style calls (if the compiler can deduce such optimizations):
template <typename TEffect, TDrawable>
void draw(TEffect& effect, TDrawable& drawable, const Matrix& world, const Matrix& view, const Matrix& projection) {
// Setup effect matrices - our effect template
// must provide these function signatures
// Do some drawing!
// (NOTE: could use some RAII stuff here in case drawable throws).
for (int pass = 0; pass < effect.pass_count(); pass++) {
drawable.draw(); // Once again, TDrawable objects must provide this signature
My technique might really suck, but I do it like this.
class entity {
virtual void render() {}
vector<entity> entities;
void render() {
for(auto c : entities) {
Then I can do stuff like this:
class cubeEntity : public entity {
virtual void render() override {
class triangleEntity : public entity {
virtual void render() override {
And to use it:
entities.push_back(new cubeEntity());
entities.push_back(new triangleEntity());
People say that it's bad to use dynamic inheritance. They're a lot smarter than me, but this approach has been working fine for a while. Make sure to make all your destructors virtual!
The way the SFML graphics library draws objects (and the way I think is most manageable) is to have all drawable objects inherit from a 'Drawable' class (like the one in David Peterson's answer), which can then be passed to the graphics engine in order to be drawn.
To draw objects, I'd have:
A Base class:
class Drawable
int XPosition;
int YPosition;
int PixelData[100][100]; //Or whatever storage system you're using
This can be used to contain information common to all drawable classes (like position, and some form of data storage).
Derived Subclasses:
class Triangle : public Drawable
Triangle() {} //overloaded constructors, additional variables etc
int indigenous_to_triangle;
Because each subclass is largely unique, you can use this method to create anything from sprites to graphical-primitives.
Each of these derived classes can then be passed to the engine by reference with
A 'Draw' function referencing the Base class:
void GraphicsEngine::draw(const Drawable& _object);
Using this method, a template is no longer necessary. Unfortunately your current graphicObjectData array wouldn't work, because derived classes would be 'sliced' in order to fit in it. However, creating a list or vector of 'const Drawable*' pointers (or preferably, smart pointers) would work just as well for keeping tabs on all your objects, though the actual objects would have to be stored elsewhere.
You could use something like this to draw everything using a vector of pointers (I tried to preserve your function and variable names):
std::vector<const Drawable*> graphicObject; //Smart pointers would be better here
static void process()
for (int i = 0; i < graphicObject.size(); ++i)
You'd just have to make sure you added each object to the list as it was created.
If you were clever about it, you could even do this in the construction and destruction:
class Drawable; //So the compiler doesn't throw an error
std::vector<const Drawable*> graphicObject;
class Drawable
Triangle() {} //overloaded constructors, additional variables etc
int indigenous_to_triangle;
std::vector<const Drawable*>::iterator itPos;
Drawable() {
itPos = graphicObject.end() - 1;
~Drawable() {
Now you can just create objects and they'll be drawn automatically when process() is called! And they'll even be removed from the list once they're destroyed!
All the above ideas have served me well in the past, so I hope I've helped you out, or at least given you something to think about.

C++: avoiding library-specific types in public interface

I'm currently working on a little game engine project in C++ using DirectX for rendering. The rendering part of the engine consists of classes such as Model and Texture. Because I would like to keep it (relatively) simple to switch to another rendering library (e.g. OpenGL) (and because I suppose it's just good encapsulation), I would like to keep the public interfaces of these classes completely devoid of any references to DirectX types, i.e. I would like to avoid providing public functions such as ID3D11ShaderResourceView* GetTextureHandle();.
This becomes a problem, however, when a class such as Model requires the internal texture handle used by Texture to carry out its tasks - for instance when actually rendering the model. For simplicity's sake, let's replace DirectX with an arbitrary 3D rendering library that we'll call Lib3D. Here is an example demonstrating the issue I'm facing:
class Texture {
Lib3DTexture mTexture;
Texture(std::string pFileName)
: mTexture(pFileName)
class Model {
Texture* mTexture;
Lib3DModel mModel;
Model(std::string pFileName, Texture* pTexture)
: mTexture(pTexture), mModel(pFileName)
void Render()
mModel.RenderWithTexture( /* how do I get the Lib3DTexture member from Texture? */ );
Of course, I could provide a public GetTextureHandle function in Texture that simply returns a pointer to mTexture, but this would mean that if I change the underlying rendering library, I would also have to change the type returned by that function, thus changing the public interface of Texture. Worse yet, maybe the new library isn't even structured the same way, meaning I'd have to provide entirely new functions!
The best solution I can think of is making Model a friend of Texture so that it can access Texture's members directly. This seems slightly unwieldy, however, as I add more classes that make use of Texture. I have never used friendship much at all, so I'm not sure if this is even an acceptable usage case.
So, my questions are:
Is declaring Model a friend of Texture an acceptable use of
friendship? Would it be a good solution?
If no, what would you
recommend? Do I need to redesign my class structure
completely? In that case, any tips?
PS: I realize that the title is not very descriptive and I apologize for that, but I didn't really know how to put it.
Whether it is an acceptable use of friendship is debatable. With every feature, even good ones, that you use, you risk that anti-patterns form in your code. So just use it with moderation and be cautious for anti-patterns.
While you can use friendships you can also simply use inheritance i.e. IGLTexture : ITexture and cast to the appropriate interface wherever implementation detail needs to be accessed. For instance IGLTexture could expose everything opengl related.
And there is even another paradigm that could be used. pimpl which stands for
private implementation. In short rather than exposing implementation detail
within the class, you just supply all implementation detail in a class whose implementation is unspecified publicly. I've been using this approach myself with little second regrets.
class Texture
int width, height, depth;
struct Impl;
char reserved[32];
*Impl impl;
struct Texture::Impl
int myopenglhandle;
void* mydirectxpointer;
impl = new (reserved) Impl();
You need to abstract this mo-fo.
class TextureBase{
virtual Pixels* getTexture() = 0;
virtual ~TextureBase(){}
class Lib3DTexture: public TextureBase {
Lib3DTexture mTexture;
Texture(std::string pFileName)
: mTexture(pFileName)
Pixels* getTexture(){ return mTexture.pixels(); }
class Renderable{
virtual void render()const = 0;
virtual ~Renderable(){}
class ModelBase: public Renderable{
virtual ModelData* getModelData() = 0;
virtual ~ModelBase(){}
class Lib3DModel : ModelBase{
TextureBase* texture;
ModelBase* model;
Lib3DModel(std::string pFileName, Texture* pTexture): mTexture(pTexture), mModel(pFileName){}
void render()const{
model.renderWithTexture( texture.getPixels() );
class World: public Renderable{
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Renderable> > visibleData;
void render()const{
you get the idea, not guaranteeing it compiles but just to give you an idea.Also check out user2384250 comment, good idea as well.
Make Texture a template with a default template parameter using DirectX.
So you can do this:
template<typename UnderlyingType = Lib3DTexture> class Texture {
UnderlyingType mTexture;
Texture(std::string pFileName)
: mTexture(pFileName)
UnderlyingType UnderlyingTexture(); //returns UnderlyingType, no matter which library you use
I think this could be a clean way of solving that problem, and easily allowing the switching out of underlying libraries.
Since the 2 APIs are mutually exclusive and since you probably don't need to switch between the 2 at runtime, I think you should aim at building 2 different executables, one for each of the underlying API.
By that I mean use:
#if OpenGL_implementation
#else // DirectX
This may or may not be the sexy solution you were looking for. But I believe this is the cleaner and simpler solution. Going with heavy template use (resp. heavy polymorphic behaviour) will probably cause even more code bloat than an #if solution and it will also compile (resp. run) slower as well. :)
In other words, if you can afford to have the 2 behaviours you want in 2 different executables, you should not allow this to have an impact on your software architecture. Just build 2 sexy, twin software solutions instead of 1 fat one. :)
From my experience, using C++ inheritance for those sort of problems often ends a quite complex and unmaintainable project.
There are basically two solutions:
Abstract all data types, making them not depend on the rendering layer at all. You will have to copy some data structures from rendering layer, but you only need to replace rendering code.
Choose a portable render layer (OpenGL) and stick to it.

C++/W32 Sharing Class - code design question

Here is what i am trying to do.
I have Three Classes:
1) CEngine
2) CLogManager
3) CWindowGL
This class 'does' the tricky things to get the game engine going,
an application utilizing it, can call only few public members to
get the game going -
class CEngine
~CEngine(); // should this go to private?
bool Init(width,height,...);
void Destroy();
void Run();
bool LoadMap(...);
CLogManager *m_pLogManager;
CWindowGL *m_pWindowManager
// Example usage
CEngine *Engine=new CEngine;
This class controls the logging facility
it just allows me to dump some log into the log data file:
class CLogManager
void Write(const char *fmt,...);
FILE *fp;
std::string m_sFileName; // unique filename generated at the constructor
SYSTEMTIME m_tSystemTime;
This class handles the window creation, and pixel format settings,
and few other things related to the window itself - nothing else,
but it also needs to utilize CLogManager - to dump few informations
for debug purposes.
Now the question is:
When a CLogManager constructor is called, class generates a unique filename that is:
m_sFileName="data/logs/enginelog_%i%i%i.txt"; // hour, minute, second
CEngine class in the Init method does:
m_pLogManager = new CLogManager;
and later on it uses it with m_pLogManager->Write(....) to log events.
That's ok for CEngine, but i would like to use the same functionality
in CWindowGL class and here is the question.
I would like my code to share CLogManager across :
and few others that i'll implement.
I can't do this by adding "Instance()" type of method like:
static CLogManager &Instance()
static CLogManager s_instance;
return s_instance;
and calling:
CLogManager::Instance().Write(" LOG MESSAGE ");
As this would cause my CLogManager to generate new filename each time when a
constructor is called.
Do i have to
extern CEngine *Engine;
somewhere to call
Engine->Log(" LOG MESSAGE ")
wrapper everytime or there is something else i can stick to?
I know it is more like a 'code-design' question, but i would like to see
how do you guys handle such things.
Normally i would do this with extern, but that would require me to check
m_pLogManager!=NULL within a wrapper function to a private member - and just
don't know if that's OK.
Maybe there's some other - better approach?
I will be adding few other classes like. TexturesManager - and would like this class to
store the actual size of textures loaded and so on, so this would also require me to
not to call Instance() to class each time the texture is called - as this would create/destruct the class without storing the needed size / array of textures already loaded...
Thanks, hope this is clear.
I can't do this by adding "Instance()" type of method as this would cause my CLogManager to generate new filename each time when a constructor is called.
Actually no, the constructor would be called only once during your program lifetime. The singleton pattern is what you most likely want for your logging class.
What you'll generally find in these situations is a static set of methods that use a singleton underneath. All consumers call the static method which returns the one, single, instance of your logger, which you then call methods on.

Extending a class and maintaining binary backward compatibility

I'm trying to add new functionality to an existing library. I would need to add new data to a class hierarchy so that the root class would have accessors for it. Anyone should be able to get this data only sub-classes could set it (i.e. public getter and protected setter).
To maintain backward compatibility, I know I must not do any of the following (list only includes actions relevant to my problem):
Add or remove virtual functions
Add or remove member variables
Change type of existing member variable
Change signature of existing function
I can think of two ways to add this data to hierarchy: adding a new member variable to root class or adding pure virtual accessor functions (so that data could be stored in sub-classes). However, to maintain backward compatilibity I can not do either of these.
The library is using extensively pimpl idiom but unfortunately the root class I have to modify does not use this idiom. Sub-classes, however, use this idiom.
Now only solution that I can think of is simulating member variable with static hash-map. So I could create a static hash-map, store this new member to it, and implement static accessors for it. Something like this (in pseudo c++):
class NewData {...};
class BaseClass
static setNewData(BaseClass* instance, NewData* data)
m_mapNewData[instance] = data;
static NewData* getNewData(BaseClass* instance)
return m_mapNewData[instance];
static HashMap<BaseClass*, NewData*> m_mapNewData;
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass
void doSomething()
BaseClass::setNewData(this, new NewData());
class Outside
void doActions(BaseClass* action)
NewData* data = BaseClass::getNewData(action);
Now, while this solution might work, I find it very ugly (of course I could also add non-static accessor functions but this wouldn't remove the ugliness).
Are there any other solutions?
Thank you.
You could use the decorator pattern. The decorator could expose the new data-elements, and no change to the existing classes would be needed. This works best if clients obtain their objects through factories, because then you can transparently add the decorators.
Finally, check binary compatibility using automated tools like abi-compliance-checker.
You can add exported functions (declspec import/export) without affecting binary compatibility (ensuring you do not remove any current functions and add your new functions at the end), but you cannot increase the size of the class by adding new data members.
The reason you cannot increase the size of the class is that for someone that compiled using the old size but uses the newly extended class would mean that the data member stored after your class in their object (and more if you add more than 1 word) would get trashed by the end of the new class.
class CounterEngine {
__declspec(dllexport) int getTotal();
int iTotal; //4 bytes
class CounterEngine {
__declspec(dllexport) int getTotal();
__declspec(dllexport) int getMean();
int iTotal; //4 bytes
int iMean; //4 bytes
A client then may have:
class ClientOfCounter {
CounterEngine iCounter;
int iBlah;
In memory, ClientOfCounter in the old framework will look something like this:
ClientOfCounter: iCounter[offset 0],
iBlah[offset 4 bytes]
That same code (not recompiled but using your new version would look like this)
ClientOfCounter: iCounter[offset 0],
iBlah[offset 4 bytes]
i.e. it doesn't know that iCounter is now 8 bytes rather than 4 bytes, so iBlah is actually trashed by the last 4 bytes of iCounter.
If you have a spare private data member, you can add a Body class to store any future data members.
class CounterEngine {
__declspec(dllexport) int getTotal();
int iTotal; //4 bytes
void* iSpare; //future
class CounterEngineBody {
int iMean; //4 bytes
void* iSpare[4]; //save space for future
class CounterEngine {
__declspec(dllexport) int getTotal();
__declspec(dllexport) int getMean() { return iBody->iMean; }
int iTotal; //4 bytes
CounterEngineBody* iBody; //now used to extend class with 'body' object
If your library is open-source then you can request to add it to the upstream-tracker. It will automatically check all library releases for backward compatibility. So you can easily maintain your API.
EDIT: reports for qt4 library are here.
It is hard to maintain binary compatibility - it is much easier to maintain only interface compatibility.
I think that the only reasonable solution is to break supporting current library and redesign it to only export pure virtual interfaces for classes.
That interfaces could never be modified in the future, but you can add new interfaces.
In that interfaces you could only use primitive types like pointers and specified size integers or floats. You should not have interfaces with for example std::strings or other non-primitive types.
When returning pointers to data allocated in DLL, you need to provide a virtual method for deallocation, so that the application deallocates the data using DLL's delete.
Adding data members to the root will break binary compatibility (and force a rebuild, if that is your concern), but it won't break backward compatibility and neither will adding member functions (virtual or not). Adding new member functions is the obvious way to go.