What is the best development estimate template you've found? [closed] - templates

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've been putting a fair number of estimates together lately and I'd like to see if I can get a more thorough and - to be honest - better presented estimate document.
Do you have a template that you use regularly that's available online or is there particular content or presentation that you believe is important to include?

Never mind. I've gone and written my own. Hopefully I'll get feedback on how it might best be improved.
Excel Software Estimate Template


Who has EKF filter open source code? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been working on IMU sensors to get orientation and I am looking for an open source EKF filter! Or please share ur expertise if anyone has experience!
I took on the same task this summer with a flight-path interpreter. Check out my implementation of the linear filter here.
It looks like researchers believe the EKF yields less reliable estimates without some complicated mitagtion techniques. For measurement that are changing very rapidly (unlike GPS navigation where EKF is indeed a de facto standard), consider avoiding the EKF. According to that paper, the ongoing-estimate can diverge pretty quickly.

Enforce comments in function implementation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a way to enforce adding comments for code blocks inside functions. for example I want each for loop, if condition etc. to have one or two lines of comments describing what the code actually does.
I know Doxygen and I know it is not capable of doing this task. is there any other tool that can be used to give some information/metrics about the quality and amount of comments in function implementation?
What could be interesting is to search for methods with a high cyclomatic complexity(using many if,for,while,..) and not well commented, for that you can use CppDepend and execute a CQLinq request like this one:

Symbolic Math Library in C/C++/Obj-C [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to implement a graphing calculator on the iPhone. I am looking for a library that can take strings of expressions or functions and let me manipulate them (find derivatives, intercepts, zeros, etc). Does anything like this exist?
There's GiNaC for C++. GPL-licensed and actively maintained, last update only a month ago. I found old links to many others that don't seem to exist anymore; perhaps people simply found it easier to use GiNaC?

Boost::Spirit mini_c tutorial [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any tutorial describing mini_c example from boost::spirit? It looks as good example of using grammar from boost::spirit::qi, but it's rather complex one and some guide through the code would be helpful.
None that I know of. However, the mini_c example is step 9 in a series of calculator examples. Therefore, if you start working from calc1.cpp up to mini_c (or even the new 'conjure' examples now added to SVN) you shouldn't have a hard time understanding what's going on.

API for real time analysis of Twitter feed? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I wanted to know if there are any existing API's used to evaluate any pattern or something out of the real-time twitter feeds?
I'm looking for any API's/Web Services that could work with .NET
Thank You.
http://datasift.net/ does that to some extent (but you'll need to apply to be an alpha tester).
I've used it and it's pretty good.