C++: seeding random number generator outside of main() - c++

I was creating a simple program that simulates a coin toss for my class. (Actually, class is over this term and i'm just working through the rest of the projects that weren't required). It involves the creating and calling a function that generates a random number between 1 and 2. Originally, I tried to seed the random number generator within the function that would be using it (coinToss); however, it did not produce a random number. Each time the program was run it was the same number as though I had only used
instead of
unsigned seed = time(0);
Yet, when i moved the above within
int main()
it worked fine.
My question is 1)why did it not work when setup within the function that called it and (2) how does rand()
have access to what was done by srand() if they do not both occur in the same function?
Obviously, i'm a beginner so please forgive me if i didn't formulate the question correctly. Also, my book has only briefly touched on rand() and srand() so that's all i really know.
thanks for any help!
Pertinent code:
First attempt that didn't work:
int main()
int coinToss()
unsigned seed = time(0);
return 1 + rand() % 2;
Second attempt which did work:
int main()
unsigned seed = time(0);
int coinToss()
return 1 + rand() % 2;

You probably only want to seed the random number generator once. rand() returns the next pseudo-random number from it's internal generator. Every time you call rand() you will get the next number from the internal generator.
srand() however sets the initial conditions of the random number generator. You can think of it as setting the 'starting-out point' for the internal random number generator (in reality it's a lot more complicated than that, but it's a useful cognitive model to follow).
So, you should be calling srand(time(0)) exactly once in your application - somewhere near the beginning. After that, you can call rand() as many times as you want!
To answer your actual question - the first version doesn't work because time() returns the number of seconds since the epoch. So If you call coinToss() several times in a second (say, if you wanted to simulate 100 coin tosses), then you'd be constantly seeding the random number generator with the same number, thereby resetting it's internal state (and thus the next number you get) every time.
Anyway - using time() as a seed to srand() is somewhat crappy for this very reason - time() doesn't chage very often, and worse, it's predictable. If you know the current time, you can work out what rand() will return. The internet has many, many examples of better srand() seeds.

Pseudo-random number generators (like rand) work by taking a single starting number (the seed) and performing a numeric transformation on it each time you request a new number. You want to seed the generator just once, or it will continually get reset, which is not what you want.
As you discovered, you should just call srand just once in main. Also note that a number of rand implementations have pretty short cycles on the low 4 bits or so. In practice this means you might get an easily predictable repeating cycle of numbers You might want to shift the return from rand right by 4-8 bits before you take the % 2.
EDIT: The call would look something like:
return 1 + (rand() >> 6) % 2;

Seed only once per program, not every time you call coinToss()

To expand on Mark B's answer: It is not so much that the random number generator is reset as it sets a new variable to be used in calculating random numbers. However your program doesn't do that much work between calls to srand. Therefore every time you call srand(time(0)) it is using the same seed, so you are resetting the internal state of the random number generator . If you put a sleep in there so that time(0) changed you would not get the same number every time.
As for how data passes from srand to rand, it is fairly simple, a global variable is used. All names that start with an underscore and a capital letter or two underscores are reserved for variables used by your compiler. More than likely this variable has been declared static so it isn't visible outside of the translation unit(aka the library file that contains your compiler's standard library.) This is done so that #define STUFF 5 doesn't break your standard library.

for simple simulations, you must not change the seed at all during the simulation. Your simulation will be "worse" in that case.
To understand this, you should see pseudo random sequences as a big wheel of fortune. When you change the seed, it is like you change the position, and then, each call to rand will give you a different number. If you roll again, it will be more probable finding yourself repeating numbers.


rand() produces the same result on each function call (with srand(time(0))

I have a member function of a class that is supposed to generate a random number in a range. To do so, I am using the rand() function. The function generates a random number like this:
unsigned seed;
seed = time(0);
std::cout << "Random Number: "<< rand() << std::endl;
The function is called on two different objects. The result is:
Random Number: 1321638448
Random Number: 1321638448
This is consistent every-time I call it. What am i doing wrong?
(Converting my comment to an answer).
For most applications, you'll only really want to seed rand once in the course of running a program. Seeding it multiple times requires you to get different random seeds, and it's easy to mess that up.
In your case, the time function usually returns something with resolution on the level of seconds (though this isn't actually required by the standard). As a result, if you call time twice within the same second, you might get back the same value. That would explain why you're getting duplicate values: you're seeding the randomizer with the same value twice and then immediately querying it for a random number.
The best solution to this is to just seed the randomizer once. Typically, you'd do that in main.
If you really do want to seed the randomizer multiple times, make sure that you're doing so using a seed that is going to be pretty much random. Otherwise, you risk something like this happening.
Pseudorandom number generators basically have to pass a set of statistical tests to make sure they're "random enough" as a set of numbers. But of course, it's not actually random. Calling srand(seed) with some seed basically generates a set of numbers which, if passed through those tests, will seem "random enough".
By calling srand(seed) with the same seed multiple times, you're effectively generating the same set over and over again and getting the first value in it.
You call srand(seed) ONCE, and then you call rand() to get the next values in the random number set. Or you need to call srand(seed) with a different (random) seed each time.
If you're on linux, you can also use /dev/urandom to get a random number- the kernel has been taking signal/noise from the environment to generate "entropy" for it, supposedly making it even better than an algorithm psuedorandom number generator.
srand function should be called only once in program(most cases, not all cases). If you want reseed, you should use different seed number. Because rand() function is pseudo-random number generator. In other words, rand() gives you a calculated number.
You can use much for powerful random number generating library after C++11. See: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random

rand() not giving me a random number (even when srand() is used)

Okay I'm starting to lose my mind. All I want to do is random a number between 0 and 410, and according to this page, my code should do that. And since I want a random number and not a pseudo-random number, I'm using srand() as well, in a way that e.g. this thread told me to do. But this isn't working. All I get is a number that is depending on how long it was since my last execution. If I e.g. execute it again as fast as I can, the number is usually 6 numbers higher than the last number, and if I wait longer, it's higher, etc. When it reaches 410 it goes back to 0 and begins all over again. What am I missing?
Edit: And oh, if I remove the srand(time(NULL)); line I just get the same number (41) every time I run the program. That's not even pseudo random, that's just a static number. Just copying the first line of code from the article I linked to above still gives me number 41 all the time. Am I the star in a sequel to "The Number 23", or have I missed something?
int main(void) {
int number = rand() % 410;
std::cout << number << std::endl;
That is what you get for using deprecated random number generation.
rand produces a fixed sequence of numbers (which by itself is fine), and does that very, very badly.
You tell rand via srand where in the sequence to start. Since your "starting point" (called seed btw) depends on the number of seconds since 1.1.1970 0:00:00 UTC, your output is obviously time depended.
The correct way to do what you want to do is using the C++11 <random> library. In your concrete example, this would look somewhat like this:
std::mt19937 rng (std::random_device{}());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist (0, 409);
auto random_number = dist(rng);
For more information on the evils of rand and the advantages of <random> have a look at this.
As a last remark, seeding std::mt19937 like I did above is not quite optimal because the MT's state space is much larger than the 32 bit you get out of a single call to std::random_device{}(). This is not a problem for toy programs and your standard school assignments, but for reference: Here is my take at seeding the MT's entire state space, plus some helpful suggestions in the answers.
From manual:
time() returns the time as the number of seconds since the Epoch,
1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).
Which means that if you start your program twice both times at the same second you will initialize srand with same value and will get same state of PRNG.
And if you remove initialization via call to srand you will always get exactly same sequence of numbers from rand.
I'm afraid you can't get trully random numbers there. Built in functions are meant to provide just pseudo random numbers. Moreover using srand and rand, because the first uses the same approach as the second one. If you want to cook true random numbers, you must find a correct source of entrophy, working for example with atmospheric noise, as the approach of www.random.org.
The problem here consists in the seed used by the randomness algorithm: if it's a number provided by a machine, it can't be unpredictable. A normal solution for this is using external hardware.
Unfortunately you can't get a real random number from a computer without specific hardware (which is often too slow to be practical).
Therefore you need to make do with a pseudo generator. But you need to use them carefully.
The function rand is designed to return a number between 0 and RAND_MAX in a way that, broadly speaking, satisfies the statistical properties of a uniform distribution. At best you can expect the mean of the drawn numbers to be 0.5 * RAND_MAX and the variance to be RAND_MAX * RAND_MAX / 12.
Typically the implementation of rand is a linear congruential generator which basically means that the returned number is a function of the previous number. That can give surprisingly good results and allows you to seed the generator with a function srand.
But repeated use of srand ruins the statistical properties of the generator, which is what is happening to you: your use of srand is correlated with your system clock time. The behaviour you're observing is completely expected.
What you should do is to only make one call to srand and then draw a sequence of numbers using rand. You cannot easily do this in the way you've set things up. But there are alternatives; you could switch to a random number generator (say mersenne twister) which allows you to draw the (n)th term and you could pass the value of n as a command line argument.
As a final remark, I'd avoid using a modulus when drawing a number. This will create a statistical bias if your modulo is not a multiple of RAND_MAX.
Try by change the NULL in time(NULL) by time(0) (that will give you the current système time). If it doesn't work, you could try to convert time(0) into ms by doing time(0)*1000.

How does calling srand more than once affect the quality of randomness?

This comment, which states:
srand(time(0)); I would put this line as the first line in main()
instead if calling it multiple times (which will actually lead to less
random numbers).
...and I've bolded the line which I'm having an issue with... repeats common advice to call srand once in a program. Questions like srand() — why call only once? re-iterate that because time(0) returns the current time in seconds, that multiple calls to srand within the same second will produce the same seed. A common workaround is to use milliseconds or nanoseconds instead.
However, I don't understand why this means that srand should or can only be called once, or how it leads to less random numbers.
Generally speaking, the pseudo-random number generator should only be
seeded once, before any calls to rand(), and the start of the program.
It should not be repeatedly seeded, or reseeded every time you wish to generate a new batch of pseudo-random numbers.
phoxis's answer to srand() — why call only once?:
Initializing once the initial state with the seed value will generate
enough random numbers as you do not set the internal state with srand,
thus making the numbers more probable to be random.
Perhaps they're simply using imprecise language, none of the explanations seem to explain why calling srand multiple times is bad (aside from producing the same sequence of random numbers) or how it affects the "randomness" of the numbers. Can somebody clear this up for me?
Look at the source of srand() from this question: Rand Implementation
Also, example implementation from this thread:
static unsigned long int next = 1;
int rand(void) // RAND_MAX assumed to be 32767
next = next * 1103515245 + 12345;
return (unsigned int)(next/65536) % 32768;
void srand(unsigned int seed)
next = seed;
As you can see, when you calling srand(time(0)) you will got new numbers on rand() depends on seed. Numbers will repeat after some milions, but calling srand again will make it other. Anyway, it must repeat after some cycles - but order depends on argument for srand. This is why C rand isn't good for cryptography - you can predict next number when you know seed.
If you have fast loop, calling srand every iteration is without sense - you can got same number while your time() (1 second is very big time for modern CPUs) give another seed.
There is no reason in simple app to call srand multiple times - this generator are weak by design and if you want real random numbers, you must use other (the best I know is Blum Blum Shub)
For me, there is no more or less random numbers - it always depends on seed, and they repeat if you use same seed. Using time is good solution because it's easy to implement, but you must use only one (at beginning of main()) or when you sure that you calling srand(time(0)) in another second.
The numbers rand() returns are not actually random but "pseudo-random." What this means is that rand() generates a stream of numbers that look random for given values of "look" and "random" from an internal state that changes with each call.
As a rule, rand() is what is called a linear congruental generator, which means that uses a mechanism roughly like this:
int state; // persistent state
int rand() {
state = (a * state + b) % c;
return state;
with carefully chosen constants a, b and c. c tends to be a power of two in practice because that makes it faster to calculate.
The "randomness" of this sequence depends in part on the persistence of the state. If the sequence is constantly reseeded with predictable values, the return values of rand() become predictable in turn. How critical this is depends on the application, but it is not a purely academical consideration. Consider, for example, the case
a = 69069
b = 1
c = 2^32
which was used, for example, by old versions of glibc. Granted that I picked this example for the obviousness of the pattern, but the point remains in less obvious cases. Imagine this RNG were seeded with a sequence of incrementing numbers n, n+1, n+2 and so forth -- you will get from rand() a sequence of numbers, each 69069 larger than the last (modulo 2^32). The pattern will be plainly visible. Starting with 0, we would get
rising until a bit over 4 billion in steady increments. And to make matters worse, some implementation actually returned the seed value in the first call of rand after a call to srand, in which case you'd just get your seeds back.
A pseudo random generator is an engine which produce numbers that look almost random. However, they are completely deterministic. In other words, given a seed x0, they are produced by repeated application of some injective function on x0, call it f(x0), so that f^m(x0) is quite different from f^{m-1}(x0) or f^{m+1}(x0), where the notation f^m denotes the function composition m times. In other words, f(x) has huge jumps, almost uncorrelated with the previous ones.
If you use sradnd(time) multiple times in a second, you may get the same seed, as the clock is not as fast as you may imagine. So the resulting sequence of random numbers will be the same. And this may be a (huge) problem, especially in cryptography applications (anyway, in the latter case, people buy good number generators based on real-time physical processes such as temperature difference in atmospheric data etc, or, recently, on measuring quantum bits, e.g. superposition of polarized photons, the latter being truly random, as long as quantum mechanics is correct.)
There are also other serious issues with rand. One of it is that the distribution is biased. See e.g. http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/arts/jsw_art_rand.aspx for some discussion, although I remember I've seen something similar on SO, although cannot find it now.
If you plan to use it in crypto applications, just don't do it. Use <random> and a serious random engine like Mersene's twister std::mt19937 combined with std::random_device
If you seed your random number generator twice using srand, and get different seeds, then
you will get two sequences that will be quite different. This may be satisfactory for you. However, each sequence per se will not be a good random distribution due to the issues I mentioned above. On the other hand, if you seed your rng too many times, you will get the same seed, and THIS IS BAD, as you'll generate the same numbers over and over again.
PS: seen in the comments that pseudo-numbers depend on a seed, and this is bad. This is the definition of pseudo-numbers, and it is not a bad thing as it allows you to repeat numerical experiments with the same sequence. The idea is that each different seed should produce a sequence of (almost) random numbers, different from a previous sequence (technically, you shouldn't be able to distinguish them from a perfect random sequence).
The seed determines what random numbers will be generated, in order, i.e. srand(1), will always generate the same number on the first call to rand(), the same on the second call to rand() and so on.
In other words, if you re-seeded with the same seed before each rand() invocation, you'd generate the same random number every single time.
So successive seeding with time(0), during a single second, will mean all your random numbers after re-seeding are actually the same number.
Most of the other answers are saying exactly what the question already stated: multiple calls to srand with the same second will produce the same seed. I believe the actual question is the same one that I had, which is: why would it be bad to call srand multiple times, even if it was with a different seed every time?
I can think of three reasons:
People are not clear in their language and they actually mean srand should not be called multiple times with time() if you want different sequences of random numbers.
It's cryptographically bad because every seed passed to srand is not itself a random number (well, it's probably not). Meaning, every srand is injecting a chance for someone to guess that seed and therefore predict your stream of pseudo-random numbers.
It can mess up the distribution of pseudo-random numbers. #vsoftco's answer gave me a clue. If you call srand once, rand can be designed to give you a uniform distribution of pseudo-random numbers over its lifetime. If you call srand in the middle, however, you'll throw off that uniform distribution because it would "start over" with a new seed.
So, if you don't care about any of that, I would think it's okay to call srand more than once. In my case, I want to call it at the start of my program, but call it again after a fork() because the seed is apparently shared across child processes, and I want each child process to have its own sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
Going back to why it's cryptographically bad, it's easier to guess a seed if it's something like time() because a bad actor can try to guess the time it was seeded. That is why calling srand at the start of a program might be better, because it could be less likely that someone would guess that time as well as, say, when a server request was initiated.
But I would surmise that even passing nanoseconds would be cryptographically dangerous if there's a chance the underlying clock doesn't have that kind of precision. Imagine, for example, that you call srand(get_time_in_ns()) and the underlying clock only returns time to the nearest millisecond.
Now, I'm no crypto expert in any way, but this leads me to wonder if it would be safer than current-time to pass the output of a different pseudo-random generator as seeds to multiple srand calls? For example, can you call each srand with a number from Linux's /dev/random? (I imagine you might want to do that if you want a safer seed than the current time but still want to use rand() so you don't have the overhead of reading from the kernel every time.)

Random generator for guess game

I've been searching for a better solution than my own and I haven't really been able to find one that I understand or that works for me.
I have made the simple game where the computer randomly generates a number which you then guess a number and if it is higher the computer says higher and so on..
The problem is my randomly generated number, after looking up alot of information regarding the <random>, uniform_int_distribution and default_random_engine. I have found out that the computer generates a random number, but if you run the program again the same random number will be generated.
My solution:
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> u(0,100); // code to randomly generate numbers between 0 and 100
default_random_engine e; // code to randomly generate numbers
size_t userInput; // User input to find out where to look in the vector
vector<int> randomNumbers; //vector to hold the random numbers
unsigned start = 0, ending = 101, cnt = 0; // used in the game not important right now
cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 1000 for randomness" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
for(size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){ //for loop to push numbers into the vector
unsigned guess = randomNumbers[userInput]; // finally the number that the user will have to guess in the game
My solution right now is to use a vector where I push alot of randomly generated numbers in then ask the user to type a number which then the computer uses for the game. But there should be a better way of doing this. And my question is therefore
Is there a better way to randomly generate numbers to use in the game?
Either use std::random_device in place of std::default_random_engine, or else think of a way to provide a different number to the engine each time it is run.
This number is called a "seed" and can be passed as an optional parameter to the constructor. Since std::default_random_engine is implementation-specific, and different engines do different things about seeding, you generally want to choose a specific engine if you're providing a seed. A deterministic pseudo-random number generator will produce the same sequence of outputs for any given seed, so you want to use a different seed each time.
For no-security uses like a guessing game, the most "obvious" thing to use as a seed is the current time. Generally speaking this is different each time the program is run, although obviously if you can run the program twice in less than the granularity of the clock then that's not the case. So using the time to seed your random engine is pretty limited but will do the job for a toy program.
That's because your random number is actually what we call a pseudorandom number generator
It's just a machine that given a starting number generates a large list of seemingly random numbers. As you don't provide a starting number, the generated list of random numbers is thus always the same. One easy way to fix this is to use the current time as a starting value or 'seed', which is an argument of the constructor of std::default_random_engine.
You can also use your machines real random number generator std::random_device as a replacement for std::default_random_engine
Why not simply:
#include <ctime> // for time()
#include <cstdlib> // for srand()
srand(time(NULL)); // Initializes the rand() function
int randomNumber = rand()%100; // Random number between 0 and 99.
What this does is the rand() seed is set at the current time, meaning that every execution of the program will have a different seed for rand().
Still just pseudo-random solution, though suitable for your purposes.

Same random numbers every time I run the program

My random numbers that output, output in the same sequence every time I run my game. Why is this happening?
I have
#include <cstdlib>
and am using this to generate the random numbers
randomDiceRollComputer = 1 + rand() % 6;
You need to seed your random number generator:
Try putting this at the beginning of the program:
srand ( time(NULL) );
Note that you will need to #include <ctime>.
The idea here is to seed the RNG with a different number each time you launch the program. By using time as the seed, you get a different number each time you launch the program.
You need to give the randum number generator a seed. This can be done by taking the current time, as this is hopefully some kind of random.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
int r;
r = rand();
return 0;
The rand() function is specifically required to produce the same sequence of numbers when seeded with a given seed (by calling srand()); each possible seed value specifies a sequence. And if you never call srand(), you get the same sequence you would have gotten by calling srand(1) before any call to rand().
(This doesn't apply across different C or C++ implementations.)
This can be useful for testing purposes. If there's a bug in your program, for example, you can reproduce it by re-running it with the same seed, guaranteeing that (barring other unpredictable behaviors) you'll get the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
Calling srand(time(NULL)) is the usual recommended way to get more or less unpredictable pseudo-random numbers. But it's not perfect. If your program runs twice within the same second, you'll probably get the same sequence, because time() (typically) has a resolution of 1 second. And typical `rand() implementations are not good enough for cryptographic use; it's too easy for an attacker to guess what numbers you're going to get.
There are a number of other random number implementations. Linux systems have two pseudo-devices, /dev/random and /dev/urandom, from which you can read reasonably high-quality pseudo-random byte values. Some systems might have functions like random(), drand48(), and so forth. And there are numerous algorithms; I've heard good things about the Mersenne Twister.
For something like a game, where you don't expect or care about players trying to cheat, srand(time(NULL)) and rand() is probably good enough. For more serious purposes, you should get advice from someone who knows more about this stuff than I do.
Section 13 of the comp.lang.c FAQ has some very good information about pseudo-random number generation.
Pseudorandom number generators take a starting number, or seed, and then generate the next number in the sequence from this. That's why they're called pseudorandom, because if they always use the same starting value, they will generate the same sequence of numbers like the C standard lib generator does. This can be fixed by giving the generator a starting value that will change the next time the program is run like the current time.
Anyway, the code you're looking for like others have said is:
srand(time(0)); //Seed the generator, give it a starting value