subscript operator postfix - c++

The C++ standard defines the expression using subscripts as a postfix expression. AFAIK, this operator always takes two arguments (the first is the pointer to T and the other is the enum or integral type). Hence it should qualify as a binary operator.
However MSDN and IBM does not list it as a binary operator.
So the question is, what is subscript operator? Is it unary or binary? For sure, it is not unary as it is not mentioned in $5.3 (at least straigt away).
What does it mean when the Standard mentions it's usage in the context of postfix expression?

I'd tend to agree with you in that operator[] is a binary operator in the strictest sense, since it does take two arguments: a (possibly implicit) reference to an object, and a value of some other type (not necessarily enumerated or integral). However, since it is a bracketing operator, you might say that the sequence of tokens [x], where x might be any valid subscript-expression, qualifies as a postfix unary operator in an abstract sense; think currying.
Also, you cannot overload a global operator[](const C&, size_t), for example. The compiler complains that operator[] must be a nonstatic member function.

You are correct that operator[] is a binary operator but it is special in that it must also be a member function.
Similar to operator()
You can read up on postfix expressions here
I just found an interesting article about operator[] and postfix expression, here

I think it's the context that [] is used in that counts. Section 5.2.1 the symbol [] is used in the context of a postfix expression that is 'is identical (by definition) to *((E1)+(E2))'. In this context, [] isn't an operator. In section 13.5.5 its used to mean the subscripting operator. In this case it's an operator that takes one argument. For example, if I wrote:
x = a[2];
It's not necessarily the case that the above statement evaluates to:
x = *(a + 2);
because 'a' might be an object. If a is an object type then in this context, [] is used as an subscript operator.
Anyway that's the best explanation I can derive from the standard that resolves apparent contradictions.

If you take a close look to it will explain you that standard C++ recognize operator[] to be a binary operator, as you said.
Operator[] is, generally speaking, binary, and, despite there is the possibility to make it unary, it should always be used as binary inside a class, even because it has no sense outside a class.
It is well explained in the link I provided you...
Notice that sometimes many programmers overload operators without think too much about what they are doing, sometimes overloading them in an incorrect manner; the compiler is ease is this and accept it, but, probably, it was not the correct way to overload that operator.
Following guides like the one I provided you, is a good way to do things in the correct manner.
So, always beware examples where operators are overloaded without a good practice (out of standard), refer, first to the standard methods, and use those examples that are compliant to them.


overload "->" (member access) recursively

I am learning how to overload "->" and the documentation says that:
"operator-> is called again on the value that it returns, recursively, until the operator-> is reached that returns a plain pointer. After that, builtin semantics are applied to that pointer."
While it is clear what the documentation says, essentially that an overloaded "->" of a class could use itself a "special pointer" having itself an overloaded "->" that could give a "special pointer" etc etc until a "plain pointer" is found, I cannot find an example of a real use of it ( unless it is used to find a linked list last element ).
Could somebody explain what is the retionale behind the scenes, ( as that possibility isn't provided with "plain pointers" - so I dont' see any reason to provide it with "special pointers" ).
An example of real world use could help too, as probably I am missing a model where to apply the behaviour.
On the opposite side there could be the need to avoid that behaviour, how could it be done ?
Well, the -> operator works under rater special circumstances.
One can call it a pseudo-binary operator. According to its natural syntax pointer->member it takes two operands: a normal run-time operand on the left-hand side and a rather "strange" member name operand on the right-hand side. The "strangeness" of the second operand is rooted in the fact that C++ language has no user-accessible concept for representing such operands. There's nothing in the language that would express a member name as an operand. There's no way to "pass" a member name through the code to the user-defined implementation. The member name is a compile-time entity, remotely similar to constant expressions in that regard, but no constant expression in C++ can specify members. (There are expressions for pointers-to-members, but not for members themselves).
This creates rather obvious difficulties in specifying the behavior of overloaded -> operator: how do we connect what was specified on the right-hand side of -> (i.e the member name) to the code written by the user? It is not possible to do it directly. The only way out of this situation is to do it indirectly: force the user to channel the user-defined functionality of the overloaded -> operator into the functionality of some existing built-in operator. The built-in operator can handle member names naturally, through its core language capabilities.
In this particular case we have only two candidates to channel the functionality of the overloaded -> to: the built-in -> and the built-in .. It is only logical that the built-in -> was chosen for that role. This created an interesting side-effect: the possibility to write "chained" (recursive) sequences of overloaded -> operators (unwrapped implicitly by the compiler) and even infinitely recursive sequences (which are ill-formed).
Informally speaking, every time you use a smart pointer you make a real-world use of these "recursive" properties of overloaded -> operator. If you have a smart pointer sptr that points to a class object with member member, the member access syntax remains perfectly natural, e.g. sptr->member. You don't have to do it as sptr->->member or sptr->.member specifically because of the implicit "recursive" properties of overloaded ->.
Note that this recursive behavior is only applied when you use operator syntax for invoking the overloaded -> operator, i.e. the object->member syntax. However, you can also use the regular member function call syntax to call your overloaded ->, e.g. object.operator ->(). In this case the call is carried out as an ordinary function call and no recursive application of -> takes place. This is the only way to avoid the recursive behavior. If you implement overloaded -> operator whose return type does not support further applications of -> operator (for example, you can define an overloaded -> that returns int), then the object.operator ->() will be the only way to invoke your overloaded implementation. Any attempts to use the object->member syntax will be ill-formed.
I cannot find an example of a real use of it ( unless it is used to find a linked list last element ).
I think you're misunderstanding what it does. It isn't used to dereference a list element and keep dereferencing the next element. Each time you call operator-> you would get back a different type, the point is that if that second type also has an operator-> it will be called, which might return a different type again. Imagine it being like x->->->i not x->next->next->next if that helps
An example of real world use could help too, as probably I am missing a model where to apply the behaviour.
It can be useful for the Execute Around Pointer pattern.
On the opposite side there could be the need to avoid that behaviour, how could it be done ?
Call the operator explicitly:
auto x = p.operator->();

Why is it not possible to overload the ternary operator?

Why is it not possible to overload the ternary operator ' ?: '?
I use the ternary operator often to consolidate if statements, and am curious why the language designers chose to forbid this operator from being overloaded. I looked for an explanation as to why in C++ Operator Overloading but did not find one describing why this isn't possible. The only information the footnote provides is that it cannot be overloaded.
My initial guess is that overloading the operator will almost always violate number one or two of the principles given in the link above. The meaning of the overload will rarely be obvious or clear or it will deviate from its original known semantics.
So my question is more of why is this not possible rather than how, as I know it cannot be done.
if you could override the ternary operator, you would have to write something like this:
xxx operator ?: ( bool condition, xxx trueVal, xxx falseVal );
To call your override, the compiler would have to calculate the value of both trueVal and falseVal. That's not how the built-in ternary operator works - it only calculates one of those values, which is why you can write things like:
return p == NULL ? 23 : p->value;
without worrying about indirecting through a NULL pointer.
I think the main reason at the time that it didn't seem worth
the effort of inventing a new syntax just for that operator.
There is no token ?:, so you'd have to create a number of
special grammar rules just for it. (The current grammar rule
has operator followed by an operator, which is a single
As we've learned (from experience) to use operator overloading
more reasonably, it has become apparent that we really shouldn't
have allowed overloading of && and || either, for the
reasons other responses have pointed out, and probably not
operator comma as well (since the overloaded versions won't have
the sequence point which the user expects). So the motivation
to support it is even less than it was originally.
One of the principles of the ternary operator is that the true / false expression are only evaluated based on the truth or falseness of the conditional expression.
cond ? expr1 : expr2
In this example expr1 is only evaluated if cond is true while expr2 is only evaluated if cond is false. Keeping that in mind lets look at what a signature for ternary overloading would look like (using fixed types here instead of a template for simplicity)
Result operator?(const Result& left, const Result& right) {
This signature simply isn't legal because it violates the exact semantics I described. In order to call this method the language would have to evaluate both expr1 and expr2 hence they are no longer conditionally evaluated. In order to support ternary the operator would either need to
Take a lambda for each value so it could produce them on demand. This would necessarily complicate the calling code though because it would have to take into account lambda call semantics where no lambda was logically present
The ternary operator would need to return a value to denote whether the compiler should use expr1 or expr2
Some may argue that the lack of short circuiting in this scenario is fine. The reason being that C++ already allows you to violate short circuiting in operator overloads with || and &&
Result operator&&(const Result& left, const Result& right) {
Though I still find this behavior baffling even for C++.
The short and accurate answer is simply "because that's what Bjarne decided."
Although the arguments about which operands should be evaluated and in what sequence give a technically accurate description of what happens, they do little (nothing, really) to explain why this particular operator can't be overloaded.
In particular, the same basic arguments would apply equally well to other operators such as operator && and operator||. In the built-in version of each of these operators, the left operand is evaluated, then if and only if that produces 1 for && or a 0 for ||, the right operand is evaluated. Likewise, the (built in) comma operator evaluates its left operand, then its right operand.
In an overloaded version of any of these operators, both operands are always evaluated (in an unspecified sequence). As such, they're essentially identical to an overloaded ternary operator in this respect. They all lose the same guarantees about what operands are evaluated and in what order.
As to why Bjarne made that decision: I can see a few possibilities. One is that although it's technically an operator, the ternary operator is devoted primarily to flow control, so overloading it would be more like overloading if or while than it is like overloading most other operators.
Another possibility would be that it would be syntactically ugly, requiring the parser to deal with something like operator?:, which requires defining ?: as a token, etc. -- all requiring fairly serious changes to the C grammar. At least in my view, this argument seems pretty weak, as C++ already requires a much more complex parser than C does, and this change would really be much smaller than many other changes that have been made.
Perhaps the strongest argument of all is simply that it didn't seem like it would accomplish much. Since it is devoted primarily to flow control, changing what it does for some types of operands is unlikely to accomplish anything very useful.
For the same reason why you really should not (although you can) overload && or || operators - doing so would disable short-circuiting on those operators (evaluating only the necessary part and not everything), which can lead to severe complications.
Previous answers focused on short-circuiting, which is somewhat valid but not even the real problem with trying to do this IMO.
The closest possible implementation of the existing ternary operator (without short circuiting) would have to look like this:
template<typename T0, typename T1>
std::variant<T0, T1>&& operator?:(bool predicate, T0&& arg0, T1&& arg1)
return { std::forward<T0&&>(arg0) };
return { std::forward<T1&&>(arg1); }
However, T0 might be void. T1 might be void. This won't build in either of those cases.
The variant is necessary because T0 and T1 might not be implicitly convertible to one another and the return type can't be used for function overload resolution, and that was a C++17 library addition. But it still doesn't really work, because variant isn't implicitly convertible to any of its possible types.

Is the C++ * operator "already overloaded?"

My C++ teacher thinks that the * operator in standard C++ is "already overloaded," because it can mean indirection or multiplication depending on the context. He got this from C++ Primer Plus, which states:
Actually, many C++ (and C) operators already are overloaded. For example, the * operator, when applied to an address, yields the value stored at that address. But applying * to two numbers yields the product of the values. C++ uses the number and type of operands to decide which action to take. (pg 502, 5th ed)
At least one other textbook says much the same. So far as I can tell, this is not true; unary * is a different operator from binary *, and the mechanism by which the compiler disambiguates them has nothing to do with operator overloading.
Who is right?
Both are right as the question depends on context and the meaning of the word overloading.
"Overloading" can take a common meaning of "same symbol, different meaning" and allow all uses of "*" including indirection and multiplication, and any user-defined behavior.
"Overloading" can be used to apply to C++'s official operator overloading functionality, in which case indirection and multiplication are indeed different.
ADDENDUM: See Steve's comment below, on "operator overoading" versues "token overloading".
I believe you are. The dereference op and the mult. op are different operators, even if written the same. same goes for +,-,++,--, and any other I may have forgotten.
I believe the book, in this paragraph, refers to the word "overloaded" as "used in more than 1 way", but not by the user. So you could also consider the book as being correct... also depends if you're referring to the overloading of the * operator or of the multiplication operator (for example).
It's overloaded in the sense that the same character is used to mean different things in different places (e.g. pointer dereference, multiplication between ints, multiplication with other built-in types, etc.).
Generally, though, "operator overloading" refers to defining an operator (that has the same symbol as a built-in one) using custom code so that it does something interesting with a user defined type.
So... you're both right :-)

Why can't everything be overloaded in C++?

It is reasonable that sizeof and typeid cannot be overloaded, but I can't see the harm in overloading ?:, .* and .. Are there technical reasons for this?
To quote Bjarne Stroustrup:
There is no fundamental reason to
disallow overloading of ?:. I just
didn't see the need to introduce the
special case of overloading a ternary
operator. Note that a function
overloading expr1?expr2:expr3 would
not be able to guarantee that only one
of expr2 and expr3 was executed.
Operator . (dot) could in principle be
overloaded using the same technique as
used for ->. However, doing so can
lead to questions about whether an
operation is meant for the object
overloading . or an object referred to
by . ... This problem can be solved in
several ways. At the time of
standardization, it was not obvious
which way would be best.
If you overload ., how would you access class members? What would be the meaning of
What would the syntax be?
In fact, there are good reasons for not overloading any operator
which doesn't evaluate all of its operands: you shouldn't
overload && or || either (except in special cases). You can't
simulate this with an overloaded operator. Consider something
p != NULL ? defaultValue : p->getValue()
where the type of defaultValue or p->getValue() causes overload
resolution to pick up your overload. It's a common idiom, but
it can't be made to work if you overloaded ?:.
Here's some reading material C++ FAQ Lite :)
In general there would be no benefit to overloading the operators above. What additional semantics would you be trying to implement?
The reason for overloading operators is to provide intuitive syntax to the user of your class. For example, it makes sense to overload + and += for strings. It's obvious to another developer what that means.
It's really not obvious what you would overload ?: for ... That said there are no technical reasons I am aware of that prevented these operators from being overloaded.
Overloading the -> operator allows for reference counted pointers to be created such as boost::shared_ptr. The concept of 'negating' an object might have different meanings in different contexts, so it's reasonable to occasionally overload this operator.
Defining "operator bool" is enough for ?: to work.
For operator . think of this: SomeClass."SomeString!!"
These overloadings prohibit compiler's lexer from parsing the file correctly.
The reason you can overload most operators is to be able to simulate built in types. Since none of the built in types can use the . operator, it wouldn't serve any purpose. operator* and operator-> are there so you can make your own pointer classes. All the math and boolean operators are there to be able to make your own numeric classes.

Are . and -> in C and C++ really operators?

you probably have been tought, are tought yourselves, that . and -> are operators which retrieve members of a struct (C) or class (C++).
However, I doubt they are operators - because, if they are operators, what are their input types? Furthermore, the identifiers on both sides are interdependent - a feature which for example the + operator lacks of.
If this is correct - in what sense are these still labeled as operator in practice, and what is their formal definition with regard to language theory.
You assume that the only types which can be passed as arguments to an operator are types that can be defined within the language.
I would argue that any type which can be recognised by the compiler may be passed as an argument, including internal types such as "identifier". The operator will have two arguments in its AST representation, which is enough to allow you to define semantics.
Another argument is that language theory may provide one set of definitions for your vocabulary, but it isn't the only one.
For example, an operator may be a man who works a machine. That definition has no relevance to programming theory, but it won't stop me using for keywords in a domain-specific language expressing something to do with machine operating. Similarly, the term "operator" has a wider definition in mathematics than that which is specific to programming theory - and that definition isn't invalidated simply by working with a programming language.
To put it another way - if you didn't call it an operator, what would you call it?
To clarify, my first argument is referring to the syntax for using the operator (the call). These operators have right arguments which are identifiers - member names - which the C++ language cannot express using a data type. The C++ language does have member pointers, but they aren't the same thing as the members - just as a variable isn't the same as a pointer to that variable.
I assume that is what the question referred to. The right parameter of those operators has a type which cannot be expressed or manipulated normally in the language.
What happens when that syntax is mapped to an overloaded operator-> function is a different thing. The function isn't the operator - it's only how the operator gets implemented.
I think the fact that you can overload the -> operator using the "operator" keyword should be a dead giveaway.
Smart pointers do it pretty often:
template<class T>
struct myPtr {
T *operator ->() { return m_ptr; }
T *m_ptr;
The . is not overloadable, but is also an operator by definition.
Hmmm...sizeof is an operator, what is its input type? I don't think the question is useful for distinguishing operators from non-operators in this context.
And that would be because what "operator" means in the context of a programming language is exactly what the author of the language says it means. Shades of Lewis Carroll here.
This reference says they're both operators in C++:
Is that not authoritative enough?
You can overload the -> operator: Wikipedia. That page also states that you can't overload dot. There's an example of -> overloading here:
class String // this is handle
Stringrep *operator -> () const { return b_; }
Stringrep *b_;
The arrow works on the value to the left of the arrow and returns whatever the left hand side is "holding inside". Think of a smart pointer.
THe C++03 standard refers to both as operators.
...after the . operator applied to an expression of the type of its class...
If you are not comfortable with that terminology you can use the term punctuator for ..
Online C standard (n1256): Structure and union members
1 The first operand of the . operator shall have a qualified or unqualified structure or union
type, and the second operand shall name a member of that type.
2 The first operand of the -> operator shall have type ‘‘pointer to qualified or unqualified
structure’’ or ‘‘pointer to qualified or unqualified union’’, and the second operand shall
name a member of the type pointed to.
They are operators, and their input types are specified by the standard.
haha, i know people have already said this in a roundabout way but just to say it directly. In C terms, label-> is actually a shorthand for (*label). .That being said, . is the operator which references elements in a struct. Therefore, -> references an element in a pointer to a struct.