iPad: 5 feeds into split view - uitabbarcontroller

So I have an iPhone app that consist of a tabbarcontroller, 5 tableviews (one for each rss feed) and a webview to show the selected news post.
I want to create a iPad app that does the same. How do I have 5 different tableviews in the master view (left view) of the split view?
I found this description of an split view in a tabbar, but many forums does not recommend this method.
I would live with 5 buttons in a toolbar, but that would be in the detail view. How should I communicate the button press event to the master view?
Or have I not seen the smart functionalities the split view offers???
Really hope someone can help me.. I used a week of figuring out this structure!
Cheers :)

move the five rss feeds from the tab bar to the left tableview, the user can then select the rss feed, which will push the rss feed into the left tableview. upon article selection it will load to the detail view. much like twitterific does on the ipad with multiple accounts.


Programmatically activating swipeActions in a List (Similar to alarms in Clock and lists in Contacts apps)

I was looking to replicate the functionality contained in the native iOS Clock and Contacts apps for list items. After pressing "Edit" at the top right, red "minus" circles appear on the left side of each list item. If you press the minus sign, it "swipes" the list item to the right and shows the "Delete" swipeAction:
Contacts Groups List View
Contacts Groups List Edit View
Contacts Groups List Edit View - Swipe Action Active
I can set the swipeActions for a list item easily, and can replicate the edit button. As well as adding the minus buttons when editing the list (I used an HStack with a Button and Text view inside). What I cannot find anywhere is how to have the button action show the swipe action. All related posts comment on having the button action closure run the code that a gesture would typically activate. From what I understand, the gesture handling is done inside of SwiftUI itself for swipeActions, and I cannot find a way that you could imitate the result. Would this be something that would have to be done in UIKit? Or would I have to build a custom version of swipeActions to implement the same feature?
I have tried researching imitating gestures on Views, but everything seems to say it is not possible to do so

How to create a tab-like registration form in Ionic 2 & 3

I am creating a registration form in ionic and would like to have the registration page split into different tabs. what i mean is to have the user click on "Next" after filling the information on the first page and so on to the last page before submitting the form. Any pointers or assistance will be highly appreciated.
I am pretty much a beginner with ionic 2 & 3
I think you are finding for Ionic Slides. You can achieve your target by using this.
Please check this.
you can lock the sliding by parameter shouldLockSwipeToNext. Then user will not be able to swipe to the next slide.

Ionic2 navigate like in slides

Is there a way in Ionic 2 to be able to transition between pages as if we were in a Slides component? Meaning that as soon as I start swiping a little left or right I start seeing a piece of the next or previous page? If I continue swiping then I transition to the next/previous page, else I go back to seeing only my current page.
It's like having a dynamic slides component, where ion-slide are automatically added. A little bit like the way the infinite scroll works, we could have 2 to 3 ion-slide in the DOM and they'd be reused as we move forward/backward.
This feature will be available in beta 7 (we are in beta 6) for tabs in material design. The option to swipe back in the pages stack is already available but you must be running on a device to see it in action. Check out the Ionic2 road map to see whats up and coming: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qlc5X2eJyOB0izkFlH7KJ5BmMi0MeXUZRHJHt3hS6Wo/edit

Sitecore 7 Custom Experience Buttons Missing

Not sure why but I am not seeing the 'Applications' folder under 'Content'. All the tutorials out there mention editing the (/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience Button) items to accomplish what I need.
My guess is I don't have view access to the core database in order to see these items or folders? If this isn't the case, how would I go about finding these buttons? Any help appreciated and I apologize if I didn't provide enough info but my goal is to add features to the page editor component toolbars.
To make this a formal answer...
First, login to desktop mode (on login screen, select "Desktop" from "Options" expander below form). Next, change database to core at bottom right:
Finally, re-open your content manager and you should see the /sitecore/content/Applications node.

ember.js: keep sidebar with a list of items while I'm creating or editing a record

Basically, I want a simple structure: a sidebar (with a list of games), and forms in the center (new/edit).
So, when user access the route route /games/new, it'll render the new form in the center, and keep the sidebar in left. When user access /games/1/edit, it'll render de edition form in the center, keep sidebar in the left and select the item that is being edited.
My problem is about the sidebar. I didn't find a way to solve this, I think that I need to use 2 distinct controllers, but I don't know...
You should create a controller to render the games in the sidebar, GamesController. You can connect the sidebar outlet with the GamesController and the collection of games in the games route (parent of both new and edit). In the edit route, you can set a selectedObject property of the GamesController accordingly.
My suggestion is Sidebar has the list of games, each element in the list has "name of Game", "edit" button...On the top of sidebar will be the plus button which on click will allow you to add a new game, once a new game is created it'll be added to the list of games which will have the "edit" button...We can accomplish this pretty neatly using Ember.CollectionView, will post the fiddle when I get some spare time , asap !
PS: you don't need many controllers I think, only one which will execute based on the context selected(selected game).