scala dsl parser: rep, opt and regexps - regex

Learning how to use scala DSL:s and quite a few examples work nice.
However I get stuck on a very simple thing:
I'm parsing a language, which has '--' as comment until end of line.
A single line works fine using:
def comment: Parser[Comment] = """--.*$""".r ^^ { case c => Comment(c) }
But when connecting multiple lines I get an error.
I've tried several varaints, but the following feel simple:
def commentblock: Parser[List[Comment]] = opt(rep(comment)) ^^ {
case Some(x) => { x }
case None => { List() }
When running a test with two consecutive commentlines I get an error.
--Test Comment
--Test Line 2
java.lang.AssertionError: Parse error: [1.1] failure: string matching regex `--.*$' expected but `-' found
Any ideas on how I should fix this?
Complete code below:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
abstract class A
case class Comment(comment:String) extends A
object TstParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
override def skipWhitespace = true;
def comment: Parser[Comment] = """--.*$""".r ^^ { case c => Comment(c) }
def commentblock: Parser[List[Comment]] = opt(rep(comment)) ^^ {
case Some(x) => { x }
case None => { List() }
def parse(text : String) = {
parseAll(commentblock, text)
class TestParser {
import org.junit._, Assert._
#Test def testComment() = {
val y = Asn1Parser.parseAll(Asn1Parser.comment, "--Test Comment")
assertTrue("Parse error: " + y, y.successful)
val y2 = Asn1Parser.parseAll(Asn1Parser.commentblock,
"""--Test Comment
--Test Line 2
assertTrue("Parse error: " + y2, y2.successful)

Not familiar with Scala, but in Java, the regex --.*$ matches:
-- two hyphens;
.* followed by zero or more characters other than line breaks;
$ followed by the end of the input (not necessarily the end of the line!).
So you could try:
def comment: Parser[Comment] = """--.*""".r ^^ { case c => Comment(c) }
or even:
def comment: Parser[Comment] = """--[^\r\n]*""".r ^^ { case c => Comment(c) }
Note that in both cases, the line break is left in place and not "consumed" by your comment "rule".


Scala Regex Parser throws weird error

I have a simple RegexParser that matches {key}={value} repeating for several times:
object CommandOptionsParser extends RegexParsers {
private val key: Parser[String] = "[^= ]+".r
private val value: Parser[String] = "[^ ]*".r
val pair: Parser[Option[(String, Option[String])]] =
(key ~ ("=".r ~> value).?).? ^^ {
case None => None
case Some(k ~ v) => Some(k.trim ->
val pairs: Parser[Map[String, Option[String]]] = phrase(repsep(pair, whiteSpace)) ^^ {
case v =>
Map(v.flatten: _*)
def apply(input: String): Map[String, Option[String]] = parseAll(pairs, input) match {
case Success(plan, _) => plan
case x => sys.error(x.toString)
However the matching of value seems to fail on more than 1 capturing groups (despite that the regex doesn't limit it). when I try to match against "token=abc again=abc", I have the following error:
[1.11] failure: string matching regex `\z' expected but `a' found
token=abc again=abc'
Why RegexParser has such strange behaviour?
The fix for your unexpected behavior is quite easy, just change the value of skipWhitespace:
object CommandOptionsParser extends RegexParsers {
override val skipWhitespace = false
From description of RegexParsers:
The parsing methods call the method skipWhitespace (defaults to
true) and, if true, skip any whitespace before each parser is
So, what happened, your first pair was matched, then whiteSpace was skipped and then, as repsep couldn't find another whitespace separator, it just assumed that parsing is over, hence that "\z" expected.
Also, I can't help but note that the whole Parser approach for such simple task seems overcomplicated, simple regexps would suffice.
UPD: Also your parsers can be a bit simpler:
val pair: Parser[Option[(String, Option[String])]] =
(key ~ ("=" ~> value).?).? ^^ ( {case (k ~ v) => k.trim ->})
val pairs: Parser[Map[String, Option[String]]] = phrase(repsep(pair, whiteSpace)) ^^
{ l => Map(l.flatten: _*)}

Scala CSV parser with comments

First of all: credits. This code is based on the solution from here: Use Scala parser combinator to parse CSV files
The CSV files I want to parse can have comments, lines starting with #. And to avoid confusion: The CSV files are tabulator-separated. There are more constraints which would make the parser a lot easier, but since I am completly new to Scala I thought it would be best to stay as close to the (working) original as possible.
The problem I have is that I get a type mismatch. Obviously the regex for a comment does not yield a list. I was hoping that Scala would interpret a comment as a 1-element-list, but this is not the case.
So how would I need to modify my code that I can handle this comment lines? And closly related: Is there an elegant way to query the parser result so I can write in myfunc something like
if (isComment(a)) continue
So here is the actual code:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
object MyParser extends RegexParsers {
override val skipWhitespace = false // meaningful spaces in CSV
def COMMA = ","
def TAB = "\t"
def DQUOTE = "\""
def HASHTAG = "#"
def DQUOTE2 = "\"\"" ^^ { case _ => "\"" } // combine 2 dquotes into 1
def CRLF = "\r\n" | "\n"
def TXT = "[^\",\r\n]".r
def SPACES = "[ ]+".r
def file: Parser[List[List[String]]] = repsep((comment|record), CRLF) <~ (CRLF?)
def comment: Parser[List[String]] = HASHTAG<~TXT
def record: Parser[List[String]] = "[^#]".r<~repsep(field, TAB)
def field: Parser[String] = escaped|nonescaped
def escaped: Parser[String] = {
case ls => ls.mkString("")
def nonescaped: Parser[String] = (TXT*) ^^ { case ls => ls.mkString("") }
def applyParser(s: String) = parseAll(file, s) match {
case Success(res, _) => res
case e => throw new Exception(e.toString)
def myfunc( a: (String, String)) = {
val parserResult = applyParser(a._2)
println("APPLY PARSER FOR " + a._1)
for( a <- parserResult ){
a.foreach { println }
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val filesPath = "/home/user/test/*.txt"
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Simple Application")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val logData = sc.wholeTextFiles(filesPath).cache()
logData.foreach( x => myfunc(x))
Since the parser for comment and the parser for record are "or-ed" together they must be of the same type.
You need to make the following changes:
def comment: Parser[List[String]] = HASHTAG<~TXT ^^^ {List()}
By using ^^^ we are converting the result of the parser (which is the result returned by HASHTAG parser) to an empty List.
Also change:
def record: Parser[List[String]] = repsep(field, TAB)
Note that because comment and record parser are or-ed and because comment comes first, if the row begins with a "#" it will be parsed by the comment parser.
In order to keep the comments text as an output of the parser (say if you want to print them later), and because you are using | you can do the following:
Define the following classes:
trait Line
case class Comment(text: String) extends Line
case class Record(elements: List[String]) extends Line
Now define comment, record & file parsers as follows:
val comment: Parser[Comment] = "#" ~> TXT ^^ Comment
val record :Parser[Line]= repsep(field, TAB) ^^ Record
val file: Parser[List[Line]] = repsep(comment | record, CRLF) <~ (CRLF?)
Now you can define the printing function myFunc:
def myfunc( a: (String, String)) = {
parseAll(file, a._2).map { lines =>
case Comment(t) => println(s"This is a comment: $t")
case Record(elems) => println(s"This is a record: ${elems.mkString(",")}")

"updateDet" shouldnt recognize as keyword "update"

With this code
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
class TestKeywords extends JavaTokenParsers {
def keywords: Parser[String] = "update"
def identifier: Parser[String] = not(keywords) ~> """[a-zA-Z0-9_$#]+""".r
def script: Parser[Any] = repsep(identifier,",")
object TestKeywordsApp extends TestKeywords with App {
val cmd = """updateDet,update"""
cmd.stripMargin) match {
case Success(lup, _) => println(lup)
case x => println(x)
i get error
[1.1] failure: string matching regex \z' expected butu' found
How to fix it? updateDet shouldnt recognize as keyword
scala 2.10.2
word boundaries perhaps
– Amit Joki
To expand, you've said that identifier is not(keywords) followed by some characters. But updateDet isn't that - it does start with a keyword. Perhaps you should declare that a keyword ends with a word boundary (regex \b)?
– lmm

Using parser combinators to collate lines of text

I'm trying to parse a text file using parser combinators. I want to capture the index and text in a class called Example. Here's a test showing the form on an input file:
object Test extends ParsComb with App {
val input = """
println(parseAll(examples, input))
And here's my attempt that doesn't work:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
case class Example(index: Int, text: String)
class ParsComb extends RegexParsers {
def examples: Parser[List[Example]] = rep(divider~example) ^^
{_ map {case d ~ e => Example(d,e)}}
def divider: Parser[Int] = "[0-9]+".r <~ ")" ^^ (_.toInt)
def example: Parser[String] = ".*".r <~ (divider | "END")
It fails with:
[4.1] failure: `END' expected but `b' found
I'm just starting out with these so I don't have much clue what I'm doing. I think the problem could be with the ".*".r regex not doing multi-line. How can I change this so that it parses correctly?
What does the error message mean?
According to your grammar definition, ".*".r <~ (divider | "END"), you told to the parser that, an example should followed either by a divider or a END. After parsing blah1, the parser tried to find divider and failed, then tried END, failed again, there're no other options available, so the END here was the last alternative of the production value, so from the parser's perspective, it expected END, but it soon found, the next input was blah2 from the 4th line.
How to fix it?
Try to be close to your implementation, the grammar in your case should be:
examples ::= {divider example}
divider ::= Integer")"
example ::= {literal ["END"]}
and I think parsing "example" into List[String] makes more sense, anyway, it's up to you.
The problem is your example parser, it should be a repeatable literal.
So ,
class ParsComb extends RegexParsers {
def examples: Parser[List[Example]] = rep(divider ~ example) ^^ { _ map { case d ~ e => Example(d, e) } }
def divider: Parser[Int] = "[0-9]+".r <~ ")" ^^ (_.toInt)
def example: Parser[List[String]] = rep("[\\w]*(?=[\\r\\n])".r <~ opt("END"))
the regex (?=[\\r\\n]) means it's a positive lookahead and would match characters that followed by \r or \n.
the parse result is:
[10.1] parsed: List(Example(0,List(blah1, blah2, blah3)),
Example(1,List(blah4, blah5)))
If you want to parse it into a String(instead of List[String]), just add a transform function for example: ^^ {_ mkString "\n"}
Your parser can't process newline character, your example parser eliminates next divider and your example regex matches divider and "END" string.
Try this:
object ParsComb extends RegexParsers {
def examples: Parser[List[Example]] = rep(divider~example) <~ """END\n?""".r ^^ {_ map {case d ~ e => Example(d,e)}}
def divider: Parser[Int] = "[0-9]+".r <~ ")\n" ^^ (_.toInt)
def example: Parser[String] = rep(str) ^^ {_.mkString}
def str: Parser[String] = """.*\n""".r ^? { case s if simpleLine(s) => s}
val div = """[0-9]+\)\n""".r
def simpleLine(s: String) = s match {
case div() => false
case "END\n" => false
case _ => true
def apply(s: String) = parseAll(examples, s)
scala> ParsComb(input)
res3: ParsComb.ParseResult[List[Example]] =
[10.1] parsed: List(Example(0,blah1
), Example(1,blah4
I think the problem could be with the ".*".r regex not doing
Exactly. Use the dotall modifier (strangely called "s"):
def example: Parser[String] = "(?s).*".r <~ (divider | "END")

non-greedy matching in Scala RegexParsers

Suppose I'm writing a rudimentary SQL parser in Scala. I have the following:
class Arith extends RegexParsers {
def selectstatement: Parser[Any] = selectclause ~ fromclause
def selectclause: Parser[Any] = "(?i)SELECT".r ~ tokens
def fromclause: Parser[Any] = "(?i)FROM".r ~ tokens
def tokens: Parser[Any] = rep(token) //how to make this non-greedy?
def token: Parser[Any] = "(\\s*)\\w+(\\s*)".r
When trying to match selectstatement against SELECT foo FROM bar, how do I prevent the selectclause from gobbling up the entire phrase due to the rep(token) in ~ tokens?
In other words, how do I specify non-greedy matching in Scala?
To clarify, I'm fully aware that I can use standard non-greedy syntax (*?) or (+?) within the String pattern itself, but I wondered if there's a way to specify it at a higher level inside def tokens. For example, if I had defined token like this:
def token: Parser[Any] = stringliteral | numericliteral | columnname
Then how can I specify non-greedy matching for the rep(token) inside def tokens?
Not easily, because a successful match is not retried. Consider, for example:
object X extends RegexParsers {
def p = ("a" | "aa" | "aaa" | "aaaa") ~ "ab"
scala> X.parseAll(X.p, "aaaab")
res1: X.ParseResult[X.~[String,String]] =
[1.2] failure: `ab' expected but `a' found
The first match was successful, in parser inside parenthesis, so it proceeded to the next one. That one failed, so p failed. If p was part of alternative matches, the alternative would be tried, so the trick is to produce something that can handle that sort of thing.
Let's say we have this:
def nonGreedy[T](rep: => Parser[T], terminal: => Parser[T]) = Parser { in =>
def recurse(in: Input, elems: List[T]): ParseResult[List[T] ~ T] =
terminal(in) match {
case Success(x, rest) => Success(new ~(elems.reverse, x), rest)
case _ =>
rep(in) match {
case Success(x, rest) => recurse(rest, x :: elems)
case ns: NoSuccess => ns
recurse(in, Nil)
You can then use it like this:
def p = nonGreedy("a", "ab")
By the way,I always found that looking at how other things are defined is helpful in trying to come up with stuff like nonGreedy above. In particular, look at how rep1 is defined, and how it was changed to avoid re-evaluating its repetition parameter -- the same thing would probably be useful on nonGreedy.
Here's a full solution, with a little change to avoid consuming the "terminal".
trait NonGreedy extends Parsers {
def nonGreedy[T, U](rep: => Parser[T], terminal: => Parser[U]) = Parser { in =>
def recurse(in: Input, elems: List[T]): ParseResult[List[T]] =
terminal(in) match {
case _: Success[_] => Success(elems.reverse, in)
case _ =>
rep(in) match {
case Success(x, rest) => recurse(rest, x :: elems)
case ns: NoSuccess => ns
recurse(in, Nil)
class Arith extends RegexParsers with NonGreedy {
// Just to avoid recompiling the pattern each time
val select: Parser[String] = "(?i)SELECT".r
val from: Parser[String] = "(?i)FROM".r
val token: Parser[String] = "(\\s*)\\w+(\\s*)".r
val eof: Parser[String] = """\z""".r
def selectstatement: Parser[Any] = selectclause(from) ~ fromclause(eof)
def selectclause(terminal: Parser[Any]): Parser[Any] =
select ~ tokens(terminal)
def fromclause(terminal: Parser[Any]): Parser[Any] =
from ~ tokens(terminal)
def tokens(terminal: Parser[Any]): Parser[Any] =
nonGreedy(token, terminal)