VS2008 C++ Project Properties Application Settings - c++

I am fairly new to C++ in the VS2008 world. I have experience with C++ up to VC++6.0 but then I converted to C#. I now have run into a project that I need to develop using C++.
So on to my question . . . Specifically in VS2008 (C++ Project), where/how do I set the application level settings such as Version, Name, Description and Trademark?
I know in VC++6.0 there was a simple wizard to do all this but I cannot seem to find the equivalent in VS2008.
Any help or guidance is appreciated.
Thank you!!!

Right click on the project in solution explorer, and add a resource or type Version, then fill in the details. OR, pinch a .rc file from an old vc6 project, add it to the project and edit the details in there.

Add a version resource to the project.


VS2010 C++ Debug managed (C++/CLI) DLL

I have currently two projects inside my solution.
Both are 64bit projects.
One is a native C++ console app, the other is a C++/CLI DLL. I want to debug (step through) the DLL from my native C++ console app. This won't work though and I dont know why.
Can anyone help me with that?
Any help is much appreciated!
Try this: set Debugger Type to Mixed in debugging tab of C+/CLI project properties.

Is it possible to create c++ project in the new visual studio code for mac?

Seems to be missing as a file type in new files, do I need to add some kind of extension or something? I know I can create .cpp files but I'm not sure how to build and run them with the gcc once I do. Documentation seems to be difficult to find, as the web is cluttered with VSCode docs, and VS for Windows docs.
I know you normally select it as a solution type. It is not available as a solution type.
I'm not really sure why people voted this down. The correct answer is no, you cannot create or run c++ projects in Visual Studio for macOS beta at this time.

Microsoft Visual cannot add tools

I´m new at Visual Studio C++ and maybe I´m asking a very trivial question. I have a project/application but I have to add a few new features to it. When I open the project in MVS and in "dialog" folder there are windows (or dialogs?) used by application and I can modify them but I´m not allowed to add components/tools that I really need. I have only Dialog editor tools unlocked. I can compile an run application but When I try to add a form to project I´ll see a message:
You are adding a CLR component to a native project. Your project will be converted to have Common language runtime support.
I´ve googled some information about .NET forms and windows dialogs, but I do not know what to do next. If I choose "yes" (convert project) I cannot compile it anymore.
What can I do if I would like to use a ZedGraph controll to plot graphs from data in this app?
The C# GUI tools are different to the C++ tools (like MFC).
When you try to add C# tools to a C++ project the IDE warns you "You are adding a CLR component..."
Depending on which IDE you are using, when you bring up the resource view (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d4cfawwc.aspx) e.g. with ctrl + shift + E you should be able to find the existing dialogs and double click to edit them.
It seems that ZedGraph is a C# library (from the docs), so you will have to convert into a C# project in order to use it, which will not be straightforward, or use a suitable C++ one.

how to create installer file

I am currectly finishing my project in C++ and i'm looking for a way to create my own C++ installer file
which will create the project dll's and exe files into a specific path
what is the easier way to learn how to do it?
There are several ways to build an installer. While you can of course always make one yourself, you should google for something like "create an installer". Some prebuilt solutions include "InstallShield", or the ".msi" file format, which you can create on your own using something like "Advanced Installer".
Of course, if you want your users to build your project from source, then you need a makefile and to make sure you bundle all the libraries. There are also kits like autotools to do that for you.
If you use VS 2010, Installshield LE would suffice as it is integrated into VS 2010.
If you have access to Installshield IDE, there is nothing better available for your packaging needs.
There are two ways of packaging:
a) The LEGACY way
b) The Windows Installer way, Basic MSI is the keyword here.
The LEGACY way involves creating your own scripts for:
a) Installing the files to their locations
b) Writing registry entries, if needed
c) Registering COM components, if needed
d) Creating shortcuts etc...
Tools that can be used for LEGACY approach are:
a) NSIS - very good and has a scripting language of its own.
b) Installshield - has a project type called Installscript Project. Installscript is the scripting language to be used.
The Windows Installer way is a bit hard comapred to the LEGACY way.
One has to learn the basics of MSI technology which can be daunting.
The package created has .msi as extension. This file is a database that the developer configures and the Windows Installer takes care of all other things. This is called TRANSACTIONAL installation procedure.
Even the UI presented during install is configured in the Database using tables like Dialog, Controls etc...
Tools that can be used for Windows Installer approach are:
a) Installshield - has a project type called Basic MSI
b) Wix - Opensource and xml based. You configure appropriately named xml files and various utilities in the Wix package will help you to create an MSI package.
First after completing your project click save. Second click on file tab,Add,New Project.
In new Project Click other Project types , Setup and Deployment and in that You can click InstallShield LE or Visual Studio Installer.
Hope this Helped you
I always recommend NSIS. You might also investigate HM Nis Edit - it's an IDE for NSIS that has a useful wizard feature. It will generate an installer script for you which you can further customize. The documentation is extensive.
can't believe no one mentioned install creator pro(there is also a free version with a branded message that displays after installing). Its feature set is pretty limited, though it has options for writing registry values and specifying custom paths to %AppData% or any other place you may want to install some files. it also has an optional wizard interface, and with each step you have the oppurtunity to preview each individual page.
the paid version offers the option for adding serial number/registration to your program. i've never tried it so i'm not sure how effective it may be. its also quite and expensive little program, but i would recommend it atleast to the beginner or someone who is more concerned with maintaining the codebase of their program and less concerned with how fancy and decorated their installer program is.
i know its been a long time since this was posted but for future reference this program is far easier for any beginner to creating installation packages for the first time

Building WM C++ project outside an IDE

I'm wondering if there is some comprehensive tutorial or someone of you can help me solve this problem.
I need to build Windows mobile project written in C++ but I need to do so outside of any IDE. So I would be very grateful if someone could direct me, thank you.
Well you can call devenv directly with the /build switch and pass it the project name and it will build without opening the IDE. Or do you want to be able to build without an IDE even installed? In that case you could write an msbuild script that would do it.