How should I handle thread synchronisation in a shared tree data structure? - concurrency

This is just for a kind of concurrency refresher...
Imagine I have a B+ tree data structure in memory - multiple items per node, only leaf nodes contain items, leaf nodes also form a linked list for easy sequential access. Inserts and deletes mostly only affect a leaf node, but can cause nodes to split or merge in a process that may propagate to the root.
I have a single-thread implementation, and the updates follow a kind of pre-planning approach. A recursion steps up the tree from leaf level as far as nodes need to change, building a linked list (linking local variable in different recursions) that describes the changes needed. When it knows what's needed, it can check whether it can allocate all needed nodes, and apply all needed changes (or not) by referencing this plan before falling out of the recursion.
This implementation also "maintains" iterators on updates, so iterators aren't invalidated by inserts/deletes unless the specific item they point to is deleted. Inserts/deletes within the same node cause the iterators pointing into that node to be updated.
Trouble is, I need to make it multithreaded - supporting potentially many readers and writers at once.
I want multiple readers to be able to read and write at the same time, so long as there is no risk of corruption as a result. So for reading, I don't want mutually exclusive access at all, even to a single node. For writing, I want to lock the minimum number of nodes needed for the change. And I want to avoid deadlock, of course.
Thankfully, it isn't something I actually need to do - but since I've neglected my concurrency skills, this just seems like a good thought experiment.
This is obviously similar to the kinds of problems that databases and filesystems have to handle, so I'm guessing I might get some references to that kind of thing, which would be great.
So - how would I handle the thread synchronisation for this? I can vaguely see a role for mutexes and/or semaphores on nodes, but what strategies would I use to work with them?

Definitely challenging task! I see that you c++ programmer, however I believe that in c++ there are similar concepts as in java and I'll try to help from java standpoint.
So for reading, I don't want mutually exclusive access at all, even to a single node
You could use ReadWriteLock. It be held simultaneously by multiple reader threads, so long as there are no writers. The write lock is exclusive. You just have to use exclusive access when doing writing. Do you have analogue in c++?
And I want to avoid deadlock, of course.
Just lock multiple nodes in order of levels (eg from top to bottom). That will guarantee you protection from deadlocks(that would be smth similar to Lamport's Bakery Algorithm).
As for databases - they resolve deadlocks by killing one process :-).
One more strategy is to implement unblocking tree structure in the similar manner how Cliff Click implemented unblocking hash map(state machine with all cases covered):


Concurrent linked/skip lists: 'update' and 'get' operations

I have an assignment that requires setting up a data structure with concurrent reads/writes (an order book for a matching engine in a trading exchange), and I have settled on concurrent linked/skip lists. I've looked at several of the following articles/reports, where some are lock-free, and many are fine-grained locked (listed below in no particular order):
Practical concurrent unrolled lists using lazy synchronisation
Practical lock-freedom page 53
A Contention-Friendly, Non-Blocking Skip List
A Provably Correct Concurrent Skip List
A Simple Optimistic Skiplist Algorithm
All of these have fairly detailed algorithm pseudocode listings, but there are two issues I note with all of them:
They are all maps—they associate some key to some value, whereas I need the Node class in all these algorithms to simply contain some struct T (more particularly, I need the number of units in that order, the unit selling/buying price, the order ID, and an insertion timestamp). MSDN has a very nice C# implementation of a skip list containing some T (albeit not concurrent, which is a strict requirement), and is straightforward to adapt to C++ (ergo the tag).
They don't have update and get operations—what they do have are find (which returns a boolean value, and not the node value itself), insert, and delete operations. I am wondering if I can somehow compose and modify the latter three to create the former two, but I am a little lost.
How might I implement get/update so that concurrency and thread ordering is maintained?
I am leaning towards fine-grained locking (which is easier to reason about, even if slower) than lock-free algorithms (which I don't fully understand).

Thread-safe read-only alternative to vtkUnstructuredGrid->GetPoint()

I have started working on multithreading and point cloud processing. Problem is i have to implement multithreading onto an existing implementation and there are so many read and write operation so using mutex does not give me enough speed up in terms of performance due to too many read operations from the grid.
At the end i modified the code in a way that i can have one vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>which holds my point cloud. The only operation the threads have to do is accessing points using GetPoint method. However, it is not thread safe even when you have read-only operation due to smart pointers.
Because of that i had to copy my main Point cloud for each thread which at the end causes memory issues if i have too many threads and big clouds.
I tried to cut point clouds into chunks but then it gets too complicated again when i have too many threads. I can not guarantee optimized amount of points to process for each thread. Also i do neighbour search for each point so cutting point cloud into chunks gets even more complicated because i need to have overlaps for each chunk in order to get proper neighbourhood search.
Since vtkUnstructuredGridis memory optimized i could not replace it with some STL containers. I would be happy if you can recommend me data structures i can use for point cloud processing that are thread-safe to read. Or if there is any other solution i could use.
Thanks in advance
I am not familiar with VTK or how it works.
In general, there are various techniques and methods to improve performance in multi-threading environment. The question is vague, so I can only provide a general vague answer.
Easy: In case there are many reads and few writes, use std::shared_mutex as it allows multiple reads simultaneously.
Moderate: If the threads work with distinct data most of the time: they access the same data array but at distinct locations - then you can implement a handler that ensures that the threads concurrently work over distinct pieces of data without intersections and if a thread ask to work over a piece of data that is currently being processed, then tell it to work over something else or wait.
Hard: There are methods that allow efficient concurrency via std::atomic by utilizing various memory instructions. I am not too familiar with it and it is definitely not simple but you can seek tutorials on it in the internet. As far as I know, certain parts of such methods are still in research-and-development and best practices aren't yet developed.
P.S. If there are many reads/writes over the same data... is the implementation even aware of the fact that the data is shared over several threads? Does it even perform correctly? You might end up needing to rewrite the whole implementation.
I just thought i post the solution because it was actually my stupitidy. I realized that at one part of my code i was using double* vtkDataSet::GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId) version of GetPoint() which is not thread safe.
For multithreaded code void vtkDataSet::GetPoint(vtkIdType id,double x[3]) should be used.

How to LRU-cache numerous objects made of C++ STL heavy structures?

I have big C++/STL data structures (myStructType) with imbricated lists and maps. I have many objects of this type I want to LRU-cache with a key. I can reload objects from disk when needed. Moreover, it has to be shared in a multiprocessing high performance application running on a BSD plateform.
I can see several solutions:
I can consider a life-time sorted list of pair<size_t lifeTime, myStructType v> plus a map to o(1) access the index of the desired object in the list from its key, I can use shm and mmap to store everything, and a lock to manage access (cf here).
I can use a redis server configured for LRU, and redesign my data structures to redis key/value and key/lists pairs.
I can use a redis server configured for LRU, and serialise my data structures (myStructType) to have a simple key/value to manage with redis.
There may be other solutions of course. How would you do that, or better, how have you successfully done that, keeping in mind high performance ?
In addition, I would like to avoid heavy dependencies like Boost.
I actually built caches (not only LRU) recently.
Options 2 and 3 are quite likely not faster than re-reading from disk. That's effectively no cache at all. Also, this would be a far heavier dependency than Boost.
Option 1 can be challenging. For instance, you suggest "a lock". That would be quite a contended lock, as it must protect each and every lifetime update, plus all LRU operations. Since your objects are already heavy, it may be worthwhile to have a unique lock per object. There are intermediate variants of this solution, where there is more than one lock, but also more than one object per lock. (You still need a key to protect the whole map, but that's for replacement only)
You can also consider if you really need strict LRU. That strategy assumes that the chances of an object being reused decreases over time. If that's not actually true, random replacement is just as good. You can also consider evicting more than one element at a time. One of the challenges is that when an element needs removing, it would be so from all threads, but it's sufficient if one thread removes it. That's why a batch removal helps: if a thread tries to take a lock for batch removal and it fails, it can continue under the assumption that the cache will have free space soon.
One quick win is to not update the LRU time of the last used element. It was already the newest, making it any newer won't help. This of course only has an effect if you often use that element quickly again, but (as noted above) otherwise you'd just use random eviction.

Design Problem: Thread safety of std::map

I am using std::map to implement my local hash table, which will be accessed by multiple threads at the same time.
I did some research and found that std::map is not thread safe.
So I will use a mutex for insert and delete operations on the map.
I plan to have separate mutex(es), one for each map entry so that they can be modified independently.
Do I need to put find operation also under critical section?
Will find operation be affected by insert/delete operations?
Is there any better implementation than using std::map that can take care of everything?
Binary trees are not particularly suited to Multi-Threading because the rebalancing can degenerate in a tree-wide modification. Furthermore, a global mutex will very negatively access the performance.
I would strongly suggest using an already written thread-safe containers. For example, Intel TBB contains a concurrent_hash_map.
If you wish to learn however, here are some hints on building a concurrent sorted associative container (I believe a full introduction to be not only out of my reach but also out of place, here).
Rather than a regular Mutex, you may want to use a Reader/Writer Mutex. This means parallelizing Reads, while Writes remain strictly sequential.
Own Tree
You can also build your own red-black or AVL tree. By augmenting the tree structure with a Reader/Writer Mutex per node. This allows you to only block part of the tree, rather than the whole structure, even when rebalancing. eg inserts with keys far enough apart can be parallel.
Skip Lists
Linked lists are much more amenable to concurrent manipulations, because you can easily isolate the modified zone.
A Skip List builds on this strength, but augments the structure to provide O(log N) access by key.
The typical way to walk a list is using the hand over hand idiom, that is, you grab the mutex of the next node before releasing the one of the current node. Skip Lists add a 2nd dimension as you can dive between two nodes, thus releasing both of them (and letting other walkers go ahead of you).
Implementations are much simpler than for binary search trees.
Another interesting piece is the idea of persistent (or semi-persistent) data-structures, often found in functional programming. Binary Search Tree are particularly amenable for it.
The basic idea is to never change a node (or its content) once it exists. You do so by sharing a mutable head, that will point to the later version.
To Read: you copy the current head, then use it without worry (the information is immutable)
To Write: each node that you would modify in a regular tree is instead copied and the copy modified, therefore you rebuild part of the tree (up to the root) each time, and update the head to point to the new root. There are efficient ways to rebalance on descending the tree. Writes are sequential
The main advantage is that a version of the map is always available. That is, you can always read even when another thread is performing an insert or delete. Furthermore, because read access only require a single concurrent read (when copying the root pointer), they are near lock-free, and thus have excellent performance.
Reference counting (intrinsic) is your friend for those nodes.
Note: copies of the tree are very cheap :)
I do not know any implementation in C++ of either a concurrent Skip List or a concurrent Semi-Persistent Binary Search Tree.
You will in deed need to put find in a critical section, but you might want to have two different locks, one for writing and one for reading. The write lock is exclusive but if no thread holds the write lock several threads may read concurrently with no problems.
Such an implementation would work with most STL implementations but it would not be standards compliant, however. std::map is usually implemented using a red-black tree which doesn't change when elements are read. If the map was implemented using a splay tree instead, the tree would change during lookup and only one thread could read at a time.
For most purposes I would recommend using two locks.
Yes, if the insert or delete results in a rebalance I believe that find could be affected too.
Yes - You would need to put insert, delete and find in a critical section. There are techniques to enable multiple finds at the same time.
From what I can see, a similar question has been answered here, and the answer includes the explanation for this question also, as well as a link explaining the thread safety in more details.
Thread safety of std::map for read-only operations

Alternatives for locks for synchronisation

I'm currently in the process of developing my own little threading library, mainly for learning purposes, and am at the part of the message queue which will involve a lot of synchronisation in various places. Previously I've mainly used locks, mutexes and condition variables a bit which all are variations of the same theme, a lock for a section that should only be used by one thread at a time.
Are there any different solutions to synchronisation than using locks? I've read lock-free synchronization at places, but some consider hiding the locks in containers to be lock-free, which I disagree with. you just don't explicitly use the locks yourself.
Lock-free algorithms typically involve using compare-and-swap (CAS) or similar CPU instructions that update some value in memory not only atomically, but also conditionally and with an indicator of success. That way you can code something like this:
1 do
2 {
3 current_value = the_varibale
4 new_value = ...some expression using current_value...
5 } while(!compare_and_swap(the_variable, current_value, new_value));
compare_and_swap() atomically checks whether the_variable's value is still current_value, and only if that's so will it update the_variable's value to new_value and return true
exact calling syntax will vary with the CPU, and may involve assembly language or system/compiler-provided wrapper functions (use the latter if available - there may be other compiler optimisations or issues that their usage restricts to safe behaviours); generally, check your docs
The significance is that when another thread updates the variable after the read on line 3 but before the CAS on line 5 attempts the update, the compare and swap instruction will fail because the state from which you're updating is not the one you used to calculate the desired target state. Such do/while loops can be said to "spin" rather than lock, as they go round and round the loop until CAS succeeds.
Crucially, your existing threading library can be expected to have a two-stage locking approach for mutex, read-write locks etc. involving:
First stage: spinning using CAS or similar (i.e. spin on { read the current value, if it's not set then cas(current = not set, new = set) }) - which means other threads doing a quick update often won't result in your thread swapping out to wait, and all the relatively time-consuming overheads associated with that.
The second stage is only used if some limit of loop iterations or elapsed time is exceeded: it asks the operating system to queue the thread until it knows (or at least suspects) the lock is free to acquire.
The implication of this is that if you're using a mutex to protect access to a variable, then you are unlikely to do any better by implementing your own CAS-based "mutex" to protect the same variable.
Lock free algorithms come into their own when you are working directly on a variable that's small enough to update directly with the CAS instruction itself. Instead of being...
get a mutex (by spinning on CAS, falling back on slower OS queue)
update variable
release mutex
...they're simplified (and made faster) by simply having the spin on CAS do the variable update directly. Of course, you may find the work to calculate new value from old painful to repeat speculatively, but unless there's a LOT of contention you're not wasting that effort often.
This ability to update only a single location in memory has far-reaching implications, and work-arounds can require some creativity. For example, if you had a container using lock-free algorithms, you may decide to calculate a potential change to an element in the container, but can't sync that with updating a size variable elsewhere in memory. You may need to live without size, or be able to use an approximate size where you do a CAS-spin to increment or decrement the size later, but any given read of size may be slightly wrong. You may need to merge two logically-related data structures - such as a free list and the element-container - to share an index, then bit-pack the core fields for each into the same atomically-sized word at the start of each record. These kinds of data optimisations can be very invasive, and sometimes won't get you the behavioural characteristics you'd like. Mutexes et al are much easier in this regard, and at least you know you won't need a rewrite to mutexes if requirements evolve just that step too far. That said, clever use of a lock-free approach really can be adequate for a lot of needs, and yield a very gratifying performance and scalability improvement.
A core (good) consequence of lock-free algorithms is that one thread can't be holding the mutex then happen to get swapped out by the scheduler, such that other threads can't work until it resumes; rather - with CAS - they can spin safely and efficiently without an OS fallback option.
Things that lock free algorithms can be good for include updating usage/reference counters, modifying pointers to cleanly switch the pointed-to data, free lists, linked lists, marking hash-table buckets used/unused, and load-balancing. Many others of course.
As you say, simply hiding use of mutexes behind some API is not lock free.
There are a lot of different approaches to synchronization. There are various variants of message-passing (for example, CSP) or transactional memory.
Both of these may be implemented using locks, but that's an implementation detail.
And then of course, for some purposes, there are lock-free algorithms or data-structures, which make do with just a few atomic instructions (such as compare-and-swap), but this isn't really a general-purpose replacement for locks.
There are several implementations of some data structures, which can be implemented in a lock free configuration. For example, the producer/consumer pattern can often be implemented using lock-free linked list structures.
However, most lock-free solutions require significant thought on the part of the person designing the specific program/specific problem domain. They aren't generally applicable for all problems. For examples of such implementations, take a look at Intel's Threading Building Blocks library.
Most important to note is that no lock-free solution is free. You're going to give something up to make that work, at the bare minimum in implementation complexity, and probably performance in scenarios where you're running on a single core (for example, a linked list is MUCH slower than a vector). Make sure you benchmark before using lock free on the base assumption that it would be faster.
Side note: I really hope you're not using condition variables, because there's no way to ensure that their access operates as you wish in C and C++.
Yet another library to add to your reading list: Fast Flow
What's interesting in your case is that they are based on lock-free queues. They have implemented a simple lock-free queue and then have built more complex queues out of it.
And since the code is free, you can peruse it and get the code for the lock-free queue, which is far from trivial to get right.
