How to implement function with vector of derived classes as parameter - templates

(Related to a previous unanswered question I asked). I want to implement a function which can be called only with vectors of related classes as parameter.
For eq
if we have
class A;
class B: public A;
class C: public A;
class D
then it should be possible to call function with vector<A*>,vector<B*> or
vector <C*> but not vector <D*>
Any suggestions

I guess you already tried to create a method like
void doSomething(std::vector<A*>& things)
and tried do pass
std::vector<B*> bList = ...;
Why does the compiler complain? Because it would not make sense. Consider that doSomething() tries to do
things.push_back(new C());
This cannot work as "things" is actually a std::vector<B*>. However, if it were std::vector<A*>, push_back would work.
So what can we learn from this? What you're trying only makes sense if you only read from the vector, however, vector is not a read-only container.
A simple wrapper shows a possible solution (the wrapper can be adjusted to your needs, of course). However, I have to point out that the use of virtual methods might lead to performance penalties.
class A {};
class B : public A {};
template <class Base>
class AbstractVectorWrapper
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
virtual Base* getElementAt(int index) const = 0;
template <class Base, class Derived>
class VectorWrapper : public AbstractVectorWrapper<Base>
std::vector<Derived*> m_vector;
explicit VectorWrapper(std::vector<Derived*> const& vector)
: m_vector(vector)
virtual size_t size() const
return m_vector.size();
virtual Base* getElementAt(int index) const
return m_vector[index];
void doSomething(AbstractVectorWrapper<A> const& wrapper)
for (size_t i=0;i<wrapper.size();i++)
A* a = wrapper.getElementAt(i);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::vector<A*> as;
std::vector<B*> bs;
return 0;

Is duck-typing good enough for you? Consider this code
template <class T>
void my_function (std::vector <T*> const &values) {
// Use features of A* here
This will fail to compile if you use features that pointers to T do not support. By using features of A I think it should be guaranteed that pointers to B and C will also work as expected. However, it would be possible to call this function with vectors of D *, provided D's interface complies with what my_function tries to do.


Is it possible to cast from vector parent* to vector child* in a function without using templates

While working on a data import system I decided to store a lot of objects deriving from one class in a vector of pointers to the parent class. And then I would like to have a function that returns a vector of any type of child pointers (using paramaters that let me know what kind of child it is).
I managed to realize a similar and simplified code here, but it uses templates and casts and I feel like only casts could be enough. However the compiler does not want to do any cast from vector A* to vector B*.
EDIT: In the real code there are many child classes, not only B, so replacing the template by B is not an option, sorry for not being precise enough.
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class A
int attr;
A(): attr(1) {}
class B : public A
B(): A() {attr = 2;}
template <typename O>
vector<O*> bees(vector<A*> vecA)
auto vecO = vector<O*>();
for (auto it = vecA.begin(); it != vecA.end(); it++)
if ((*it)->attr == 2)
return vecO;
int main()
auto vecA = vector<A*>();
vecA.push_back(new A());
vecA.push_back(new B());
vecA.push_back(new B());
vector<B*> vecB = bees<B>(vecA);
So my question is : Is it possible to have a code do the same effect without using templates ? And if not does the compiler generate specific code with this one ? Knowing there would be theorically no difference in runtime no matter the template.
Thank you.
Since you want a function that can return vector of any type of child pointer so i believe template is needed to specify child type but certain things like reinterpret_cast etc. is not needed and here is sample implementation :
class A
int attr;
A(): attr(1) {}
virtual ~A() {};
class B : public A
B(): A() {attr = 2;}
template<typename T>
vector<T*> bees(const vector<A*> &vecA)
vector<T*> vec;
for (auto it = vecA.begin(); it != vecA.end(); it++)
T* ptr = dynamic_cast<T*>(*it);
if(ptr != nullptr)
return vec;
We are using dynamic_cast because we are downcasting parent type to child type.Also for dynamic_cast to work we need virtual destructor/virtual function as it require RTTI
Inheritance and polymorphy are supposed to hide away different child types, so the rest of your code doesn't have to worry about specific types.
Casting objects to specific types is very likely not the right approach to whatever you're trying to do. Let the types decide how they are used and what they do, not the outside world.
If you want to filter a vector to get only objects with specific properties, you shouldn't look at their types, you should ask them if they have the properties you are looking for:
void FilterA(const std::vector<A>& source, std::vector<A>& destination, std::function<bool(const A&)> filter) {
std::copy_if(source.begin(), source.end(), std::back_inserter(destination), filter);
Then you can call it like this:
std::vector<A> filteredVecA;
FilterA(vecA, filteredVecA, [](const A& a){return a.HasSomePropertyYouCareAbout();});
You should consider moving the type checking inside the hierarchy (this uses templates, but no casts):
class A {
virtual ~A(); // you _are_ in a hierarchy of objects
template<typename T>
virtual T* as() const { return nullptr; }
template<typename X>
class Convertible: public A {
template<typename T>
virtual T* as() const {
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<X, T>)
return this;
return nullptr;
class B: public Convertible<B> {
template <typename O>
vector<O*> bees(vector<A*> vecA)
auto vecO = vector<O*>();
foreach (auto ptr: vecA)
auto ptrO = ptr->as<O>();
if (ptrO)
return vecO;
Some points:
OP's comment:
I am using reinterpret cast because it I do not cast it just doesn't compile, and it feels to me like it is the most adequate here knowing I do not need to do any changes on the object.
dynamic_cast is usually a symptom of an insufficiently designed class hierarchy. Whenever you think "I can solve this with dynamic_cast" consider adding code to your class hierarchy instead.

A function overload depending on enum

Sorry for the noob question, but I cannot seem to get my head around C++'s static nature. The problem: I have a class that returns an enum and depending on it I have to convert the said class using another class and return a vector. In code:
class A {
TYPES getType() {}
class B : public A {}
class C : public A {}
class D : public A {}
std::vector<?> convert_to_vector(const A& a) {
// depending on what enum is returned by a.getType()
// I have to convert a into B, C, or D class and return std::vector of
// an appropriate type, e.g. int for B, float for C, etc.
int main() {
A a;
auto v = convert_to_vector(a);
The simplest way would be using switch(a.getType()) but I have different return types in each case and using auto as the return type doesn't work. I have tried templates and template specification, but they don't accept the runtime variable that is return by a.getType(). I guess there must be some simple solution that I'm overlooking here, but I have run out of ideas at this point and would be grateful for any pointers.
You can't change the return type of a C++ function at runtime. But you can use a variant type:
std::variant<std::vector<int>, std::vector<float>> convert_to_vector(const A& a) {
if (a.getType() == TYPE_B)
return std::vector<int>();
if (a.getType() == TYPE_C)
return std::vector<float>();
throw std::logic_error("unsupported type");
If you don't have C++17, you can use boost::variant instead of std::variant.
I think instead of deciding the type of a vector on an enum a much better solution would be to have a parent class A which can have a vector inside it which is based on a template variable. In your classes B, C, D you can simply inherit A and specify a template type. So, when you create a new object for B, C, D you will already have a vector member for those objects. You can also have a virtual function convertToVec which you can override in the child classes depending on how you want to convert data into a vector.
template<class T>
class A {
std::vector<T> vec;
std::vector<T> GetVector() { return vec; }
virtual convertToVec() { .... }
class B : public A<bool> {}
class C : public A<float> {}
class D : public A<long long int> {}
int main() {
B b;
//A* b = new B();
While it's pretty hard to follow what exactly you are trying to achieve here, going to use switch-case is not a good idea, instead you'd better to leverage polymorphism. For example:
class A {
virtual void convertToVector(AuxVectorConverter& aux) = 0;
class B {
// Add here specific implementation
virtual void convertToVector(AuxVectorConverter& aux) {
class C {
// Add here specific implementation
virtual void convertToVector(AuxVectorConverter& aux) {
// Aux class
class AuxVectorConverter {
convertToVector(A* a) {
convertToVectorB(B* b) {
// Do code specific for B
convertToVectorC(C* c) {
// Do code specific for B
int main() {
AuxVectorConverter* aux;
A* a = ...; // Initialize here either with instance of B or C
// Now, based on run time aux class will issue appropriate method.
You might find more details here
UPDATE (Based on comment)
An alternative approach could be to define a map from TYPES to some abstract class which will align with the patter from above, e.g.:
// Map has to be initialized with proper implementation
// of action according to type
map<Types, AbstracatAction> actions;
// Latter in the code you can do:
And action will be defined pretty similar to hierarchy I've showed above, e.g.
class AbstractAction {
virtual void convertToVector(AuxVectorConverter& aux) = 0;
class ActionB: public AbstractAction {
virtual void convertToVector(AuxVectorConverter& aux) {

C++ class that can hold one of a set of classes that all inherit from a common class

What are the ways in C++ to handle a class that has ownership of an instance of another class, where that instance could potentially be of a number of classes all of which inherit from a common class?
class Item { //the common ancestor, which is never used directly
int size;
class ItemWidget: public Item { //possible class 1
int height;
int width;
class ItemText: public Item { //possible class 2
std::string text;
Let's say there is also a class Container, each of which contains a single Item, and the only time anyone is ever interested in an Item is when they are getting it out of the Container. Let's also say Items are only created at the same time the Container is created, for the purpose of putting them in the Container.
What are the different ways to structure this? We could make a pointer in Container for the contained Item, and then pass arguments to the constructor of Container for what sort of Item to call new on, and this will stick the Items all in the heap. Is there a way to store the Item in the stack with the Container, and would this have any advantages?
Does it make a difference if the Container and Items are immutable, and we know everything about them at the moment of creation, and will never change them?
A correct solution looks like:
class Container {
/* ctor, accessors */
std::unique_ptr<Item> item;
If you have an old compiler, you can use std::auto_ptr instead.
The smart pointer ensures strict ownership of the item by the container. (You could as well make it a plain pointer and roll up your own destructor/assignment op/copy ctor/move ctor/ move assignment op/ etc, but unique_ptr has it all already done, so...)
Why do you need to use a pointer here, not just a plain composition?
Because if you compose, then you must know the exact class which is going to be composed. You can't introduce polymorphism. Also the size of all Container objects must be the same, and the size of Item's derived classes may vary.
And if you desperately need to compose?
Then you need as many variants of Container as there are the items stored, since every such Container will be of different size, so it's a different class. Your best shot is:
struct IContainer {
virtual Item& getItem() = 0;
template<typename ItemType>
struct Container : IContainer {
virtual Item& getItem() {
return m_item;
ItemType m_item;
OK, crazy idea. Don't use this:
class AutoContainer
char buf[CRAZY_VALUE];
Base * p;
template <typename T> AutoContainer(const T & x)
: p(::new (buf) T(x))
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "Invalid use of AutoContainer");
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= CRAZY_VAL, "Not enough memory for derived class.");
#ifdef __GNUC__
static_assert(__has_virtual_destructor(Base), "Base must have virtual destructor!");
~AutoContainer() { p->~Base(); }
Base & get() { return *p; }
const Base & get() const { return *p; }
The container requires no dynamic allocation itself, you must only ensure that CRAZY_VALUE is big enough to hold any derived class.
the example code below compiles and shows how to do something similar to what you want to do. this is what in java would be called interfaces. see that you need at least some similarity in the classes (a common function name in this case). The virtual keyword means that all subclasses need to implement this function and whenever that function is called the function of the real class is actually called.
whether the classes are const or not doesn't harm here. but in general you should be as const correct as possible. because the compiler can generate better code if it knows what will not be changed.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class outputter {
virtual void print() = 0;
class foo : public outputter {
virtual void print() { std::cout << "foo\n"; }
class bar : public outputter {
virtual void print() { std::cout << "bar\n"; }
int main(){
std::vector<outputter *> vec;
foo *f = new foo;
bar *b = new bar ;
for ( std::vector<outputter *>::iterator i =
vec.begin(); i != vec.end(); ++i )
return 0;
Hold a pointer (preferably a smart one) in the container class, and call a pure virtual clone() member function on the Item class that is implemented by the derived classes when you need to copy. You can do this in a completely generic way, thus:
class Item {
// ...
virtual Item* clone() const = 0;
friend Container; // Or make clone() public.
template <class I>
class ItemCloneMixin : public Item {
I* clone() const { return new I(static_cast<const I&>(*this); }
class ItemWidget : public ItemCloneMixin<ItemWidget> { /* ... */ };
class ItemText : public ItemCloneMixin<ItemText> { /* ... */ };
Regarding stack storage, you can use an overloaded new that calls alloca(), but do so at your peril. It will only work if the compiler inlines your special new operator, which you can't force it to do (except with non-portable compiler pragmas). My advice is that it just isn't worth the aggravation; runtime polymorphism belongs on the heap.

C++ template specify type by Enum

I'm facing a problem :
I want to create a function which calls a specific template type constructor depending on a enum that the function will receive. By that i mean :
typedef ____ (Class<whatever>::*tabType)(int flag);
template<typename T>
static Class* Class<t>::createClassInstance(enum precision)
static const ___ createTab[] = {
return (new createTab[precision](1));
There are a number of ways of achieving this sort of thing, but it sounds like you want to create an array (or map) of factory methods (one for each class), indexed by the enum variable. Each one calls the relevant constructor, and returns a new object of that type.
Of course, for this to make any sense, all of the classes must derive from a common base.
If the enum value is dynamic as a function argument, you'll have to use either a dispatch table or switch/if-else. Notice that your pseudo code does not clearly explain the requirement. Say, what exactly the createInstance function you wish to define and how is it going to be called?
I would say, just construct a std::map that maps the enum to a factory function (boost::function<>). Then you just add one entry for each type that you want, with its corresponding enum. To actually construct the factory functions. You can either have some static Create() function for each class and store a function pointer. Or, you can use Boost.Lambda constructor/destructor functors. Or, you can use Boost.Bind to construct functors that wrap a factory function that requires some number of parameters. Here is an example:
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/construct.hpp>
#include <map>
struct Base { };
struct Derived1 : public Base { };
struct Derived2 : public Base {
static Base* Create() { return new Derived2; };
struct Derived3 : public Base {
int value;
Derived3(int aValue) : value(aValue) { };
static Base* Create(int aValue) { return new Derived3(aValue); };
enum DerivedCreate { ClassDerived1, ClassDerived2, ClassDerived3 };
int main() {
std::map< DerivedCreate, boost::function< Base*() > constructor_map;
constructor_map[ClassDerived1] = boost::lambda::new_ptr<Derived1>();
constructor_map[ClassDerived2] = &Derived2::Create;
constructor_map[ClassDerived3] = boost::bind(&Derived3::Create, 42);
//now you can call any constructor as so:
Base* ptr = constructor_map[ClassDerived2]();
I might have made some slight syntax mistakes, but basically you should be able make the above work. Also, the fact that you have several class templates plays no role, once they are instantiated to a concrete class (like Class<int> or Class<double>) they are just like any other class, and the above idea should remain valid.
Extending your example, something like the following works:
enum Prec {INT, DOUBLE};
struct Base
virtual ~Base () = 0 {}
template<typename T> struct Class : public Base
static Base* create (int flag) {return new Class<T> (flag);}
Class (int flag) {}
typedef Base* (*Creator) (int flag);
Base* createClassInstance (Prec prec)
static const Creator createTab[] = {
return createTab[prec] (1);
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
Base* c = createClassInstance (DOUBLE);
return 0;

How can I use covariant return types with smart pointers?

I have code like this:
class RetInterface {...}
class Ret1: public RetInterface {...}
class AInterface
virtual boost::shared_ptr<RetInterface> get_r() const = 0;
class A1: public AInterface
boost::shared_ptr<Ret1> get_r() const {...}
This code does not compile.
In visual studio it raises
C2555: overriding virtual function return type differs and is not
If I do not use boost::shared_ptr but return raw pointers, the code compiles (I understand this is due to covariant return types in C++). I can see the problem is because boost::shared_ptr of Ret1 is not derived from boost::shared_ptr of RetInterface. But I want to return boost::shared_ptr of Ret1 for use in other classes, else I must cast the returned value after the return.
Am I doing something wrong?
If not, why is the language like this - it should be extensible to handle conversion between smart pointers in this scenario? Is there a desirable workaround?
Firstly, this is indeed how it works in C++: the return type of a virtual function in a derived class must be the same as in the base class. There is the special exception that a function that returns a reference/pointer to some class X can be overridden by a function that returns a reference/pointer to a class that derives from X, but as you note this doesn't allow for smart pointers (such as shared_ptr), just for plain pointers.
If your interface RetInterface is sufficiently comprehensive, then you won't need to know the actual returned type in the calling code. In general it doesn't make sense anyway: the reason get_r is a virtual function in the first place is because you will be calling it through a pointer or reference to the base class AInterface, in which case you can't know what type the derived class would return. If you are calling this with an actual A1 reference, you can just create a separate get_r1 function in A1 that does what you need.
class A1: public AInterface
boost::shared_ptr<RetInterface> get_r() const
return get_r1();
boost::shared_ptr<Ret1> get_r1() const {...}
Alternatively, you can use the visitor pattern or something like my Dynamic Double Dispatch technique to pass a callback in to the returned object which can then invoke the callback with the correct type.
There is a neat solution posted in this blog post (from Raoul Borges)
An excerpt of the bit prior to adding support for mulitple inheritance and abstract methods is:
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
class clone_inherit<Derived, Base> : public Base
std::unique_ptr<Derived> clone() const
return std::unique_ptr<Derived>(static_cast<Derived *>(this->clone_impl()));
virtual clone_inherit * clone_impl() const override
return new Derived(*this);
class concrete: public clone_inherit<concrete, cloneable>
int main()
std::unique_ptr<concrete> c = std::make_unique<concrete>();
std::unique_ptr<concrete> cc = c->clone();
cloneable * p = c.get();
std::unique_ptr<clonable> pp = p->clone();
I would encourage reading the full article. Its simply written and well explained.
You can't change return types (for non-pointer, non-reference return types) when overloading methods in C++. A1::get_r must return a boost::shared_ptr<RetInterface>.
Anthony Williams has a nice comprehensive answer.
What about this solution:
template<typename Derived, typename Base>
class SharedCovariant : public shared_ptr<Base>
typedef Base BaseOf;
SharedCovariant(shared_ptr<Base> & container) :
shared_ptr<Derived> operator ->()
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived>(*this);
struct A {};
struct B : A {};
struct Test
shared_ptr<A> get() {return a_; }
shared_ptr<A> a_;
typedef SharedCovariant<B,A> SharedBFromA;
struct TestDerived : Test
SharedBFromA get() { return a_; }
Here is my attempt :
template<class T>
class Child : public T
typedef T Parent;
template<typename _T>
class has_parent
typedef char One;
typedef struct { char array[2]; } Two;
template<typename _C>
static One test(typename _C::Parent *);
template<typename _C>
static Two test(...);
enum { value = (sizeof(test<_T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(One)) };
class A
public :
virtual void print() = 0;
class B : public Child<A>
void print() override
printf("toto \n");
template<class T, bool hasParent = has_parent<T>::value>
class ICovariantSharedPtr;
template<class T>
class ICovariantSharedPtr<T, true> : public ICovariantSharedPtr<typename T::Parent>
T * get() override = 0;
template<class T>
class ICovariantSharedPtr<T, false>
virtual T * get() = 0;
template<class T>
class CovariantSharedPtr : public ICovariantSharedPtr<T>
CovariantSharedPtr(std::shared_ptr<T> a_ptr) : m_ptr(std::move(a_ptr)){}
T * get() final
return m_ptr.get();
std::shared_ptr<T> m_ptr;
And a little example :
class UseA
virtual ICovariantSharedPtr<A> & GetPtr() = 0;
class UseB : public UseA
CovariantSharedPtr<B> & GetPtr() final
return m_ptrB;
CovariantSharedPtr<B> m_ptrB = std::make_shared<B>();
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
UseB b;
UseA & a = b;
Explanations :
This solution implies meta-progamming and to modify the classes used in covariant smart pointers.
The simple template struct Child is here to bind the type Parent and inheritance. Any class inheriting from Child<T> will inherit from T and define T as Parent. The classes used in covariant smart pointers needs this type to be defined.
The class has_parent is used to detect at compile time if a class defines the type Parent or not. This part is not mine, I used the same code as to detect if a method exists (see here)
As we want covariance with smart pointers, we want our smart pointers to mimic the existing class architecture. It's easier to explain how it works in the example.
When a CovariantSharedPtr<B> is defined, it inherits from ICovariantSharedPtr<B>, which is interpreted as ICovariantSharedPtr<B, has_parent<B>::value>. As B inherits from Child<A>, has_parent<B>::value is true, so ICovariantSharedPtr<B> is ICovariantSharedPtr<B, true> and inherits from ICovariantSharedPtr<B::Parent> which is ICovariantSharedPtr<A>. As A has no Parent defined, has_parent<A>::value is false, ICovariantSharedPtr<A> is ICovariantSharedPtr<A, false> and inherits from nothing.
The main point is as Binherits from A, we have ICovariantSharedPtr<B>inheriting from ICovariantSharedPtr<A>. So any method returning a pointer or a reference on ICovariantSharedPtr<A> can be overloaded by a method returning the same on ICovariantSharedPtr<B>.
Mr Fooz answered part 1 of your question. Part 2, it works this way because the compiler doesn't know if it will be calling AInterface::get_r or A1::get_r at compile time - it needs to know what return value it's going to get, so it insists on both methods returning the same type. This is part of the C++ specification.
For the workaround, if A1::get_r returns a pointer to RetInterface, the virtual methods in RetInterface will still work as expected, and the proper object will be deleted when the pointer is destroyed. There's no need for different return types.
maybe you could use an out parameter to get around "covariance with returned boost shared_ptrs.
void get_r_to(boost::shared_ptr<RetInterface>& ) ...
since I suspect a caller can drop in a more refined shared_ptr type as argument.