My page has a form on it that interacts with a CFC via an ajax post. When the user changes the text and clicks save it should update the DB, which it does, and rename a photo with the value they typed in. Everything works except that I keep getting the error:
The value of the attribute source, which is currently /Applications/ColdFusion8/wwwroot/theClient/staging/admin/images/Old_Image.jpg, is invalid.
The file exists and I've changed it to read/write for everyone but ti still gives me the error.
Any ideas?
I should point out that a var in my CFC runs a replace for spaces and changes them out for underscores so, there's no spaces in the filename...
If I remember right this is probably a problem with the destination file name rather then the source filename. I think it's a bug with the error message in CF.
The problem might be that you are using a relative path to the source file. The problem is, relative links in the source attribute are relative to the ColdFusion temporary directory. Try giving an absolute path or using the EXPANDPATH function to create an absolute path to your resource like this:
<cffile action="rename" source="#expandPath('/Applications/ColdFusion8/wwwroot/theClient/staging/admin/images/Old_Image.jpg')#" destination="#expandPath('/Applications/ColdFusion8/wwwroot/theClient/staging/admin/images/NEW_Image.jpg')#">
From the CF 9 documentation on CFFILE action="rename"
If not an absolute path (starting with a drive letter and a colon, or a forward or backward slash), it is relative to the ColdFusion temporary directory, which is returned by the GetTempDirectory function.
I had the same issue and in the end it was something else: the ColdFusion user had no "modify" permission in the folder. It had read/write but not modify. (sigh!)
I am trying to add one file from file directory in directory.
While I am clicking on +(insert file) the and selecting a file from directory the path is formed as media\test\abc.pdf instead of media/test/abc.pdf.
Even though chrome is able to resolve the url Firefox is not.
I believe it's because you're using a physical file path that you're getting the backslash. One of the simplest things you can do is a string.Replace() expression to make every backslash a forward slash.
Not sure what your specific use case is, or how much work it would be, but if you're going to use the path on the web and your PDF is located in the MediaLibrary, it might be worth looking into using the URL property of the Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem object.
I am trying to use mappings for the first time and I am having some issues. In my CFadmin I created a mapping which goes like this:
Logical Path:
Directory Path:
I am trying to access the include file from a .cfc. Inside my cfc I have an include file which is in the same folder and it works just fine but that include file is tying to access another include file based on the information I am passing through.
The include file inside the component has this code in it.
<cfmail from="#emailData.sender#" to="" subject="#subject#" type="HTML" >
<cfinclude template="#emailData.includePath#" >
Just to be more clear this is my total filesystem:
access.cfm -> some.cfc -> include_1 (works) -> include_2 (issue with
the path)
I have a try/catch which emails me the errors and it is located inside the include_1.
How can I use the mapping that I created to finally be able to access my include file?
Please note that after emailLists I have dynamic folders which change depending on which client I am trying to send the email to. So the end result of the path would be:
I tried using my mapping by doing this
<cfinclude template="/email_sender/#emailData.includePath#" >
which gave me this error:
The path to the CFC must be specified as a full path, or as a relative
path from the current template, without the use of mappings.
Also, I tried including a full path in the cfinclude whic also resulted in the following error:
Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (for example, >template="/mypath/index.cfm") with CFINCLUDE, you must create a
mapping for the path using the ColdFusion Administrator. Or, you can
use per-application settings to specify mappings specific to this
application by specifying a mappings struct to THIS.mappings in
Application.cfc. Using relative paths (for example,
template="index.cfm" or template="../index.cfm") does not require the
creation of any special mappings. It is therefore recommended that you
use relative paths with CFINCLUDE whenever possible.
Any help/suggestion would be much appreciated
After restarting the server the version that worked was this one:
<cfinclude template="/email_sender/#emailData.includePath#" >
Thanks to those who replied.
Some questions, rather than some answers.
Did you set the mapping in CFAdmin or in Application.cfc?
What do you get if you run the code below?
What is the value of #emailData.includePath#?
What is the value of this: #expandPath("/email_sender#emailData.includePath#")#?
Can you provide us with the exact text of the error messages, rather than vaguely describing them.
What is the value of #fileExists(expandPath("/email_sender#emailData.includePath#"))#?
If you can update your question with that info, you'll either spot where you're going wrong, or we can help to work out what the story is
Something like this happened to me once before. Essentially we edited the xml file, rather than using the admin interface. It wasn't until our sys admin restarted the server until we realized why the mapping hadn't taken. So have you restarted the server since you added the mapping?
I'm trying to upload an image to my server and the destination attribute of cffile is adding the tmp directory to the front of my destination path.
I know from another question on here that
The destination has to be a full path, otherwise it gets sent to a directory relative to the temp directory of ColdFusion.
But I am using the full server path. I'm in a Unix environment so its starting with /var/www/mywebsite...
This is true because it even outputs the path
You can see where the tmp folders are and my intended destination.
I am also working on the right line, because when I enter different values for my intended destination, they reflect as such in the error output.
It looks like you are using backslashes in your path attribute. You didn't post any code, so I am guessing, but it looks liek your cffile looks like
<cffile destination="\var\www\mywebsite\Gallery\" ... />
You should always use front slashes, especially on *nix
<cffile destination="/var/www/mywebsite/Gallery/" ... />
Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (for example,
template="/mypath/index.cfm") with CFINCLUDE, you must create a
mapping for the path using the ColdFusion Administrator.
I went to the administration page but not sure what to put in here.
I'm pretty new to coldfusion. anyone got any ideas why this would be happening.
CFINCLUDE uses relative paths in relation to the file where the cfinclude is, so if want to include a file in another directory, 1. it has to be inside your wwwroot (or the root directory, or subdirectories) of your site, 2. you can go to other directories by doing ... hope this helps a little bit. If you want to include a file that is outside of your wwwroot, then you'll need to map that directory in Coldfusion Administrator using the same syntax above when you do include it.
To add a mapping, open your coldfusion administrator.
Server Settings > Mappings
There are 2 paths. Logical and Directory.
Logical can be anything you want, and directory is where it maps to.
eg. you might have a folder below your web root which stores email templates mapped as:
logical path: /emails
directory path: /var/www/mycfapp/content/includes/emails
You can <cfinclude template="/emails/forgotPass"> from any cf template and the mapping would get picked up.
You can use the mappings for new object creation too. Lets pretend forgotPass is a cfc.
fp = new emails.forgotPass();
// if you have funky characters in there, eg dash, just quote it.
fp = new "emails.forgot-pass"();
Mappings also work when extending cfcs. With one small exception. No leading slash.
component extends="emails/forgotPass" {
// ...
Im pretty sure mappings are detected first, so if you have a folder with the same name it might not get picked up.
In cf9 you can also specify your mappings in your Application.cfc, instead of coldfusion administrator, which affects all applications on your server. eg.
this.mappings["/emails"] = "/var/www/mycfapp/content/includes/emails";
You'll need to tick the Enable Per App Settings option on the cfadmin Settings page.
When working with cffile in ColdFusion, after an upload of a file to a webserver, the cffile structure is created that is supposed to have a value in it called "oldFileSize". Every time I do an upload and examine that value, it has the new file's size, not the overwritten file's size. Is there some setting somewhere to correct that or is this a bug in cffile in cf8?
Clarification: If you use the cffile command to upload a file to a server, it will attempt to store that file in the location you tell it in the command. If the destination already has a file there with the same name and path, then one of the options in your cffile command can bet to overwrite any existing file. If you do that, a structure is returned called cffile with an attribute called "oldFileSize". The documentation states that oldFileSize should be the size of the file that was overwritten. Instead, it's returning the size of the file being uploaded.
If the oldfilesize attribute is not returning correctly, I would use nameconflict=unique to preserve the old file. Then, you can use cfdirectory to check the old filesize, and cffile action="delete" and action="rename" to replace the old file, so that you have essentially overwritten the old file, only manually.
A bit of work, but if you need the information....
Ben Doom is correct about the work-around to the problem, but if you're not seeing the documented behavior, that's a bug and you should report it! Currently, there is no public bug tracker you can submit to (although there is a push for one and we should probably see it soon-ish), so the defacto standard is to post it as a comment on the documentation page.
Adobe staff does read and respond to comments and they will likely either respond that it will be fixed, or acknowledge that it is a bug but indicate there is no plan to fix it at this time. Either way, the responsible thing to do is to report the bug.
What overwritten file? It seems you are talking about two files when you only refer to one.