Unit Testing on Embedded C++ (ARM9) - c++

I come from the world of Java and JUnit. I made a demonstration of Hudson and all what I achieve there with JUnit among other things. I would like to do the same with C++ code on an embedded device but can't find where to start.
THe project is compiled with iccarm.exe (IAR compiler) Right now the output is converted into an image file using romutil.exe to be flashed to the ARM9 board.
I tried to follow this tutorial: http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/cnd/c-unit-test.html but I'm having issues trying to figure out how to port it to my case.
Can I run unit tests on the C++ code outside of the device? (i.e. for doing it with Hudson to gather reports and so on)
Can I turn the output into an exe? (looks like Netbeans expects it to be)
What's the most appropriate unit framework for my case? (CppUnit, CUnit, etc)
Any help/direction is more than welcome.

1) You could build a cross-compiler, and then instead of using iccarm.exe, use the cross compiler. There are lots of tutorials on the net how to build a cross compiler using gcc. Then instead of building for the target (using cross compiler) build for your host using normal compiler.
3) Whatever you like. cppunit, google unit tests, etc


How to fix "undefined reference to:" in arduino ide, trying to use googletest

I am trying to use the googletest library to test code in the arduino ide, and I keep getting errors such as
In function __static_initialization_and_destruction_0' undefined
reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()'
There are 50 more lines of this error, including
undefined reference to testing::Test::SetUp()' undefined reference to
Since even the basic test functions are failing, I assume I made a mistake in where I put my library files, or perhaps I'm simply not including the correct files.
Currently I am only including gtest/gtest.h, as that is all I have seen in other examples in order for the code to work.
I have built the googletest library using cmake and make, and included it within the project.
Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to fix this?
You can't compile googletest in the Arduino IDE. Primarily because the compiler used by the Arduino IDE is meant to generate (for normal arduinos) AVR binaries not x86/x86-64 ones. These AVR binaries can't be ran on a normal PC and are only meant to be ran on the embedded platform. Because on the embedded platform the normal standard text IO streams are not available the arduino IDE doesn't include the standard IO used on normal PC's for terminal use. (aka pipes 0 1 2 on unix).
I have built the googletest library using cmake and make, and included it within the project.
It is correct that this isn't going to work. If you compile googletest with cmake/make you are probably building a x86 or x86-64 binary which you are then including in the arduino IDE. The arduino IDE compiler is then going to try to link an AVR binary to a x86/x86-64 library. This is not going to work.
I would recommend you design your software in such a way that the hardware dependent logic is removed from your business logic if you do want to test your Arduino code with googletest. The business logic can then be unit tested by compiling a ('normal') x86 or x86-64 binary with the test code which can be ran on a normal pc. This will involve mocking up the hardware interfaces used in your code. This build infrastructure can easily be set up inside the same structure of your arduino project and testing will only involve building a test binary and running that.
Google test has been used on a variety of platforms:
Mac OS X
Windows Mobile
No Arduino, no Microcontroller

Is there a way to build cpputest with pthreads disabled?

I'm planning to use cpputest as a testing framework in my project which I need to cross compile as it will be used on ARM platform. The compiler I'm using for ARM development is arm-gcc which is built with pthreads disabled. Due to this, I need to build cpputest without pthreads. Currently l am following the autotool approach for building cpputest. Any help would be really appreciated.
Are you trying to compile, download, and run CppUTest on a target device?
Typically, CppUTest isn't compiled and downloaded to your target device but instead it's built as a Windows (or Linux) console application. This means that CppUTest gets compiled using a native compiler (Visual Studio or GCC) but your firmware will also need to compile using that same native compiler (Visual Studio or GCC).
Unit testing is meant to verify that your code's logic is correct, which means it doesn't matter if the code is executing on an ARM processor or in an Intel processor. For the record, when I first started getting into unit testing this blew my mind.
But what about hardware registers and stuff like that? Well, there's ways around testing embedded devices hardware in a Windows environment. At the end of the day, you'll still need to download your firmware onto the embedded device and verify that your port mappings are correct (i.e. That you're properly settings up a GPIO port to turn on an LED for instance).
There's several advantages to running your unit testing on your development PC instead of on target. Your development PC is much faster, has more resources (i.e. storage and RAM) and it also easily allows for running in a continuous integration environment (like Jenkins or TeamCity) whenever you check-in code to your version control system.
I highly recommend the book Test-Driven Development for Embedded C by James W. Grenning for more information. It will answer all your questions on unit testing on an embedded device. CppUTest can be used for C as well as C++ projects.

Is it possible to use Native C++ code in ARC?

We want to try to launch our software on Chrome OS using ARC. Many parts of our software application are written in C++ and compiled using the Android NDK.
Is it possible to launch this kind of application under ARC?
Is it possible to launch Native applications(or Java + JNI) under ARC?
Yes, ARM compiled NDK libraries will run on all Chromebooks currently. For ARM machines they run more or less natively.
For non-ARM machines there is a binary translation layer that dynamically converts the code to run on the target machine. This layer may not be 100% machine compatible and if you see errors or crashes indicating instructions cannot be translated, or fundamental differences between your app on ARM and x86, you should file a bug: http://goo.gl/megdlG
I am currently using a library in my project called PDFtron. It contains ".so" files that I have to assume are either c or c++, and they work fine with Java + JNI. There doesn't seems to be a lot of information out there about how this all works(and what works or doesn't), so please post your findings.
From google spokesperson(taken from arstechnica):
"""The app code is all running on top of the Chrome platform, specifically inside of Native Client. In this way the ARC (App Runtime for Chrome) apps run in the same environment as other apps you can download from the Chrome Web Store, even though they are written on top of standard Android APIs. The developers do not need to port or modify their code, though they often choose to improve it to work well with the Chromebook form factor (keyboard, touchpad, optional touchscreen, etc)."""
In this quote I think the important part is the integration with native client, which is a technology for executing Native code like C and C++ in the browser.

Cross platform continuous integration pipeline for C++ / Qt applications

EDIT 2012.03.02: updated build tool section with some other requirements. Addding premake.
EDIT 2012.03.05: updated build tool section. Focused on CMake. Added Ant + CMakeAnt.
I have a lot of small Visual C++ projects and I want to start using continuous integration for that. A lot of tools are involved in the process. I start reading articles here and there and it is hard for me to see which to tool could integrate nicely with the others. So I am looking for an already tested continuous integration workflow that could respect my needs:
Current Context
C++/Qt applications developed with Visual Studio;
Less than 1'000 source files;
Small dev team;
Small budget;
Preferably open source/free software;
Looking for easy to use and simple tools. No need of something heavy and "powerful".
Finally packages software (installers ready for download) should work for windows and OSX. Linux (most popular distributions) is a plus.
Tools needed
Continuous Integration Server:
Needs to be Jenkins. I know it and I like it. I could change for another one if it is really needed.
Source Code Management:
Documentation Generator:
Build Tool:
We will need to generate solutions and configurations for all the platforms we need to support. I have been strongly advised to use CMake for that. Ant + CMakeAnt (http://code.google.com/p/cmakeant/) seems to be a nice addition too.
Unit Testing Framework:
CPPunit, C++Test, Googletest?
Installers Builder
CPack (part of CMake seems great too).
Preferably, one single machine with VirtualBox or VMWare. is it only possible? Would it be better to use Linux for such things? Or would a MAC mini be sufficient?
So, has anyone here already built something similar? With which tools exactly?
Thanks for any comments and suggestions.
I have successfully used CMake/CTest/CPack with Jenkins, there is a CMake builder plugin available.
I found the ctest --output-on-failure option to be useful as the output from the test is shown in the Jenkins log on failure.
I use the Boost.Test framework for testing C++, it works fine with ctest, I run it with the -l all option to get all the logging output when something goes wrong.
You should be able to bootstrap the entire process using a bunch of scripts.
Write them in Perl or Python. There are a million tutorials on how to bootstrap these sorts of processes.
If you're stuck on implementing a specific party of this build-process, ask a specific question about it.

Porting .NET C++ standalone to Mac

I need to give an estimate for porting a standalone program to a Mac from a .NET platform. I have all the source code which is in C++ and is both code I wrote and a modified version of GLUT/GLUI because the program uses OpenGL and GLUT/GLUI as a UI.
I don't think the C++ code will be a problem or the OpenGL environment, please tell me if you think it will be. In .NET, I use OpenGL32.DLL and deploy it with my app. I need to find out how this is done for a Mac?
I really need to know what the current deployment method is for Mac's these days and how hard it will be for me to write for it. For .NET, I use Visual Studio for the application development and deployment, I make a new VS project to build the deployable MS installer.
The deployment process also allows things like placing a desktop shortcut, associate a unique icon with the program ... What deployment options can one select on a Mac? What do you think the biggest obstacles will be?
There's no .NET framework calls within the code. The deployment phase produces a .NET assembly with all the security features. I think that is the main relationship with .NET since it is straight C++ not C#.
Development should be rather straight-forward. You'll be able to do OpenGL/GLUT/etc... through the Cocoa framework. Look at this example from Apple to see how it is done in code.
As for development tools, you will be able to use Xcode (which is free with the Mac). You can develop in C++ and compile with GCC.