using session objects in django while testing? - django

I've created a small django project with three applications, and I'm now writing tests for one of them. I needed to pass some information between differente views and differents templates,but that information should not be visible to the user. My first attempt was to pass this informatio as hidden fields in a HTML form, but then it was pointed to me that that did not make it completely invisible. So, I stored this information in the request.session dictionary and it went all right.
That said, my problem arised while testing. According to the django documentation ( when you have to modify the session dictionary during testing you should first store it in a variable, modify it, and then save the variable.
So my testing code is something like this:
class Test_Atacar(TestCase):
fixtures = ["testBase.json"]
def test_attack_without_troops(self):
red_player = Player.objects.get(color=RED)
self.failUnless(red_player != None)
session = self.client.session
session["player_id"] =
response = self.client.get("/espectador/sadfxc/", follow=True)
But when I run the python test, I get an AttributeError, saying that dict, has no attribute save().
I read somewhere else ( that I should try doing a self.client.get to any other URL BEFORE manipulating the session so that it would become a "real" session, but I kept getting the same AttributeError.

when you have to modify the session dictionary during testing you should first store it in a variable, modify it, and then save the variable
This line means that if you want to make some changes into some of the session variables, do not make them directly into session. Store the data in the variable, make changes in that variable and then put that variable into session dictionary. session is like any other dictionary.

#anand I know it's weird but it indeeds work. What I had to do to make it work, besides not manipulating directly the variable was to make a self.client.get("/dummy/") where dummy is an URL that uses a dummy view. This view only modifies the attribute of the request it gets as argument. Honestly, I don't know what goes on behind the scenes that makes this work


Setting session cookies in django

I'm writing my first django project and I'm trying to make it as basic as possible. Rather than authenticating users, for the time being, I'm using cookies to identify people (if my understanding of what I'm doing is correct).
In my, I have a method that does the following:
request.session["username"] = request.POST.get('username')
How do I set request.session["username"] within
request.session["username"] = "Barry" doesn't seem to work, and neither does self.client.session["username"] = "Barry". I've been trying a few things that I saw at but there is a good chance that I haven't done it properly as I don't really understand what I'm doing. I also found this: Setting a session variable in django tests which gave me NameError: global name 'import_module' is not defined when I tried to use it. Any help or suggest reading (preferably beginner level) is appreciated.
The documentation tells you how to use the session in the client. In particular, note the need to assign the current session to a variable before modifying it:
session = self.client.session
session['username'] = 'Barry'

How to do multiple save object calls in a Django view, but commit only once

I have a Django view in which I call in a single object (conditionally) in multiple spots. my_model is a normal model class.
save() is commited at once in Django, and thus, the database gets hit several times in the worst case. To prevent this, I defined a boolean variable save_model and set it to True in the case of a object modification. At the end of my view, I check this boolean and call save on my object in needed.
Is there a simpler way of doing this? I tried Djangos transaction.commit_on_success as a view decorator, but the save-calls appear to get queued and committed anyway.
You could look into django-dirtyfields.
Simply use DirtyFieldsMixin as a mixin to your model. You will then be able to check if an object has changed (using obj.is_dirty()) before doing a save().
You can use transaction support everywhere in your code, Django docs say it explicitely:
Although the examples below use view functions as examples, these decorators and context managers can be used anywhere in your code that you need to deal with transactions
But this isn't the thing transactions are for. You can get rid of your boolean variable using some existing app for that, like django-dirtyfields.
But it smells like a bad design. Why do you need to call save multiple times? Are you sure there is no way to call it only once?
There can be two approaches for this... But they are similar... First one is calling save() before returning response.
def my_view(request):
obj = Mymodel.objects.get(...)
if cond1:
obj.attr1 = True
elif cond2:
obj.attr2 = True
obj.attr1 = False
obj.attr2 = False
return .......
Second one is your approach...
But there is no other way to do this, except you define your own decorator or do some other approach, but in fact, you need to check if there is any modification on your model (or you want to save changes to your data).

Is this Django Middleware Thread-safe?

I am writing forum app on Django using custom session/auth/users/acl system. One of goals is allowing users to browse and use my app even if they have cookies off. Coming from PHP world, best solution for problem is appending sid= to every link on page. Here is how I plan to do it:
Session middleware checks if user has session cookie or remember me cookie. If he does, this most likely means cookies work for him. If he doesnt, we generate new session ID, open new session (make new entry in sessions table in DB), then send cookie and redirect user to where he is, but with SID appended to url. After redirect middleware will see if session id can be obtained from either cookie or GET. If its cookie, we stop adding sid to urls. If its GET, we keep them.
I plan to insert SID= part into url's by decorating django.core.urlresolvers.reverse and reverse_lazy with my own function that appends ?sid= to them. However this raises some problems because both middlewares urlresolvers and are not thread safe. To overcome this I created something like this:
class SessionMiddleware(object):
using_decorator = False
original_reverse = None
def process_request(self, request):
self.using_decorator = True
self.original_reverse = urlresolvers.reverse
urlresolvers.reverse = session_url_decorator(urlresolvers.reverse, 's87add8ash7d6asdgas7dasdfsadas')
def process_response(self, request, response):
# Turn off decorator if we are using it
if self.using_decorator:
urlresolvers.reverse = self.original_reverse
self.using_decorator = False
return response
If SID has to be passed via links, process_request sets using_decorator to true and stores undecorated urlresolvers.revers in separate method. After page is rendered process_response checks using_decorator to see if it has to perform "garbage collection". If it does, it returns reverse function to original undecorated state.
My question is, is this approach thread-safe? Or will increase in traffic on my forum may result in middleware decorating those functions again and again and again, failing to run "garbage collection"? I also tought about using regex to simply skim generated HTML response for links and providing template filters and variables for manually adding SID to places that are omitted by regex.
Which approach is better? Also is current one thread safe?
First of all: Using SIDs in the URL is quite dangerous, eg if you copy&paste a link for a friend he is signed in as you. Since most users don't know what a SID is they will run into this issue. As such you should never ever use SIDs in the url and since Facebook and friends all require cookies you should be fine too...
Considering that, monkeypatching urlresolvers.reverse luckily doesn't work! Might be doable with a custom URLResolvers subclass, but I recommend against it.
And yes, your middleware is not threadsafe. Middlewares are initialized only once and shared between threads, meaning that storing anything on self is not threadsafe.

Django testing named URLs with additional GET parameters

I am trying to write some tests for a Django application I'm working on but I haven't yet decided on the exact urls I want to use for each view. Therefore, I'm using named urls in the tests.
For example, I have a url named dashboard:
c = Client()
resp = c.get(reverse('dashboard'))
This view should only be available to logged in users. If the current user is anonymous, it should redirect them to the login page, which is also a named url. However, when it does this, it uses an additional GET parameter to keep track of the url it just came from, which results in the following:
When I then try to test this redirect, it fails because of these additional parameters:
# It's expecting '/login' but gets '/login?next=dashboard'
self.assertRedirects(resp, reverse('login'))
Obviously, it works if I hard code them into the test:
self.assertRedirects(resp, '/login?next=dashboard')
But then, if I ever decide to change the URL for my dashboard view, I'd have to update every test that uses it.
Is there something I can do to make it easier to handle these extra parameters?
Any advice appreciated.
As you can see, reverse(...) returns a string. You can use it as:
self.assertRedirects(resp, '%s?next=dashboard' % reverse('login'))

Disable caching for a view or url in django

In django, I wrote a view that simply returns a file, and now I am having problems because memcache is trying to cache that view, and in it's words, "TypeError: can't pickle file objects".
Since I actually do need to return files with this view (I've essentially made a file-based cache for this view), what I need to do is somehow make it so memcache can't or won't try to cache the view.
I figure this can be done in two ways. First, block the view from being cached (a decorator would make sense here), and second, block the URL from being cached.
Neither seems to be possible, and nobody else seems to have run into this problem, at least not on the public interwebs. Help?
Update: I've tried the #never_cache decorator, and even thought it was working, but while that sets the headers so other people won't cache things, my local machine still does.
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
def myview(request):
# ...
Documentation is here...
Returning a real, actual file object from a view sounds like something is wrong. I can see returning the contents of a file, feeding those contents into an HttpResponse object. If I understand you correctly, you're caching the results of this view into a file. Something like this:
def myview(request):
file = open('somefile.txt','r')
return file # This isn't gonna work. You need to return an HttpRequest object.
I'm guessing that if you turned caching off entirely in, your "can't pickle a file object" would turn into a "view must return an http response object."
If I'm on the right track with what's going on, then here are a couple of ideas.
You mentioned you're making a file-based cache for this one view. You sure you want to do that instead of just using memcached?
If you really do want a file, then do something like:
def myview(request):
file = open('somefile.txt','r')
contents =
resp = HttpRespnse()
return resp
That will solve your "cannot pickle a file" problem.
You probably did a per site cache, but what you want to do now is a per view cache. The first one is easier to implement, but is only meant for the case of 'just caching everything'. Because you want to choose for every view now, just switch to the fine grained approach. It is also very easy to use, but remember that sometimes you need to create a second view with the same contents, if you want to have the result sometimes cached and sometimes not, depending on the url.
So far to the answer to your question. But is that an answer to your problem? Why do you return files in a view? Normally static files like videos, pictures, css, flash games or whatever should be handled by the server itself (or even by a different server). And I guess, that is what you want to do in that view. Is that correct? The reason for not letting django do this is, because starting django and letting django do its thing also eats a lot of resoruces and time. You don't feel that, when you are the only user in your test environment. But when you want to scale to some thousand users or more, then this kind of stuff becomes very nasty. Also from a logical point of view it does not seem smart, to let a program handle files without changing them, when the normal job of the program is to generate or change HTML according to a state of your data and a user-request. It's like letting your accountant do the programming work. While he might be able to do it, you probably want somebody else do it and let the accountant take care of your books.