how to use Dijkstra c++ code using array based version - c++

I need to use (not implement) an array based version of Dijkstras algo .The task is that given a set of line segments(obstacles) and start/end points I have to find and draw the shortest path from start/end point.I have done the calculating part etc..but dont know how to use dijkstras with my code.My code is as follows
class Point
int x;
int y;
void CopyPoint(Point p)
class NeighbourInfo
Point x;
Point y;
double distance;
class LineSegment
Point Point1;
Point Point2;
NeighbourInfo neighbours[100];
void main()//in this I use my classes and some code to fill out the datastructure
int NoOfSegments=i;
for(int j=0;j<NoOfSegments;j++)
for(int k=0;k<NoOfSegments;k++)
if( SimpleIntersect(segments[j],segments[k]) )
EuclidianDistance(segments[j].Point1.x,segments[j].Point1.y,segments[k].Point2.x,segments[k ].Point2.y);
Now I have the distances from each segmnets to all other segments, amd using this data(in neighbourinfo) I want to use array based Dijkstras(restriction ) to trace out the shortest path from start/end points.There is more code , but have shortened the problem for the ease of the reader
Please Help!!Thanks and plz no .net lib/code as I am using core C++ only..Thanks in advance
But I need the array based version(strictly..) I am not suppose to use any other implemntation.

This is how Dijkstra's works:
Its not a simple algorithm. So you will have to map this algorithm to your own code.
But good luck.
List<Nodes> found; // All processed nodes;
List<Nodes> front; // All nodes that have been reached (but not processed)
// This list is sorted by the cost of getting to this node.
List<Nodes> remaining; // All nodes that have not been explored.
startNode.setCost(0); // Cost nothing to get to start.
Node current = front.getFirstNode();
if (current == endNode)
{ return current.cost(); // we found the end
List<Edge> edges = current.getEdges();
for(loop = edges.begin(); loop != edges.end(); ++loop)
Node dst = edge.getDst();
if (found.find(dst) != found.end())
{ continue; // If we have already processed this node ignore it.
// The cost to get here. Is the cost to get to the last node.
// Plus the cost to traverse the edge.
int cost = current.cost() + loop.cost();
Node f = front.find(dst);
if (f != front.end())
f.setCost(std::min(f.cost(), cost));
continue; // If the node is on the front line just update the cost
// Then continue with the next node.
// Its a new node.
// remove it from the remaining and add it to the front (setting the cost).


Struct parent node refers to itself (infinite loop)

I'm implementing a Dijkstra's algorithm. The code I've written works in terms of finding the shortest path. However, the problem is when I try to save the path.
Just a heads up: I'm using Stanford's library , so some things might be different (e.g. Set has contains method) but functionality is mostly identical to standard libraries.
Vector<Loc> shortestPath(Loc start, Loc end, Grid<double>& world,
double costFn(Loc from, Loc to, Grid<double>& world)) {
Vector<Loc> vec;
Map<Loc, double> distanceMap;
TrailblazerPQueue<Loc> queue; // priority queue with decrease key method
Set<Loc> greenNodes;
Set<Loc> yellowNodes;
colorCell(world, start, YELLOW);
queue.enqueue(start, 0);
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
Loc currNode = queue.dequeueMin(); // here is the problem
colorCell(world, currNode, GREEN);
if (currNode == end) {
Vector<Loc> neighbourNodes = getNeighbourNodes(currNode, world);
foreach (Loc node in neighbourNodes) {
if (greenNodes.contains(node)) {
if (!yellowNodes.contains(node)) {
colorCell(world, node, YELLOW);
double distance = distanceMap.get(currNode) + costFn(currNode, node, world);
distanceMap.put(node, distance);
node.parent = &currNode; // here is the problem
queue.enqueue(node, distance);
} else {
double distance = distanceMap.get(node);
double currDistance = distanceMap.get(currNode) + costFn(currNode, node, world);
if (distance > currDistance) {
distanceMap.put(node, currDistance);
node.parent = &currNode;
queue.decreaseKey(node, distance);
return vec;
Here Grid is just a 2D array and costFn just calculates the cost from one location to the next. The way I try to save the path is assign the location of the previous node to current one. Here's the problem: when I traverse the neighbouring nodes of currNode and set the parent of each one as the &currNode, after setting currNode to the new element from the queue, it now refers to other node, so the node's parent now refers to itself, infinitely.
I've tried many different ways of overcoming this problem, creating new nodes in heap and other stuff, but they didn't really work. I've also tried to create other struct and use that to save locations, but I feel like there should be a fairly simple way to resolve this issue.
I hope my explanation isn't too confusing, I've added markers as comments to which lines cause the problem. Also, I say "node", but the struct is called Loc:
struct Loc {
int row;
int col;
Loc* parent;

Boost Fibonacci Heap Access Violation during pop()

I'm currently implementing some form of A* algorithm. I decided to use boost's fibonacci heap as underlying priority queue.
My Graph is being built while the algorithm runs. As Vertex object I'm using:
class Vertex {
Vertex(double, double);
double distance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double heuristic = 0;
HeapData* fib;
Vertex* predecessor = nullptr;
std::vector<Edge*> adj;
double euclideanDistanceTo(Vertex* v);
My Edge looks like:
class Edge {
Edge(Vertex*, double);
Vertex* vertex = nullptr;
double weight = 1;
In order to use boosts fibonacci heap, I've read that one should create a heap data object, which I did like that:
struct HeapData {
Vertex* v;
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<HeapData>::handle_type handle;
HeapData(Vertex* u) {
v = u;
bool operator<(HeapData const& rhs) const {
return rhs.v->distance + rhs.v->heuristic < v->distance + v->heuristic;
Note, that I included the heuristic and the actual distance in the comparator to get the A* behaviour, I want.
My actual A* implementation looks like that:
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<HeapData> heap;
HeapData fibs(startPoint);
startPoint->distance = 0;
startPoint->heuristic = getHeuristic(startPoint);
auto handles = heap.push(fibs);
(*handles).handle = handles;
while (!heap.empty()) {
HeapData u =;
if (u.v->equals(endPoint)) {
doSomeGraphCreationStuff(u.v); // this only creates vertices and edges
for (Edge* e : u.v->adj) {
double newDistance = e->weight + u.v->distance;
if (e->vertex->distance > newDistance) {
e->vertex->distance = newDistance;
e->vertex->predecessor = u.v;
if (!e->vertex->fib) {
if (!u.v->equals(endPoint)) {
e->vertex->heuristic = getHeuristic(e->vertex);
e->vertex->fib = new HeapData(e->vertex);
e->vertex->fib->handle = heap.push(*(e->vertex->fib));
else {
The algorithm runs just fine, if I use a very small heuristic (which degenerates A* to Dijkstra). If I introduce some stronger heuristic, however, the program throws an exepction stating:
0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000000.
in the unlink method of boosts circular_list_algorithm.hpp. For some reason, next and prev are null. This is a direct consequence of calling heap.pop().
Note that heap.pop() works fine for several times and does not crash immediately.
What causes this problem and how can I fix it?
What I have tried
My first thought was that I accidentally called increase() even though distance + heuristic got bigger instead of smaller (according to the documentation, this can break stuff). This is not possible in my implementation, however, because I can only change a node if the distance got smaller. The heurisitic stays constant. I tried to use update() instead of increase() anyway, without success
I tried to set several break points to get a more detailed view, but my data set is huge and I fail to reproduce it with smaller sets.
Additional Information
Boost Version: 1.76.0
the increase function is indeed right (instead of a decrease function) since all boost heaps are implemented as max-heaps. We get a min-heap by reversing the comparator and using increase/decrease reversed
Okay, prepare for a ride.
First I found a bug
Next, I fully reviewed, refactored and simplified the code
When the dust settled, I noticed a behaviour change that looked like a potential logic error in the code
1. The Bug
Like I commented at the question, the code complexity is high due to over-reliance on raw pointers without clear semantics.
While I was reviewing and refactoring the code, I found that this has, indeed, lead to a bug:
e->vertex->fib = new HeapData(e->vertex);
e->vertex->fib->handle = heap.push(*(e->vertex->fib));
In the first line you create a HeapData object. You make the fib member point to that object.
The second line inserts a copy of that object (meaning, it's a new object, with a different object identity, or practically speaking: a different address).
So, now
e->vertex->fib points to a (leaked) HeapData object that does not exist in the queue, and
the actual queued HeapData copy has a default-constructed handle member, which means that the handle wraps a null pointer. (Check boost::heap::detail::node_handle<> in detail/stable_heap.hpp to verify this).
This would handsomely explain the symptom you are seeing.
2. Refactor, Simplify
So, after understanding the code I have come to the conclusion that
HeapData and Vertex should to be merged: HeapData only served to link a handle to a Vertex, but you can already make the Vertex contain a Handle directly.
As a consequence of this merge
your vertex queue now actually contains vertices, expressing intent of the code
you reduce all of the vertex access by one level of indirection (reducing Law Of Demeter violations)
you can write the push operation in one natural line, removing the room for your bug to crop up. Before:
target->fib = new HeapData(target);
target->fib->handle = heap.push(*(target->fib));
target->fibhandle = heap.push(target);
Your Edge class doesn't actually model an edge, but rather an "adjacency" - the target
part of the edge, with the weight attribute.
I renamed it OutEdge for clarity and also changed the vector to contain values instead of
dynamically allocated OutEdge instances.
I can't tell from the code shown, but I can almost guarantee these were
being leaked.
Also, OutEdge is only 16 bytes on most platforms, so copying them will be fine, and adjacencies are by definition owned by their source vertex (because including/moving it to another source vertex would change the meaning of the adjacency).
In fact, if you're serious about performance, you may want to use a boost::container::small_vector with a suitably chosen capacity if you know that e.g. the median number of edges is "small"
Your comparison can be "outsourced" to a function object
using Node = Vertex*;
struct PrioCompare {
bool operator()(Node a, Node b) const;
After which the heap can be typed as:
namespace bh = boost::heap;
using Heap = bh::fibonacci_heap<Node, bh::compare<PrioCompare>>;
using Handle = Heap::handle_type;
Your cost function violated more Law-Of-Demeter, which was easily fixed by adding a Literate-Code accessor:
Cost cost() const { return distance + heuristic; }
From quick inspection I think it would be more accurate to use infinite() over max() as initial distance. Also, use a constant for readability:
static constexpr auto INF = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::infinity();
Cost distance = INF;
You had a repeated check for xyz->equals(endPoint) to avoid updating the heuristic for a vertex. I suggest moving the update till after vertex dequeue, so the repetition can be gone (of both the check and the getHeuristic(...) call).
Like you said, we need to tread carefully around the increase/update fixup methods. As I read your code, the priority of a node is inversely related to the "cost" (cumulative edge-weight and heuristic values).
Because Boost Heap heaps are max heaps this implies that increasing the priority should match decreasing cost. We can just assert this to detect any programmer error in debug builds:
assert(target->cost() < previous_cost);
With these changes in place, the code can read a lot quieter:
Cost AStarSearch(Node start, Node destination) {
Heap heap;
start->distance = 0;
start->fibhandle = heap.push(start);
while (!heap.empty()) {
Node u =;
if (u->equals(destination)) {
return u->cost();
u->heuristic = getHeuristic(start);
for (auto& [target, weight] : u->adj) {
auto curDistance = weight + u->distance;
// if cheaper route, queue or update queued
if (curDistance < target->distance) {
auto cost_prior = target->cost();
target->distance = curDistance;
target->predecessor = u;
if (target->fibhandle == NOHANDLE) {
target->fibhandle = heap.push(target);
} else {
assert(target->cost() < cost_prior);
return INF;
2(b) Live Demo
Adding some test data:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using Cost = double;
struct Vertex;
Cost getHeuristic(Vertex const*) { return 0; }
void doSomeGraphCreationStuff(Vertex const*) {
// this only creates vertices and edges
struct OutEdge { // adjacency from implied source vertex
Vertex* target = nullptr;
Cost weight = 1;
namespace bh = boost::heap;
using Node = Vertex*;
struct PrioCompare {
bool operator()(Node a, Node b) const;
using Heap = bh::fibonacci_heap<Node, bh::compare<PrioCompare>>;
using Handle = Heap::handle_type;
static const Handle NOHANDLE{}; // for expressive comparisons
static constexpr auto INF = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::infinity();
struct Vertex {
Vertex(Cost d = INF, Cost h = 0) : distance(d), heuristic(h) {}
Cost distance = INF;
Cost heuristic = 0;
Handle fibhandle{};
Vertex* predecessor = nullptr;
std::vector<OutEdge> adj;
Cost cost() const { return distance + heuristic; }
Cost euclideanDistanceTo(Vertex* v);
bool equals(Vertex const* u) const { return this == u; }
// Now Vertex is a complete type, implement comparison
bool PrioCompare::operator()(Node a, Node b) const {
return a->cost() > b->cost();
Cost AStarSearch(Node start, Node destination) {
Heap heap;
start->distance = 0;
start->fibhandle = heap.push(start);
while (!heap.empty()) {
Node u =;
if (u->equals(destination)) {
return u->cost();
u->heuristic = getHeuristic(start);
for (auto& [target, weight] : u->adj) {
auto curDistance = weight + u->distance;
// if cheaper route, queue or update queued
if (curDistance < target->distance) {
auto cost_prior = target->cost();
target->distance = curDistance;
target->predecessor = u;
if (target->fibhandle == NOHANDLE) {
target->fibhandle = heap.push(target);
} else {
assert(target->cost() < cost_prior);
return INF;
int main() {
// a very very simple graph data structure with minimal helpers:
std::vector<Vertex> graph(10);
auto node = [&graph](int id) { return &; };
auto id = [&graph](Vertex const* node) { return node -; };
// defining 6 edges
graph[0].adj = {{node(2), 1.5}, {node(3), 15}};
graph[2].adj = {{node(4), 2.5}, {node(1), 5}};
graph[1].adj = {{node(7), 0.5}};
graph[7].adj = {{node(3), 0.5}};
// do a search
Node startPoint = node(0);
Node endPoint = node(7);
Cost cost = AStarSearch(startPoint, endPoint);
std::cout << "Overall cost: " << cost << ", reverse path: \n";
for (Node node = endPoint; node != nullptr; node = node->predecessor) {
std::cout << " - " << id(node) << " distance " << node->distance
<< "\n";
Overall cost: 7, reverse path:
- 7 distance 7
- 1 distance 6.5
- 2 distance 1.5
- 0 distance 0
3. The Plot Twist: Lurking Logic Errors?
I felt uneasy about moving the getHeuristic() update around. I wondered
whether I might have changed the meaning of the code, even though the control
flow seemed to check out.
And then I realized that indeed the behaviour changed. It is subtle. At first I thought the
the old behaviour was just problematic. So, let's analyze:
The source of the risk is an inconsistency in node visitation vs. queue prioritization.
When visiting nodes, the condition to see whether the target became "less
distant" is expressed in terms of distance only.
However, the queue priority will be based on cost, which is different
from distance in that it includes any heuristics.
The problem lurking there is that it is possible to write code that where the
fact that distance decreases, NEED NOT guarantee that cost decreases.
Going back to the code, we can see that this narrowly avoided, because the
getHeuristic update is only executed in the non-update path of the code.
In Conclusion
Understanding this made me realize that
the Vertex::heuristic field is intended merely as a "cached" version of the getHeuristic() function call
implying that that function is treated as if it is idempotent
that my version did change behaviour in that getHeuristic was now
potentially executed more than once for the same vertex (if visited again
via a cheaper path)
I would suggest to fix this by
renaming the heuristic field to cachedHeuristic
making an enqueue function to encapsulate the three steps for enqueuing a vertex:
simply omitting the endpoint check because it can at MOST eliminate a single invocation of getHeuristic for that node, probably not worth the added complexity
add a comment pointing out the subtlety of that code path
UPDATE as discovered in the comments, we also need the inverse
operatione (dequeue) to symmtrically update handle so it reflects that
the node is no longer in the queue...
It also drives home the usefulness of having the precondition assert added before invoking Heap::increase.
Final Listing
With the above changes
encapsulated into a Graph object, that
also reads the graph from input like:
0 2 1.5
0 3 15
2 4 2.5
2 1 5
1 7 0.5
7 3 0.5
Where each line contains (source, target, weight).
A separate file can contain heuristic values for vertices index [0, ...),
optionally newline-separated, e.g. "7 11 99 33 44 55"
and now returning the arrived-at node instead of its cost only
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
using Cost = double;
struct Vertex;
struct OutEdge { // adjacency from implied source vertex
Vertex* target = nullptr;
Cost weight = 1;
namespace bh = boost::heap;
using Node = Vertex*;
struct PrioCompare {
bool operator()(Node a, Node b) const;
using MutableQueue = bh::fibonacci_heap<Node, bh::compare<PrioCompare>>;
using Handle = MutableQueue::handle_type;
static const Handle NOHANDLE{}; // for expressive comparisons
static constexpr auto INF = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::infinity();
struct Vertex {
Vertex(Cost d = INF, Cost h = 0) : distance(d), cachedHeuristic(h) {}
Cost distance = INF;
Cost cachedHeuristic = 0;
Handle handle{};
Vertex* predecessor = nullptr;
std::vector<OutEdge> adj;
Cost cost() const { return distance + cachedHeuristic; }
Cost euclideanDistanceTo(Vertex* v);
// Now Vertex is a complete type, implement comparison
bool PrioCompare::operator()(Node a, Node b) const {
return a->cost() > b->cost();
class Graph {
std::vector<Cost> _heuristics;
Cost getHeuristic(Vertex* v) {
size_t n = id(v);
return n < _heuristics.size() ? _heuristics[n] : 0;
void doSomeGraphCreationStuff(Vertex const*) {
// this only creates vertices and edges
Graph(std::string edgeFile, std::string heurFile) {
std::ifstream stream(heurFile);
_heuristics.assign(std::istream_iterator<Cost>(stream), {});
if (!stream.eof())
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected heuristics");
std::ifstream stream(edgeFile);
size_t src, tgt;
double weight;
while (stream >> src >> tgt >> weight) {
_nodes.resize(std::max({_nodes.size(), src + 1, tgt + 1}));
_nodes[src].adj.push_back({node(tgt), weight});
if (!stream.eof())
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected input");
Node search(size_t from, size_t to) {
assert(from < _nodes.size());
assert(to < _nodes.size());
return AStar(node(from), node(to));
size_t id(Node node) const {
// ugh, this is just for "pretty output"...
for (size_t i = 0; i < _nodes.size(); ++i) {
if (node == &_nodes[i])
return i;
throw std::out_of_range("id");
Node node(int id) { return &; };
// simple graph data structure with minimal helpers:
std::deque<Vertex> _nodes; // reference stable when growing at the back
// search state
MutableQueue _queue;
void enqueue(Node n) {
assert(n && (n->handle == NOHANDLE));
// get heuristic before insertion!
n->cachedHeuristic = getHeuristic(n);
n->handle = _queue.push(n);
Node dequeue() {
Node node =;
node->handle = NOHANDLE;
return node;
Node AStar(Node start, Node destination) {
start->distance = 0;
while (!_queue.empty()) {
Node u = dequeue();
if (u == destination) {
return u;
for (auto& [target, weight] : u->adj) {
auto curDistance = u->distance + weight;
// if cheaper route, queue or update queued
if (curDistance < target->distance) {
auto cost_prior = target->cost();
target->distance = curDistance;
target->predecessor = u;
if (target->handle == NOHANDLE) {
// also caches heuristic
} else {
// NOTE: avoid updating heuristic here, because it
// breaks the queue invariant if heuristic increased
// more than decrease in distance
assert(target->cost() < cost_prior);
return nullptr;
int main() {
Graph graph("input.txt", "heur.txt");
Node arrival =, 7);
std::cout << "reverse path: \n";
for (Node n = arrival; n != nullptr; n = n->predecessor) {
std::cout << " - " << << " cost " << n->cost() << "\n";
Again, printing the expected
reverse path:
- 7 cost 7
- 1 cost 17.5
- 2 cost 100.5
- 0 cost 7
Note how the heuristics changed the cost, but not optimal path in this case.

Finding the shortest paths of a directed graph C++

Over the last week, I have implemented a Digraph by parsing an input file. The graph is guaranteed to have no cycles. I have successfully created the graph, used methods to return the number of vertices and edges, and performed a topological sort of the graph. The graph is composed of different major courses and their prereqs. Here is my graph setup:
class vertex{
typedef std::pair<int, vertex*> ve;
std::vector<ve> adjacency;
std::string course;
vertex(std::string c){
course = c;
class Digraph{
typedef std::map<std::string, vertex *> vmap;
vmap work;
typedef std::unordered_set<vertex*> marksSet;
marksSet marks;
typedef std::deque<vertex*> stack;
stack topo;
void dfs(vertex* vcur);
void addVertex(std::string&);
void addEdge(std::string& from, std::string& to, int cost);
int getNumVertices();
int getNumEdges();
void getTopoSort();
The implementation
//function to add vertex's to the graph
void Digraph::addVertex(std::string& course){
vmap::iterator iter = work.begin();
iter = work.find(course);
if(iter == work.end()){
vertex *v;
v = new vertex(course);
work[course] = v;
//method to add edges to the graph
void Digraph::addEdge(std::string& from, std::string& to, int cost){
vertex *f = (work.find(from)->second);
vertex *t = (work.find(to)->second);
std::pair<int, vertex *> edge = std::make_pair(cost, t);
//method to return the number of vertices in the graph
int Digraph::getNumVertices(){
return work.size();
//method to return the number of edges in the graph
int Digraph::getNumEdges(){
int count = 0;
for (const auto & v : work) {
count += v.second->adjacency.size();
return count;
//recursive function used by the topological sort method
void Digraph::dfs(vertex* vcur) {
for (const auto & adj : vcur->adjacency) {
vertex* suc = adj.second;
if (marks.find(suc) == marks.end()) {
//method to calculate and print out a topological sort of the graph
void Digraph::getTopoSort(){
for (const auto & v : work) {
if (marks.find(v.second) == marks.end()) {
// Display it
for (const auto v : topo) {
std::cout << v->course << "\n";
For the last part of my implementation, I have been trying to do 2 things. Find the shortest path from the first vertex to every other vertices, and also find the shortest path that visits every vertex and returns to the first one. I am completely lost on this implementation. I assumed from reading I need to use Dijkstra's algorithm to implement this. I have been trying for the last 3 days to no avail. Did i set up my digraph in a bad way to implement these steps? Any guidance is appreciated.
The fact that there are no cycles makes the problem much simpler. Finding the shortest paths and a minimal "grand tour" are O(n).
Implement Dijkstra and run it, without a "destination" node; just keep going until all nodes have been visited. Once every node has been marked (with its distance to the root), you can start at any node and follow the shortest (and only) path back to the root by always stepping to the only neighbor whose distance is less than this one. If you want, you can construct these paths quite easily as you go, and mark each node with the full path back to the root, but copying those paths can push the cost to O(n2) if you're not careful.
And once all the nodes are marked, you can construct a minimal grand tour. Start at the root; when you visit a node, iterate over its unvisited neighbors (i.e. all but the one you just came from), visiting each, then go back the one you came from. (I can put this with more mathematical rigor, or give an example, if you like.)

A* pathfinding guaranteed to find shortest path?

Is the A* path finding algorithm guaranteed to find the shortest path 100% or the time, if implemented correctly?
int Graph::FindPath(Node *start, Node *finish, list< vec2f > &path)
list<NodeRecord*> open;
list<NodeRecord*> closed;
list<NodeRecord*>::iterator openIt;
list<NodeRecord*>::iterator closedIt;
// add the starting node to the open list
open.push_back( new NodeRecord(start, NULL, 0.0f, 0.0f + start->pos.DistanceSq(finish->pos) ) );
// NodeRecord(Node *node, Node *from, float cost, float totalCost)
// find the node record with the lowest cost
NodeRecord *currentRecord = open.front();
openIt = ++open.begin();
while(openIt != open.end())
if((*openIt)->total < currentRecord->total)
currentRecord = (*openIt);
// get a pointer to the current node
Node *currentNode = currentRecord->node;
// if the current node is the finish point
if(currentNode == finish)
// add the finish node
// add all the from nodes
Node *from = currentRecord->from;
// if this node record is where the path came from,
if(closed.back()->node == from) //&& closed.back()->from != NULL
// add it to the path
path.push_front( from->pos );
// get the next 'from' node
from = closed.back()->from;
// delete the node record
delete closed.back();
while(! open.empty() )
delete open.back();
// a path was found
return 0;
// cycle through all neighbours of the current node
bool isClosed, isOpen;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)currentNode->neighbours.size(); i++)
// check if neigbour is on the closed list
isClosed = false;
closedIt = closed.begin();
while(closedIt != closed.end())
if(currentNode->neighbours[i] == (*closedIt)->node)
isClosed = true;
// skip if already on the closed list
if(isClosed == true)
float cost = currentRecord->cost + currentNode->distance[i];
float totalCost = cost + currentNode->neighbours[i]->pos.DistanceSq(finish->pos);
// check if this neighbour is already on the open list
isOpen = false;
openIt = open.begin();
while(openIt != open.end())
if(currentNode->neighbours[i] == (*openIt)->node)
// node was found on the open list
if(totalCost < (*openIt)->total)
// node on open list was updated
(*openIt)->cost = cost;
(*openIt)->total = totalCost;
(*openIt)->from = currentNode;
isOpen = true;
// skip if already on the open list
if(isOpen == true)
// add to the open list
open.push_back( new NodeRecord(currentNode->neighbours[i], currentNode, cost, totalCost) );
// move the current node to the closed list after it has been evaluated
closed.push_back( currentRecord );
open.remove( currentRecord );
// free any nodes left on the closed list
while(! closed.empty() )
delete closed.back();
// no path was found
return -1;
Yes (but I haven't looked deeply at your implementation).
The thing that most people miss is that the heuristic algorithm MUST underestimate the cost of traversal to the final solution (this is called "admissible"). It is also good (but not absolutely required) for the heuristic to monotonically approach the solution (this is called "consistent")
Anyway, at my glance at your code, you probably should use std::set for your closed list and std::deque for your open one so that your searches and insertion in these two lists aren't O(n). You also shouldn't make new NodeRecords, since it gives you a level of indirection with no benefit (and your algorithm will leak memory if an exception is thrown).
According to Wikipedia, A* uses heuristics for faster finding shortest path, but actually it is a modification of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm, and if the heuristics is not good enough, A* does practically the same as Dijkstra.
So yes, it is guaranteed that A* finds the shortest path.
Interestingly, while admissible heuristics provide the optimal solution 100% of the time, they can be slow in certain situations. If there are several paths which are roughly the same total distance, an inadmissible heuristic will provide faster "decision-making" between the relatively equivalent paths. Note that you must use a closed list (which you did) for this to work.
In fact, Pearl in his book "Heuristics" proves that if your heuristic overestimates by a small amount, the solution provided will only be longer than the optimal by that same amount (at most)!
For certain fast/real-time applications, this can be a real help to boost speed, at a small cost to the solution quality.

c++ directed graph depth first search

I am attempting to write a method DFS method for a directed graph. Right now I am running into a segmentation fault, and I am really unsure as to where it is. From what I understand of directed graphs I believe that my logic is right... but a fresh set of eyes would be a very nice help.
Here is my function:
void wdigraph::depth_first (int v) const {
static int fVertex = -1;
static bool* visited = NULL;
if( fVertex == -1 ) {
fVertex = v;
visited = new bool[size];
for( int x = 0; x < size; x++ ) {
visited[x] = false;
cout << label[v];
visited[v] = true;
for (int v = 0; v < adj_matrix.size(); v++) {
for( int x = 0; x < adj_matrix.size(); x++) {
if( adj_matrix[v][x] != 0 && visited[x] != false ) {
cout << " -> ";
if ( v == fVertex ) {
fVertex = -1;
delete [] visited;
visited = NULL;
class definition:
class wdigraph {
wdigraph(int =NO_NODES); // default constructor
~wdigraph() {}; // destructor
int get_size() { return size; } // returns size of digraph
void depth_first(int) const;// traverses graph using depth-first search
void print_graph() const; // prints adjacency matrix of digraph
int size; // size of digraph
vector<char> label; // node labels
vector< vector<int> > adj_matrix; // adjacency matrix
You are deleting visited before the end of the program.
Coming back to the starting vertex doesn't mean you finished.
For example, for the graph of V = {1,2,3}, E={(1,2),(2,1),(1,3)}.
Also, notice you are using v as the input parameter and also as the for-loop variable.
There are a few things you might want to consider. The first is that function level static variables are not usually a good idea, you can probably redesign and make those either regular variables (at the cost of extra allocations) or instance members and keep them alive.
The function assumes that the adjacency matrix is square, but the initialization code is not shown, so it should be checked. The assumption can be removed by making the inner loop condition adj_matrix[v].size() (given a node v) or else if that is an invariant, add an assert before that inner loop: assert( adj_matrix[v].size() == adj_matrix.size() && "adj_matrix is not square!" ); --the same goes for the member size and the size of the adj_matrix it self.
The whole algorithm seems more complex than it should, a DFS starting at node v has the general shape of:
dfs( v )
set visited[ v ]
operate on node (print node label...)
for each node reachable from v:
if not visited[ node ]:
dfs( node )
Your algorithm seems to be (incorrectly by the way) transversing the graph in the opposite direction. You set the given node as visited, and then try to locate any node that is the start point of an edge to that node. That is, instead of following nodes reachable from v, you are trying to get nodes for which v is reachable. If that is the case (i.e. if the objective is printing all paths that converge in v) then you must be careful not to hit the same edge twice or you will end up in an infinite loop -> stackoverflow.
To see that you will end with stackoverlow, consider this example. The start node is 1. You create the visited vector and mark position 1 as visited. You find that there is an edge (0,1) in the tree, and that triggers the if: adj_matrix[0][1] != 0 && visited[1], so you enter recursively with start node being 1 again. This time you don't construct the auxiliary data, but remark visited[1], enter the loop, find the same edge and call recursively...
I see a couple of problems:
The following line
if( adj_matrix[v][x] != 0 && visited[x] != false ) {
should be changed to
if( adj_matrix[v][x] != 0 && visited[x] == false ) {
(You want to recurse only on vertices that have not been visited already.)
Also, you're creating a new variable v in the for loop that hides the parameter v: that's legal C++, but it's almost always a terrible idea.