Standard web services API available in PeopleSoft? - web-services

I'm investigating integrating a 3rd party web application with PeopleSoft via web services. I'm not that familiar with PeopleSoft. After some initial investigation, it appears that in order to expose any PeopleSoft functionality as web services, you have to do some considerable configuration in the Integration Broker component of the PeopleTools module. It seems that you can either define internal PeopleSoft services with "service operations" and related "handlers" or you can create a PeopleSoft service for an existing "Component Interface." Then, you have to expose that PeopleSoft service as a web service.
Are there any standard, default, out-of-the-box web services available for a PeopleSoft system, or do you always need to go through the steps of defining them in the Integration Broker?
After looking at a system like Salesforce, which has a standard web services API, it seems like there might be something similar for PeopleSoft, but I'm not finding it. Am I on the right track in thinking that the Integration Broker is the only way to go, or am I just not aware of some standard web services API that exposes basic PeopleSoft functionaity as web services?

Integration Broker (IB) is what you need to expose business logic from peoplesoft and consume it with your 3rd party tool, or to consume a webservice from your tool in peoplesoft.
There are some out of the box messages, but most of them are made to have different PIA (PeopleSoft Internet Architecture) communicate.
Be aware, IB components were almost complemently remixed in peopletools version 8.47. So it's important to give your tool's version when talking about IB.
Never heard about a standalone API for implementing web services, outside of the IB framework. IB will use dedicated class to handle sending and reception of your messages. You mention it as the handler. And if a component interface need to be used it will be done throughout this class.

Integration broker is used to setup the basic configurations that will be used in exposing and using web services. this includes making nodes and its routing available for other system to use.
There are many web services available in peoplesoft. you can alsi expose any componemnt as a web services by executing very simple steps.
Custom web services can also be build.


Is there any provision to develop and expose custom web services from Bizagi platform?

In one instance my custom mobile app that connects to Bizagi platform has to save data to SAP back-end. Looking for options to implement this.
To avoid having the mobile app interfacing with multiple back-end/platforms, looking for options to achieve this through the Bizagi interface.
It is learned that Bizagi has out of the box connectors for SAP et. to integrate one with other.
Also learned that Bizagi exposes out of the box webservices that extends its features to custom front-end apps.
Along with these out of the box Bizagi webservices, is there any provision in Bizagi to develop and expose custom webservices to pass data from mobile app to back-end systems such as SAP.
You can use several of the methods exposed in the Bizagi API to create cases, trigger events, perform activities, query entities, etc. etc.
The services with which you can affect the flow are exposed in: http://+ (YourServiceURL)+ /+ (NameProyect)+ /WebServices/WorkflowEngineSOA.asmx
The services with which you can affect or query the entities are exposed in: http://+ (YourServiceURL)+ /+ (NameProyect)+ /webservices/EntityManagerSOA.asmx
Also you can consult into the official documentation depending your versión and your needs and look at the request examples for the services
Additionally it has a connection with SAP services through connectors within the tool

What is the use of webservices can anyone explain

Right now I'm working in WebApi (trainee developer), and have good knowledge in webapi . But , I don't know anything about WebServices.
My Questions are :
1.What is WebServices?
2.What is the Use of WebServices?
3.Instead of WebServices why we are using WebApi.
4.Where we can use WebServices?
5.At a time We Can use both Webservices and WebApis?
Exposing the Existing Function on the network
A web service is a unit of managed code that can be remotely invoked using HTTP. That is, it can be activated using HTTP requests. Web services allow you to expose the functionality of your existing code over the network. Once it is exposed on the network, other applications can use the functionality of your program.
Web services allow various applications to talk to each other and share data and services among themselves. Other applications can also use the web services. For example, a VB or .NET application can talk to Java web services and vice versa. Web services are used to make the application platform and technology independent.
Standardized Protocol
Web services use standardized industry standard protocol for the communication. All the four layers (Service Transport, XML Messaging, Service Description, and Service Discovery layers) use well-defined protocols in the web services protocol stack. This standardization of protocol stack gives the business many advantages such as a wide range of choices, reduction in the cost due to competition, and increase in the quality.
Low Cost Communication
Web services use SOAP over HTTP protocol, so you can use your existing low-cost internet for implementing web services. This solution is much less costly compared to proprietary solutions like EDI/B2B. Besides SOAP over HTTP, web services can also be implemented on other reliable transport mechanisms like FTP
For Example in Asp.Net Core :

Understanding SOAP vs REST from an authentication point of view

So I have currently been assigned to read about Web Services. I was going through the differences between REST, XML-RPC and SOAP and came across this particular link :
It mentions this following, in terms of authentication and authorization
As for authentication and authorization, SOAP places the burden in the hands of the application developer. The REST methodology instead takes into account the fact that Web servers already have support for these tasks. Through the use of industry-standard certificates and a common identity management system, such as an LDAP server, developers can make the network layer do all the heavy lifting.
I was not able to understand this particular reference. Can some one explain how this happens in detail?
A web service is method or mechanism to communicate between different applications using open standard such as XML, WSDL, and SOAP. Using web service different device or program communicates over network
Type of WebService
SOAP Web Service
RESTFul Web Service
more information you can check :


I have searched a lot upon internet but still i didn't get the clear difference between web services and web APIs? Somewhere I read that all web services are API's but all API' are not web services. How?
What all I know is both allow to utilize the functionality of other applications.Can someone describe me clear difference?
I have been on the same journey to learn the differnce between Web API (not JUST API) vs Web Services.
First, we know for a fact that both use the Web as the communication tool as stated by #Kris.
While looking at these 2 videos, both serve as the "middleman" (the waiter in the restaurant) for a client to ask a Web Server to process and deliver a response.
Web Service (From 0:35)
API (In general) (From 1:12)
When I was looking for an actual differnce between the two, usually most articles and videos go on an unrelated comparison between "Web Services vs API" as they exclude the "Web" out of "Web API".
See this article, for example, which contains the title "Web API Vs Web Service...." yet, contain sub-titles like:
"Differences of API vs Web Service"
"Pros and Cons of Web Services vs API Service"
"Web Service vs API: Fueling Both With Scraping Robot’s API"
The only difference I could find is if we were to discuss this in .NET context.
Here's a question post related to this.
To sum it up, Web Services are used in the SOAP protocal while Web API is usually created in the RESTful way. The more detailed answers are in the post but ultimatelly do not answer the main question that is asked.
Conclusion: The question raised in the public domanin has no clear definition to what is difference between the two, thus the 2 terms are ,for the most part,
All web services are APIs. An API is an Application Programming Interface. But there are offline APIs, which are not web services. There are APIs for all things from Office to Websites. The API is just a defined interface to be able to control/communicate with some software. Web Services just provide that means of connecting over the web.
There is more to discuss when you are talking about APIs which are communication protocols and data formats, but you get the basic idea.
An API (Application Program Interface) is the interface through which another program can communicate with a program.
A web service in this context is one of those programs with an API. 'Web' means that it is accessible via the web, mostly via HTTP. A service usually has a well defined purpose.
For instance a date web service's purpose could be to provide the current date. The API of my service would have a single 'endpoint': get the date. The service then implements this API. It somehow retrieves the date and sends it back.

JMS, Message Queing Service, ESB related question

Assume there are 2 web services A and B setup in SOA infrastructure.
Web services A depends on information that is available from the locally installed Desktop application (its a legacy application based on C++ programming and provides C++ API to give the information needed by web service A).
The scenario is this: Human actor (which can be considered as Consumer of web service B)logs into a website and clicks a button which requests the service provided by web service B. As part of this request, his ID is sent. Web service B sends request to web service A with this ID. Web service A uses this ID to somehow determine a way to talk to locally installed desktop application of the human actor who originated the request.
The main problem how can web service A connect to desktop application and get the information in a reliable way using SOA infrastructure.
Assume that everything in this SOA is Java based except the desktop application.
The desktop application is basically like a CRM application with its own internal database and not traditional database like MySQL. It provides just basic textual information about the human actor and about the customer(s) of that human actor in his installed CRM desktop application.
I do want to use SOA related technologies even though it may be more complicated.
Given above details:
How can I use JMS to solve this problem?
If JMS is not the right solution, what about ESB and how can I use ESB to solve this problem?
The communication with the desktop application will greatly be determined by what different methods the application is capable of performing. If the application has a database backend, an ESB can facilitate communication with predefined adapters for the specific database being used. If the application has an api that can be tapped programmatically, that is a method as well. I am not sure JMS would be the appropriate solution since given your use case you would want a synchronous reply. Putting JMS in the middle (somehow) will break that reply and rather return an asynchronous response.
I would recommend looking more into the functionality available in the desktop application and with your findings start with evaluating ESB functionality. An ESB may be overkill for this use case but if you plan to do more operations like this it may become valuable.
I think the problem boils down to a Java Web Service A, having a requirement to talk to a C++ desktop application to get user details.
If the Desktop application is able to use JMS using Stomp etc, ActiveMQ or HornetQ maybe used. This also allows you to scale A into multiple instances across many machines, and use JMS to request user information from the Desktop application.
Another option is to expose a simple API (REST, TCP etc) on the Desktop application and make the Web Service A talk to the Desktop application using that. Again, you could distribute the A into multiple instances for scalability.
You can use an ESB to convert a REST call to TCP, or a SOAP to JMS etc. Basically any-to-any conversion. The Free and Open Source ESB UltraESB [] contains many examples, and is lightweight (~35MB) so the 'overkill' will be minimal compared to > 300MB+ resource hungry ESBs