Adding header & implementation file at the same time - c++

I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue, but I couldn't manage to find a question for it. So I want to add a new unit to my project, the process goes like right click project -> Add -> New Item -> Type in name -> Select .h as type -> Hit Ok. Then repeat the whole process again for the cpp file. The logical choice would be to have a multi select support for the file type selection, but this isn't the case at least in VS 2008. I can see one reason for not having multi select, and that is because the dialog would have to be slightly smarter / different, as the location path often wouldn't be identical.
My question naturally becomes: "Is there a better / quicker way to add a cpp file & corresponding header file in VS?"

Hi you can add class witch create cpp and h files.. if it helps to you

Doing things the way your'e doing them, I think the answer is no. You have to create one file at a time. This makes sense to me since you will often not create CPP and H files on a one-to-one basis.
Otherwise, you can use VS's class wizard, which will create the files and write some skeleton code for you.


How to make multiple projects within one solution in Visual Studio 2017

I have a solution called book_example with one project inside called first_project. I want to make several more example projects called second_project, third_project etc. within this solution.
So, when I open book_example in the solution explorer it would show all of my projects. I want them to share source code so all file paths etc. should be the same.
When I right click the solution Add -> New Project even if I use a template that is exactly the same as my existing first_project all of the paths do not work. Basic things like my source.cpp say "This file does not exist or has been moved".
Edit: To be more clear, when I try a solution like the one proposed by madocter below, I get errors with the project. I.e.:
What is the correct way to create several projects within one solution that share code?

Multiple Files to a project in c++

I have been writing code for a little while now and I recently found out how to create classes in different files and include them in main, along with more cpp files including the definitions of those classes. I was wondering when this is really needed, my code isnt normally that long. Should I use this now as a beginning when my code is only a few hundred lines or less or are the multiple files used with alot more code. In cases like this with such a short code I could probably find it easier just to stick to the main cpp. Any thoughts on this?
Bad habits are easy to learn and hard to unlearn. Why not do it the right way from the beginning?
I advise for the sake of organization that you should create a new set of files - .h and .cpp - for each new functionality you want to add. That doesn't mean create a new file for ever class you want to have. As an example, you can define a Sound class and a SoundManager class in the same header if you want. It's easier to find and edit a faulty piece of code when it isn't all jumbled up with other code in a catch-all file.
When you get to multi-thousand or even multi-million line projects (which I'm sure you will sooner or later), you will obviously be in for a world of pain if you shove it all into one file. Like David Schwartz said, it's better learn it correctly the first time than to relearn it correctly the second time.
If you have different parts of your code in different files, then you can open each file in a new editor window and view them side by side instead of having to jump up and down in the same file
Yeah, I know that some editors have a "split window" mode, but those don't play nicely with multiple monitors, etc, etc

Edit an existing file in C++

I have preferences file for my application in Qt.
Whenever I launch the application it loads the file & depending the contents creates the widgets accordingly. I have given some customisation option for the user. Now when my application is closed I am checking whether the preferences are changed. If yes then I am opening the preferences file again & then just adding everything again in it. I am not creating a temporary file, I am directly editing the file. Is this method an efficient one? or am I doing it wrong? because I found these threads:
1. What is the best way to edit the middle of an existing flat file?
Should use I binary file? Currently I am using ASCII file.
UPDATE: In the stackoverflow link above the correct answer has
If you're stuck using flat, then you're stuck using the old fashioned
way of updating them
I meant to ask whether the method I am using is old fashioned & is there a better method used nowadays? & what does flat file mean?
Don't try to edit the file. Rewrite the whole thing
Rewrite by using a temporary file. i.e. write the current state of preferences into temp file. And then move/rename the file to your actual preference file after making sure the temp file has been written successfully. This helps in case there is a crash when you rewriting the file. If you rewrite it directly, you will be left with neither the old one nor a good new one. In case you do it through a temp file, then do it this way ensures that in case of a crash, you atleast have a good preferences file(though it contains the old preferences).
Text/Binary doesn't make much difference unless it's a really huge file. Text will help to hand edit it if required.
That's a perfectly fine way of doing it. Since you already seem to have all of the preferences loaded into memory and you have edited them there, you don't need to bother with a temporary file (unless you want to ensure safety if your program fails during writing). Just write all of the preferences back into the original file.
Whether you choose a binary file or text file is up to you. Preferences tend to be text files because they have the added benefit of being human readable with just a text editor, rather than some specialised software for viewing them. A binary file may, however, have slightly better performance due to simpler decoding.

Renaming a form in Visual C++

I start Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I chose to start a new project on the Welcome Page. Ofcourse my preferred language is Visual C++ and I'm chosing to begin a Windows Forms Application. I give up a name like Calculator for this one. I do not touch the other options on this dialog. The project gets created and a new Form1.h is automatically added to the project, and a Form1.resX is also added. Because 'Form1' is useless to me, I'dd like to rename it to something more VB6 style, like "frmMain.h". So I right click the Form and simply chose "Rename". After accepting my new name, the necessary changes seem to be occuring. first impression But now, when I try to build this project, It gives a BUILD FAILED. When I look into my files.. Form1 is still mentioned..
So my question is: How do you actually/OFFICIALLY rename Forms?
I've been reading a lot about this and mostly the answer is to delete the form, and re add a new with the right name.. I've heard also that VS asks to rename all references to it, but that doesn't show up to me. Some other people say, you have to use the quick replace function, and rename all references to this class and its file.. This is not a good way to me.. Or is it really the standard procedure?
I have programming experience in C++ and I know about classes and polymorfism and so on. But this is one of the simplest things that keeps me annoying!
You are using VC++.NET to create .NET applications (Windows Form in your case). I must warn you that VS is not very friendly for VC (refactoring, renaming, and little intellisense).
In this case, you renamed the form which will make VS also rename the Form1.resX, but it will not rename the class. It will do it if in C# or VB.NET. Just open the .h file and rename the class itself to match the name of the file.
You also need to update the main .cpp file where "main" resides, and update the Application::Run(gcnew Form1()); in there as well include the "#include".
A solution replace will work (Ctrl+Shift+H), but be careful with this.
click on the form -> properties -> text (usually named as Form1) -> change it.

Is it possible to have identically named source files in one visual studio c++ project?

I'm working on a static library project for a c++ course I'm taking. The teacher insists that we define only one function per source file, grouping files/functions belonging to the same class in subdirectories for each class. This results in a structure like:
\ (constructor)
\ (constructor)
Whether this is good practice or not is something I'd not like to discuss, since I'm simply obliged to organize my project in this manner.
I'm working in visual studio 2008, and somehow got strange link errors when using an identically named function (and thus filename) in two classes. This appears to be caused by the fact that visual studio puts all .obj files (one for each source file) in one intermediate directory, overwriting earlier generated object files when compiling identically named source files.
This could be solved by putting the object files in subdirectories based on the relative path of the input file. Visual studio allows one to configure the names of object files it generates and has macros to use in there, but there appears to be no macro for 'relative path of input file'.
So, is there some way to get this to work? If not, is using one project for each class the best work-around?
You are right, by default all object files are put into the same directory and their filenames are based on the source file name. The only solution I can think of is to change conflicting file's output file path in here:
Project Properties-C/C++-Output Files-Object File Name
PS. It sounds like the lecturer has a crappy (probably written by the lecturer himself) automatic code verifier that imposes this restriction. To get extra marks, offer to rewrite the parser so it works with normal/sane/non-weird projet layout.
Real answer:
C/C++ => Output Files => Output File Name
Every .obj file is going to be created in a sub folder so its not going to overwrite the previous on linking.
I can't think of any way to fudge the project settings to get VStudio to automatically split out the intermediate files into separate folders.
You have a few chances -
Build the class name into each file name. Most IDE's display just the file name in the tab view so if you do have several methods in different classes with the same name, its going to be difficult to tell them apart if the file name does not include the class name along with the method name. Which is really why I think your teachers advice is madness. I have not seen any programming style guide advocating that approach. Additionally it goes directly against the way various tools work - if you use Visual Studio to create a class, it creates one cpp file and one header, and automatically appends each new function to the single cpp file.
You could create a static library per class. When linking in static libs the obj files are all packaged up inside the .lib so conflicts are no longer a problem.
Switch comp-sci courses to one thats not being taught by a nut job. Seriously, this guy is completely out of touch with industry best practices and is trying to impose their own weird ideas on their students: Ideas that are going to have to be unlearnt the moment they leave the teaching environment.
You can also change output file name per file in its properties. Just make sure you use different names.
Can you use the class name in the filename to disambiguate? I'm thinking that you might have
\ (constructor)
That would mean that every file would have a unique-enough name to defeat the problem. Is that an acceptable strategy?
You could probably arrange the properties of the project to put the object files into a folder which is below the folder of each source file. Once the project has this property, then every source file should inherit this property. (But if you've done experiments like Igor has suggested, then you may need to go through the properties as reset them back to the parent).
Having looked at the help files, I think you should go to project properties/C C++/Outpuf Files/Object File Name: and enter $(InputDir) (no trailing backslash). Every source file should then inherit this property and your .obj files should be separated.
You may need to do a Clean Solution before you make any changes.
Renaming the object files will work, but it's going to be a pain, and it will slow your compile/link cycle down. I've never figured out why, but it seems to confuse Visual Studio if the object files don't have the default names.
You could prefix the funciton name with the class name; e.g., etc.
You could have one .cc file per class which #includes the individual function files. In this case you'll need to prevent the #included files from being compiled seperately (either rename their extension or set Properties->Exclude From Build to 'Yes').
Out of curiosity, where does your teacher want you to put free functions e.g. local helper functions that might normally belong in an anonymous namespace?
If not, is using one project for each class the best work-around?
Not a good idea - apart from the fact that you won't end up with a single static library (without even more jiggery pokery), your link times are likely to increase and it will hide a
lot of pertinent info from the optimizer.
On another note; If the course is actually about C++ not OO programming, do what you need to pass but take your teacher's advice with a pinch of salt.
You don't have to put them in different translation units... why not put each function in a .h and include them all in one .cc per class? That will very likely give better output from the compiler.
I'd be asking why the teacher is insisting on this odd structure, too, the reasoning behind it should be explained. I know you didn't ask that of us, so that's all I'll say.
In Visual Studio 2010, I set
Properties -> C/C++ -> Output Files -> Output File Name
for OBJ files to end up next to the sources assuming the project lies on drive V (no idea whether there is a macro for it, yet).
By the way: $(InputDir) refers to the solution/project directory and will cause the same problem in another directory.