Need to create a gmail like search syntax; maybe using regular expressions? - regex

I need to enhance the search functionality on a page listing user accounts. Rather than have multiple search boxes for each possible field, or a drop down menu where the user can only search against one field, I'd like a single search box and to use a gmail like syntax. That's the best way I can describe it, and what I mean by a gmail like search syntax is being able to type the following into the input box:
username:bbaggins type:admin "made up plc"
When the form is submitted, the search string should be split into it's separate parts, which will allow me to construct a SQL query. So for example, type:admin would form part of the WHERE clause so that it would find any record where the field type is equal to admin and the same for username. The text in quotes may be a free text search, but I'm not sure on that yet.
I'm thinking that a regular expression or two would be the best way to do this, but that's something I'm really not good at. Can anyone help to construct a regular expression which could be used for this purpose? I've searched around for some pointers but either I don't know what to search for or it's not out there as I couldn't find anything obvious. Maybe if I understood regular expressions better it would be easier :-)

No, you would not use regular expressions for this. Just split the string on spaces in whatever language you're using.

You don't necessarily have to use a regex. Regexes are powerful, but in many cases also slow. Regex also does not handle nested parameters very well. It would be easier for you to write a script that uses string manipulation to split the string and extract the keywords and the field names.
If you want to experiment with Regex, try the online REGex tester. Find a tutorial and play around, it's fun, and you should quickly be able to produce useful regexes that find any words before or after a : character, or any sentences between " quotation marks.

thanks for the answers...I did start doing it without regex and just wondered if a regex would be simpler. Sounds like it wouldn't though, so I'll go back to the way I was doing it and test it again.
Good old Mr Bilbo is my go to guy for any naming needs :-)


How to match and replace n number of times with RegEx

I'm using TextWrangler, the free version of BBEdit on the Mac, which I understand uses the PCRE engine.
What I want to do is match a specific number of lines and replace as well.
After a lot of searching I came up with this:
This lets me match up to 25 lines. It works great, but the problem comes when I want to actually replace something. I can't figure out how to do it.
For example, I would like to replace all of the returns "\r" with tabs "\t".
Hopefully this is actually possible. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
Regexp domain is searching. You cannot replace using regexp; a programming language or editor can use regexp as the search part of its search-and-replace function. Thus, the way to do 25 replacements is purely in the domain of said programming language or editor. If it does not provide such capability, either directly in search-and-replace or as a macro/loop/other, then you cannot do it automatically.

Is there a function to create a regex pattern from a string input?

I'm lousy at regular expressions but occasionally they're the only thing that's the right solution for a problem.
Is there something in the .NET framework that allows you to input an unencoded string and get a pattern from it? Which you could then modify as required?
e.g. I want to remove a CDATA section that contains a file from some XML but I can't work out what the right pattern is for <![CDATA[hugepileofrandombinarydataherethatalsoneedstogo]]> and I don't want to ask for help each time I'm stuck on a regex pattern.
Such tools exist, google by "regex generator".
But, as suggested in comments, better learn regex. Simple patterns are easy. Something like <!\[.*?]]>
in your case.
There are Regex Design tools like expresso...
It's not perfect but as there is no suitable .Net component the text to regex page at is the best I've seen for those people who occasionally need to build a regex to match a string but don't have the time to relearn regex each time they want to use one.

Validate Regex Input, preferably using Regex

I'm looking to have the (admin) user enter some pattern matching string, to give different users of my website access to different database rows, depending on if the text in a particular field of the row matches the pattern matching string against that user.
I decided on Regex because it is trivial to integrate into the MySQL statements directly.
I don't really know where to start with validating that a string is a valid regular expression, with a regular expression.
I did some searching for similar questions, couldn't see one. Google produced the comical answer, sadly not so helpful.
Do people do this in the wild, or avoid it?
Is it able to be done with a simple regex, or will the set of all valid regex need to be limited to a usable subset?
Validating a regex is an incredibly complex task. A regex would not be able to do it.
A simple approach would be to catch any errors that occur when you try to run the SQL statement, then report an appropriate error back to the user.
I am assuming that the 'admin' is a trusted user here. It is quite dangerous to give a non-trusted user the ability to enter regexes, because it is easy to attack your system with a regex that is constructed to take a really long time to execute. And that is before you even start to worry about the Bobby Tables problems.
in javascript:
input = "hello**";
// sumbit the regex
// regex is not valid
You cannot validate that a string contains a valid regular expression with a regular expression. But you might be able to compromise.
If you only need to know that only characters which are valid in regular expressions were used in the string, you can use the regex:
^[\d\w \-\}\{\)\(\+\*\?\|\.\$\^\[\]\\]*$
This might be enough depending on the application.

How can I manipulate just part of a Perl string?

I'm trying to write some Perl to convert some HTML-based text over to MediaWiki format and hit the following problem: I want to search and replace within a delimited subsection of some text and wondered if anyone knew of a neat way to do it. My input stream is something like:
Please mail support. if you want some help.
and I want to change Please help and Please can some one help me out here to Please%20help and Please%20can%20some%20one%20help%20me%20out%20here respectively, without changing any of the other spaces on the line.
Naturally, I also need to be able to cope with more than one such link on a line so splicing isn't such a good option.
I've taken a good look round Perl tutorial sites (it's not my first language) but didn't come across anything like this as an example. Can anyone advise an elegant way of doing this?
Your task has two parts. Find and replace the mailto URIs - use a HTML parsing module for that. This topic is covered thoroughly on Stack Overflow.
The other part is to canonicalise the URI. The module URI is suitable for this purpose.
use URI::mailto;
my #hrefs = (' help&Body=Please can some one help me out here');
print URI::mailto->new($_)->as_string for #hrefs;
Why dont you just search for the "Body=" tag until the quotes and replace every space with %20.
I would not even use regular expresions for that since I dont find them useful for anything except mass changes where everything on the line is changes.
A simple loop might be the best solution.

Under what situations are regular expressions really the best way to solve the problem?

I'm not sure if Jeff coined it but it's the joke/saying that people who say "oh, I know I'll use regular expressions!" now have two problems. I've always taken this to mean that people use regular expressions in very inappropriate contexts.
However, under what circumstances are regular expressions really the best answer? What problems are they really the best or maybe only way to solve a situation?
RexExprs are good for:
Text Format Validations (email, url, numbers)
Text searchs/substitution.
Mappings (e.g. url pattern to function call)
Filtering some texts (related to substitution)
Lexical analysis during parsing.
They can be used to validate anything that have a pattern like :
Social Security Number
Telephone Number ( 555-555-5555 )
Email Address (
IP Address (but it's more complex to make sure it's valid)
All those have patterns and are easily verifiable by RegEx.
They are difficultly used for entry that have a logic instead of a pattern like a credit card number but they still can be used to do some client validation.
So the best ways?
To sanitize data entry on the client
side before sanitizing them on the
To make "Search and Replace" of some
strings that contains pattern
I'm sure I am missing a lot of other cases.
Regular expressions are a great way to parse text that doesn't already have a parser (i.e. XML) I have used it to create a parser for the mod_rewrite syntax in the .htaccess file or in my URL Rewriter project for example
they are really good when you want to be more specific than "*" or "?" like "3 letters then 2 numbers then a $ sign then a period"
The quote is from an anti-Perl rant from Jamie Zawinski. I think Perl used to do regex really badly but now it seems to be a standard engine for a lot of programs.
But the same sentiment still applies. If you don't know how to use regex, you better not try something real fancy other wise you get one of these tags too (see bronze list) ;o)
They are good for matching or finding text that takes a very specific and simple format. By "simple" I mean not nested and smaller than the entire html spec, for example.
They are primarily of value for highly structured text parsing. If you used named groups (and option in most mature regex systems), you have a phenomenally powerful and crisp way to handle the strings.
Here's an example. Consider that netstat in its various iterations on different linux OSes, and versions of netstat can return different results. Sometimes there is an extra column, sometimes there is a shift if the date/time format. Regexes give you a powerful way to handle that with a single expression. Couple that with named groups, and you can retrieve the data without hacks like:
1) split on spaces
2) ok, the netstat version is X so add I need to add 1 to all array references past column 5.
3) ok, the netstat version is Y so I need to make sure that I use multiple array references for the date info.
YUCK. Simple to fix in a Regex :-)