What is the point of Boost::Signals? - c++

Firstly, I am an absolute beginner in programming, so don't make fun of me too much.
The only thing that I have seen signals used for are GUI toolkits, and GUI toolkits all come with their own signaling. So, can Boost:Signals even be used with these GUI toolkits? Would this be a good idea? What other applications do signals have?

Signals is an event messaging implementation, much like Smalltalk/Objective C Messages or Events in various other (e.g. C#) lanugages.
You can use them for a wide variety of tasks, take a look at the Observer Pattern
Why would you use the Observer Pattern?
The benefits are largely organisational, when you work with large applications it's is important to apply patterns of reuse that help maintain development team coherence.
When the implementation of a particular pattern becomes de facto (or close to) it's especially useful because it means that lead up times for new team members are likely to be expedited, not only if they have used the implementation before, but also because the popularity of the implementation will mean that there are widespread resources, and documentation available to speed learning.
From a pure code perspective, ALL patterns appear as bloat, but when you begin to understand that upwards of 60% of the costs involved in software development are in maintenance life-cycle, it is well worth the additional code to gain coherence.
The other benefit is to aid in software reuse, depending on the style of implementation, the Observer Pattern can assist in modularising and decoupling classes from one another. I would suggest that this is also an organisational benefit, in as much that different teams can build components more easily, or simply because components are easier to replace.

Just my two cents, signals are not only used in (or for) GUI toolkits. They are used in contexts where you want to decouple the producer of a datum with the receiver of it (the observer pattern mentioned above, for example). If you mix that idea with threads, you can implement actors easily, an interesting pattern for concurrent tasks (Erlang and Scala use actors, for instance).

One possible use would be in the implementation of a GUI toolkit. You'd basically set up the wiring to get messages (or whatever they happen to be called) from the native system to produce signals. From there, the code for routing and handling signals can be (at least somewhat) portable.

In addition to the Observer pattern that others have mentioned, anytime you find yourself having to write a callback function, so that one class can notify another that something has happened, then you can use Signals and Slots instead. The great advantage over callbacks is that it takes care of lots of the boiler plate code to add and remove the callback function, and deals with automatically disconnecting when either the caller or the callee go out of scope.
Callbacks are really just an instance of the Observer pattern though.


How to select the right architectural/design patterns

I am doing my own research project, and I am quite struggling regarding the right choice of architectural/design patterns.
In this project, after the "system" start, I need to do something in background (tasks, processing, display data and so on) and at the same be able to interact with the system using, for example, keyboard and send some commands, like "give me status of this particular object" or "what is the data in this object".
So my question is - what software architectural/design patterns can be applied to this particular project? How the interraction between classes/objects should be organized? How should the objects be created?
Can, for example, "event-driven architecture" or "Microkernel" be applied here? Some references to useful resources will be very much appreciated!
Thank you very much in advance!
Careful with design patterns. If you sprinkle them throughout your code hoping that everything will work great, you'll soon have an unreadable, boilerplate full mess. They are recipes, not solutions.
My advice to you is pick a piece of paper and a pencil and start drawing all the entities of your domain, with all their requisites, and see how they relate. If you want to get somewhat serious about it, you can do something like this.
When defining your entities, strive for high cohesion and loose coupling.
High cohesion means that you should keep similar functionalities together. In a very simple example, if you have a class that reads stuff from a file and processes it, the class has low cohesion, since reading and processing are two very distinct functionalities. In this case, you would want a class for each functionality.
As for loose coupling, it means that your entities should be independent of each other. Using the example above, supposed that you are now the proud owner of two highly cohesive classes - one that reads stuff from a file (Reader), and one that processes that stuff (Processor). Now, suppose that the Processor class has an instance of the Reader class, and calls it in order to get its input. In this case, we can say that both classes are tightly coupled, since Processor won't work without Reader. In the OOP world, the solution for this is typically the use of interfaces. You can find a neat example here.
After defining an initial model of your domain and gathering as much knowledge about it as you can, you can now start to think about the implementation's architecture. This is were you can start thinking about the architectural patterns. Event driven architecture, clean architecture, MVP, MVVM... It will all depend on your domain. It is your job to know which pattern will fit best. Spoiler alert: this can be extremely hard to do correctly even for experienced engineers, so don't be afraid to fail.
Finally, leave the design patterns for the implementation stage. Their use completely depends on your implementation problems and decisions. Also, DON'T FORCE THEM. Ideally, you will solve a problem and, IF APPLICABLE, you'll see a pattern emerging. Trust me, the last thing you want is to have a case of design patternitis. Anyway, if you need literature on patterns, I totally recommend this book. It's great no matter your level as an engineer.
Further reading:
SOLID principles
Onion Architecture
Clean architecture
Good luck!
You have a background task, and it can be used for a message pump/event queue indeed. Then your foreground task would send requests to this background thread and asynchronously wait for the result.
Have a look at the book "Patterns for Parallel Programming".
It is much better if you check a book for Design Patterns. I really like this one.
For example, if you need to get some data from a particular object, you may need the Observer Pattern to work for you and as soon as the object has the data, you (or another object) get to know this data and can work with it, with another pattern (strategy might work, it really depends on what you have to do).
If you have to do some things at the same time, check also the Singleton pattern (well, check the most important ones!).

what is the relationship among different approaches of F# concurrency

I'm recently learn F# asynchronous workflows, which is an important feature of F# concurrency. What confused me is that how many approaches to write concurrent code in F#? I read Except F#, and some blog about F# concurrency, I know things like background workers; IAsyncResult; If programming on local machine, there is shard-memory concurrency in F#; If programming on distributed system, there is message-passing concurrency. But I really not sure what is the relationship between these techniques, and how to classify them. I understand it is quite a "big" question cannot be answer with one or two sentences, so I would definitely appreciate if anyone can give me specific answer or recommend me some useful references.
I'm also rather new to F#, so I hope more answers come to complement this one :)
The first thing is you need to distinguish between .NET classes (which can be used from any .NET language) and F# unique ways to deal with asynchronous operations. In the first case as you mention and among others, you have:
System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker: This was used mainly in the first .NET versions with Windows Forms and it's not recommended anymore.
System.IAsyncResult: This is also an old .NET interface implemented by several classes (also Task) but I don't usually use it directly.
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation: Another interface but used only in Windows Store apps. Most of the times you translate it directly to Task, so you don't have to worry too much about it.
System.Threading.Tasks.Task: This is the recommended way now to handle .NET asynchronous and parallel (with the Parallel Task Library) operations. It's the hidden force behind C# async/await keywords, which are just syntactic sugar to pass continuations to Tasks.
So now with F# unique ways: Asynchronous Workflows and MailboxProcessor. It can roughly be said the former corresponds to parallelism while the latter deals with concurrency.
Asynchronous Workflows: This is just a computation expression (aka monad) which happens to deal with asynchrony: operations that run in the background to prevent blocking the UI thread or parallel operations to get the maximum performance in multi-core systems.
It's more or less the equivalent to C# async/await but we F# fans like to think it's a more elegant solution because it uses a more generic and flexible mechanism (computation expressions) which can be adapted for example to asynchronous sequences, events or even Javascript callbacks. It has also other advantages as Thomas Petricek explains here.
Within an asynchronous workflow most of the time you'll be using the methods in Control.Async or the extensions to .NET classes (like WebRequest.AsyncGetResponse) from the F# Core Library. If necessary, you can also interact directly with .NET Tasks (Async.AwaitTask and Async.StartAsTask) or even easily create your own async operations with Async.StartWithContinuations.
To learn more about asynchronous workflows you can consult the MSDN documentation, the magnificent Scott Wlaschin's site, Tomas Petricek's blog or the F# Wikibook.
Control.MailboxProcessor: Designed to deal with concurrency, that is, several processes running at the same time which usually need to share some information. The traditional .NET way to prevent memory corruption when several threads try to write a variable at the same time was the lock statement. Besides the fact that functional style prefers to use immutable values, memory locks are complicated to use properly and can also have a high performance penalty. So instead of this, MailboxProcessor uses an Erlang-like message-based (or actor-based) approach to concurrency.
I have not used MailboxProcessor myself that much, but for more info you can check Scott Wlaschin's site or the F# Wikibook.
I hope this helps! If someone sees something not completely correct in this answer, please feel free to edit it.

Articles for developing a GUI library

Basically, I'm unable to find any good articles for developing your own GUI, that deal with good practices, the basic structure, event bubbling, tips and avoiding all the usual pitfalls. I'm specifically not interested on how to build some proof-of-concept GUI in 5 minutes that just barely works... nor am I interested in building the next future GUI.
The purpose is to build a reasonably capable GUI to be used for tools for a game, however they will exist within the game itself so I don't want to use existing large scale GUIs, and I find most game GUIs to be rather bloated for what I need. And I enjoy the experience of doing it myself.
I have done a GUI in the past which worked very well to a point, however, due to some bad design decisions and inexperience it could only do so much (and was built in Flash so it got a lot of stuff for free). So I would like to really understand the basics this time.
A few tips -
1) Pick your style the UI will work - will it be stateless? If yes, how are you going to handle the events appropriately? In case it'll be stateless, you'll maybe have to re-evaluate your UI user code twice in order to get up to date event changes from user side. If your UIs store state, then you won't have to care about handling events, but it'll limit your UIs when it comes to rapid mutations and rebuilds.
2) Do not rely on the OO too much, virtual methods are not the fastest thing in the world so use them with care; having some sort of inheritance based structure might help though. Beware of dynamic_cast and RTTI if you use objects; they will slow you down. Instead, set up an enum, get_type() method for every widget class, and do manual checks for castability.
3) Try to separate the looks and the UI logic/layout.
4) If you want dynamic windows, layouts etc. then you'll have to handle aligning, clamping, positions etc. and their updates. If you want just statically positioned widgets, it'll make it much easier.
5) Do not overdesign, you won't benefit from that.
There is not really anything too specific I tell you; having some concrete question would help, maybe?
Take a look at the docs for existing GUI libraries. That should give you details on proven designs to handle the issues you've run into.
You might want to start with one you're familiar with, but one that I think is designed quite well is AppKit. Its API is Obj-C so it would require some adjustment if you wanted to copy it, but the docs give all kinds of details about how objects interact to, e.g. handle events, and how layout constraints work, which should be directly applicable to designing an OO GUI in most any language.

Removing dependencies from statechart framework

I've got lots of problems with project i am currently working on. The project is more than 10 years old and it was based on one of those commercial C++ frameworks which were very populary in the 90's. The problem is with statecharts. The framework provides quite common implementation of state pattern. Each state is a separate class, with action on entry, action in state etc. There is a switch which sets current state according to received events.
Devil is hidden in details. That project is enormous. It's something about 2000 KLOC. There is definitely too much statecharts (i've seen "for" loops implemented using statecharts). What's more ... framework allows to embed statechart in another statechart so there are many statecherts with seven or even more levels of nesting. Because statecharts run in different threads, and it's possible to send events between statecharts we have lots of synchronization problems (and big mess in interfaces).
I must admit that scale of this problem is overwhelming and I don't know how to touch it. My first idea was to remove as much code as I can from statecharts and put it into separate classes. Then delegate these classes from statechart to do a job. But in result we will have many separate functions, which logically don't have any specific functionality and any change in statechart architecture will need also a change of that classes and functions.
So I asking for help:
Do you know any books/articles/magic artefacts which can help me to fix this ? I would like to at least separate as much code as I can from statechart without introducing any hidden dependencies and keep separated code maintainable, testable and reusable.
If you have any suggestion how to handle this, please let me know.
The statechart pattern is intended to be used specifically to remove switch statements, so this sounds like a horrid abuse. Additionally, states should only change on asynchronous events. If you are processing an event and you change through multiple states (or for loop, etc.), then this is also a horrid abuse of the pattern.
I would start from these two points, as they will solve much of your concurrency issues just fixing them up. What you need to determine is:
What are your external, asynchronous events to the system? These are the only things that should be determining state transitions, not things that happen during event processing. An event may cause 0 or 1 state transitions. Once you have a list of these state transitions, you can reconstruct the actual states of your system. If you are aware of UML State diagrams, this would be a perfect time to sketch one up in a charting program, not just for yourself (though it will help you immensely), but also for everyone in the future that has to return to the project. As you have learned, this happens.
Now that you know what are really states, list what are states in the code that shouldn't be. This usually indicates that something can be "functionally decomposed". Instead of a state object for each of these, likely all that is needed is a separate function. This will cut down on a lot of the overhead of state objects and should clean up the code immensely.
Now it's time to tackle those horrendous switch statements you mentioned. If they were truly based on state, you shouldn't need one at all. Instead, you should be able to call the state machine directly.
Something like:
and it should work without any switch. But notice, this may be the case even for some of those objects that don't work across asynchronous events. This is also an indication of where you may just use inheritance to get the same effect. If you have:
switch (someTypeIdentifier)
case type1:
case type2:
usually the correct OOP method to do is to create two actual types Type1, Type2, both derived from an abstract base TypeBase, with a virtual method doSomething() that does what you need. The reason this is useful is because it means you can "close" the handling (in the meaning of the Open/Closed Principle), and still extend the functionality by adding new derived types as needed (leaving it open to extension). This saves bugs like crazy because it gets developers hands out of those switch statements, which can get quite ugly and convoluted, instead encapsulating each separate behavior in separate classes.
4 - Now look to fix up your thread issues. Identify all objects used from multiple threads. Make a list. Now, how are these used? Are some of them always used together? Start making groups. The goal here is to find the level of encapsulation that best works for these objects, separate the objects into individual classes that control their own synchronisation, figure out the atomic level of actual "transactions" for the objects, and make methods of the classes that expose those meaningful transactions, wrapped behind the scenes with the appropriate mutexes, condition variables, etc.
You might be saying "that sounds like a lot of work! Why do all that instead of just writing it all over myself?" Good question! :) The reason is actually straightforward: if you are going to do it all by yourself, those are the steps you should be doing anyway. You should be identifying your states, your dynamic polymorphism, and getting a handle on the multithreaded transactions. But, if you start with the existing code, you also have all of those unspoken business rules that were never documented and may cause all sorts of unexpected bugs down the line. You don't have to bring everything over - if you suspect it's a bug, discuss the logic with the people who have worked with the system in the past (if available), QA, or whoever might identify bugs, and see if it really should be carried over. But you need to actually evaluate what the bugs are either way, or you may not code something that actually needed coding.
In the end, this is a manual process that is a part of software engineering. There are CASE tools that can help draw up the state diagrams and even publish them to code, there are refactoring tools, like those found in many IDEs, that can help move code between functions and classes, and similar tools which can help identify threading needs. However, those things shouldn't be picked up for a single project. They need to be learned throughout your career, picking them up and learning them more deeply over years of work, as they are a part of being a software engineer. They don't do it for you. You still need to know the whys and hows, and they just help get it done more efficiently.
Statecharts (including nested Statecharts) are a powerful way to specify, understand and even simulate/validate complex control flow. But to gain the benefit, you need the statechart model in a suitable tool (I used Statemate way back in the day, not sure if it's still available), plus a reliable mapping from the chart to the code (Statemate used to generate the code) - then you can forget about the state management code (mostly)! In your situation, if you don't have the model, I would try to reverse one from the code - as Ira says, chances are high that the original developers had a model in some form, and you may find the code making a lot of sense as the model emerges. If this works out, you will have a really good spec/model of the code which should make future code edits much easier (even if you don't want to go to automatic code generation, and maintain the code/model mapping manually (but you'll need to be meticulous!!))
Sounds to me like your best bet is (gulp!) likely to start from scratch if it's as horrifically broken as you make out. Is there any documentation? Could you begin to build some saner software based on the docs?
If a complete re-write isn't an option (and they never are in my experience) I'd try some of the following:
If you don't already have it, draw an architectural picture of the whole system. Sketch out how all the bits are supposed to work together and that will help you break the system down into potentially manageable / testable parts.
Do you have any kind of requirements or testing plan in place? If not, can you write one and start to put unit tests in place for the various chunks of code / functionality which exist already? If you can do that, you can start to refactor things without breaking as much of whatever does currently work.
Once you've broken things down a bit, start building your unit tests into integration tests which pull together more of the functionality.
I've not read them myself, but I've heard good things about these books which may have some advice you can use:
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Object Technology Series).
Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Robert C. Martin)
Good luck! :-)

More on the mediator pattern and OO design

So, I've come back to ask, once more, a patterns-related question. This may be too generic to answer, but my problem is this (I am programming and applying concepts that I learn as I go along):
I have several structures within structures (note, I'm using the word structure in the general sense, not in the strict C struct sense (whoa, what a tongue twister)), and quite a bit of complicated inter-communications going on. Using the example of one of my earlier questions, I have Unit objects, UnitStatistics objects, General objects, Army objects, Soldier objects, Battle objects, and the list goes on, some organized in a tree structure.
After researching a little bit and asking around, I decided to use the mediator pattern because the interdependencies were becoming a trifle too much, and the classes were starting to appear too tightly coupled (yes, another term which I just learned and am too happy about not to use it somewhere). The pattern makes perfect sense and it should straighten some of the chaotic spaghetti that I currently have boiling in my project pot.
But well, I guess I haven't learned yet enough about OO design. My question is this (finally. PS, I hope it makes sense): should I have one central mediator that deals with all communications within the program, and is it even possible? Or should I have, say, an abstract mediator and one subclassed mediator per structure type that deals with communication of a particular set of classes, e.g. a concrete mediator per army which helps out the army, its general, its units, etc.
I'm leaning more towards the second option, but I really am no expert when it comes to OO design. So third question is, what should I read to learn more about this kind of subject (I've looked at Head First's Design Patterns and the GoF book, but they're more of a "learn the vocabulary" kind of book than a "learn how to use your vocabulary" kind of book, which is what I need in this case.
As always, thanks for any and all help (including the witty comments).
I don't think you've provided enough info above to be able to make an informed decision as to which is best.
From looking at your other questions it seems that most of the communication occurs between components within an Army. You don't mention much occurring between one Army and another. In which case it would seem to make sense to have each Mediator instance coordinate communication between the components comprising a single Army - i.e. the Generals, Soldiers etc. So if you have 10 Army's then you will have 10 ArmyMediator's.
If you really want to learn O-O Design you're going to have to try things out and run the risk of getting it wrong from time to time. I think you'll learn just as much, if not more, from having to refactor a design that doesn't quite model the problem correctly into one that does, as you will from getting the design right the first time around.
Often you just won't have enough information up front to be able to choose the right design from the go anyway. Just choose the simplest one that works for now, and improve it later when you have a better idea of the requirements and/or the shortcomings of the current design.
Regarding books, personally I think the GoF book is more useful if you focus less on the specific set of patterns they describe, and focus more on the overall approach of breaking classes down into smaller reusable components, each of which typically encapsulates a single unit of functionality.
I can't answer your question directly, because I have never used that design pattern. However, whenever I have this problem, of message passing between various objects, I use the signal-slot pattern. Usually I use Qt's, but my second option is Boost's. They both solve the problem by having a single, global message passing handler. They are also both type-safe are quite efficient, both in terms of cpu-cycles and in productivity. Because they are so flexible, i.e. any object and emit any kind of signal, and any other object can receive any signal, you'll end up solving, I think, what you describe.
Sorry if I just made things worse by not choosing any of the 2 option, but instead adding a 3rd!
In order to use Mediator you need to determine:
(1) What does the group of objects, which need mediation, consist of?
(2) Among these, which are the ones that have a common interface?
The Mediator design pattern relies on the group of objects that are to be mediated to have a "common interface"; i.e., same base class: the widgets in the GoF book example inherit from same Widget base, etc.
So, for your application:
(1) Which are the structures (Soldier, General, Army, Unit, etc.) that need mediation between each other?
(2) Which ones of those (Soldier, General, Army, Unit, etc.) have a common base?
This should help you determine, as a first step, an outline of the participants in the Mediator design pattern. You may find out that some structures in (1) fall outside of (2). Then, yo may need to force them adhering to a common interface, too, if you can change that or if you can afford to make that change... (may turn out to be too much redesigning work and it violates the Open-Closed principle: your design should be, as much as possible, open to adding new features but closed to modifying existent ones).
If you discover that (1) and (2) above result in a partition of separate groups, each with its own mediator, then the number of these partitions dictate the number of different types of mediators. Now, should these different mediators have a common interface of their own? Maybe, maybe not. Polymorphism is a way of handling complexity by grouping different entities under a common interface such that they can be handled as a group rather then individually. So, would there be any benefit to group all these supposedly different types of mediators under a common interface (like the DialogDirector in the GoF book example)? Possibly, if:
(a) You may have to use a heterogeneous collection of mediators;
(b) You envision in the future that these mediators will evolve (and they probably will). Hence providing an abstract interface allows you to derive more evolved versions of mediators without affecting existent ones or their colleagues (the clients of the mediators).
So, without knowing more, I'd have to guess that, yes, it's probably better to use abstract mediators and to subclass them, for each group partition, just to prepare yourself for future changes without having to redesign your mediators (remember the Open-Closed principle).
Hope this helps.