Friendly Url in format '' without Mod Rewrite? - coldfusion

I would like to know if there's an easier way other than Mod Rewrite (using the fusebox framework or directly in Coldfusion) to convert a url as follows:
My app is an existing Fusebox 5.5 application.
I just need to add that the url above is not static, i.e. "salmahayek" could be any name.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

You could potentially use the "classic" way of doing it (not sure if Fusebox will interfere), using a 404 handler, something like this should do the trick:
Set up a 404 hander on your server, e.g. in .htaccess:
ErrorDocument 404 /404handler.cfm
set up 404handler.cfm to wrap around the framework, e.g.:
<cfset variables.checksok = false>
<!--- do some checks - example --->
<cfif cgi.REDIRECT_URL EQ 'salmahayek'>
<cfset variables.checksok = true>
<cfif variables.checksok EQ true>
<cfheader statuscode="200" statustext="OK">
<cfset url.action = "profile.view">
<cfset = cgi.REDIRECT_URL>
<cfinclude template="index.cfm">
(not tested but should work)

I've doing some like this in one my apps currently, albeit in PHP:
<cfset urlArgs=listToArray(CGI.PATH_INFO, "/") />
<cfset action=urlArgs[1] />
<cfset name=urlArgs[2] />
This works perfectly, but you have to put up with the "index.cfm" if you don't want to rewrite.

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't understand why Mod Rewrite would be difficult, unless you are on IIS. A rewrite rule would simply have to be something like:
^(login|register)/([^/\.]+) index.cfm?action=profile.$1&step=$2 [L]
^([^/\.]+)/?$ index.cfm?action=profile.view&name=$1
I put in some extra examples to check if the user is actually trying to get to the registration or login page and what step they are on there.

i've actually done this in past using the Application.cfc's onMissingTemplate() method. you can either do some regexs against the arguments.targetpage that gets passed in or do a lookup in a database. either way you would do a cflocation to the correct page afterward. just remember to pass over any url parameters also.
one thing that i've never tried out and often wondered though is if this could be handled in the onRequestStart() method instead? the biggest problem i have with using onMissingTemplate() is that you're doing a cflocation which is a completely new request and you can't pass through form variables. yes i know you could probably use GetPageContext().Forward( strUrl ) instead, but you're still going threw the entire request lifecycle in for the original request. by doing this in onRequestStart() you would avoid this.
anyone want to test this out?


Why does cflocation strip characters and not visit the URL?

I have a URL stored as:
<cfset VisitURL = '≠Sort=high&search=new' />
(The above URL string actually comes from a database field that I have no control over)
When I ask cflocation to visit the above URL like this:
<cflocation url="#EncodeForURL(VisitURL)#" addtoken="no" />
It visits the URL as a subfolder within my site. So I end up going to the URL≠Sort=high&search=new
As you can see it has dropped one of the forward-slashes from the http:// part and also appended the URL as a folder within my site. I don't get why its doing this?
As mentioned in the comments, you're "over encoding". The EncodeForURL() should only be on the URL parameters.
Since you're not able to retrieve the URL and parameters separately, you might be able to get away with treating them like a list.
<cflocation url="#ListFirst(VisitURL,"?")#?#EncodeForURL(ListRest(VisitURL,"?"))#" />
If things get a little wonky you'll need to do more manipulation than that.

URL Rewrite with IIS using ColdFusion

I've done a bit of searching but just can't put it all together. Here's what I need:
I'd like someone to surf to:
and have it redirect them to
To do so, I somehow need to capture that they didn't request an existing file in their http request and run a .cfm page that queried the database for a record where locationName = 'thisPlace' and then redirect them to a page like
template.cfm?pm=ms&loc_id=4, where 4 is the record id of the row that matched 'thisPlace'
If your default document in IIS is set to index.cfm you could create a folder (directory) called "thisPlace" and place an index.cfm file that contains nothing but a <cflocation> tag and the accompanying query/logic to figure the URL. would then function as you describe.
You could add a custom 404 page...
Make it a .cfm file instead of html. Scan the template path to see what the user is looking for. If you find it in your database, redirect them there, else redirect them to a general 404 page.
<!---Up to a certain point (the directory in which you store your code) this will always be the same so you can hard-code your number --->
<cfset QueryConstant = #LEFT(CGI.CF_Template_Path, 22)#>
<!---Find the overall length of the template path. --->
<cfset QueryVariable = #Len(CGI.CF_Template_Path)#>
<!---Take whatever is past your QueryConstant (AKA the string that produces a 404 error.) --->
<cfset theRightNumber = QueryVariable - 22>
<cfset QuerySearchString = #RIGHT(CGI.CF_Template_Path, theRightNumber)#>
<cfquery name="ListOfLocations" datasource="CRM">
FROM LocationTable
WHERE LocationName LIKE '%#QuerySearchString#%'
<cfif ListOfLocations.recordcount>
<cflocation url="/SomePage.cfm?LocationID=#ListOfLocations.LocationID#">
<cflocation url="/Regular404page.html">
Thanks guys! Huge help! Using your inputs, here's what I did:
(had to use QUERY_STRING instead of CF_Template_Path, as CF_Template_Path did not pass along anything after the url of the custom error page.
I set up a custom 404 error Execute URL in IIS to a file named check404error.cfm.
When someone looks for, IIS sends them to I use the CGI.QUERY_STRING (404; to ultimately get the "thisPlace" string to search with.
<!---Up to a certain point (the directory in which you store your code) this will always be the same so you can hard-code your number --->
<cfset QueryConstant = #LEFT(CGI.QUERY_STRING, 31)#>
<!---Find the overall length of the template path. --->
<!---31 is the length of '404;' --->
<cfset QueryVariable = #Len(CGI.QUERY_STRING)#>
<!---Take whatever is past your QueryConstant (AKA the string that produces a 404 error.) --->
<cfset theRightNumber = QueryVariable - 31>
<cfset QuerySearchString = #RIGHT(CGI.QUERY_STRING, theRightNumber)#>
<cfquery name="ListOfLocations" datasource="#request.dsn#">
FROM location WHERE url_name = <cfqueryparam value="#QuerySearchString#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" maxlength="255"> LIMIT 1
<cfif ListOfLocations.recordcount>
<cflocation url="" addtoken="no" statusCode="301">
<cflocation url="/404error.cfm" addtoken="no">
This is how most popular MVC Framework work today, by parsing out the URL segments.
Do you have access to any kind of URL rewrite software?
Since you are using IIS it has a built in rewrite engine where you could simply rewrite these kind of requests to a known file saving you the overhead of sending a 404 reply and parsing that out and having more request created as a result of that.
See for details. We use the Isapi rewrite version version to do just what you are asking for
Receive request for
thisPlace isn't a directory
thisPlace isn't a file
Resend to index.cfm or a location of your chosing for additional parsing
Helicon Rewrite sends an HTTP header named HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL with the original requested URL so parsing it out is then very easy.
This all happens inline withing the one request so the client is never redirected.

ColdFusion: do i need to use structKeyExists for every element of a deep struct?

Let's say i've just parsed someone else's XML document which is a response to an API request. I want to know if a value nested deep inside exists. If my API request worked, it will be in the same place every time. If my API request fails, the root of the XML is very different.
If I try <cfif structKeyExists(myStruct.level1.level2.level3, 'myTarget')> on a failed api request, I get the fatal error: Element LEVEL1.LEVEL2 is undefined in MYSTRUCT.
Of course, I could try to depend on the root level of the XML telling me of success or failure, and not looking for the result if it failed, but... barring that solution, what should i do?
Do i need to check for the existence of each level of the struct? As in:
<cfif structKeyExists(myStruct, 'level1')
and structKeyExists(myStruct.level1, 'level2')
and structKeyExists(myStruct.level1.level2, 'level3')
and structKeyExists(myStruct.level1.level2.level3, 'myTarget')>
<!--- ... --->
This is not a real-world problem, this is just something i've faced too many times. Please don't tell me solutions that involve changing the API or solutions like those in the third paragraph.
edit: i should have mentioned why i can't use isDefined() - some of the keys do not have syntactically valid names, so isDefined() throws an error, eg myStruct.level1[42].level3
I would use the parsed XML document (i.e. xmlDoc) and XMLSearch:
<cfset xmlDoc = xmlParse(responseData)>
<cfset nodes = XmlSearch(xmlDoc, '/level1/level2/level3/myTarget')>
<cfif arrayLen(nodes)>
<!--- do something, you have the "nodes" array to work with too --->
xpath for XMLSearch() assumes the structure keys are nodes. You would need to modify accordingly if, for instance, 'myTarget' is an attribute of a node.
Another way of doing this would be StructFindKey.
<cfset result = structFindKey(myStruct, "myTarget")>
<cfif arrayLen(result) AND result.path EQ "level1.level2.level3">
<!--- do something --->
Haven't tested, but I believe either will be faster than using IsDefined() or a try-catch block. Has the advantage over XMLValidate() of not needing a DTD. And, even with a DTD, the node you want may be defined as optional, so it could still validate.
You could validate the XML against a DTD to make sure the document was in the right format. XmlParse() and XmlValidate() both take a DTD as a parameter.
<cfset validateResult = XmlValidate(myXmlDocument, myDTD)>
<cfif validateResult.status>
<!--- xml is valid continue processing --->
<!--- xml did not validate handle the error --->
Personally I wouldn't go crazy checking for every level of a 'deep' structure like this. I would presume that if the top level exists the rest of the document will be as you expect, and I'd just address the document from there.
If you wanted you could perhaps try to address the value in your struct and wrap it in a try/catch. That way you can handle any errors at any 'level' in the same way.
<cfset myVar = myStruct.level1.level2.level3 />
<cfcatch type="any">
<!--- Handle error --->
Hope that helps some.
I know I'm going to get booed off the stage here, but this is where isDefined() can save you a lot of typing:
<cfif isDefined(structKeyExists(myStruct.level1.level2.level3)>
<!--- do something --->
I know this is a year old, but I'm going to put in an answer here. I struggled for a good long time with this one, till I found a simple solution. If I know the structure of the XML already, a simple IsDefined works to test if the node or node attribute exists. I don't think most people know you can do this, or have tried and failed because they didn't include single quotes in the IsDefined function.
So say I grab some user xml from a web service somewhere and want to display the user's ID.
<cfhttp url="" username="me" password="mysecret">
<cfset userXMLDoc = XMLParse(ToString(cfhttp.FileContent).trim())>
<cfif IsDefined('')>
<cfdump var="">
<cfoutput>Failed: No User ID found</cfoutput>

ColdFusion, Setting a POST variable

Im editing my first ColdFusion script .... I have a form which has <input type="hidden" name="name" value="1">.
On the processing page i want to take that value and set it as a POST variable so i can send it onto another page.
I know how to do it in PHP, like so
$_POST['somename'] = $_POST['name']
How would i do that in CF?
Following the idiom in your php code, you can do something like this:
<cfset form['somename'] = form['name']>
...or, if in cfscript:
form['somename'] = form['name'];
If you're concerned about the existence of the variable, you can precede the assignment with <cfparam>:
<cfparam name="" default=""><!--- assuming blank ok as default --->
<cfset form['somename'] = form['name']>
...or in script:
param name='' default='';
form['somename'] = form['name'];
Of course you can also wrap the assignment in a conditional:
if( structkeyexists(form,'name') ){
form.somename =; // dot notation alternative to bracket syntax
This all begs the question of what exactly you're trying to achieve with this approach.
The ColdFusion syntax is similar. "Post" variables are available in the system structure FORM, and "Get" variables in the system structure URL. Like in PHP, values can be accessed using associative array notation. You can also use dot notation (for valid field names)
<cfset otherVariable = FORM["variableName"] >
<cfset otherVariable = FORM.variableName >
i want to take that value and set it
as a POST variable so i can send it
onto another page.
I am not quite sure what you mean there. Typically, you do not need to reassign FORM or URL values. You simply reference the variable in your code.
Go To Other Page
You can try this by checking if the post variable is set and then storing it with scope of FORM.
<cfif isdefined ("")>
<cfset FORM.somename="">

Coldfusion GetHttpRequestData()?

Does anyone have an example of how Coldfusion's GetHttpRequestData() works? I'm looking to use this func to save data from the AJAX Upload script:
The script works in FireFox but not Safari, Chrome, etc...
What error do you get?
Maybe these links will help:
You might also want to read this recent thread about that script. As valums suggested, you should be able to extract the binary data from getHttpRequestData().content (when needed).
In my very limited tests, it seemed to work okay with IE8/FF/Chrome/Opera. However, I had no luck with Safari (windows). It seemed like the request data was getting mangled (or possibly misinterpreted by CF?). So the final content-type header reported by CF was incorrect, causing an http 500 error. Granted, I did not test this extensively.
Here is my quick and dirty test script (lame by design...)
<cfset uploadError = "" />
<cfif structKeyExists(FORM, "qqFile")>
<!--- upload as normal --->
<cffile action="upload" filefield="qqFile" destination="c:/temp" />
<cfelseif structKeyExists(URL, "qqFile")>
<!--- save raw content. DON'T do this on a prod server! --->
<!--- add security checks, etc... --->
<cfset FileWrite( "c:/temp/"& url.qqFile, getHttpRequestData().content) />
<!--- something is missing ...--->
<cfset uploadError = "no file detected" />
<!--- return status old fashioned way (for compatibility) --->
<cfif not len(uploadError)>
{"success": true}
<cfoutput>{error": "#uploadError#"}</cfoutput>
You want to look into using cffile with action="upload" to upload the file:
GetHttpRequestData() is intended for decoding protocols like SOAP, XML-RPC, and some of the more complex REST-ful protocols. HTTP file uploads are normally done as POSTs using the multipart/form-data MIME type. Looking at doesn't appear that GetHttpRequestData() has any special support for multipart data, which means you'd have to split and decode the parts yourself. Not my idea of fun, and completely unnecessary if you're just doing file uploading.
<cffile action="upload"> or <cffile action="uploadAll"> (new for CF9) should be quite sufficient for processing file uploads, even for those done via an AJAX upload script.