Web service for PDF generation [closed] - web-services

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Closed 12 years ago.
Does anybody know where I can find a Public Restful Web Service for PDF Generation? If so, do you have any experience using it (is it reliable/fast etc if commercial)?
The service needs to be able to take in any number of formats and return a PDF document.
EDIT: Please refrain from commenting or answering unless you know what a RESTful web service is and does. The comment war below was due mostly to my assumption that this was generally obvious to present-day programmers.

Here's one: pdflayer API
I've also created my own in the past, using Sun's Star Office Server (now Oracle Open Office Server, I think). The pricing is ridiculous, of course.

Not REST specific, but if you want to convert html documents or strings to pdf, please note that complex css-based formatting rules can be problematic in places.
Maybe some experts can bet it right, but that was my experience a few years ago.


How to start writing a firewall for linux? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to develope a firewall for Linux. I prefer C/C++ language.
Is there any simple sample code for writing a firewall?
Which libraries should I use?
Update: There are some firewalls for Linux, but I want develope a simple firewall for learning.
You can start by using the Netfilters API (http://www.netfilter.org/). I think it is a good starting point for packet filtering. I've worked a lot with this API in kernel space. I'm not sure if there is a library for user land, but I must tell you that it's pretty easy to develop something with netfilters in the kernel.
As an example, iptables use the netfilters API.

How to use ClojureScript practically? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am not getting the idea of ClojureScript. For example, I am writing a web application, and I need to write some javascript. Should I use ClojureScript which will generate the javascript for me? Looking for some guidance.
use it if
you want to write desktop applications in clojure
you want to write your entire webapp in clojure, front and back end
you want to write for a JS based mobile platform like palm etc.
you are die hard clojure fan... ;)
you have some algorithm implemented in clojure that you'd like to leverage on a JS platform. (from stand)
I think ClojureScript shines if your application is a JavaScript-based Rich Internet Application. Think of GMail or Google Maps.
On a side note, ClojureScript competes with CoffeeScript.

How to fetch image from URL (HTTP) in c++? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
How can I fetch an image from a URL in c++ and store it on harddisk?
I am working in the openGL environment in c++ so that code is not related to my question.
All i want to do is fetch some image from a URL and store it on my hard disk.
Which is the Google Map static map API which i want to use to fetch the image and store.
Sample request URL would be:
C++ isn't PHP and has no means to do that itself. You'll have to use the platform API at least (to open a socket, which isn't a part of the C++ standard), and better yet, use a third-party library — for example, with Qt you could do that in a few lines.
You could use a library such as libcURL.

Forum written in Python? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking to make an interactive forum in Python/Django. I googled up things, looked up on your site ( there is a question where a person wants to implement a Digg like system ) but nothing definite has come up for what I want an answer to.
Is it possible to write a basic interactive forum in Python which allows say login system for one with defined roles for users, different categories say Literature and Science for now. Upload and download feature in each of the category. Also, I would like to have some good GUI.
So, is it possible? ( my search uptil now says it is ) but it would then require for me to go through PHP or something else.
What I really want to know is that is it possible to do it entirely in Django/Python ( includes everything for managing database and stuff )? If not, how much PHP and other stuff do I need?
And how much work am I looking at it in Python/Django? ( Like is it a good thing to have over PHP and/or any other system already in place)
Any help is much appreciated!
Yes. Python is a general purpose programming language, thus, it is completely capable of creating just about any kind of interactive forum you can imagine. You would not have to use any PHP... this could be done completely in Python. There are many forums already created in Django.

are twitter web services "discoverable"? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Let me know your thoughts...
Do you want like a WSDL / WADL for Twitter's web services?
I found a WADL here, but it's not maintained by Twitter.
That said though, I don't think their services really need to be 'discoverable'. They're extremely easy to use, all you need to do is look at their API documentation to figure out how to make the call.
For example, here are the docs for searching. It should have everything you need, except the code :).
You could probably also find a library written in the language of your choice that implements the API.