Why the allocation succeeds for size zero bytes? - c++

This is similar to What does zero-sized array allocation do/mean?
I have following code
int *p = new int[0];
delete []p;
p gets an address and gets deleted properly.
My question is: Why allocation of zero bytes is allowed by c++ Standard in the first place?
Why doesn't it throw bad_alloc or some special exception ?
I think, It is just postponing the catastrophic failure, making programmer's life difficult. Because if size to be allocated is calculated at run time and if programmer assumes its allocated properly and tries to write something to that memory, ends up corrupting memory !!! and Crash may happen some where else in the code.
EDIT: How much memory it allocates upon zero size request ?

Why would you want it to fail? If the programmer tries to read/write to non-existent elements, then that is an error. The initial allocation is not (this is no different to e.g. int *p = new int[1]; p[1] = 5;).
[32. The intent is to have operator new() implementable by calling malloc() or calloc(), so the rules are substantially the same. C++ differs from C in requiring a zero request to return a non-null pointer.]
Compare dynamically allocated array to std::vector for example. You can have a vector of size 0, so why not allow the same for the array? And it is always an error to access past the end of the array whether its size is 0 or not.

Long time ago, before using exceptions, the malloc function returned a NULL pointer if the allocation failed.
If allocating zero bytes would also return a NULL pointer, it would be hard to make the distinction between a failed allocation and a succeeding-zero-bytes allocation.
On the other hand if the allocation of zero bytes would return a non-NULL pointer, you end up with a situation in which two different allocations of zero bytes can have the same pointer.
Therefore, to keep things simple, the malloc function of zero bytes allocates 1 byte.

The same can be said for int[N] where N>0:
Because if size to be allocated is calculated at run time and if programmer assumes its allocated properly and tries to write something past end of that memory, ends up corrupting memory !!! and Crash may happen some where else in the code.

Zero sized array allocation is covered in the ISO C++ Standard under 5.3.4, paragrahp 7
When the value of the expression in a direct-new-declarator is zero, the allocation function is called to allocate an array with no elements.
This makes code that performs dnaymic array allocation easier.
In general: If someone calls a function and asks it to return an array with n (0 in your case) elements, the code shouldn't be trying to read the returned array past the n-nth element anyway.
So, I don't really see the catastrophic failure, since the code would have been faulty to begin with for any n.
As you say:
Because if size to be allocated is calculated at run time and if programmer assumes its allocated properly
The calculated size would be "0", if he tries to access more than his calculated size then, well.. I am repeating myself ;)


How does the compiler/program deduces the size of memory to be deleted(released) in case of delete[] arr; [duplicate]

Foo* set = new Foo[100];
// ...
delete [] set;
You don't pass the array's boundaries to delete[]. But where is that information stored? Is it standardised?
When you allocate memory on the heap, your allocator will keep track of how much memory you have allocated. This is usually stored in a "head" segment just before the memory that you get allocated. That way when it's time to free the memory, the de-allocator knows exactly how much memory to free.
ONE OF THE approaches for compilers is to allocate a little more memory and to store a count of elements in a head element.
Example how it could be done:
int* i = new int[4];
compiler will allocate sizeof(int)*5 bytes.
int *temp = malloc(sizeof(int)*5)
Will store "4" in the first sizeof(int) bytes
*temp = 4;
and set i
i = temp + 1;
So i will points to an array of 4 elements, not 5.
And deletion
delete[] i;
will be processed in the following way:
int *temp = i - 1;
int numbers_of_element = *temp; // = 4
... call destructor for numbers_of_element elements
... that are stored in temp + 1, temp + 2, ... temp + 4 if needed
free (temp)
The information is not standardised. However in the platforms that I have worked on this information is stored in memory just before the first element. Therefore you could theoretically access it and inspect it, however it's not worth it.
Also this is why you must use delete [] when you allocated memory with new [], as the array version of delete knows that (and where) it needs to look to free the right amount of memory - and call the appropriate number of destructors for the objects.
It's defined in the C++ standard to be compiler specific. Which means compiler magic. It can break with non-trivial alignment restrictions on at least one major platform.
You can think about possible implementations by realizing that delete[] is only defined for pointers returned by new[], which may not be the same pointer as returned by operator new[]. One implementation in the wild is to store the array count in the first int returned by operator new[], and have new[] return a pointer offset past that. (This is why non-trivial alignments can break new[].)
Keep in mind that operator new[]/operator delete[]!=new[]/delete[].
Plus, this is orthogonal to how C knows the size of memory allocated by malloc.
Basically its arranged in memory as:
[info][mem you asked for...]
Where info is the structure used by your compiler to store the amount of memory allocated, and what not.
This is implementation dependent though.
This isn't something that's in the spec -- it's implementation dependent.
Because the array to be 'deleted' should have been created with a single use of the 'new' operator. The 'new' operation should have put that information on the heap. Otherwise, how would additional uses of new know where the heap ends?
This is a more interesting problem than you might think at first. This reply is about one possible implementation.
Firstly, while at some level your system has to know how to 'free' the memory block, the underlying malloc/free (which new/delete/new[]/delete[] generally call) don't always remember exactly how much memory you ask for, it can get rounded up (for example, once you are above 4K it is often rounded up to the next 4K-sized block).
Therefore, even if could get the size of the memory block, that doesn't tell us how many values are in the new[]ed memory, as it can be smaller. Therefore, we do have to store an extra integer telling us how many values there are.
EXCEPT, if the type being constructed doesn't have a destructor, then delete[] doesn't have to do anything except free the memory block, and therefore doesn't have to store anything!
It is not standardized. In Microsoft's runtime the new operator uses malloc() and the delete operator uses free(). So, in this setting your question is equivalent to the following: How does free() know the size of the block?
There is some bookkeeping going on behind the scenes, i.e. in the C runtime.

zero array size not allowed in c++ [duplicate]

A simple test app:
cout << new int[0] << endl;
So it looks like it works. What does the standard say about this? Is it always legal to "allocate" empty block of memory?
From 5.3.4/7
When the value of the expression in a direct-new-declarator is zero, the allocation function is called to allocate an array with no elements.
The effect of dereferencing a pointer returned as a request for zero size is undefined.
Even if the size of the space requested [by new] is zero, the request can fail.
That means you can do it, but you can not legally (in a well defined manner across all platforms) dereference the memory that you get - you can only pass it to array delete - and you should delete it.
Here is an interesting foot-note (i.e not a normative part of the standard, but included for expository purposes) attached to the sentence from
[32. The intent is to have operator new() implementable by calling malloc() or calloc(), so the rules are substantially the same. C++ differs from C in requiring a zero request to return a non-null pointer.]
Yes, it is legal to allocate a zero-sized array like this. But you must also delete it.
What does the standard say about this? Is it always legal to "allocate" empty block of memory?
Every object has a unique identity, i.e. a unique address, which implies a non-zero length (the actual amount of memory will be silently increased, if you ask for zero bytes).
If you allocated more than one of these objects then you'd find they have different addresses.
Yes it is completely legal to allocate a 0 sized block with new. You simply can't do anything useful with it since there is no valid data for you to access. int[0] = 5; is illegal.
However, I believe that the standard allows for things like malloc(0) to return NULL.
You will still need to delete [] whatever pointer you get back from the allocation as well.
Curiously, C++ requires that operator new return a legitimate pointer
even when zero bytes are requested. (Requiring this odd-sounding
behavior simplifies things elsewhere in the language.)
I found Effective C++ Third Edition said like this in "Item 51: Adhere to convention when writing new and delete".
I guarantee you that new int[0] costs you extra space since I have tested it.
For example,
the memory usage of
int **arr = new int*[1000000000];
is significantly smaller than
int **arr = new int*[1000000000];
for(int i =0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
arr[i]=new int[0];
The memory usage of the second code snippet minus that of the first code snippet is the memory used for the numerous new int[0].

Accessing unallocated memory C++

I am having this piece of code:
int* myTestArray = new int[2];
myTestArray[4] = 54;
cout << "Should throw ex " << myTestArray[4] + 1 << endl;
catch (exception& exception)
cout << "Exception content: " << exception.what() << endl;
What is really curios for me, is that why the exception is not thrown here, since it was accessed an index which was not allocated... and why 55 is print ? Is that C++ automatically increased the size of the array ?
Accessing unallocated memory is not guaranteed to throw exceptions.
It's actually not guaranteed to do anything, since that's undefined behavior. Anything could happen. Beware of nasal demons.
It prints 55 because you just stored 54, fetched it back and then printed 54+1. It's not at all guaranteed to print 55, although that's often what will happen in practice. This time it worked.
There is an unstated, and incorrect, assumptions here. That assumption is that C++ actually gives a damn about what you do with memory. C++, like its C ancestor, has a completely unchecked model of memory. What you have here is classically called a buffer overflow, and is a source of innumerable bugs including some horrible security flaws.
Here's what your code really says:
myTestArray is the name of a location in memory big enough to hold the address of an int.
Two ints worth of memory have been allocated on the heap for it. [And that addreress is put into the location myTestArray. Doesn't matter, but that probably makes it clearer.] (Along with probably 16 bytes of overhead, but we don't care about that now.)
you then are sticking the value 54 into the memory location 4 ints from the address contained in myTestArray.
looking at that location, adding 1 and printing the result.
You are demonstrating that C(++) indeed just doesn't care.
Now, under most conditions the underlying memory management and run time system won't let you get away with it; you will violate it's assumptions and get a segmentation error or something similar. But in this case, you are not hitting a boundary yet, most likely because you're piddling on the data structure that malloc is using under the covers to manage the heap. You're getting away with it because nothing is happening with the heap for the rest of the program. But for a real good time, write a little loop that does this code, freeing myTestArray and reallocating it. I'd lay long odds it won't run for more than 10 iterations before the program blows up, and might not make two.
Knowing what's going on here for sure is very hard to do. But I can give you a rough idea.
Most operating systems have a minimum size for memory allocations. In Unix it is the native page size. On x86 and amd64 systems this is 4 kB. In Windows it is 64 kB (I think).
The memory allocator used by malloc and new gets memory from the operating system in chunks of this size. It sets up data structures (often a linked list, sometimes a bitmap, or a tree) and hands out small pieces of the requested sizes.
One other confusing thing is that before your program even starts running main() it has run quite a bit of other code and allocated memory. For std::cout and other static and global objects, and for shared library linking.
But assume that when you call new your program first gets a chunk of 4 kB and gives you a pointer to 8 bytes of it (two integers). Your program has the entire 4 kB allocated and you can write there without crashing. However, what happens if you call new again? It is very likely that the memory allocator wrote some important tracking information somewhere into that 4 kB. The next bytes might be the size of the following block. Writing 54 into it might make it think it has more or less memory than it does. Or those bytes might be a pointer to the next block of free memory, and your 54 will cause the next memory allocation to crash the program.
You can write out of array range, but it is not guaranteed to work, and the data is not guaranteed to be persistent there, as something else can overwrite it.
It's simply not a good idea, and since there's no exception, potentially hard to find bug.
When reading that memory, you will be pulling some random garbage that was there left over from some other program or whatever used the memory before, so it can really be anything.
As others have said, this is undefined behavior, but I thought a bit more info might help. myTestArray is not an "Array" in the sense of a type, with special operators, etc. It is just a pointer to a location in memory. The expression myTestArray[4] is just short-hand for *(myTestArray+4) - it is returning a reference to the memory location that is 4 * sizeof(int) past myTestArray. If you want bounds checking, you'll have to use std::vector<int>::at().
Accessing array out of range is undefined behavior. Thus 55 is one of many possible results and there is nothing surprising here.
C++ Standard n3337 § 5.7 Additive operators
5) When an expression that has integral type is added to or subtracted
from a pointer, the result has the type of the pointer operand. If the
pointer operand points to an element of an array object, and the array
is large enough, the result points to an element offset from the
original element such that the difference of the subscripts of the
resulting and original array elements equals the integral expression.
In other words, if the expression P points to the i-th element of an
array object, the expressions (P)+N (equivalently, N+(P)) and (P)-N
(where N has the value n) point to, respectively, the i + n-th and i −
n-th elements of the array object, provided they exist. Moreover, if
the expression P points to the last element of an array object, the
expression (P)+1 points one past the last element of the array object,
and if the expression Q points one past the last element of an array
object, the expression (Q)-1 points to the last element of the array
object. If both the pointer operand and the result point to elements
of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array
object, the evaluation shall not produce an overflow; otherwise, the
behavior is undefined.

Dynamically allocating an array of size 0 [duplicate]

A simple test app:
cout << new int[0] << endl;
So it looks like it works. What does the standard say about this? Is it always legal to "allocate" empty block of memory?
From 5.3.4/7
When the value of the expression in a direct-new-declarator is zero, the allocation function is called to allocate an array with no elements.
The effect of dereferencing a pointer returned as a request for zero size is undefined.
Even if the size of the space requested [by new] is zero, the request can fail.
That means you can do it, but you can not legally (in a well defined manner across all platforms) dereference the memory that you get - you can only pass it to array delete - and you should delete it.
Here is an interesting foot-note (i.e not a normative part of the standard, but included for expository purposes) attached to the sentence from
[32. The intent is to have operator new() implementable by calling malloc() or calloc(), so the rules are substantially the same. C++ differs from C in requiring a zero request to return a non-null pointer.]
Yes, it is legal to allocate a zero-sized array like this. But you must also delete it.
What does the standard say about this? Is it always legal to "allocate" empty block of memory?
Every object has a unique identity, i.e. a unique address, which implies a non-zero length (the actual amount of memory will be silently increased, if you ask for zero bytes).
If you allocated more than one of these objects then you'd find they have different addresses.
Yes it is completely legal to allocate a 0 sized block with new. You simply can't do anything useful with it since there is no valid data for you to access. int[0] = 5; is illegal.
However, I believe that the standard allows for things like malloc(0) to return NULL.
You will still need to delete [] whatever pointer you get back from the allocation as well.
Curiously, C++ requires that operator new return a legitimate pointer
even when zero bytes are requested. (Requiring this odd-sounding
behavior simplifies things elsewhere in the language.)
I found Effective C++ Third Edition said like this in "Item 51: Adhere to convention when writing new and delete".
I guarantee you that new int[0] costs you extra space since I have tested it.
For example,
the memory usage of
int **arr = new int*[1000000000];
is significantly smaller than
int **arr = new int*[1000000000];
for(int i =0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
arr[i]=new int[0];
The memory usage of the second code snippet minus that of the first code snippet is the memory used for the numerous new int[0].

C++ new int[0] -- will it allocate memory?

A simple test app:
cout << new int[0] << endl;
So it looks like it works. What does the standard say about this? Is it always legal to "allocate" empty block of memory?
From 5.3.4/7
When the value of the expression in a direct-new-declarator is zero, the allocation function is called to allocate an array with no elements.
The effect of dereferencing a pointer returned as a request for zero size is undefined.
Even if the size of the space requested [by new] is zero, the request can fail.
That means you can do it, but you can not legally (in a well defined manner across all platforms) dereference the memory that you get - you can only pass it to array delete - and you should delete it.
Here is an interesting foot-note (i.e not a normative part of the standard, but included for expository purposes) attached to the sentence from
[32. The intent is to have operator new() implementable by calling malloc() or calloc(), so the rules are substantially the same. C++ differs from C in requiring a zero request to return a non-null pointer.]
Yes, it is legal to allocate a zero-sized array like this. But you must also delete it.
What does the standard say about this? Is it always legal to "allocate" empty block of memory?
Every object has a unique identity, i.e. a unique address, which implies a non-zero length (the actual amount of memory will be silently increased, if you ask for zero bytes).
If you allocated more than one of these objects then you'd find they have different addresses.
Yes it is completely legal to allocate a 0 sized block with new. You simply can't do anything useful with it since there is no valid data for you to access. int[0] = 5; is illegal.
However, I believe that the standard allows for things like malloc(0) to return NULL.
You will still need to delete [] whatever pointer you get back from the allocation as well.
Curiously, C++ requires that operator new return a legitimate pointer
even when zero bytes are requested. (Requiring this odd-sounding
behavior simplifies things elsewhere in the language.)
I found Effective C++ Third Edition said like this in "Item 51: Adhere to convention when writing new and delete".
I guarantee you that new int[0] costs you extra space since I have tested it.
For example,
the memory usage of
int **arr = new int*[1000000000];
is significantly smaller than
int **arr = new int*[1000000000];
for(int i =0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
arr[i]=new int[0];
The memory usage of the second code snippet minus that of the first code snippet is the memory used for the numerous new int[0].