I want to display models of different sizes fitted into a view, so that the whole model is visible inside the screen.
What is the best way to do it?
I tried scaling (using glScale) the model using this formula
scaleFactor = ( screenSize / (maxModelSize * constant) )
Where size is height or width, depending on what is bigger.
Constant is 1 / (length of one screen pixel in OpenGL units)
There are two problems with this:
1. After doing some transformations, I want to be able to return to this initial scale (model is scaled to fit window) using Identity. Currently calling identity will bring the model to its original dimensions (before the "fixing" scale).
2. The "constant" is something I got by trial and error, I feels wrong method to me. I also suspect that it is not a constant at all, and depends on screen resolution and god knows what else.
Section 8.070:
The following is from a posting by
Dave Shreiner on setting up a basic
viewing system:
First, compute a bounding sphere for
all objects in your scene. This should
provide you with two bits of
information: the center of the sphere
(let ( c.x, c.y, c.z ) be that point)
and its diameter (call it "diam").
Next, choose a value for the zNear
clipping plane. General guidelines are
to choose something larger than, but
close to 1.0. So, let's say you set
zNear = 1.0; zFar = zNear + diam;
Structure your matrix calls in this
order (for an Orthographic
GLdouble left = c.x - diam;
GLdouble right = c.x + diam;
GLdouble bottom c.y - diam;
GLdouble top = c.y + diam;
glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
This approach should center your
objects in the middle of the window
and stretch them to fit (i.e., its
assuming that you're using a window
with aspect ratio = 1.0). If your
window isn't square, compute left,
right, bottom, and top, as above, and
put in the following logic before the
call to glOrtho():
GLdouble aspect = (GLdouble) windowWidth / windowHeight;
if ( aspect < 1.0 ) {
// window taller than wide
bottom /= aspect;
top /= aspect;
} else {
left *= aspect;
right *= aspect;
The above code should position the
objects in your scene appropriately.
If you intend to manipulate (i.e.
rotate, etc.), you need to add a
viewing transform to it.
A typical viewing transform will go on
the ModelView matrix and might look
like this:
GluLookAt (0., 0., 2.*diam, c.x, c.y, c.z, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
It looks like the solution is to change projection matrix on-the-fly? Let me do some research to see how to do it correctly.
My scenario is:===>
Say, now, I created a 3D box in a window under windows7 with perspective mode enabled. From users point of view, when users move(rotate/translate) this box, when the box is out of the window, it should be clipped/(hidden partly), that's correct. But when the box is moved inside the window, the box should always be shown totally (not clipped!), right? But my problem is, sometime, when users move the box inside the window, he would see some parts of this box are clipped (for example, one vertex of this box is clipped away). There is no limit how much users can move this box.
My understanding is:===>
when users move the box, this box is out of frustum, that's why it's clipped.
In this case, my code should adjust the frustum on-the-fly (then, projection mattrix is changed) or adjust camera on-the-fly (maybe, adjust the near-far plane as well) or do something else?
My question is:===>
what's the popular technique to avoid this kind of clipping? And make sure users feel they are moving box smoothly, not having any "jerk" (like, suddenly, the box's location is jumped to another location (because our frustum is suddenly changed largely) when users are moving the box ).
I think this is a very classic problem, there should be a perfect solution. Any code/references are appreciated!
I attached a picture to show the problem:
This was happening to me , and adjusting the perspective matrix did not allow a near plane below .5 without all my objects disappearing.
Then I read this somewhere:
DEPTH CLAMPING. - The clipping behavior against the Z position of a vertex
( ie: -w_c \ le z_c \ le w_c ) can be turned off by activating depth clamping.
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_CLAMP ) ;
And I could get close to my objects without them being clipped away.
I do not know if doing this will cause other problems , but as of yet I have not encountered any.
I would suspect that your frustum is too narrow. So, when you rotate your object parts of it are moving outside of the viewable area. As an experiment, try increasing your frustum angle, increasing your Far value to something like 1000 or even 10000 and move your camera further back from centre (higher negative value on the z-plane). This should generate a very large frustum that your object should fit within. Run your project and rotate - if the clipping effect is gone you know your problem is either with the frustum or the model scale (or both).
This code gets called before every redraw. I don't know how you're rotating/translating (timer or mouseDown), but in any case the methods described below can be done smoothly and appear natural to the user.
If your object is being clipped by the near plane, move the near cutoff plane back toward the camera (in this code, increase VIEWPLANEOFFSET). If the camera is too close to allow you to move the near plane far enough back, you may also need to move the camera back.
If your object is being clipped by the left, right, top or bottom clipping planes, adjust the camera aperture.
This is discussed in more detail below.
// ******************************* Distance of The Camera from the Origin
cameraRadius = sqrtf((camera.viewPos.x * camera.viewPos.x) + (camera.viewPos.y * camera.viewPos.y) + (camera.viewPos.z * camera.viewPos.z));
GLfloat phi = atanf(camera.viewPos.x/cameraRadius);
GLfloat theta = atanf(camera.viewPos.y/cameraRadius);
camera.viewUp.x = cosf(theta) * sinf(phi);
camera.viewUp.y = cosf(theta);
camera.viewUp.z = sinf(theta) * sinf(phi);
You'll see with the View matrix we're only defining the camera (eye) position and view direction. There's no clipping going on here yet, but the camera position will limit what we can see in that if it's too close to the object, we'll be limited in how we can set the near cutoff plane. I can't think of any reason not to set the camera back fairly far.
// ********************************************** Make the View Matrix
viewMatrix = GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(camera.viewPos.x, camera.viewPos.y, camera.viewPos.z, camera.viewPos.x + camera.viewDir.x, camera.viewPos.y + camera.viewDir.y, camera.viewPos.z + camera.viewDir.z, camera.viewUp.x, camera.viewUp.y, camera.viewUp.z);
The Projection matrix is where the clipping frustum is defined. Again, if the camera is too close, we won't be able to set the near cutoff plane to avoid clipping the object if it's bigger than our camera distance from the origin. While I can't see any reason not to set the camera back fairly far, there are reasons (accuracy of depth culling) not to set the near/far clipping planes any further apart than you need.
In this code the camera aperture is used directly, but if you're using something like glFrustum to create the Projection matrix, it's a good idea to calculate the left and right clipping planes from the camera aperture. This way you can create a zoom effect by varying the camera aperture (maybe in a mouseDown method) so the user can zoom in or out as he likes. Increasing the aperture effectively zooms out. Decreasing the aperture effectively zooms in.
// ********************************************** Make Projection Matrix
GLfloat aspectRatio;
GLfloat cameraNear, cameraFar;
// The Camera Near and Far Cutoff Planes
cameraNear = cameraRadius - VIEWPLANEOFFSET;
if (cameraNear < 0.00001)
cameraNear = 0.00001;
cameraFar = cameraRadius + VIEWPLANEOFFSET;
if (cameraFar < 1.0)
cameraFar = 1.0;
// Get The Current Frame
NSRect viewRect = [self frame];
camera.viewWidth = viewRect.size.width;
camera.viewHeight = viewRect.size.height;
// Calculate the Ratio of The View Width / View Height
aspectRatio = viewRect.size.width / viewRect.size.height;
float fieldOfView = GLKMathDegreesToRadians(camera.aperture);
projectionMatrix = GLKMatrix4MakePerspective(fieldOfView, aspectRatio, cameraNear, cameraFar);
Here is some code illustrating how to calculate left and right clipping planes from the camera aperture:
GLfloat ratio, apertureHalfAngle, width;
GLfloat cameraLeft, cameraRight, cameraTop, cameraBottom, cameraNear, cameraFar;
GLfloat shapeSize = 3.0;
GLfloat cameraRadius;
// Distance of The Camera from the Origin
cameraRadius = sqrtf((camera.viewPos.x * camera.viewPos.x) + (camera.viewPos.y * camera.viewPos.y) + (camera.viewPos.z * camera.viewPos.z));
// The Camera Near and Far Cutoff Planes
cameraNear = cameraRadius - (shapeSize * 0.5);
if (cameraNear < 0.00001)
cameraNear = 0.00001;
cameraFar = cameraRadius + (shapeSize * 0.5);
if (cameraFar < 1.0)
cameraFar = 1.0;
// Calculte the camera Aperture Half Angle (radians) from the Camera Aperture (degrees)
apertureHalfAngle = (camera.aperture / 2) * PI / 180.0; // half aperture degrees to radians
// Calculate the Width from 0 of the Left and Right Camera Cutoffs
// We Use Camera Radius Rather Than Camera Near For Our Own Reasons
width = cameraRadius * tanf(apertureHalfAngle);
NSRect viewRect = [self bounds];
camera.viewWidth = viewRect.size.width;
camera.viewHeight = viewRect.size.height;
// Calculate the Ratio of The View Width / View Height
ratio = camera.viewWidth / camera.viewHeight;
// Calculate the Camera Left, Right, Top and Bottom
if (ratio >= 1.0)
cameraLeft = -ratio * width;
cameraRight = ratio * width;
cameraTop = width;
cameraBottom = -width;
} else {
cameraLeft = -width;
cameraRight = width;
cameraTop = width / ratio;
cameraBottom = -width / ratio;
I'm having some trouble with the eyeZ value of gluLookAt.
The way I'd imagine it to work is like moving a camera further away, thus shrinking the object in your field of view.
I have a simple setup with a simple shape in 3d space draw via glDrawElements with an 100x100x100 ortho where 0, 0, 0 is the center of the universe. The object is at 0, 0, 0.
I'm trying to make it so when you scroll the mouse wheel you get further away/closer to the object. Here's how glulookat is called.
float eyeX = 0;
float eyeY = 0;
float eyeZ = differenceInMouseWheel();
float centerX = 0;
float centerY = 0;
float centerZ = 0;
float upX = 0;
float upY = 1;
float upZ = 0;
gluLookAt(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, upX, upY, upZ);
The only thing changing here is eyeZ.
The effect is strange, I scroll for about 10 seconds and then suddenly half of the object disappears. From there more and more of it disappears. This is probably because the camera is going out off into the 50 z distance limit, but I can't understand why the object doesn't scale like it would in 3D space.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding how the center values work?
I've also tried applying differenceInMouseWheel() to centerZ but that changed nothing, I'm going to assume the center values are just so glu can get a direction and nothing more.
Maybe the up vector should change? I don't know at this point.
You are using an orthographic projection. This means that no matter how great the distance, your objects will always appear to have the same size. Your object will disappear once it reaches the far clipping plane however, which is what you are seeing when you scroll for a long time.
You have two options: Either you use a perspective projection or you implement a zoom by modifying the orthographic projection matrix like so:
Let zoom be in (0, 1], and let viewport be a rectangle that is set to your current viewport. Let near be your near clipping plane distance and far be your far clipping plane distance.
glOrtho(zoom * viewport.width / 2, zoom * viewport.width / 2, zoom * viewport.height / 2, zoom * viewport.height / 2, near, far);
Are you using a perspective projection matrix, or an orthographic one? If you don't use a perspective matrix the object's wont appear to change in size as you move the camera around.
I'm working on the editor for Bitfighter, where we use the default OpenGL stroked font. We generally render the text with a linewidth of 2, but this makes smaller fonts less readable. What I'd like to do is detect when the fontsize will fall below some threshold, and drop the linewidth to 1. The problem is, after all the transforms and such are applied, I don't know how to tell how tall (in pixels) a font of size <fontsize> will be rendered.
This is the actual inner rendering function:
if(---something--- < thresholdSizeInPixels)
float scalefactor = fontsize / 120;
glTranslatef(x, y + (fix ? 0 : size), 0);
glRotatef(angle * radiansToDegreesConversion, 0, 0, 1);
glScalef(scaleFactor, -scaleFactor, 1);
for(S32 i = 0; string[i]; i++)
Just before calling this, I want to check the height of the font, then drop the linewidth if necessary. What goes in the ---something--- spot?
Bitfighter is a pure old-school 2D game, so there are no fancy 3D transforms going on. All code is in C++.
My solution was to combine the first part Christian Rau's solution with a fragment of the second. Basically, I can get the current scaling factor with this:
static float modelview[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview); // Fills modelview[]
float scalefact = modelview[0];
Then, I multiply scalefact by the fontsize in pixels, and multiply that by the ratio of windowHeight / canvasHeight to get the height in pixels that my text will be rendered.
That is...
textheight = scalefact * fontsize * widndowHeight / canvasHeight
And I liked also the idea of scaling the line thickness rather than stepping from 2 to 1 when a threshold is crossed. It all works very nicely now.
where we use the default OpenGL stroked font
OpenGL doesn't do fonts. There is no default OpenGL stroked font.
Maybe you are referring to GLUT and its glutStrokeCharacter function. Then please take note that GLUT is not part of OpenGL. It's an independent library, focused on providing a simplicistic framework for small OpenGL demos and tutorials.
To answer your question: GLUT Stroke Fonts are defined in terms of vertices, so the usual transformations apply. Since usually all transformations are linear, you can simply transform the vector (0, base_height, 0) through modelview and projection finally doing the perspective divide (gluProject does all this for you – GLU is not part OpenGL, too), the resulting vector is what you're looking for; take the vector length for scaling the width.
This should be determinable rather easily. The font's size in pixels just depends on the modelview transformation (actually only the scaling part), the projection transformation (which is a simple orthographic projection, I suppose) and the viewport settings, and of course on the size of an individual character of the font in untransformed form (what goes into the glVertex calls).
So you just take the font's basic size (lets consider the height only and call it height) and first do the modelview transformation (assuming the scaling shown in the code is the only one):
height *= scaleFactor;
Next we do the projection transformation:
height /= (top-bottom);
with top and bottom being the values you used when specifying the orthographic transformation (e.g. using glOrtho). And last but not least we do the viewport transformation:
height *= viewportHeight;
with viewportHeight being, you guessed it, the height of the viewport specified in the glViewport call. The resulting height should be the height of your font in pixels. You can use this to somehow scale the line width (without an if), as the line width parameter is in floats anyway, let OpenGL do the discretization.
If your transformation pipeline is more complicated, you could use a more general approach using the complete transformation matrices, perhaps with the help of gluProject to transform an object-space point to a screen-space point:
double x0, x1, y0, y1, z;
double modelview[16], projection[16];
int viewport[4];
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, modelview, projection, viewport, &x0, &y0, &z);
gluProject(fontWidth, fontHeight, 0.0, modelview, projection, viewport, &x1, &y1, &z);
x1 -= x0;
y1 -= y0;
fontScreenSize = sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1);
Here I took the diagonal of the character and not only the height, to better ignore rotations and we used the origin as reference value to ignore translations.
You might also find the answers to this question interesting, which give some more insight into OpenGL's transformation pipeline.
My application is a vector drawing application. It works with OpenGL. I will be modifying it to instead use the Cairo 2D graphics library. The issue is with zooming. With openGL camera and scale factor sort of work like this:
float scalediv = Current_Scene().camera.ScaleFactor / 2.0f;
float cameraX = GetCameraX();
float cameraY = GetCameraY();
float left = cameraX - ((float)controls.MainGlFrame.Dimensions.x) * scalediv;
float right = cameraX + ((float)controls.MainGlFrame.Dimensions.x) * scalediv;
float bottom = cameraY - ((float)controls.MainGlFrame.Dimensions.y) * scalediv;
float top = cameraY + ((float)controls.MainGlFrame.Dimensions.y) * scalediv;
// Set the model matrix as the current matrix
hdc = BeginPaint(controls.MainGlContext.mhWnd,&ps);
Mouse position is obtained like this:
POINT _mouse = controls.MainGlFrame.GetMousePos();
vector2f mouse = functions.ScreenToWorld(_mouse.x,_mouse.y,GetCameraX(),GetCameraY(),
controls.MainGlFrame.Dimensions.y );
vector2f CGlEngineFunctions::ScreenToWorld(int x, int y, float camx, float camy, float scale, int width, int height)
// Move the given point to the origin, multiply by the zoom factor and
// add the model coordinates of the center point (camera position)
vector2f p;
p.x = (float)(x - width / 2.0f) * scale +
p.y = -(float)(y - height / 2.0f) * scale +
return p;
From there I draw the VBO's of triangles. This allows me to pan and zoom in. Given that Cairo only can draw based on coordinates, how can I make it so that a vertex is properly scaled and panned without using transformations. Basically GlOrtho sets the viewport usually but I dont think I could do this with Cairo.
Well GlOrtho is able to change the viewport matrix instead of modifying the verticies but how could I instead modify the verticies to get the same result?
*Given vertex P, which was obtained from ScreenToWorld, how could I modify it so that it is scaled and panned accordng to the camera and scale factor? Because usually OpenGL would essentially do this
I think Cairo can do what you want ... see http://cairographics.org/matrix_transform/ . Does that solve your problem, and if not, why ?
I want to know how to draw a spiral.
I wrote this code:
void RenderScene(void)
GLfloat x,y,z = -50,angle;
for(angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 1)
x = 50 * cos(angle);
y = 50 * sin(angle);
If I don't include the z terms I get a perfect circle but when I include z, then I get 3 dots that's it. What might have happened?
I set the viewport using glviewport(0,0,w,h)
To include z should i do anything to set viewport in z direction?
You see points because you are drawing points with glBegin(GL_POINTS).
Try replacing it by glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP).
NOTE: when you saw the circle you also drew only points, but drawn close enough to appear as a connected circle.
Also, you may have not setup the depth buffer to accept values in the range z = [-50, 310] that you use. These arguments should be provided as zNear and zFar clipping planes in your gluPerspective, glOrtho() or glFrustum() call.
NOTE: this would explain why with z value you only see a few points: the other points are clipped because they are outside the z-buffer range.
glOrtho(-100*aspectratio,100*aspectratio,-100,100,1,-1); would only allow z-values in the [-1, 1] range, which is why only the three points with z = -1, z = 0 and z = 1 will be drawn (thus 3 points).
Finally, you're probably viewing the spiral from the top, looking directly in the direction of the rotation axis. If you are not using a perspective projection (but an isometric one), the spiral will still show up as a circle. You might want to change your view with gluLookAt().
The following code is taken from the excellent OpenGL tutorials by NeHe:
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Select The Projection Matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Projection Matrix
// Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix
glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Modelview Matrix
Then, in your draw loop would look something like this:
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
glTranslatef(-1.5f,0.0f,-6.0f); // Move Left 1.5 Units And Into The Screen 6.0
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // Drawing Using Triangles
glVertex3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Top
glVertex3f(-1.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f); // Bottom Left
glVertex3f( 1.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f); // Bottom Right
Of course, you should alter this example code your needs.
catchmeifyoutry provides a perfectly capable method, but will not draw a spatially accurate 3D spiral, as any render call using a GL_LINE primitive type will rasterize to fixed pixel width. This means that as you change your perspective / view, the lines will not change width. In order to accomplish this, use a geometry shader in combination with GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY to create 3D geometry that can be rasterized like any other 3D geometry. (This does require that you use the post fixed-function pipeline however)
I recommended you to try catchmeifyoutry's method first as it will be much simpler. If you are not satisfied, try the method I described. You can use the following post as guidance:
Here is my Spiral function in C. The points are saved into a list which can be easily drawn by OpenGL (e.g. connect adjacent points in list with GL_LINES).
cx,cy ... spiral centre x and y coordinates
r ... max spiral radius
num_segments ... number of segments the spiral will have
SOME_LIST* UniformSpiralPoints(float cx, float cy, float r, int num_segments)
SOME_LIST *sl = newSomeList();
int i;
for(i = 0; i < num_segments; i++)
float theta = 2.0f * 3.1415926f * i / num_segments; //the current angle
float x = (r/num_segments)*i * cosf(theta); //the x component
float y = (r/num_segments)*i * sinf(theta); //the y component
//add (x + cx, y + cy) to list sl
return sl;
An example image with r = 1, num_segments = 1024:
P.S. There is difference in using cos(double) and cosf(float).
You use a float variable for a double function cos.