I am trying to setup a mqueue in win32 env, but need pthread win32 lib, http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/. Any one knows how to link it to my VS project?
You need to link to one of the Visual C++ .lib files, which are named differently depending on what exception handling you wish in the library. See the FAQ here, items 2. and 3. for further details.
In general:
[VG] indicates the compiler
{SE,CE,C} indicates the exception handling scheme
SE - Structured EH
CE - C++ EH
C - no exceptions - uses setjmp/longjmp
For example:
pthreadVSE.dll (MSVC/SEH)
pthreadGCE.dll (GNUC/C++ EH)
pthreadGC.dll (GNUC/not dependent on exceptions)
As I know, CUDA supports C and C++. But I can't' use C++ in my kernel.
I try a simple example like this
__global__ void simple(){
That is error. But if I change to printf("abc"); it is right.
Can you explain for me? Thank you very much!
From CUDA 7.5 nvidia slides:
C++11 Supported features:
variadic templates
rvalue references
range based for loops
C++ Not supported features
Standard libraries: std::*
std::cout is defined in the C++ standard library which is not supported by CUDA. Use C printf
From CUDA 6.5, the ‘compute_11′, ‘compute_12′, ‘compute_13′, ‘sm_11′, ‘sm_12′, and ‘sm_13′ architectures are deprecated. So nvcc will compile by default to CC 2.0 enabling printf support.
More info here and here
CUDA doesn't link the libraries & header files that are required to use the cout function. However, you can enable the use of printf()
This answer explains the process which enables this feature:
printing from cuda kernels
quoted here for easier access:
To enable use of plain printf() on devices of Compute Capability >= 2.0, it's important to compile for CC of at least CC 2.0 and disable the default, which includes a build for CC 1.0.
Right-click the .cu file in your project, select Properties, select Configuration Properties | CUDA C/C++ | Device. Click on the Code Generation line, click the triangle, select Edit. In the Code Generation dialog box, uncheck Inherit from parent or project defaults, type compute_20,sm_20 in the top window, click OK.
I have downloaded boost 1.58.0 (precompiled, x86, VC 12.0) from http://boost.teeks99.com/ and installed to C:\local\boost_1_58_0 (I also tried compiled the source code using msvc-12.0 by myself and get the same result.
The problem: I see too many libboost*.lib of the same library, for example
ls -l libboost_math_* returns:
My questions:
Why are there so many lib files for one library? (36 files for
libboost_math, 4 libboost_atomic, 6 libboost_iostreams and so on)
Why are there no single libboost_math.lib, libboost_atomic, ...
If I want to use boost_math, which library should I choose?
Boost.Math contains many parts, and they don't share the same library file.
The libraries' filename described what it builds for.
For example,
vc120: it builds for microsoft visual C++ 12.0 (a.k.a. 2013)
mt: will link with multithread version of C runtime. (libcmt.lib)
mt-s: will link with multithread version of shared C runtime. (msvcrt.lib)
mt-gd: will link with multithread debug version of C runtime. (libcmtd.lib)
mt-sgd: will link with multithread debug version of shared C runtime. (msvcrtd.lib)
s: will link with singlethread version of shared C runtime. (seems now VC doesn't contains one? I'm not sure.)
sgd: will link with singlethread debug version of shared C runtime. (seems now VC doesn't contains one? I'm not sure.)
If you are using Boost with Microsoft Visual C++, you will benefit from the auto-link feature. Set the additional library directory and the linker (to be exact, the boost header directs the linker) will link the correct version for you.
I am in the process of upgrading a Visual Studio 2010 project that targets the INtime RTOS. Code that performs casting operations fail to link. When investigating the "inline assembly" output files, it turns out that for some integer casting operations, VS2013 is generating assembly instructions to calls to __dtol3, __dtoui3, __dtoul3, __ltod3, and __ultod3. The problem is that the INtime libraries do not contain definitions for these functions. I've verified that VS2013 does the same for Win32 targets for both Debug and Release builds.
Is there a way to get VS2013 to stop generating generating calls to these functions?
You would need to disable SSE2 codegen, through use of the /arch option (use either /arch:IA32 or /arch:SSE).
Alternatively...(what follows is not officially supported; your mileage may vary; do this at your own risk)
Extract from msvcrt.lib the object that defines these functions, and link that object directly into your program. These functions are defined in the object named ftol3.obj; you can extract it using the lib tool:
=>lib /nologo /list msvcrt.lib | findstr ftol3
=>lib /nologo /extract:f:\binaries\Intermediate\vctools\crt_bld\SELF_X86\crt\prebuild\INTEL\dll_lib\ftol3.obj msvcrt.lib
You may need additional objects, depending on (a) which functions you use and (b) what, exactly, the INtime libraries define. Again, this is not a supported way to use the Visual C++ runtime libraries, and it may or may not work for your particular use case.
possibly another way:
add compile option
this option is undocumented
Try create one of them __dtol3, __dtoui3, __dtoul3, __ltod3, and __ultod3, for ex.
extern "C" unsigned int _dtoui3(const double x) {
return (unsigned int) _mm_cvttsd_si32 (_mm_set_sd(x));
Make function externally visible and implement in one file.
Some info
I want to use LEAP Motion in D.
Therefore It doesn't have C library and It has only C++ library.
I tried SWIG 2.0.9 below command.
swig -c++ -d -d2 leap.i
This command output Leap.d, Leap_im.d, Leap_wrap.cxx, Leap_wrap.h.
However, I don't know how to use to wrapper in D and I can't find how to use the wrapper.
Link error displays to use it intact.
How use these wrapper in D2?
And can I use without Leap.cpp (source of Leap.dll)?
Thanks two answers. and sorry for reply late because of busy.
Say first conclusion I could build Leap sample code on Win64 by following the steps below.
Output wrappers by above command.
Create x64 DLL with VC2010 from Leap_wrap.cxx, Leap_wrap.h, and import Leap.lib(x64).
Compile Leap.d and Leap_im.d with dmd -c.
Build LeapTest.d with Leap.obj and Leap_im.obj
all command is below.
swig -c++ -d -d2 leap.i
dmd -c Leap.d Leap_im.d -m64
dmd LeapTest.d Leap.obj Leap_im.obj -m64
execute LeapTest.exe (require x64 Leap.dll and Leap_wrap.dll)
I could run Leap Program.
But program crach onFrame event callback.
I'll try again on x86 and investigate the causes.
Few helpful links (some information may be outdated):
I have never used SWIG personally but my guess based on general knowledge about SWIG:
Leap_wrap.cxx is C++ source file that wraps calls to C++ functions from target library in extern(C) calls
Leap_wrap.h is header file with all extern(C) wrappers listed
Leap_im.d is D module based on Leap_wrap.h with same extern(C) function listed
Leap.d is D module that uses Leap_im.d as an implementation and reproduces API similar to original C++ one.
So in your D code you want to import Leap.d module. Than compile Leap_wrap.cxx to an object file with your C++ compiler and provide D object files, Leap_wrap.o and target library at linking stage. That should do the trick.
P.S. Leap.cpp source should not be needed. All stuff links directly from Leap_wrap.cxx to target library binary.
Go to IRC, either FreeNode, or OFTC, channel #D. In order to help you, we have to see what is in those files. My first guess is that you have to compile both D files, and the C++ file into object files, and link them together. I suppose SWIG is going to flatten the C++ API into bunch of C functions, and that is probably what Leap_wrap.cxx does.
If the LEAP API is not complex (ie. just bunch of simple C++ classes), it may be possible to directly interface with it. Read more about it here: http://dlang.org/cpp_interface.html .
i am looking for a way, how i can integrate a c++ code with fortran code (i want simply call some C/C++ functions in the fortran code).
I have found some proposals for gcc or console compilers, but i have not any idea how to translate this approach to solve integrationproblem within the visual studio.
At the time I am thinking about creating a dll form c++ code and calling it from Fortran code.
Has someone already seen a solution? Or what is about overhead for calling function from dll? My fortran code transfers a lot of memory into C function, is there any problems, if i would solve this problem with dll?
I am using Visual Studio 2008 Prof and Intel compilers 10
I think, i have to specify more concrete, what i want: i want to compile a fortran project in visual studio, which uses some C functions.
There is a new way to do this that has many advantages -- use the Fortran 2003 ISO C Binding. This is a standard and therefore largely OS and language independent way of interfacing Fortran and C (and any language that will use C calling conventions). Intel Fortran 11 supports along with numerous other compilers -- not sure about version 10. Using the ISO C Binding, you can match any C name (any case), don't have to worry about underscores (and variations between compilers) and can specify the types and calling methods (by reference, by value) for the arguments. Intel provides some examples in a folder with their compiler; there are also examples in the gfortran manual and a discussion of additional considerations for Windows. There are previous questions & answers here and on the Intel Fortran forum.
I integrated C and Fortran about 20 years ago and maintained this integration up to 5 years ago. The tricks I used were:
I noticed that the Fortran compiler puts all symbols in uppercase, so make sure your C/C++ functions are written in uppercase as well. To verify how symbols are put in the .OBJ file, use DUMPBIN.
The Fortran compiler does not understand the name-mangling done by the C++ compiler. Compile all your C++ functions using the C style convention (using extern "C")
Arguments in Fortran are always put on the stack using references/pointers. Therefore, use pointer-arguments in your C function.
To be honest, I gave up integrating C and Fortran when I switched to VS2005, so things might have changed since then. Nevertheless, it's still a good idea to use DUMPBIN to see what kind of symbols the Fortran compiler produces, and adjust the compilation of C/C++ sources to fit with that.
We do it where I work.
Assuming you are using the Intel Fortran compiler, look up its docs. By default Intel Fortran passes everything by reference and (I believe) uses the C calling convention, with an all caps identifier. Strings are a particular issue, as Fortran likes to pass the length as a hidden parameter, with a compiler setting for where it goes in the parameter list.
A wise programer doesn't rely on defaults (where a mistake can lead to undefined behavior), and will use the intel INTERFACE statements to specify calling convention, parameter passing, and the link name for the routine. The information on this page (ATTRIBUTES Properties and Calling Conventions) is a must-read. In particular you need it to understand the arcane rules for when and where string length parameters will be passed. I have a printout of it that I keep on my person. :-)
One other thing to note is that versions of VisualStudio past 6 don't like mixed Fortran and C projects. We solved the problem by creating custom project files calling out to makefile, but that's a PITA. I'd suggest going with the flow and using separate projects unless you are doing this a lot like we are.
Solution found:
solution link
i have had several problem with linking, which could be solved with adding in project properties.
code for testing:
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C"
void f()
printf("hi from c\n mega test");
fortran code
PROGRAM HelloWorld
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
subroutine f( ) bind( c )
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
end subroutine f
end interface
call f
on demand i can upload the testproject. thanks all, hopefully it was my last problem with c and fortran
I was able to build obj from fortran sources thanks to the Custom Build Tools of Visual Express 2010. I guess it is also possible in Visual Studio.
If you want to mix C and Fortran together, there is a good tutorial here. It was written for gcc compilers but you should be able to learn how to deal with name mangling easily.
Depending on the compiler, compiled subroutines/functions are Uppercase/lowercase, with a trailing underscore, with a leading underscore,... For a succesfull linkage, you could use dumpbin tools to see how the name appears in the objectfile.
An other way is to use iso_c_binding modules, but it is available with Fortran 2003 only.
This is the how it works with gcc and console
#include <stdio.h>
void f_()
printf("Hi from C\n");
PROGRAM HelloWorld
all: clean release run
gcc -c c.c -o c.out
gfortran -c fortran.f90 -o fortran.out
gfortran -o out.exe fortran.out c.out
#$(ZSHMAGIC) rm -rf *.exe core* *.o a.out 2> /dev/null
One other question: have i always add '_' after c-function name, which i use in the fortran program?